Babylonian HoroscopesEmerging for the first time in the 5th cent. B.C., horoscopes reflect the application of the idea and practice of celestial divination to the life of the individual. Whereas an omen focuses on a single astronomical phenomenon, the horoscope takes into account the positions of the moon, sun, and five planets at the moment of a birth. As such, Babylonian horoscopes presuppose the concept of the ecliptic and a methodology for obtaining the positions of heavenly bodies when they are not observable. This is the first complete edition of the extant cuneiform horoscopes -- with transcription and philological and astronomical commentary. This study offers a systematic description of the documents as a definable class of Babylonian astronomical/astrological texts. |
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Addaru Aquarius Aries astrological astronomical data astronomical texts Babylon Babylonian astronomical Babylonian horoscopes beginning of night birth note bit nişirti Cancer Capricorn celestial divination celestial omens child was born Commentary obv computed longitudes Critical Apparatus cuneiform dele-bat ina diaries Du'ūzu Enlil Enuma Anu Enlil equinox Gemini GENNA ina GÍR.TAB horoscope texts ina ZALÁG Jupiter Kislimu last lunar visibility last visibility late Babylonian LBAT Libra longitude LÚ.TUR a-lid LUGAL lunar eclipse lunar longitude Mars Mercury midnight epoch modern computation month moon moonset after sunrise MÚL MUL.APIN MÚL.BABBAR ina MURUB nativity omens negative latitude Neugebauer omen series passim phenomena Pisces planet PM Babylonian positive latitude Sachs Sachs-Hunger Sagittarius šamáš ina Saturn Scorpius seasonal hour Seleucid Seleucid Era Simanu solar eclipse solstice ŠÚ sunset tablet Taurus Transcription obv Translation obv uninscribed Uruk Uruk Scheme Venus Virgo visibility before sunrise zodiacal sign
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Page 42 - ... procedure for latitude of the moon month by month. 12 (degrees is) the width of the road of the moon. 2,24 (from) the middle is the 'nodal zone'.
Page 146 - JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies...
Page 12 - G. OFFNER, A propos de la sauvegarde des tablettes en AssyroBabylonie, RA 44 (1950) 135 — 143.
Page 50 - Venus in 4° Taurus. The place of Venus (means): Wherever he may go. it will be favorable (for him); he will have sons and daughters. Mercury in Gemini, with the Sun. The place of Mercury (means): The brave one will be first in rank, he will be more important than his brothers. . . . Saturn: 6° Cancer. Mars: 24° Cancer — The 22nd and 23rd of each month — The Babylonian date of this "horoscope" is equivalent to 3 (and 4) June 235 BC.
Page 24 - Planetary, Lunar and Solar Positions, 601 BC to AD 1, at Five-Day and Ten-Day Intervals...
Page 1 - Neugebauer and HB Van Hoesen (Greek Horoscopes [Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1959...
Page 146 - BRM Babylonian Records in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Camb.
Page 114 - Translation 1 Year 122 (AE), which is 2 Year 186 (SE) Arsaces was king. 3 Abu, 30. Moonset after sunrise on the 15th. 4 Night of the 24th in the last part of the night, the child was born. 5 At that time, the moon was in Gemini, 6 sun in Leo, Jupiter and Saturn 7 in Pisces, Venus in Leo, 8 Mercury and Mars which had set 9 were not visible, rev.
Page 137 - Jupiter 5 in Sagittarius in 24°, Venus in Gemini 6 in 13°, Saturn in Aquarius in 15°, 7 Mars in Libra in 14°, Mercury which had set was not visible. 8 Nisannu [....] Ie 1 27...
Page 118 - Pisces, in excess of [two-thirds] 3 of the disk it (the moon) made. 4 On the 28th (of Abu), an eclipse of the sun in Virgo; 5 when watched for (it) was not observed. 6 On the 22nd before sunrise, (moon) 24° in Cancer, 7 On the 23rd before sunrise, (moon) 9° in Leo. Commentary obv. 4: Some discussion of the moon's position with respect to "SAG A