Elements of Chemistry898 pages - Great Books of the Western World - Volume 45 - Elements of Chemistry by Antoine Lavoisier, Analytical Theory of Heat by Fourier, Experimental Researches in Electricity by Faraday. |
Of the Formation and Decomposition | 9 |
Of the Decomposition of Oxygen Gas by means | 28 |
Copyright | |
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acetous action aeriform affinity alkali ammonia antimony apparatus Argill arsenic azotic gas barytes battery bismuth bodies bottle carbonic acid charcoal chemical chemical affinity cobalt combination combustion conductor contained copper cubic inches decomposed decomposition degree determine direction disengaged distillation effect elec electric current electro-chemical electrode elements equal equation evolved experiments expressed fluid galvanometer gases gazometer glass helix Hence hydrogen hydrogen gas instant iron lime liquid magnesia magnet manganese matrass means melted ments mercury metal molecules movement of heat muriatic acid nature needle neutral salts nitre nitric acid obtained oxide oxygen gas particles pass phosphorus plane platina platina plates pole potash produced proportion quantity of heat retort Salifiable Bases SECTION silver soda solid solution substances sulphuric acid suppose surface tained temperature thermometer tion tricity tube ture vessel voltaic voltaic pile weight wire zinc