God--or Gorilla: How the Monkey Theory of Evolution Exposes Its Own Methods, Refutes Its Own Principles, Denies Its Own Inferences, Disproves Its Own Case |
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admit American Museum ancestor animals anthropoid apes appear Arthur Keith Bateson beasts biological birds blood bones Boule cave cell characters chimpanzee Courtesy Zoological Society creation creature Cro-Magnon Darwin declared derthal descended described discovered discovery earth edition Eocene Eohippus Ernst Haeckel evidence evolutionary evolutionist existence fact fessor forms fossil gorilla Haeckel half-ape Henry Fairfield Osborn Hipparion Homo horse Hrdlicka human Huxley instinct Keith Krapina La Chapelle-aux-Saints lemur living mammals marsupials millions missing links modern monkey Museum of Natural Natural History natural selection Neanderthal Neanderthal skull never offspring Old Stone Age opinion opossum organisms origin Origin of Species Palæolithic palæontology pedigree Photograph by Edwin Piltdown polyphyletic present Professor Osborn progress proof race reason reconstruction remains reptiles resemblance Sanborn says scientific scientists skeleton soul species tail teeth theory of evolution thing tion toes Trinil Ape-Man truth variation Vries whale writer