Primordial Germ Cells in the Chordates: Embryogenesis and Phylogenesis |
Terminology of gametogenesis and gonad formation | 5 |
General conclusions | 52 |
54 | 70 |
Site and mode of origin of the primordial germ cells | 81 |
The formation of the gonadal anlagen | 104 |
The migration of the primordial germ cells | 113 |
Phylogenetic significance of the embryological data presented | 128 |
Concluding remarks and some perspectives for further analysis | 145 |
96 | 153 |
102 | 170 |
175 | |
183 | |
Common terms and phrases
amphibians Anat animal anlage Arch archenteron Biol birds Blackler blastoderm blastodisc blastomeres blastoporal blastula Bounoure Cambar cellules germinales chick embryo Chondrichthyes chordates cleavage Cuminge cytoplasm differentiation displacements dorsal Dubois early development early gastrula ectoderm embryo endoderm Entwicklungsmech epithelium evidence experimental extra-embryonic Eyal-Giladi Fargeix fishes formed fossil Fujimoto gastrulation genital ridges germ cell determination germinal crescent germinal plasm Gipouloux gonad formation gonadal anlagen gonadal epithelium gonocytes groups Hubert hypoblast indifferent gonad inductive invagination lateral plate mesoderm layer lignée germinale localisation mammalian mammals marginal zone medullary tissue mesentery Microsc migration moiety morphogenetic movements Morphol mouse neural Nieuwkoop normal notochord number of PGCs observed oocytes Osteichthyes ovary Pasteels PGCs phylogeny posterior presumptive primitive streak primordial germ cells region reptiles Reverberi Reynaud segregation somatic cells somites stage structure teleost totipotent Triturus Tung ultrastructure urodeles vascular system vegetal pole ventral vertebrates Wilhelm Roux Wolffian ducts Xenopus laevis yolk sac Zool