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view comparatively and concisely for the ftudy of men, rather than plainly and amply for the inftruction of youth; which grammars, it is added, now ftand feparated in as full and explicit a manner as poffible; but ftill, as in the firft fcheme, the English is made the principal, as it were the conductor into one grand edifice, whose foundation is fought for and laid in nature; this grand edifice is language in general, and particular languages which differ only in idioms, its feveral apartments. The prefent work principally refpects the Englifh, offering at the fame time thofe general rules in which all languages agree, which are printed in a larger letter, to keep them dif tinct from fuch as are confined to a particular tongue, and may be confidered as idioms, which are therefore expreffed in a fmaller character. The Hebrew, Latin, and Greek grammars, with fome particulars relative to each language, are, we suppose, to follow in a feparate volume.

With regard to the Author's peculiar manner of spelling accedence, he fays, he follows Milton, deriving the word from accedo, fignifying to approach, or go up to, (viz. to grammar,) rather than from accido, which derivation, in his view, conveys no fenfe. His account of the found and force of fome of our letters is very different from what is in common practice among us. His remarks and rules in other respects appear to be generally judicious, and worthy the regard, not only of youth, but of men: but we fear it will be very difficult to bring children to enter into his ideas.

Art. 47. The Tutor and Book-keeper's Guide in Accounts. 8vo. I s. 6d. Hawes, &c. 1772.

This fmall tract contains an useful fummary of rules and examples for illuftrating the practice of book-keeping. The Author has comprized, within a narrow compafs, every neceffary inftruction for the attainment of this important art: and he has furnished several specimens for the exercise of the learner.

This method of teaching is undoubtedly the beft; as little can be done by profeffors in any part of science, without uniting the practice with the theory. We could have wished our Author had not been fo free in depreciating the publications of others on the fame fubject: his note in p. 12. fome may deem uncandid, not to add, unjuft. And we would recommend to his revifal the following extract from the titlepage, the latter part of which is fcarce intelligible. The whole calculated to fupply the defects of fome; to retrench the errors and fuperfluities of others; and to introduce a rational and eafy method in teaching of, and conducting books by, double entry: it being neceffary (as will be found by examination) for EVERY TUTOR to perufe who teaches accounts by ANY author extant; and for the ACCOUNTANT to overlook, who would avoid ABSURD methods. Art. 48. Propofals for an Amendment of School-Inftruction. 8vo. Is. 6d. Wilkie. 1772.

This little work pretends, fays the Author, at the utmoft, no higher, than more minutely to fill up the outlines of Mr. Locke's plan in his incomparable book on Education, by a fuller explication of fome of its parts, and an accommodation of those directions to the ufe of fchools, which he adapted, more immediately at least, to that of the domestic tutor. I have meant, indeed, fo abfolutely to take Mr.


Locke for my guide, and to follow his footsteps, that it is on the cogency and energy of the latter part of his book that I rely; and whoever has not repeatedly weighed, and is not swayed and penetrated by the force of his arguments, comes unprepared for profiting by the perufal of this fupplement to them. This excellent man, not, however, chufing on all articles to encounter the full force of the prejudices of his age, forbore formally to affign part of the days, as is here propofed, to English, (after the manner of the Greeks and Romans, in regard to their respective languages,) and confequently had no need to give us the particular extracts and entire English books he thought fitteft for youths' inftruction and study. This prefamed defect in Mr. Locke, it will be neceffary (on the prefent plan) here to fupply, &c.'

This extract fufficiently fhews the Author's defign; as to the execution of it, we can only fay, that the judicious Reader, who has turned his thoughts to the fubject of Education, will find fome very pertinent obfervations in thefe propofals, but little, if any thing, that is new.

Art. 49. Fables Amufantes: avec une Table générale & particuliére des Mots, et de leur Signification en Anglois, felon l'ordre des Fables, pour en rendre la Traduction plus facile a l'Ecolier. Par Jean Perrin.

12mo. 2 S. Law.

This performance appears to be well calculated to answer the purpofe intended by it.

Art. 50. Cure Poliores, five Appendicula Notarum atque Emendationum in Theocritum Oxonii nuperrim publicatum. 4to. 2s. 6d. fewed. Nourse.

For thefe additional notes and obfervations, published by way of appendix to Warton's edition of Theocritus, the learned are in. debted to Mr. Toup. The philological difquifitions are deep, and the conjectures, where nothing but conje&ture could be had recourse to, acute. For an ample account of Warton's edition, fee Review, Vol. xliii. three articles.


Art. 51. A Review of all the Doctrines taught by the Rev. Mr. John Wesley; containing a full Anfwer to a Book, entitled, "A fecond Check to Antinomianifm." In fix Letters to the Author of that Book. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Dilly.

In our Catalogue for April laft, we mentioned the Second Check to Antinomianifm, with fome other tracts which have appeared in the prefent controversy, between the Wefyans and the Whitefidians, concerning the doctrines of juftification, free-will, finlefs perfection, finished falvation, &c. The piece now before us is the work of Mr. H-, who wrote the five Letters to Mr. Fletcher, of Madely, author of the ift, 2d, and 3d Checks to Antinomianifm.

Befide the fix letters written to Mr. Fletcher, we have, in the prefent publication, what the Author ftyles, "A Farrago of hot and cold Medicines." extracted from Mr. Wesley's publications, in order to fhew Mr. W.'s inconfiftencies, i. e. his leaning fometimes too much 10wards CALVINISM, at others, too much towards PELAGIANISM and ARMINIANISM, fometimes too much towards POPERY, at others, by his own confeflion, too much towards MYSTICISM and MORAVI


ANISM, fometimes too much towards SINLESS PERFECTION, at others, too much towards the contrary opinion!' I fay, continues Mr. H. on account of this fluctuating ocean on which the Rev. Author of the Prefervative against unfettled notions in Religion has been toffed for fo many years together, I have collected the annexed heterogeneous farrago out of his own works, which he wrote at vari ous times, and under various leanings to his various ifms, particularly when he drew lots whether or no he fhould preach and print against

the doctrine of election.'

Our Author, though a faint, is, occafionally, a waggish one; and, among other ftrokes of pleafantry, armed at the perfectionifts, puts the following to Mr. Wefley- Do you not know a clergyman, once clofely connected with you, who refused a great witness for perfection the facrament, because he had been detected in bed with a perfect filter? And did not he urge in his behalf, that he did it to try whether all evil defire was taken away ?

As for the contrafted opinions of Wesley against Wesley, we refer the curious Reader to the farrago itfelf; in which he will meet with more diverfion than edification.

Art. 52. A third Check to Antinomianifm; in a Letter to the Author of Pietas Oxonienfis. By the Vindicator of Mr. Wefley's Minutes. 12mo. 10 d. Bristol printed, and fold by Cabe, &c. in London.

Mr. Fletcher here anfwers Mr. Hill's five Letters. mentioned in p. 468 of our Review for April laft; and he feems, in general, to conduct his part of the difpute with more temper, candor, and decency, than we ufually find in controverfial writers. His opponents, nevertheless, frequently charge him with manifefting a farcaftic fpirit, and a certain tartnefs of expreffion: a charge which he may justly retort on fome of them, particularly the author of Pietas Oxonienfis. We fpeak in reference to the prefent tract, as we pretend not to recollect the particulars of Mr. Fletcher's two former pieces. Art. 53. Friendly Remarks, occafioned by the Spirit and Doctrines contained in the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's Vindication, and more particularly in his fecond Check to Antinomianifm. To which is added, a Poftfcript, occafioned by his third Check. In a Letter to the Author. By **, A. M. 8vo. 1 s. Dilly.

Another attack on the author of the three Checks, made by a perfon who, if we mistake not his hints relating to himself, hath lately fallied forth in queft of fpiritual adventures: in other words, who hath commenced itinerant or field-preacher.-He writes like a man of ability, in his way, and pushes his antagonist very hard, on the myftical fubjects in debate, among thefe jarring diffeminators of enthufiafm.

Art. 54. Some Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled, A Third Check to Antinomianifm. By the Author of Pietas Oxonienfis. 8vo. 3 d. Dilly.

This bootlefs controverfy feems to be dying away. Our fenfible Remarker here takes leave of it; and peace be to its manes!

He modeilly profeffes himself, however, to be the leaft of all faints' fee p. 1. of the performance now under notice.


Art. 55. Two Sermons, preached at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. By Beilby Porteus, D. D. Retor of Lambeth, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. 4to. 1 s. Payne, &c.


Thefe difcourfes are well adapted to the ftate and character of the prefent age. The subject of the first is, the love of pleasure, from -lovers of pleasure more than levers of God. The preacher princi pally confines himself to thofe pleafures which are ufually filed innocent, and which, in a certain degree, and under proper reftric tions, undoubtedly are fo; the gaieties and amufements of life. If we are not, fays he, lovers of thefe pleafures more than lovers of God; if our piety is greater than our diffipation, it must be great indeed. This fubject, therefore, he purfues in an eaf, agreeable manner, calculated both to convince and perfuade his readers.

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While he is recommending religion, especially to youth, as what would preferve them from a variety of evils, and promote the very end which the advocates for pleasure have in view, the true enjoyment even of the prefent life, he thus proceeds: Suffer it then to do you this kind office; and do not look on Christianity in that gloomy light, in which it fometimes perhaps appears to you. Far from being an enemy to chearfulness, it is the trueft friend to it. That fober and temperate ufe of diverfions which it allows and recommends, is the furest way to preserve their power to please, and your capacity to enjoy them. At the fame time, though it forbids excefs in our pleasures, yet it multiplies the number of them; and difpofes the mind to receive entertainment from a variety of objects and purfuits, which, to the gay part of mankind, are abfolutely flat and infipid. To a body in perfect health, the plaineft food is relifhing, and to a foul rightly harmonized by religion, every thing affords delight. Rural retirement, domeftic tranquillity, friendly converfation, literary purfuits, philofophical enquiries, works of genius and imagination; nay even the filent beauties of unadorned nature, a bright day, a ftill evening, a ftarry hemifphere, are fources of unadulterated pleasure to thofe whofe tafte is not vitiated by criminal indulgences, or debafed by trifling ones.-Try then, he adds, you who are in fearch of pleafures, try thefe among the reft; try, above all others, the pleasures of devotion.-They are real, they are exquifite.-Acquire only a tafte for devotion, (as you often do for other things of far lefs value,) in the beginning of life, and it will be your fupport and comfort through the whole extent of it. It will raife you above all low cares, and little gratifications; it will give dignity and fublimity to your fentiments, infpire you with fortitude in danger, with patience in adverfity, with moderation in profperity, with alacrity in all your undertakings, with watchfulnefs over your own conduct, with benevolence to all mankind. It will be fo far from throwing a damp on your other pleafures, that it will give new life and fpirit to them, and make all nature look gay around you. It will be a fresh fund of chearfulness in ftore for you, when the vivacity of youth begins to droop; and is the only thing that can fill up that void in the foul which is left in it by every earthly enjoyment. It will not, like worldly pleafures defert you, Riv. Aug. 1772.



when you have moft need of confolation, in the hours of folitude, of ficknefs, of old age;-it will difperfe the gloom and horror of a death bed; will give you a foretafle and render you worthy to partake of that FULNESS OF JOY, thofe pure celeftial PLEASURES which are at GOD's RIGHT HAND FOR EVERMORE.

The fecond ermon is principally addrefied to unbelievers in revelation. It is, like the other, ferious, plain, agreeable and practicable; though we could have wished that the Author had more particularly taken notice of thofe who, profeffing their faith in revelation, practically reject and mifimprove it. We obferve, with pleafure, that thefe difcourfes have paffed through two editions already; we with they may have a yet farther circulation, as they appear to be fo well calculated to promote the best purposes. Art. 56 A candid Examination of the Reajons why the People called Quakers do not pay Tithes. Recommended to the Confideration of thofe whom it may concern. By the late Rev. H. Wolstenholme, M. A. Rector of Liverpool. 12mo. 1 s. 6d. Stuart, 1772. The Author, we are informed, was induced to draw up the following tract on account of the practice of fome Quakers to put into the hands of new collectors of the taxes their reafons for the nonpayment of tithes; but, it is added, had they not made an impreffion on fome in his parish, they had not attracted his notice.

As to the divine right of tithes, it is a point of doctrine which, we believe, will not, in the prefent age, be much infifted on; but that the minifters of religion fhould be decently and comfortably fupported in the difcharge of, is a plain dictate of natural fenfe, truth, and juftice, as well as piety and certainly, in this view, our Author has greatly the advantage of his opponents. Art. 57. An Addrefs to the ferious and candid Profeffers of Chriftianity, on the following fubjects: I. The Ufe of Reafon in Matters of Religion. II. The Power of Man to do the Will of God. III. Original Sin. IV. Election and Reprobation. V. The Divini y of Chrift, and VI. Atonement for Sin by the Death of Crt: Occafioned by an Appeal lately published on the fame Subjects. 12mo. 6d. Buckland. 1772.

The appeal mentioned above confifted only of one fheet, treating upon thefe points in a ferious manner, but in a train very different from what has been commonly called orthodox faith. This Author apprehends that the fentiments there delivered and recommended are very diftant from the truth of Scripture, and prejudicial to the interefts of real religion. He therefore publishes this little treatise as a vindication of the Calviniltical judgment upon the above points. He exprefies his apprehenfion, that, in this age of fcepticism and per nefs he has nothing to expect, but to be accounted a knave or a fool for what he has written: but, however he may be mistaken in his pinion as to fome particulars, he certainly appears to be a fenfibmn, who knows how to defend his fubject, and what is much more important, a man who defires to advance the caufe of piety and virtue, and the true happiness of mankind. Yet we must acknowledge, that it does not appear to us how the maintaining and infisting upon the doctrines of predeftination and election can contribute


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