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Hollick, Arthur, and Jeffrey, C. H. Studies of cretaceous coniferous remains from Kreischerville, New York. New York. 1909.

Holm, Theodor (1854-). Notes on the leaves of Liriodendron. Washington. 1890.

Holmes, W. H. Fossil forests of the volcanic tertiary formations of the Yellowstone national park. [Author's ed.] Washington. 1879.

Holmskjold (originally HOLM), Theodor. Coryphæi clavarias ramariasque complectentes cum brevi structuræ interioris expositione. Lipsia. 1797.

Hooker, Sir J. D., and Binney, E. W. On the structure of certain limestone nodules enclosed in seams of bituminous coal, with a description of some Trigonocarpons contained in them.

Philos, trans. Roy. soc. Lond., 1855, pp. 149-156. Kerner von Marilaun, Anton, Ritter. Studien über die flora der diluvialzeit in den östlichen Alpen.

Sitzungsb. Kais. akad. wissensch. Math.-naturw. classe, 1888? xcvii, abth. 1, pp. 7-39. Kidston, Robert. ferous lycopods.

Additional notes on some British carboni[Edinburgh. 1889.]

The carboniferous fossil plants of the Clyde basin. [Glasgow. 1902.]

On the occurrence of Arthrostigma gracile Dawson, in the lower old red sandstone of Perthshire. From Proc. Roy. phys. soc., 1893, xii, 102–111.

On the occurrence of lycopodites (Sigillaria) Vanuxemi Göppert, in Britain, with remarks on its affinities. Communicated by J. Murie.

Journ. Linn. soc. - Bot., 1886, xxi, 560-566. Knorr, G. W. Sammlung von merckwürdigkeiten der natur und alterthümern des erdbodens welche petrificirte cörper enthält. [Theil i.] Nürnberg. 1755.

"Beschreibung einer neuen grönländischen thierpflanze by Christlob, Mylius," pp. 29-32.

The plates have a separate title-page which reads: "Lapides diluvii universalis testes."

[ocr errors]

Knowlton, F. H. Annotated list of the fossil plants of the Bozeman, Montana, coal field, with table of distribution and description of new species. (In WEED, W. H. The Laramie and the overlying Livingston formation in Montana, 1893, pp. 43-66.) Description of a new fossil species of Chara [C. Stantoni. Bloomington, Ind. 1893].

Description of a new fossil species of the genus Chara [C. compressa. Crawfordsville, Ind. 1888].

Description of a new problematical plant [Paleohillia arkansana] from the lower cretaceous of Arkansas. [New York. 1895.]

Description of a supposed new species of fossil wood [Pityoxylon Pealei n. sp. from Montana. [New York. 1896.]

Description of two new species [Cupressinoxylon glasgowi and C. elongatum] of fossil coniferous wood from Iowa and Montana.

Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1888, xi, 5-8.

Description of two species of Palmoxylon [P. Quenstedti, P. cellulosum], one new, from Louisiana.

Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1888, xi, 89-91.

The fossil flora of the Bozeman coal field; abstract. [Washington. 1892]-93.

A fossil nut pine from Idaho. [New York. 1901.]
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From "Harriman Alaska expedition," vol. iv, 1904.

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Notes on a few fossil plants from the Fort Union group of Montana, with a description of one new species [Populus Meedsii]. Washington. 1893.


The relations of paleobotany to geology. Washing1913.

A review of the fossil flora of Alaska, with descriptions of new species. Washington. 1894.

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Tijds. Kon. nederl, aardrijk. genoolsch., 1895, pp. 395–398. Kuntze, Otto. Geogenetische beiträge. Leipzig. 1895. Kušta, Joh. Weitere beiträge zur kenntnis der steinkohlenflora von Rakonitz. [Prag. 1886.]

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