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Système des fossés horizontaux employé dans le département du Var. Toulon. 1856.

Landolt, Elias. Die bäche, schneelawinen und steinschläge und die mittel zur verminderung der schädigungen durch dieselben. Herausgegeben vom Schweizerischen forstverein. Zürich. 1886.

London. The speech of the city solicitor, T. J. Nelson, for the corporation of London before the Epping forest commissioners, at the Guildhall, Westminister, Nov. 1876. London. 1876.

Madon, P. G. The preservation of the forests of the island of Cyprus. [London. 1881.] f°. Oster,

Exkursion in den stadtwald von Eschweiler zur besichtigung der hütten-rauchs-beschädigungen am 5. sept. 1887. (In WIELER, Arwed. Untersuchungen über die einwirkung schwefliger säure auf die pflanzen, 1905, pp. 417-427.)

Pfeil, Wilhelm. Forstschutz und forstpolizeilehre, im anhange die nachweisung der preussischen forstpolizeigesetze. 2e aufl. Berlin. 1845. Puschmann, Jagd-, forst- und vogelschutz im königreich Preussen mit den bestimmungen über vorbereitung und anstellung im forstverwaltungs- und forstschutzdienst. Giessen. [1909.]

Regnault, Félix. Déboisement et décadence. Paris, etc. [1906.]

Rougier de la Bergerie, J. B. baron. Mémoire au roi et aux chambres législatives, sur la destruction des bois, et sur les graves conséquences qui peuvent en résulter. Paris. 1831. Saint-Aignan, comte de. Nécessité de la conserva

tion des forêts. [Paris. 1867.] Sainz Gutierrez, Pedro. Memoria sobre la utilidad de los montes y necesidad de atender á su conservacion. Granada. 1862.

Sartorelli, G. B. Osservazioni sopra i mezzi di conservare i boschi mediante la regolarità dei tagli. Milano. 1826. Secall, José. Repoblaciones y torrentes. Trabajos forestales en la república francesa. Madrid. 1891. The slow destruction of the New Forest.

Fortnightly review, 1891, pp. 444-465.

Spain. Catálogo de los montes y demás terrenos forestales exceptuados de la desamortización por razones de utilidad pública. Madrid. 1901. fo.

Surell, Alexander. Étude sur les torrents des Hautes-Alpes.

Paris. 1841.

The same. 2e éd. 2 tom. Paris. 1870–72.
Tessier, H. A. Mémoire sur les abus des défrichemens.
Mém. Classe sci, math, et phys. Inst., 1798, i, 280–287.

Rodger, Alex. Forest reservation in Burma in the interests
of an endangered water-supply. Calcutta. 1909.
Stewart, J. L. The Sub-Siwalik tract with especial reference
to the Bijnour forest and its trees. [Calcutta. 1865.]

Maiden, J. H. The Dorrigo forest reserve. Sydney. 1894. "A list of the plants collected, with descriptive notes of those of economic or botanical interest," pp. 7-41.


Hawaii. Conservation of Hawaii's natural resources. Honolulu. 1909.


Adams, D. W. Methods and apparatus for the prevention and control of forest fires, as exemplified on the Arkansas national forest. Washington. 1912.

Algeria. Mesures à prendre à l'occasion des incendies de forêts. Alger. 1866.

Ashe, W. W. Forest fires; their destructive work, causes and prevention. Raleigh. 1895.

Ayres, H. B. Forest fires.
Minnesota horticulturist, 1895, xxiii, 443-448.

Bailey, W. O. Report on the Michigan forest fires of 1881.
Washington. 1882.

Bell, Robert. Forest fires in northern Canada. Washington. 1889.

Bothwell, G. E. Co-operative forest fire protection. Ot-
tawa. 1914.
Fire preven-

California ·State board of forestry, 1905
tion day, April 18, 1914. [Sacramento. 1914.]

Forest fire report and voluntary firewardens. Forest fire report for 1911. Justices of the peace. Instructions to firewardens. Suggestions to fire fighters. California state firewardens. June issue. Sacramento. 1912. Campbell, R. H. Forest fires and railways. Ottawa. 1911. Clements, F. E. The life history of lodgepole burn forests. Washington. 1910.

Connecticut. Forest fire manual. 1912. New Haven, [1912.]

Cooper, A. W., and Kelleter, P. D. The control of forest fires at McCloud, California. (In UNITED STATES Department of agriculture · Forest service. Circular, 79.) Delassasseigne, M. P. L. Dunes et Landes de Gascogne. La défense des forêts contre les incendies. Paris. 1900. Domet, Paul. Les incendies dans la forêt d'Orléans. Mém. Soc. agric., sci., belles-lettr. et arts Orléans, 1891, xxx, 103–122. [Dromard, -] Landes de Gascogne. Des mesures à prendre pour empêcher les incendies dans les forêts des Landes et des moyens à employer pour éteindre ces incendies. Limoges. 1872.

[Faré, H.] Enquête sur les incendies de forêts dans la région des Maures et de l'Esterel. Paris. 1869. Forest fires. [By S. W. Hale and others.] N. P. [188-?] From a larger work, pp. 91-100.

Gollmer, Martin. Die Primkenauer waldbrand-katastrophe
am 15. august, 1904 mit einer spezialkarte und der abbildung
des abgebrannten dorfes Neuvorwerk. [Sprottau. 1904.]
Graves, H. S. Protection of forests from fire. Washington.
Hawes, A. F.
Holmes, J. S.
1911. Raleigh.

Forest fires in Vermont.
N. P. 1909.
Forest fires in North Carolina during 1909-

1910 has title: "Forest fires and their prevention, including forest fires in North Carolina during 1910."

Forest fires and their prevention. Raleigh. 1911. Howard, W. G. Forest fires. Albany. 1914.

Jacquot, André. Incendies en forêt; évaluation des dommages. Paris, etc. 1903.

"Bibliographie," pp. 13-23.

The same. 2e éd. Paris, etc. 1904. "Bibliographie," pp. 13-23.

Incendies en forêt. Forest fires; translated by C. E. C. Fischer. Calcutta. 1910.

Lemmon, J. G. Forest fires. [Sacramento? 1890.] (In CALIFORNIA State board of forestry, 1884-92. Bulletin,

7, pp. 3-5.)

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Forest fires. Boston. 1883.

[Rane, F. W. We must stop forest fires in Massachusetts. Boston. 1909. Sargent, C. S. Sterling, E. A. The attitude of lumbermen toward forest fires. [Washington. 1904.]

Suter, H. M. Forest fires in the Adirondacks in 1903. [Washington 1904.]

[Thibault, R.] Des incendies de forêts en Algérie, de leurs causes et des moyens préventifs et défensifs à leur opposer. Constantine; Paris. 1866.

United States - Department of agriculture. Forest service. Forest fire protection by the states as described by representative men at the Weeks law forest fire conference. [Washington. 1914.] Voigt,

Der grosse waldbrand zu Schwerin a. W. am 3. und 4. september 1911, sowie vorbeugungs- und bekämpfungsmassregeln von waldbränden. Neudamm. 1912. Wilkinson, William. Memorials of the Minnesota forest fires in 1894, with a chapter on the forest fires in Wisconsin in the same year. Minneapolis. 1895.

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Albert, Federico. Plan jeneral para el cultivo de bosques, con preferencia para les rejiones desde La Serena hasta Concepcion, pero que puede ser aplicado aun mas al norte y mas al sur. Santiago de Chile. 1907.

Andresen, C. C. Om klitformationen og klittens behandling og bestyrelse. Kjøbenhavn. 1861. Bagot,

Instruction sur la culture du bois à l'usage des forestiers. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand de G. L. Hartig par J. J. Baudrillart. Extrait.

Annales de l'agriculture française, 1806, xxv, 145-174. Behlen, Stephan. Lehrbuch der gebirgs- und bodenkunde in beziehung auf das forstwesen. 2 abth. Erfurt, etc. 1826. Boller, Wilhelm. Untersuchungen über die bodentemperaturen an den forstlich-meteorologischen stationen in ElsassLothringen. Stuttgart. 1894.

Broun, A. F. Sylviculture in the tropics. London. 1912. [Buffon, G. L. L., comte de.] Memorial on the culture of forests. (In A TREATISE on the manner of raising forest trees, 1761, pp. 107-129.)

Burrows, A. J. Science for foresters. London. 1884.
Card, F. W. Methods of tree-planting. [Lincoln. 1898.]
Chancerel, Lucien. Action des engrais sur les végétaux
ligneux. Paris. 1909.

"Index bibliographique," after p. 244.

Chevendier, Eugène. Recherches sur l'influence de l'eau sur la végétation des forêts. S.-Germain. 1844. Davall de Joffrey, Édouard. Mémoire sur la nouvelle méthode de culture forestière de M. Biermanns. 1846.

Du défrichement des bois.

Annales forestières, 1854, 3o sér., iii, 53-92.


Dittmar, H. J. A. Der waldbau. Neudamm. 1910. "Quellen-angabe," at end.

Dubois, Louis. Charrue forestière. [Blois. 1860.] Dunkelbeck, Was der praktische forstmann von der theorie der künstlichen düngung wissen muss. Hildesheim. 1904. Encyclopédie économique de sylviculture. 1, 2. Paris. 1913-14.

Fillon, Alphonse. Le reboisement par les essences résineuses mise en valeur des sols pauvres. 2e éd. Paris., 1880. Fischer, Rudolf. Die feldholzzucht: ein beitrag zur frage: Auf welche weise kann sich der besitzer eines grossen oder kleinen gutes das benöthigte holz selbst produciren? Berlin. 1878.

Forest, A. De la question du reboisement et nouvel examen des circonstances climatologiques et des faits économiques qui se rattachent à l'existence des forêts. Paris. 1852. Fürst, Hermann. Die pflanzenzucht im walde. Berlin. 1882. The same. 2o aufl. Berlin. 1888. The same. 3o aufl. Berlin. 1897. Gayer, Karl. Der waldbau. The same. 2o aufl. The same.

The same.

Berlin. 1880. Berlin. 1882.

3o aufl. Berlin. 1889.

4e aufl. Berlin. 1898.

Traité de sylviculture. Traduit sur la 3e éd. allemande par Étienne Visart de Bocarmé. Bruges. 1901. Genth, Gustav. Doppelte riefen; eine neue methode zur erziehung des laubholzes für waldeigenthümer und forstkundige. Trier. 1874.

Gorrie, William. The advantages of planting in groups, or in mixed plantations, so as to combine profit with landscape effect. Edinburgh. 1875.

"On the injury done to forest trees by wild animals and birds," pp. 14-16.

Gurnaud, Ad. L'ancienne sylviculture et la nouvelle; exposé et discussion, évolution historique, conclusions. Besançon. 1898.

Hartig, F. K. Die forstgeonomie und lithologie. Leipzig. 1810.

Hartig, G. L. Instruction sur la culture du bois, à l'usage des forestiers. Traduit de l'allemand par J. J. Baudrillart. Paris. 1805. pp. 172.

The same. Paris. 1805. pp. 371.

In French and German.
The same.

2e éd. Paris. 1805.

Kort undervisning om skogens behandling och kultur. Stockholm. 1860.

Hartmann, Karl. Forst-culturen in verbindung mit der landwirthschaft. Prenzlau. 1868.

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Hoffmann, J. J. I. Physik und mechanik. 2 abth. Erfurt, etc. 1824.

Instruction sur la maturité des semences forestières; les manières et les saisons de les cueillir, les éplucher et conserver; sur la manière de préparer les terrains à semer en bois; l'exécution, la conservation et l'entretien des semis.

Mem. Soc. roy. centr. agric., sci. arts, départ. du nord, 1858, pp. 201239.

Käpler, M. C. Ueberzeugender beweiss bey welcher abholzungszeit die laub-holz-stöcke am besten wieder ausschlagen, nebst einer erläuterung ob im winter die wachsthumssåfte in laubhölzern geliefern und im sommer darinnen circuliren, zur beförderung des gemeinen besten. Eisenach. 1771. Kirwan, Charles de. Du buttage ou de la plantation des arbres en buttes ou monticules. 2 pt.

Bull. Soc. sci. hist. et nat. Yonne, 1872-73, vi, 9-24; vii, 165–177. Koderle, J. K. Grundsätze der künstlichen düngung im forstkulturwesen. Wien. 1865.

[blocks in formation]

Moeller, Joseph. Die forstlichen acclimatisations-bestrebungen und ihre bedeutung für die industrie. Wien. 1882. Northrop, B. G. Economic tree-planting. [Hartford. 1878.]

The same. New York. 1878.

Olmsted, F. L., and Harrison, J. B. Observations on the treatment of public plantations, more especially relating to the use of the axe. Boston. 1889.

Parisel, Em. Pépinières forestières. Considérations sur la production et le traitement des plants pour la création et l'entretien des forêts. Bruxelles. 1884.

Preuschen, Alfred. Die spaltpflanzung mit dem beile und dem spaten, nach erfahrungen in der oberförsterei Ernsthofen. Darmstadt. 1866.

Riegels, H. C. Hvad og hvorledes bør man plante, for hurtigst muligt at hofte fordelen deraf? Kjøbenhavn. 1856. Sénéclauze, Adrien. Des semis et replants d'arbres forestiers à grandes dimensions, avec description sommaire précédé d'une notice sur les semis et les plantations. Valence. 1860.

Speidel, Emil. Beiträge zu den wuchsgesetzen des hochwaldes und zur durchforstungslehre. Heft i. Tübingen. 1893.

Strohecker, J. R. Die hackwaldwirthschaft. Physikalischökonomische studien über dieselbe als wirthschaftsform zu dem zwecke der eichen-niederwaldwirthschaft. 2o aufl. München. 1867.

Thézard, Arthur. Du reboisement et de la fertilisation des forêts. Compiègne. 1897.

Thomas, J. J. Culture and management of forest trees.
Report of the Department of agriculture, 186-? pp. 43-53.

Two prize essays on the adaptation of land for afforestation; the awards for which were given by the Worshipful company of carpenters. By A. C. Forbes [and] W. R. Fisher. London. 1904.

Two prize essays on the adaptation of land for afforestation; the awards for which were given by the Worshipful company of carpenters. By L. S. Wood [and] P. T. Maw. London. 1906.

Forest service.

Unites States Department of agriculture
Extracting and cleaning forest tree seed. Compiled by the
Branch of silviculture. Washington. 1912.
Walther, F. L. Beschreibung und abbildung der in der
forstwirthschaft vorkommenden nützlichsten geråthe und
werkzeuge. Ein anhang zu seinem Lehrbuch der forst-
wissenschaft. 2 stücke. [Hadamar.] 1796-1803.
Wegener, H. Ratschläge für den anbau von laub- und
nadelholz under berücksichtigung der bodenverhältnisse.
Neudamm. 1906.

Wilkie, Thomas. On the replanting of woodlands.
Trans. Highland agric. soc. Scot., 1880, xii, 221-229.

Withers, William, sr. A letter to Sir Henry Steuart, bart. on the improvement in the quality of timber, to be effected by the high cultivation and quick growth of forest-trees. Holt, [Eng.]. 1829.

Withers, William, jr. A memoir, addressed to the Society for. the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, on the planting and rearing of forest-trees. 2d ed. Holt, [Eng.). 1827.

Wttewaall, Jan. Dissertatio oeconomica de arborum sylvestrium plantatione. Lugduni-Batavorum. 1839.




Canada - Central experimental farm. Results of experiments in tree planting on Sable Island. [Ottawa. 1911] For earlier report, see CANADA Experimental farms. Experiments,


Department of the interior. Map showing number of trees distributed from the Forest nursery station at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, to the settlers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 1901-1909. [Scale, 1:792,000 or 12} miles to 1 inch. Ottawa. 1910.] 79X40 in., in 3 sections.

Forestry branch. Successful tree planters. Letters from all over prairie provinces tell of benefits derived from plantations. Ottawa. 1910.

Experimental farms. Experiments in tree planting on Sable Island.

Experimental farms, Reports, 1901, pp. 62-77.

For later report, see CANADA · Central experimental farm. Results of experiments, etc.

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Knechtel, A. Planting and care of a forest of evergreens. (In CANADA Department of the interior- Forestry branch. Bulletin, 1908, ii.) Macoun, W. T. Growing of forest trees in plantations fruit culture. Ottawa. 1909.

Notes on timber trees in forest belts. (In CANADA — Department of agriculture · Central experimental farms. Report of the director, 1896, pp. 62-65.) Mitchell, A. The farmer's plantation. Ottawa. 1910. Morton, B. R. The care of the woodlot. Ottawa. 1914. Ross, N. M. General suggestions for the preparation of the soil for tree planting on the prairies. [Ottawa. 1909.]

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The same.

The same.

The same.

7th ed. Minneapolis. 1891.
8th ed.

Minneapolis. 1892.
10th ed. Minneapolis. 1894.

The same. 11th ed. Minneapolis. 1895.

Bates, C. G., and Pierce, R. G. Forestation of the sand hills of Nebraska and Kansas. Washington. 1913.

Beal, W. J. Methods of reforesting pine stump lands. [Lansing. 1898.]

Bowditch, J. H. Forestry notes. [Hartford. 1878.]

Brewer, W. H. Woods and woodlands. [Hartford. 1876.] Bryant, Arthur. Forest trees for shelter, ornament and profit, a practical manual for their culture and propagation. New York. 1871.

Chipman, M. M. Forest preservation and timber cultivation. San Francisco. 1883.

Cleveland,, H. W. S. The culture and management of our native forests for development as timber or ornamental wood. Springfield, Ill. 1882.

Clothier, G. L. Advice for forest planters in Oklahoma and adjacent regions. Washington. 1905.

Forest planting and farm management. Washington. 1905. Cook, H. O., and Kneeland, P. D. Instructions for making improvement thinnings, and the management of mothinfested woodlands. Boston. 1914.

Cox, W. T. Reforestation on the national forests; collection of seed, direct seeding. Washington. 1911. Davis, C. A. The treatment and economic possibilities of the farm woodlot of southern Michigan. Lansing. [1904.] Dickerson, M. C. Trees and forestry; an elementary treatment of the subject based on the Jesup collection of North American woods in the American museum of natural history. New York. 1910.

Dunnell, M. H. Culivation of timber and the preservation of forests. [Washington. 1874.]

Edwards, Samuel. Timber on the prairies.

Report of the Commissioner of agriculture for 1862, pp. 495–498. Egleston, N. H. Hand-book of tree-planting. New York. 1884.

Methods and profit of tree-planting.
Popular science monthly, 1882, xxi, 1-17.

Fernow, B. E. The failure of foreign trees on American soil.
Science, 1887, ix, 231.

Fetherolf, J. M. Forest planting on the northern prairies. [Washington. 1908.]

Forest and timber trees; suggestions for promoting the growth of forest trees on the barren hillsides in the state of Nevada, and for the protection of the existing forests.

From Annual report of the surveyor-general of the state of Nevada for the year 1865, pp. 79-80.

Fuller, A. S. The forest tree culturist. New York. [cop. 1866.]

Practical forestry. New York. 1884. [Furnas, R. W.] Tree planting and growing on the plains. In BAKER, F. P. Preliminary report on the forestry of the Mississippi valley, 1883, pp. 37–45.)

Graves, H. S., and Fisher, R. T. The woodlot; a handbook for owners of woodlands, in southern New England. Washington. 1903.

Green, W. J., and Secrest, Edmund. Forestry suggestions. [Wooster. 1908.]

Hall, W. L. Practicability of forest planting in the United States. [Washington. 1903.]

Hill (D.) nursery co., Dundee, Ill. The forest planters guide. [Harrisburg, Pa. 1912?]

Hodges, L. B. Forest culture in Minnesota. 1876.]


[St. Paul. The forest tree planters' manual. 2d ed. St. Paul.

Practical suggestions on forest tree planting in Minnesota. St. Paul. 1874.

Report on forest culture on the main line first division St. P. & P. R. R., and a portion of the country tributary thereto.

Annual report Minnesola state hort. soc., 1875, pp. 51-61.

- Report of the State forestry association to the governor of Minnesota. St. Paul. 1877.

Iowa state agricultural society. Culture of forest trees. Annual report of the Iowa state agricultural society, 1868, pp. 227-290. Jarchow, H. N. Forest planting; a treatise on the care of timber lands and the restoration of denuded woodlands on plains and mountains. New York. 1893. Keffer, C. A. Experimental tree planting in the plains. Washington. 1898.

Tree planting in the western plains. (In FERNOW, B. E. The relation of forests to farms, 1896, pp. 341360.) Kellogg, R. S. Forest planting in Illinois. [Washington.] 1907. Forest planting in western Kansas. Washington.


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Massachusetts State board of agriculture. [Discussion on forestry, held at its meeting in Great Barrington, Dec. 3, 1884.]

From its Annual report, 1884, pp. 207-223.

Miller, F. G. Forest planting in eastern Nebraska. [Washington. 1906.]

Forest planting in the North Platte and South Platte valleys. Washington. 1907. Minier, G. W. On the cultivation of forest trees. Transactions of the Illinois state agricultural society, 1865, pp. 279–282. Cultivation of forest trees.

Transactions of the Illinois state agricultural society, 1868? pp. 779-780. Minnesota. An act to encourage the cultivation of timber and hedge fence, etc.

Ann. rep. Minn. hort. soc., 1875, iv, 135–144.

Mulford, Walter. The improvement of the woodlot. [Ithaca, N. Y. 1912.]

Paddock, Wendell, and Longyear, B. O. A co-operative experiment in tree planting. Fort Collins, Col. 1905. Peck, A. S. The opportunities in forest planting for the farmer. Washington. 1910.

Pettis, C. R. Reforesting. Albany. 1910.

Reforesting operations. [New York. 1909.] Porter, Evangeline. Native growth for planting in California. Sacramento. 1913.

Praetorius, G. O. Practical hints on forestry. (In PENNSYLVANIA Board of agriculture. Quarterly report, 1888, xxxvi, 71-81.)

Price, E. K. Sylviculture. [Philadelphia? 1877.]

Records, P. C. Tree planting for shelter in Minnesota. [St. Paul? 1913.]

Rosenbluth, Robert. Woodlot forestry. A manual of forestry for use on farms and country estates. Albany.


Sargent, C. S. A few suggestions on tree planting. Boston. 1876.

The same. [Boston. 1876.]

Notes on trees and tree-planting. Boston. 1878. Some additional notes upon trees and tree planting in Massachusetts. Boston. 1886.

Satterthwait, E. The timber question and what trees to plant. (In PENNSYLVANIA Board of agriculture. Quarterly report, 1888, xxxvi, 81-88.)

Sheldon, A. G. Forest trees. (In his Life, 1862, pp. 333342.)

Slade, A. P. Forest tree planting.

Transactions of the Massachusetts horticultural society, 1885, pp. 39–55. Spalding, V. M. “The plains of Michigan. [Boston, etc. 1883.]

Spring, S. N. Forest planting on coal lands in western Pennsylvania. [Washington. 1906.] Sterling, E. A. How to grow young trees for forest planting. [Washington. 1905.] Sudworth, G. B. The forest nursery; collection of tree seeds and propagation of seedlings. Washington. 1900. Toumey, J. W. Practical tree planting in operation. Washington. 1900.

United States Department of agriculture Forest service. Forest planting leaflet. No. 1→ [Washington. 19→]

Notes on forest trees suitable for planting in the United States. [Washington. 19-?]

Some foreign trees for the southern states. Washington. 1895.

Warder, J. A. Forest trees adapted to northern Illinois and adjoining regions N. P. [1880?]

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La proteccion i replantacion de las selvas; trabajo leido en el vii Congreso científico. Santiago de Chile. 1903. La replantacion de los cerros aridos del pais. Santiago de Chile. 1906. Maldonado, Ernesto. La reproduccion forestal. Santiago de Chile. 1906. Mostardi-Fioretti, T. Selvicultura chilena. Reglamentacion sobre el corte i conservacion de los bosques.

Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 1866, xxviii, 321–393.

Beil, Anton. Die feldholzzucht in Belgien, England und dem nördlichen Frankreich. Frankfurt a. M. 1842. Burgsdorf, F. A. L. von. Руководство къ надежному воспишанію и насажденію иностранныхъ и домашнихъ деревъ, кошорыя въ Германіи, равномѣрно въ средней и южной часши Россіи, на свободѣ произрасшашь могущъ. Переведено съ нѣмецкаго Бакунина. [Instruction

for safely raising and planting foreign and native trees which thrive in the open air in Germany, and similarly in middle and southern parts of Russia. Translated from the German by Bakunin. Часть 1. Москва.] 1801. Fox, W, F. Forest nurseries and nursery methods in Europe. Albany. [1904?]

Jacquot, André. Sylviculture. Manuel pratique à l'usage des propriétaires fonciers, des régisseurs de domaines forestiers, des reboiseurs et des élèves des écoles d'agriculture. Préface par Ed. Henry, Paris, etc. 1913. Kerner von Marilaun, Anton, Ritter. Der wald und die Alpenwirtschaft in Österreich und Tirol; gesammelte aufsätze. Herausgegeben von Karl Mahler. Berlin. 1908. Maistre, Jules. De l'utilité des reboisements dans le midi de l'Europe et en Algérie. Clermont-l'Hérault. 1899. Mayr, Heinrich. Fremdländische wald- und parkbäume für 1906. Europa. Berlin.


Chadt, Jan. Dřeviny jehličnaté v čechách. V Písku. 1894. Vliv hornin na vzrůst lesnich dřevin. V Písku.


Zalesňování pustých holin (strání). V Praze. 1892. Hickel, Robert. Essais d'introduction d'essences exotiques dans les forêts de Prusse et d'Autriche. Nancy. 1903. Illés, Nándor. Erdötenyésztéstan. Kiadja az Országos erdészeti egyesület. Második olcsó kiadás. Budapest.


Lukácsy, Sándor. A magyar alföld befásitása. [Tree planting on the Hungarian plains.] Pest. 1864. [Petraschek, Charles.] Le développement de la sylviculture en Bosnie et en Herzégovine. N. P. [1900.] Pollak, F. X. Katechismus des waldbaues. Wien, etc. 1907.

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British Islands

[Anderson, James, 1739-1808.] Miscellaneous observations on planting and training timber-trees, particularly calcu lated for the climate of Scotland. In a series of letters, by Agricola [pseud.]. Edinburgh. 1777.

Astley, F. D. Hints to planters. Manchester. 1807.

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