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Illustrations of North American grasses. 2 vol. in 1. Washington. 1891 ['90]-93. 1. 8°. 200 plates. (United States Department of agriculture - Division of botany. Bulletin, 12, 13.)

i. Grasses of the Southwest. 1891, ['90-91]. 100 plates. ii. Grasses of the Pacific slope. 1893, ['92-93]. 100 plates. Veitch, Fletcher Pearre, and Donk, Marion Gilbert. Commercial turpentines; their quality and methods for their examination. Washington. 1911. 8°. pp. 46. Illustr. (United States Department of agriculture Bureau of chemistry. Bulletin, 135.)

Veitch, James, & sons, publishers. Manual dei coniferi, comprendente una rivista generale della famiglia, una sinassi delle specie rustiche coltivate nella Gran Bretagna, loro posto ed uso nell' orticoltura, ecc. Traduzione dall' inglese per Giovanni Sada. Milano. 1882. 8°. pp. 351. Plates and other illustr.

Velenovský, Josef. O medových žlázkách rostlin křížatých a jich upotřebení v systematice řádu tohoto. Praze. 1883. 4. pp. 58. 5 plates.

"Pojednání Král. České společnosti nauk, řada vi, díl 12."

O phyllokladiích rodu Danaë. Praze. 1892. 1. 8°. pp. 10. Plate.

"Rozpravy České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění v Praze," 1892, třída 2, ročnik i, číslo 42. Velten, Wilhelm. Über die folgen der einwirkung der temperatur auf die keimfähigkeit und keimkraft der samen von Pinus picea Du Roi. [Wien. 1877.] 8°. (Aus dem Pflanzenphysiologischen laboratorium der K. K. Forstlichen versuchsleitung in Wien.)


Sitzungsb, der Kais. akad. d. w. Math. naturw. cl. 1877, lxxiv, 359-383. Vermorel, Victor, and Dantony, E. La défense de nos jardins contre les insectes et les parasites. VillefrancheMontpellier; Paris. 1914. 8°. pp. 232. 12 colored plates, and other illustr. (Bibliothéque du Progrès agricole et viticole.)

Verri, Carlo, Comte. Die kunst der maulbeerbaumzucht.
Aus dem französischen übersetzt, mit anmerkungen von J. B.
Mayer. Trier. 1841. sm. 8°. pp. [2], 58+. Plate.
Verzascha, Bernhard. Neu vollkommenes kråuter-buch.

Vienna-Naturwissenschaftliche verein. Die botanische
reise nach west-Bosnien im juli 1904. (Südpartie.) See

Vilmorin, Maurice LÉVÊQUE de. Liste des arbres et arbustes cultivés existant en mars, 1911 dans le parc et les dépendances du château d'Harcourt, propriété de la Société nationale d'agriculture de France. [Paris. 1912.] 8°.

Mémoires de la Société nationale d'agriculture de France, 1912, cxliii,


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Voechting, Hermann. Die botanische anstalt [der Tübinger universität. Tübingen. 1889]. f°. pp. 10. Plates and plans.

"Die unter der regierung des Königs Karl an der Universität Tübingen errichteten und erweiterten Institute der naturwissenschaftlichen und der medizinischen fakultät. Sonderabdruck."

The voice of a tree from the Middlesex Fells. See [WRIGHT,

Volckamer, Johann Magn. Aloe americana florens in Horto
volcameriano Norimberga, 1726. Nurnberg. [1726.] Plate
17× 27 in.

Volkens, Georg. Ueber die bestäubung einiger loranthaceen und proteaceen; ein beitrag zur ornithophilie. Berlin. [1899.] 8°. Map.

"Sonderabdruck aus der Festschrift für Schwendener," pp. 251-270. Vollständige anweisung schöne rosen, desgleichen auch jede rosenart theils einzeln, theils in verbindung mit andern auf dem nämlichen stamme, in kurzer zeit baumartig zu erziehen. Nebst einem auf erfahrung gegründeten unterricht den goldlack zu einer aussergewöhnlichen höhe und prachtvollen flor zu bringen. Ulm. 1820. sm. 8°. pp. 55. Voss, C. Kurze anleitung zur veredlung und pflege der rosen und obstbäume. 4, vermehrte und verbesserte aufl. Detmold. 1879. 16°. pp. 40. Front.


Waga, Antoni. Ukaziciel polskich nazwisk na rodzaje królestwa róslinnego, ułożony abecadłowo najprzód od łacińskich do polskich, a powtóre od polskich do łacińskich. (Appended to WAGA, Jakob. Flora polonica phanerogama, 1848, ii.)

Waga, Jakob. Flora polonica phanerogama; sive, Descriptiones plantarum phanerogamicarum in regno Poloniae tam sponte nascentium quam continuata cultura solo nostro assuefactarum linnaeana methodo dispositae. 2 vol. in 1. Varsaviae. 1847-48. 8°. 2 tables.

Text in Polish, with also Polish title-pages.


pp. [8], 820,

i. 1847. pp. [4], xiv, 766, [8]. 2 tables.- ii. [4], xxx, 336. "Autorowie przytaczani," i, ix-xiii; ii, (7–8]. Wailes, B. L. C. Address delivered in the college chapel before the Agricultural, horticultural, and botanical society of Jefferson college. Natchez. 1841. 8°. pp. 29+. "Errata," at end.

Walker, Joseph Burbeen. · Our New Hampshire forests; an address delivered at a meeting of the New Hampshire board of agriculture holden at Concord, Feb. 1891. Concord. 1891. 8°. pp. 31.

[Walts, Francis.] Coco-nut cultivation in the West Indies. N. P. 1911. sm. 8°. pp. [2], iv, 46. Illustr.

From Imperial department of agriculture for the West Indies. Pamphlet series, no. 70.

Warburg, Otto. Einführung einer gleichmässigen nomenklatur in der pflanzengeographie; vortrag. Berlin. 1900. 8°.

"Sonderabdruck aus den Verhandlungen des vii. Internationalen geographen-kongresses in Berlin, 1899," pp. 442-448.

Gnetaceae. [Leipzig. 1900.] f°. Plate. "Separatabdruck aus Warburg, Monsunia, bd. i," 195-197.

Die öffentlichen gärten (speciell die botanischen) in Britisch-Indien. [Leipzig. 1886.] 4°.

"Separat-abdruck aus der Botanischen zeitung, 1886," xliv, col. 777, 793, 809, 833.

Ward, Lester Frank. List of plants added to the flora of Washington from April 1, 1882, to April 1, 1884. [Washington. 1884.] 8°.

"From the Proceedings of the Biological society of Washington," 188284, ii, 84-87.

Watson, D. M. S. "The cone of Bothrodendron mundum (Will.)." [Manchester. 1908.] 8°. pp. 16. Plate. Manchester memoirs, 1908, lii, no. 3.

"Bibliography," p. 15,

Watson, Sereno. List of plants collected in Nevada and Utah, 1867-'69, numbered as distributed. [Washington. 1871.] 8°. pp. 43. (United States geological exploration of the 40th parallel.)

Watt, Sir George. The fermentation of cacao. See SMITH, H. H., editor.

[Waugh, Richard.] The botanist's guide. See [WINCH, N. J., and others].

Webb, Jesse Lee. The western pine-destroying barkbeetle. Washington. 1906. 8°. pp. [6], 17-30. Plates and other illustr. (United States Department of agriculture Bureau of entomology. Bulletin, 58, ii.)

"Some insects injurious to forests." Bibliography, p. 30.

Webster, Angus Duncan. Hardy ornamental flowering trees and shrubs. London. 1893. 8°. pp. [2], ii, 140, ix. Weil, E. Der Jardin des plantes zu Paris. See ESQUIROS, Alphonse, and WEIL, E.

Wendland, Johann Christoph. Collectio plantarum tam exoticarum, quam indigenarum. See his "Sammlung ausländischer und einheimischer pflanzen."

Went, Friedrich August Ferdinand Christian. 'S Lands
plantentiun te Buitenzorg. Baarn. 1915. 8°. pp. 46.
(Onze kolonien, ser. ii, 5.)
Wentworth, Louis Albert. Among the trees; studies in
forestry for visitors to the public park system of Lynn.
[Lynn. 1904.] 4°.

Annual report of the park commissioners of Lynn, Mass., 1904, xv,
Page 59 is lithographed.



The flora of Lynn woods. [Lynn. 1904-08.] 4°.

Annual report of the park commissioners, Lynn, Mass., 1904-08, xvxix.


Weston, Walter. Mountaineering and exploration in the Japanese Alps. London. 1896. 8°. pp. xvi, 346. maps, plates and other illustr. Wheeler, George M. Report upon United States geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian. Vol. vi. Botany. See ROTHROCK, J. T. Reports upon the botanical collections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 1871-1875.

White, Cyril T. Contributions to the Queensland flora. See BAILEY, J. F., and WHITE, C. T.

White, Francis Buchanan (White). A revision of the British willows. [London. 1890.] 8°. 3 plates.

Journal of the Linnean society. Botany, 1890, xxvii, 333-457. Wigand, Albert, editor. Botanische hefte; forschungen aus dem Botanischen garten zu Marburg. 3 hefte (in 1 vol.). Marburg. 1885-88. 8°. Plates.

Heft iii "herausgegeben von E. Dennert."

Wilkinson, Albert Edmund. The apple; a pratical treatise dealing with the latest modern practices of apple culture. Boston, etc. [1915.] 8°. pp. xii, 492. Colored plates, and other illustr. (Country life education series.) Wille, Nordal. The flora of Norway and its immigration; read at the twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of the Missouri botanical garden. [St. Louis. 1915.] 1. 8°. Maps.

"Reprinted from Annals of the Missouri botanical garden," 1915, ii,


"Literatur cited," pp. 107-108. Williams, J. Otis. Mammoth trees of California, illustrated by a comparison with other noted trees, ancient and modern. With a hand-book in brief, for a trip to the Calaveras groves, and Yo-Semite valley. Boston. 1871. 8°. pp. 54. II

lustr. Williams, P. F. The pecan in Alabama. Montgomery. 1911. 8°. pp. 68. Plates and other illustr. (Alabama Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin, 155.) Williamson, William Crawford. Coals and coal plants; a lecture delivered in the city hall, Glasgow, 1875. London, etc. 1876. sm. 8°. pp. 35 Illustr.

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and Lange, Johan. Prodromus florae hispanicae. Vol. i, pars. 1. Stuttgartiae. 1861. 8°. Wilson, Ernest Henry. Aristocrats of the garden. Garden City; New York. 1917. 8°. pp. [8], 312. Plates. [———————— The Arnold arboretum expedition to Japan, 1914; a series of 619 photographs.] 6 vol. N. P. N. D. 4°. The cherries of Japan. Cambridge. 1916. 8°. pp. xiv, 68. 8 plates. (Arnold arboretum. Publications, 7.) The conifers and taxads of Japan. Cambridge. 1916. 4°. pp. xii, 91. 32 plates. (Arnold arboretum. Publications, 8.)

The family tree of the modern rose; compiled from all available sources. Done into graphic form for the private use of members of the Boston horticultural club by F. A. Wilson. [Boston.] 1915. Chart 24 X 18 in., in 8°

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"From the Gard. chron. 1905," 3d ser. xxxviii, 290–291.

The "wood-oil" trees of China and Japan. [London. 1913.] 8°. 5 plates.

Bulletin of the Imperial institute, 1913, xi, 441-461.

and Wilson, Fred A. The history and botanical relationships of the modern rose. N. P. cop. 1916. Chart. 32 × 25 in. Wilson, Fred A. The history and botanical relationships of the modern rose. See WILSON, E. H., and WILSON, F. A. [Winch, Nathaniel John, and others.] The botanist's guide through the counties of Northumberland and Durham. [By N. J. Winch, John Thornhill and Richard Waugh.] 2 vol. in 1. Newcastle upon Tyne, etc. 1805-07. 8°. Winship, George Parker. The John Carter Brown library; a history. Providence. 1914. 8°. pp. [4], 96+. Witchell, Charles A., and Strugnell, W. Bishop. The fauna and flora of Gloucestershire. Stroud. 1892. 1. 8°. pp. xxiv, 301+. Plates.

Withering, William (1741-1799). British plants; the flowering plants and ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged according to the Linnæan system. Compiled for popular use, by William Macgillivray. 10th ed., revised. London. 1858. 12°. pp. 476. 16 plates.

[Withers, William, jr. Tracts and letters on planting, 182628. Author's copies bound up with the numerous letters which he received from correspondents; the printed matter inlaid, and the whole arranged in chronological order.] 2 vol. N. P. [1826-28.] 4°.

The autograph letters include an unpublished letter of Sir Walter Scott, also letters from Sir Robert Peel, Thomas W. Coke, and others.

Wittrock, Veit Brecher. Föredrag i botanik vid K. Vetenskaps-akademiens högtidsdag den 31 mars 1886. Stockholm. 1886. 16°. pp. 19.

Några ord om Linné och hans betydelse för den botaniska vetenskapen. Stockholm. 1907. 1. 8°. pp. 32. 3 plates. Acta Horti Bergiani, bd. 4, no. 1."

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Wittstein, Georg Christian. The organic constituents of plants and vegetable substances and their chemical analysis. Authorised translation from the German original, enlarged with numerous additions, by Baron Ferd. von Mueller. Melbourne. 1878. 8°. pp. xviii, 332.

The wonders of the vegetable kingdom displayed. See [ROBERTS, Mary).

Wood, Alphonso. The new American botanist and florist; including lessons in the structure, life and growth of plants, together with a simple analytical flora descriptive of the native and cultivated plants growing in the Atlantic division of the American Union. Revised and edited by O. R. Willis. New York, etc. [1889.] 8°. pp. vi, 449. Illustr. Woodbury, Truman Doane.

Sugar pine. See LARSEN, L.

T., and WOODBURY, T. D.
Wooton, Elmer Ottis, and Standley, Paul Carpenter.
Flora of New Mexico. [Washington. 1915.] pp. 794.
(In SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Contributions from the
United States national herbarium, 1915, xix.)

Worsdell, Wilson Crosfield. The principles of plant-
teratology. 2 vol. London. 1915-16. 8°. 53 plates,
and other illustr. (Ray society. Publications.)
Bibliographies interspersed.

[Wright, Elizur.] The voice of a tree from the Middlesex Fells. Boston. 1883. 32°. pp. 28.

Wright, K. M. South African botany. See STOREY, F. W., and WRIGHT, K. M.

Wucherer, Johannes. Etwas über rosenkultur; praktische anweisung für rosendilettanten. Nördlingen. 1886. pp. vi, 51. Illustr.

sm. 8°.

Wyoming Agricultural experiment station. Woody aster (Xylorrhiza Parryi Gray). [Laramie. 1911.] 8°. pp. 20. Illustr. (In its Preliminary bulletin, 88.)


Yamada, Jogetsu, pseudon., illustrator. Shinsen niwatsukuri den. See RITOKEN, Shuri.

Yeo, J. Burney. Notes of a season at St. Moritz in the Upper Engadine, and of a visit to the baths of Tarasp. London. 1870. sm. 8°. pp. [8], 108. 2 plates, and map.

"Notes on the flora of St. Moritz and Tarasp," pp. 75-102, 106–108.

Yong, Guillaume. Catalogue d'arbres, arbustes et plantes herbacées d'Amérique. See YOUNG, William. Botanica neglecta.

Young, H. W. Catalogue of the phænogamous and acrogenous plants of Suffolk County, Long Island. See MILLER, E. S., and YoUNG, H. W.

Young, John A., & sons, publishers. Guilford, our native county. Some nature scenes, photographed on the estate of J. A. Young & sons, owners Greensboro nurseries. Greensboro, N. C. [19-?] obl. 8°. 16 plates. Young, William. Botanica neglecta. William Young, jr., "botaniste de Pensylvanie," and his long-forgotten book; being a facsimile reprint of his "Catalogue d'arbres, arbustes et plantes herbacées d'Amérique," published in 1783. With prefatory account of the author and critical notes by the editor, S. N. Rhoads. Philadelphia. 1916. 4°. pp. xii, [4], 55. Large paper.

"Privately printed."

"250 copies. No. 5."

"The earliest published book, written by an American botanist and devoted exclusively to American botany, horticulture and floriculture."Preface.

Yule, Henry. The River of Golden Sand. See GILL, William.

Zabel, Hermann, translator. Die kalifornischen abietaceen. See ENGELMANN, George.

Zipperer, Paul. The manufacture of chocolate and other cacao preparations. 2d ed., rearranged, revised, and largely rewritten. London, etc. 1902. 8°. 3 plates, and other illustr.

"Index to the literature," pp. 264-265.

(Zollinger, C. von.] Praktisches handbuch über die fortpflanzung und kultur des maulbeerbaumes; nach den vorschriften der besten italienischen autoren und erfahrungen der bewährtesten oekonomen. Innsbruck. 1843. 8°. pp. [4], xvi, 208. 5 plates.

Zucchini, Andrea. Sulla coltura e usi dell' Acacia o Robinia, Robinia pseud-acacia Lin. (In PORTA, Giuseppe. Istruzione per la coltura dell' Acacia, 1804, pp. 21–40.)

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