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The Week.

views on impeachment as announced by

the Tribune; charged with drunkenness

by Mr. Phillips, 282-German "I.P.P.,"

43-German immigration- Greenbacks

as a Southern panacea, 63--Grant-John-

son Correspondence, 102, 122 — Gold-

market as affected by impeachment, 182

-Garfield's speech on the financial situ-

ation, 402.

Hoffman, Mayor, at the New England Din-

ner, 2-Horace Greeley's absence from

N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 163.

Impeachment: Johnson's message defend-

ing appointment of Gen. Thomas, 161;

public feeling, Mr. Stevens and the abuse

of the appointing power, 181; Senate

debates on the rules of procedure, 182;

differences between Senate and Chief-
Justice, 201; Judge Chase's electioneer-
ing reacts upon him, 222; titles of the
impeachers, 223, 283; President's reply
to Managers' charges, 241; Butler's open-
ing speech, 263; Mr. Sumner on Chief-
Justice's right to vote, 281; comparative
demeanor of Managers and President's
counsel, Judge Curtis's speech for de-
fence, and arguments on admitting Gen.
Sherman's testimony, 301; Stevens and
Logan refused permission to make
speeches, 321; Speeches of Boutwell,
Nelson, and Stevens, 341; rumors of a
vote by ballot, 342; speeches of Bingham
and Evarts, 361, 362; verdict postponed,
381; reasons for and effects of acquittal,
382; defeat of XIth article, 401; Senate
discusses the accusations of bribery;
abuse of Trumbull, Fessenden, and
Grimes, 402; Senate adjourns as a court,
422-Independent discards Judge Chase
as Republican candidate for the Presi-
dency, 342; Illinois on repudiation, 382.

Congress :-Assembles, Senator Thomas's

disloyalty, Mr. Boutwell's new scheme

of reconstruction, 21-Senate reinstates

Stanton, 41-Senate encourages infla-

tionists, 42-Legislating against the

President, 41-Whiskey tax and penal-

ty, Mr. Brooks on negro anatomy, 43-

Fernando Wood reprimanded, House

passes new reconstruction bill, Mr.

Bingham's speech, 61-Mr. Bingham

and Mr. Eldridge, 62-House passes

Supreme Court bill, Reconstruction bill

in Senate, Doolittle's and Trumbull's

speeches, 81-Banks's report on indefeas-

ible allegiance, Mr. Ingersoll as an infla-

tionist, 82-Senate discusses Reconstruc-

tion Bill No. 4, Banks's bill on expatria- | Ku-Klux Klan operations, 283; one of its

tion, 101-Retrenchments, 102-Alabama

constitution rejected, 121-"Special

diplomatic agents," 122 - Bingham's

Alabama bill, 141-Senate rejects Thom-

as, of Maryland, 162-Committee on Re-

trenchment report on frauds, 202-Mr.

Van Wyck's report, 242-New Alabama

bill, Bill depriving Supreme Court of

appellate jurisdiction, 262-Passage of

the Amendatory Bankrupt bill, 341-

Blackguardism in the House, 361-Gen.

Butler's reply to Brooks's Alta Vela

resolution, 362-House passes bill ad-

mitting Arkansas, 381-House Commit-

tee on Foreign Affairs report for the pur-

chase of Alaska, 403-Butler's report on

corruption of Senators, 422-Progress of

the corruption investigation, 441-Mr.

Schenck's financial statement introduc-

ing the new Tax bill, 442-Wooley's dis-

closure, 461--Mr. Woodward's resolu-

tions concerning the late President

Buchanan, 462-Passage of the bill ad-

mitting the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida,

Alabama; Tax bill recommitted, Butler's

reasons for opposing the bill, Reverdy

Johnson Minister to England, 481-Civil

Service bill postponed, 482-Arkansas

bill passed over President's veto, Ar

kansas senators sworn in, Mr. Schenck's

new Tax bill and rate of tax on whis-

key, House Committee report on rail-

roads, 501-House Committee on Judge

Field, 502:

Delmar's "financial" statistics, 22-Dick-

ens Press dinner, 322, 342-"D. R. An-
thony and others' " telegram to Senator
Ross, 443.

Erskine, Judge, abused by Robert Toombs,
22-Erie War legal tactics, 263.
Field, Judge, under "enquiry," 102-
Financial Report of Chicago Commor.
Council, 162, Financial plank of Indiana
Republican State Convention, 162-Free-
trade meeting in New York, 402-Sena-
tor Fowler and Gen. Butler, 502.
Grant: nomination by business men, 1;

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England: - Fenianism: Irish reform and

Greek fire, 2; Clerkenwell explosion,

23; robbing gun-shops, 83; public mind

clearing, 103; trials of Barrett and Burke

403; attempted assassination of Prince

Alfred in Australia, 343 colonial horror

and consequent treason-felony bill, 462-

Vernon Harcourt ("Historicus") on laws

of allegiance, 2; on "mixed jury," 103;

worsted by Pall Mall Gazette, 242; discus-

sion with Lord Hobart on Alabama case,

122-Arbitration between masters and

workmen, 22; Briggs and Crossley's suc-

cesses in co-operation, 163; "National

Labor Parliament" to be held in Lon-

don, 243; masters file a bill in chancery

against Riley and Butterworth, 323;

colliers' strike, 382; story of the Briggs

colliery, 463; J. W. Hill's speech at meet-

ing of Trades' Union Council, 383-

Gladstone's speeches, 23-Declaration of

Catholic clergy, 63-Lord Stanley and

the land question in Ireland, the Queen's

book, 83-Minister Adams resigns, 122;

absent from royal reception for want of

court costume, 242-Protestants defend-

ing the Church in Ireland; Cambridge

University examinations for girls, 163-

Debate in the House on Alabama claims;

Lord Russell's and J. S. Mill's pamphlets

on Irish question, 203-English press on

Disraeli's promotion; Gladstone's reso-

lutions to abolish Church Establishment

in Ireland; movement to establish a

female university, 243-Defeat of Dis-

raeli on Irish Church question, 283-Browne's Sketch of the Official Life of

Duke of St. Albans on Suez ship-canal,

303-Abolition of flogging in army and

proxies in House of Lords; speeches

of Stanley, Disraeli, and Gladstone on

Irish Church, 323-Interview between

Disraeli and the Queen; public meeting

for women's rights at Manchester;

Prince of Wales visits Ireland, 353-

Queen's reply to House of Commons,

4:3-Prince Czartoryski's speech before

Polish Historical Society, London, 423--|

Disraeli abandons resistance to Irish

Church bill, 443-Report of British

Commission on the neutrality laws;

Parliament to be dissolved; Governor

Eyre to contest Mr. Mill's seat, 483-The

Queen's coronation oath and the Irish

Church bill, 503.


Literary-10, 30, 50, 71, 90, 110, 132, 150,

169, 193, 210, 232, 251, 273, 289,

312, 329, 351, 371, 392, 411, 431,

452, 470, 493, 511.

Scientific-112, 233, 314.

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Newport as it Was,
North American Review for January,
"Owen Meredith's" Chronicles and

Recent Republications, 55, 76, 95, 154, 175,

Poodle-Prince, The,

456, 476, 496.

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