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25 Elegant little Volumes, each containing a complete Novel.

VERYONE should see this HANDY-VOLUME Edition of the WAVERLEY NOVELS, and note how different it is from all the others which have been issued hitherto. The volumes are only half the size of the smallest of previous editions, and they are so light that two or three of them can at the same time be easily carried about in the pocket.

Although the volumes are so small, their smallness has not been attained at the sacrifice of their legibility. The type is a new type, giving a sharp, clear, and distinct impression, and in size it closely resembles that used in the HANDY-VOLUME SHAKSPEARE. The paper is of a special manufacture, pure in colour, and very fine in texture, being nearly opaque, and possessing a highly burnished surface.

No bookcase will be too small to hold the set of 25 little volumes, whilst their lightness, handiness, and elegance will make them an attractive addition to the reading tables of any and every household.

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The Case when closed measures no more than 9 inches in width, 10 inches in length, and 5 inches in height.

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French Morocco, extra gilt, gilt edges, in similar case

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Each of the Volumes can be had separately, price 1s. in enamelled boards, and in cloth, red edges, price 1s. 6d. For Titles see Nos. 1 to 25 on opposite page.





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YONTAINING all the WAVERLEY NOVELS, and a complete collection of SIR WALTER SCOTT'S POETRY, making 32 elegant little volumes of high external finish, enclosed in an artistic case, measuring only 9 inches in width, 10 inches in height, and 3 inches in depth. The poetical volumes are adorned with frontispieces and illustrations representative of the best known Scottish scenery, or of places which the genius of the poet has made famous.

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IN adding SIR WALTER SCorr's Poetical Works to their series of HANDY

VOLUME EDITIONS, the Publishers have striven to produce them in such a form as would, in their opinion, be the most welcomed. The type, which is of a new old-faced fount, is as large, and the lines nearly as open, as in the esteemed octavo edition; whilst the volumes are not much more than a fourth of the size. The Poems are a complete collection, including those from the novels, as well as the Ballads and other pieces from the "MINSTRELSY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER." The Notes are added from the Author's Edition of 1830, revised by himself, omitting some of the lengthy extracts from historical works and ancient manuscripts.

To perfect the completeness of the Edition a short descriptive Memoir is prefixed to the volume containing the "LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL," recording in outline the leading incidents in the life of the Minstrel Poet.

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ach of the Volumes can be had separately, price 1s., in enamelled boards, and in cloth,

red edges, price 1s. 6d.




HE distinguishing merit possessed by the HANDY-VOLUME BIBLE over every other edition which has been printed rests in this-that the reader can take up just that particular portion of Scripture which he desires to read, and make it his pocket companion.

It would be a question very difficult to answer, how an important work such as the Holy Scriptures has not hitherto been provided in any other than the most rigid form of production. A heavy and bulky book to secure a legible type, or a type painfully small to secure a volume of convenient size, were, until now, the only alternatives for Bible readers.

In the HANDY-VOLUME EDITION legibility and portability are both attained. A print so clear as to be easily read in a fading light, and a volume so small that its weight can scarcely be felt, are attractions which have never yet been combined in any edition of the Scriptures.

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In French Morocco, limp, gilt edges, in a tasteful leather case
In Persian Morocco, limp, gilt edges, in an elegant case (very durable)
In Smooth Calf, limp, red edges, in dome case (very elegant)

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In Turkey Morocco or Calf, Circuit Edges, highly finished, limp, gilt edges, and tooled sides, in an uniform case.

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HOEVER wants a Cyclopædia extensive and yet cheap, and com


piled throughout on the principle of compendious and accurate information on All subjects rather than on that of collected individual dissertations, cannot do better than procure the ENGLISH CYCLOPÆDIA. QUARTERLY REVIEW.

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