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between two departments of knowledge | ducts man to the threshold of religion,

in which it has been trained, as painful as if one were to hear it reported of a revered friend, a parent or brother, that he had committed a dishonourable or criminal action. Thousands have felt in this way, and thousands are at this present time so feeling, as they turn from secular books of science to the Bible, and when they enter our upper schools, our mechanics' institutions, and colleges. The heart of many a youth of promise has been wrung, until feelings more bitter than tears have burst from it, as he stood by the chasm over which no bridge seemed to be thrown. Others, abandoning religion, as laying restraints upon them to which they were not willing to yield, have betaken themselves to the splendid, but uninhabited halls of science, and wander through them in wonder and admiration, but without ever finding, or so much as looking for a governor to rule or a teacher to instruct, a friend to comfort or a Mediator to intercede for them. It is no profane work that is engaged in by those who, in all humility, would endeavour to remove jealousies between parties whom God has joined together, and whom man is not at liberty to put asunder. We are not lowering the dignity of science when we command it to do, what all the objects which it looks at and admires do,-when we command it to worship God. Nor are we detracting from the honour which is due to religion, when we press it to take science into its service, and accept the homage which it is able to pay. We are seeking to exalt both, when we show how nature con

and when from this point we bid him look abroad on the wide territories of nature. We would aid at the same time both religion and science, by removing those prejudices against sacred truth which nature has been employed to foster; and we would accomplish this, not by casting aside and discarding nature, but by rightly interpreting it.

Let not religion and science be reckoned as opposing citadels, frowning defiance upon each other, and their troops brandishing their armour in hos. tile attitude. They have two common foes, if they would but think of it, in ignorance and prejudice, in passion and vice, under all their forms, to admit of their lawfully wasting their strength in a useless warfare with each other. Science has a foundation, and so has religion; let them unite their foundations, and the basis will be broader, and they will be two compartments of one great fabric reared to the glory of God. Let the one be the outer and the other the inner court. In the one, let all look, and admire and adore, and in the other, let those who have faith kneel, and pray, and praise. Let the one be the sanctuary where human learning may present its richest incense as an offering to God; and the other, the holiest of all, separated from it by a veil, now rent in twain, and in which, on a blood-sprinkled mercyseat, we pour out the love of a reconciled heart, and hear the oracles of the living God.-Extract from M'Cosh's "Method of Divine Government Physical and Moral."


"HEAR, O Israel: the Lord our God | ther identity, in the representation given is one Lord." We quote this as ex- of the Divine character in the Scrippressive of the important truth, that there is a wonderful consistency, or ra



"The God of Israel is one It is the same Lord exhibited

under the Patriarchal, the Jewish, and the Christian dispensations. Except in the degree of development, there is no difference between God as revealed in Eden, on Sinai, and on Calvary; between God as exhibited in the books of Moses, and God as exhibited so many centuries later in the writings of Paul and John. In the garden, we have the Lawgiver, and we have indications, too, of the Saviour. On Mount Sinai there is the same combination of awful justice and condescending mercy. In the mysterious transactions on Calvary, there is an awful forsaking, and a fearful darkness, emblematic of the righteousness and indignation of God, as there is also a melting tenderness in the words of our Lord, breathing forgiveness and love, and telling of an opened paradise. The first book dis

closes to us, near its commencement, a worshipper offering a lamb in sacrifice; and the last shows a Lamb as it had been slain in the midst of the throne of God. To Moses He discloses Himself as Jehovah, the Lord God," merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth," and that "will by no means clear the guilty." Paul speaks of him as "just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly;" and John, as "faithful and just to forgive us our sins." Whence this harmony, or rather unity in the Divine character? Whence this wonderful correspondence in the portraits drawn by so many different hands? We can account for it only by believing that they all drew from one great original, inspired by the One Holy Spirit.-M'Cosh's "Method of Divine Government Physical and Moral.”


"WHAT? know ye not that your body | than to behold iniquity, should stop to is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" 1 Corinth. vi. 19. In these words we have the revelation of the mind of God. Will God in very deed condescend to take up his dwelling in the hearts of his chosen people, that he may sanctify them by his presence, and meeten them for the purer joys above? How awful are these truths, specially when we consider the atmosphere in which we live, and the innate corruption of our nature! When we contemplate the natural forgetfulness of God within, the selfish idolatry, the proneness to forsake the paths of holiness, the cleaving to the dust, the vanity of thought, worldly desires, disinclination to self-denial, the grasping of fleeting shadows, and secret evils too many to enumerate, we may well lie prostrate before his footstool, and wonder at the declaration so graciously made, that He who is of purer eyes

manifest his love so marvellously to the children of fallen Adam. And yet such is the fact, great and glorious as it appears on the sacred page. What an instructive lesson is here afforded of the distinction conferred on all who are called according to His purpose! They are made partakers of his grace, that he, the Infinite and Eternal One, may dwell in them and abide with them, as a family whom he delights to honour. Such honour have all his saints. He first calls them, then justifies them, and then adopts them, that he may manifest himself to them as he does not unto the world. He forms his temple out of rude materials, puts the stones into the building, each in its proper place, polishes them according to his own fashion, fits them all in their order, so as to form one beautiful design of grace, complete in Christ, as the key-stone to the entire structure. How astonishing that God should look on a rude and

rough stone, and determine to make it a glorious part of his living temple, the church, to shine on earth by the lustre of his grace, to shine in heaven the perfection of his glory! This is God's work, beyond the conception of an archangel's mind, and unfathomable as the mighty deep. The more we ponder on a subject so mysterious, so incomprehensible, the more we are lost in admiration that the ever-blessed God should so exalt frail, sinful nature by | the manifestation of such a wonderful work. "For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people," 2 Corinth. vi. 16. The language is clear, decisive, forcible, that we may fully comprehend the mind of the | Spirit. We cannot fail to be struck with the dignity and privilege conferred on all who love God. They are precious in his sight, chosen by him, appointed to form a living temple, to be dedicated as a perpetual offering to his glory and praise. So great is this distinguishing mercy, that all the grandeur of the world, dazzling as it may appear, is like a meteor in comparison to the glory which pertains to them. When we reflect on our high and holy vocation, as the peculiar people of God, "what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness," seeking to do the Divine will, and to accomplish the great design for which we were sent into the world. As the stones in a building are closely united, compact, and firm, so as to give beauty and strength to the structure, so are Christians, as living stones of the spiritual temple, to form a bond of union, constant, inseparable, even unto death. We discover in the layers of stone in a building various shades of colour, size, and shape, according to the skill or taste of the architect, but all combining to complete in just proportion one entire plan of artistic workmanship. Thus, in the spiritual temple, the church,


which is his body, we find shades of difference existing in non-essentials; the stones presenting diverse forms and colours, but all beautified by the Divine Architect, to present a sight wonderful as it is glorious. The design is union; and whatever may be the distinctive character of the living stones, size or dimension, in this universal temple, we are taught that all are built on one foundation, fashioned by the Divine hand, and moulded by his Spirit. What a beautiful sight to contemplate a building made by God, erected by his allcreating power, designed on earth to manifest the attributes of his glorious character, and hereafter to stand as the monument of the vast plan of human redemption, eternal in the heavens! There is no spectacle more delightful to witness than the members of a church living in harmony and holy fellowship, united and blended by the strong ties of love and brotherly affection. The spiritual temple then stands forth as a light unto the world,-like a city set on a hill, reflecting its brightness far and wide. In proportion to the growth and development of spiritual principles, will be the union existing among the churches of Christ, and qualification for great and increasing usefulness in sowing the seeds of Divine truth. It is when we shall behold the church, laying aside all party distinctions, putting on her glorious attire, having one common object to carry out the great designs of the great Master Builder in the conversion of the world-that times of refreshing may be expected to renovate the face of the earth with spiritual increase. The prosperity of a church may be traced up to union and concord prevailing among its members; and wherever the unity of this vital principle predominates in the spiritual body, we may rest assured that God will eminently and effectually bless the efforts that are made to raise the dead to life. The temple is reared by the hand of God, according to his own purpose, and


is destined by him to form a glorious church, without spot or blemish, and to fill the whole earth. Our Saviour's prayer was, that all his followers might be one; and it is when this prayer shall be fully answered, and union be the rule in the universal church, that we shall see the earth beautified with holiness, and the fruits of righteousness abound. There is strength in union, beauty, order, symmetry; and when the living stones in the spiritual building shall reflect the glory of the Lord, and shed their light on the moral darkness which now blinds mankind, the kingdoms of this world will turn unto the Lord. Christians are not their own: they are lively stones, a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Their individual aim must be unity-one spirit, one faith, one hope, one Master to glorify; their labour the labour of love, not merely in its exhibition to each other in the graces of the Spirit, but as examples of faith and love to all. As precious stones of the living Temple, they are to shine by a borrowed

light from their glorious Centre, in whom is hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. To reflect his image, to manifest his love, to dwell together in the bond of charity, they must receive of his fulness grace for grace, and then shall they realise the blessing that they are bought with a price, and be prepared to carry out the gracious purposes of their Divine Master. Thus, "the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord," the pillar and groundwork of the truth, the living witness, and depository of the inspired Word to dispel the shadows of earth, and enlighten the moral darkness with its heavenly radiance. When the church, refined and purified, shall stand forth as a lighthouse to the nations of the earth in all her spiritual and moral beauty, without the touch of human systems to mar her glorious progress, then will the dews of heaven descend to water and refresh the earth, so that the wilderness shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. F. S. G. Tiverton, February 1st, 1852.


MR. EDITOR,-Last Sunday our sacramental collection was given to the widows of our beloved missionaries. We realized over ten pounds; which is two pounds more than last year. We hope to go on improving at the rate of two pounds a year, until we reach fifty! Why not? An increase of members, and an increase of piety, will do it.

A very affecting case occurred just at the time, which will introduce another widow. It happened on Saturday that the farm of one of our widows was in flames; and even while we were at the Lord's table, the fire was scarcely extinguished. Particular mention of this was made to the congregation, and we

united in commending the widow and family to God in prayer.

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After the service, one of the new members came into the vestry, and said to me, "I wish to see our widowed sister whose property has been burnt." "If you will go with me, I will take you in my conveyance." When do you intend to go, sir?" "To-morrow morning at nine." One of the deacons then interposed, and said, "If you could defer your visit until Tuesday, it would be better, as the people will be much engaged to-morrow in removing the half-burnt hay, &c. &c." "That is just the point," said the sympathizing brother; "I wish to know if she wants any

hay." "Do you intend to give her some hay?" I inquired. He answered, Yes; I do." " Very well, sir; then we will go."


Monday morning we were there, viewing the desolations made by the fire. We next went to see the widow. Her heart was full of troubles; but, after a little, she turned to the bright side. My life is spared, my children are spared, my cattle are spared." And are your waggons burnt?" said my friend. "No." "Are your horses injured?" "No." "Then, if you please, send your waggon and horses to my farm, and I will send you a waggonload of hay."

The widow was silent. She looked at her benefactor, the tears gathered in her eyes, and her lips uttered this memorable sentence, "The Lord reward you."

My heart filled with joy at the whole

transaction, and I could not help say. ing, "The Lord has rewarded him already, by giving him the disposition and the ability to help you."

Oh, dear Doctor, how wonderful are the movements of the Spirit of God! How easily can he make a widow's heart to sing for joy! How beautiful it is to see the fruits of grace in young converts! As you devote so large a portion of your labours to aid the widows of ministers at home, I thought you would like to know how kindness, shown to widows of missionaries, reacts on the widows of farmers.

Please to give this a place in the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE. Who knows but God may bless it to some of your wealthy readers, to look out for, and help some suffering widows in their own locality?

Chester, 1852.



I PERCEIVE from the last two Numbers of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, that one of your writers has made animadversions on the part of my Introduction to the New Testament which relates to the Apocalypse. His zeal seems to be great; but his knowledge is scarcely in proportion to that zeal. Had he not made incorrect statements respecting me, I should not have troubled you with a line; for I hope my time can be better occupied than in replying to the anonymous effusions of a writer in the EVANGELICAL. But as, in his haste, he has seen fit to deal in assertions respecting me which are not founded in fact, I purpose pointing out his errors as briefly as I can. I refrain from a reply. Indeed, I should never think of replying to the writer in question. He may nibble away at the corners of my arguments as long as he pleases, misrepresenting my meaning, as I see he has done in various instances; but I shall not reply. I am sincerely anxious for truth; and I shall never willingly enter the lists with a masked writer whose evident object is to uphold current opinions at all hazards, and to disparage every deviation from them. I have some half dozen students in my class who are quite competent to overturn all that he

has written in the pages of the MAGAZINE; and I should ask one of them to do so, were it worth while to reply.

You are perhaps aware that I have examined no fewer than nine arguments in favour of the year-day theory, the weightiest I could find any where; that I have quoted six direct arguments against it from Maitland, and then endeavoured to answer Elliott's supposed refutation of them; that I have carefully separated the subject from every theory of interpretation applied to the book, so that all the arguments might stand or fall independently of particular expositions. Now a person wishing honestly to get at the truth, and disposed to follow it honestly, would have stated these arguments in detail, as I have given them, and examined them closely; adopting or rejecting the result to which they lead, after such candid investigation. But your correspondent has not attempted anything of this kind. He has not stated one of them fully. He has given pieces and scraps here and there in the most arbitrary way. Hence, every one will see that the aim is not to get at the truth, if possible, but rather, with blind anti-papal zeal, to decry fair and free inquiry. A little spice o mis

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