his opinion of the necessity of improving the education of the young, by giving an efficient training to those who were to instruct them; and stated, that among the more interesting proceedings of the past year, was the holding of two conferences upon the great subject of education, which had had the effect of obtaining for the Association a larger amount of attention than it had hitherto received, and had also called forth a considerable amount of pecuniary help. The Secretary then read the Report, which, after a general reference to the principles on which the Association was based, proceeded to a statement of the progress made during the past year, both at home and abroad. The Treasurer's account showed that there was a balance in hand of £561 8s. 6d. The Rev. J. B. Brown, B.A., in moving the adoption of the Report, and the appointment of the Committee for the ensuing year, spoke at some length in favour of the Association, insisting strongly upon the importance of connecting religion with education. The Rev. S. Green briefly seconded the resolution. The Rev. J. H. Hinton, M.A., in moving the second resolution, said, that the Association held principles with which he thoroughly accorded, and the progress of which he had watched with the greatest interest. The Rev. W. Brock moved the third resolution, and referred to the extent and influence of education, more especially in connection with Sunday-schools, in the town of Stockport. The Rev. D. Thomas seconded the resolution. A vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was duly acknowledged, closed the meeting. SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. THE Forty-ninth Anniversary of the Sunday School Union took place on Thursday evening, May 6th, in Exeter Hall, which was, as usual, completely crowded in every part, and presented a most interesting and animating scene. After a hymn had been sung, and the Divine blessing supplicated by the Rev. J. W. Richardson, the Chairman, Alfred Rooker, Esq., Mayor of Plymouth, opened the business of the evening, with expressing the deep interest he had long taken in Sabbath-school instruction. W. H. Watson, Esq., one of the Secretaries, read the Report, which gave a summary of the operations of the Union during the year, in England, France, South Africa, Van Diemen's Land, Australia, New Zealand, the East and West Indies, Central America, &c. Eight grants for buildings, and 209 for libraries, had been made. Deputations from the Parent Society had visited many of the local Unions, and the Committee had taken advantage of many country teachers being in the metropolis, during the last summer, to arrange a VOL. XXX. series of weekly conferences, on subjects of great importance, in connexion with their work. The sales at the Depository had amounted to £10,080 78. Id., being £303 188. 3d. more than those of the previous year. The Report also stated, that there were now 345 schools, 7258 teachers, and 75,657 scholars, connected with the Union. The Earl of Roden had retired from the Presidency, and W. B. Gurney, Esq., the founder, and first Secretary, had accepted that office. The vacant Treasurership, thus created, had been filled by Mr. Alderman Challis. The meeting was powerfully addressed by the Revs. D. Katterns, L. Wiseman, Dr. Dyer, G. Rose, and W. Brock, and T. Thompson, Esq. After a vote of thanks to the Chairman, a hymn was sung, and the vast assembly retired, evidently much pleased with the proceedings of the evening. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. THE above Society held its Fifty-third Anniversary Meeting, at Exeter Hall, on Friday evening, May 7th. The chair was occupied by the Earl of Chichester. The large building was well filled, and the platform crowded with the more prominent friends of the Society. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. Henderson, after which, the Chairman briefly addressed the meeting. He expressed his admiration of the Catholic character of the Institution, of its various estimable publications, and of the very judicious way in which it had ministered to the growing intelligence and wants of the age. The Report glanced at the Society's operations throughout the world. In reviewing the Home proceedings, especial reference was made to the efforts directed against Popery, and the publication of the "Leisure Hour,"a periodical designed to supplant the cheap, vicious literature which so abounds. During the year, 760 libraries had been granted, exclusive of books to ministers and schoolmasters for their own private use. The new publications had been 174: while the total issues of the Society amounted to 22,546.747. The entire receipts had been £68,126, being an increase on the past year of £5957. resolutions were ably spoken to by the Rev. T. R. Birks, Rev. G. Smith, the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel, Rev. W. W. Champneys, M.A., Dr. Johns, M. De Watteville, Rev. J. Weir, and Rev. C. Prest, who testified to the increasing prosperity and usefulness of this valuable Society. The proceedings terminated with singing the Doxology. LONDON CITY MISSION. The THE Anniversary Meeting of this useful and flourishing Society was held on Thursday, May 6th, at Exeter Hall. The chair was 2 A taken, at eleven o'clock, by Sir E. N. Buxton, in the absence of J. Plumptre, Esq., M.P., who was prevented, by illness, from attending. The Rev. J. Robinson gave out a hymn, and engaged in prayer, after which, the Chairman expressed his entire concurrence in the principles and operations of the Society. The Annual Report of the Committee was then read, which commenced with taking a glance at the present state of the masses of the London population, and showed that the efforts of the Missions had been vigorously sustained; while the increasing support which had been given, afforded enlarged ground for encouragement and hope. Reference was made to the special exertions of the Society in connexion with the Great Exhibition. The present number of Missionaries employed was 270; there having been an increase of 25 during the year. The Report also alluded to country Auxiliaries, with marked commendation of one formed in Sunderland. The receipts of the Society for the year were £23,216 17s. 4d., being an increase on the previous year of £162 18s. An additional sum of £125 4s. had been received for the disabled Missionaries' Fund, and £124 9s. towards the erection of a few almshouses, in one of the suburbs, which would serve as an asylum for incapacitated Missionaries and their families. The circulation of tracts had been quite unprecedented, owing to the large numbers given away at the Crystal Palace. 5986 children had been sent to school; and 2041 adults induced to attend public worship: 384 drunkards had been reformed; 438 fallen women reclaimed, and lodged in asylums; and 35 restored to their homes; while 300 families had been persuaded to commence private prayer. The assembly was very effectively addressed by the Rev. W. W. Champneys, M.A., Chevalier Bunsen, Rev. J. C. Harrison, Rev. W. Arthur, the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel, Rev. J. M. Hussey, Rev. W. Blood, Rev. J. Garwood, and J. Foster, Esq. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting, which was felt to be peculiarly interesting and animating. BAPTIST HOME MISSION. THIS useful Society held its Annual Meeting on Monday evening, the 26th of April, under the presidency of S. Leonard, Esq. The Rev. W. Larom having opened the proceedings with prayer, the Chairman made a very suitable introductory speech, in which he expressed his increasing attachment to the Baptist Home Mission, whose object it was more widely to diffuse the gospel of Christ amongst populous and neglected districts of our own beloved country. The Rev. S. J. Davies, the Secretary, read an abstract of the Report, which gave detailed information of the Society's operations during the year, and of the encouraging success which had attended the labours of the Missionaries, in their various districts. The total number of Missionaries and Grantees assisted had been 91, who were aided in village preaching, the distribution of tracts, and similar modes of usefulness, by about 200 " fellow-helpers to the truth." The gospel had been preached by them every week, in 270 different places, to upwards of 20,000 of our countrymen. There were 94 Sabbath-schools, 867 teachers, and 6406 scholars; and 405 persons had been added to the Mission churches during the year. The Treasurer's account showed that the receipts for the year ending March 31st, 1852, amounted to £3865 7s. 3d., and the expenditure to £4269 7s. 7d. The meeting was effectively addressed by the Rev. E. Griffiths, Rev. J. Landells, Rev. C. Stovel, the Hon. and Rev. B. Noel, Mr. Sanders, and Mr. Baker; after which the benediction was pronounced, and the proceedings terminated. BAPTIST IRISH SOCIETY. THE Annual Meeting of the above Society was held at Finsbury Chapel, on Tuesday evening, the 27th of April, when the chair was taken by J. Tritton, Esq. The proceedings of the evening were commenced with singing and prayer, after which the Chairman expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to preside on that occasion, and the more especially, as it would be seen from the Report, that the past year had been one of the most encouraging in the Society's operations, and the most gratifying in the whole course of the Society's history. The Rev. W. Groser, the Secretary, was then called upon to read the Report, which was principally of a statistical character, and from which it appeared that the debt of £1828 4s. 1d. remaining against the Society at its last anniversary, had been reduced to £449 10s. 7d. We were happy to learn that the Society might be regarded as being in a very prosperous condition, and that its labours had not been in vain. The first resolution was ably moved by the Rev. N. B. Bowes, and seconded, in an excellent speech, by the Rev. S. Manning, M.A. A resolution, nominating the officers for the ensuing year, was then moved by the Rev. B. C. Young, and seconded by the Rev. N. Haycroft. A liberal collection was made, and the doxology and benediction closed the interesting engagements of the evening. AGED PILGRIMS' SOCIETY. THE Anniversary Meeting of this Society, instituted in 1806, was held at the London Tavern, on Monday evening, the 26th of April, when the large room was well filled. The chair was occupied by H. Pownall, Esq., who introduced the business of the evening by expressing his unabated attachment to the Society, and by promising to give it his continued and zealous support. Mr. Box, the Secretary, then read a very interesting Report, from which we found that the number of pensioners upon the Society's | fund was larger than usual, and that many of those who had thus received relief would have been utterly destitute, if such a Society had not been in existence. On the motion of the Rev. R. W. Dibdin, seconded by Mr. Alderman Wire, the Report was adopted. A resolution, according the Society's tribute of love and esteem for the memory of the late Rev. J. Irons, one of its warmest advocates and supporters, was moved by the Rev. J. W. Gillen, and powerfully seconded by the Rev. W. Leask. The Rev. C. Gilbert, in a brief but very appropriate speech, moved the re-appointment of the Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee, with thanks for their long and gratuitous services to the Society, which was seconded by the Rev. J. Stent. A vote of thanks to the Chairman was then moved by the Rev. Mr. Bloomfield, and seconded by the Rev. C. Woollacott, which was duly acknowledged. The doxology was then sung, and the meeting separated. WEEKLY TRACT SOCIETY. THE Annual Meeting of this very useful Society was held at Freemasons' Hall, on Friday evening, April 30th. and presented the balance-sheet, from which it appeared that the receipts for the year had been £339 168. 4d., and the expenditure £277 16s. 3d. The Rev. J. B. Brown, B.A., in moving the first resolution, referred, in very striking terms, to the tremendous power of the printing-press for good or for evil; and congratulated the Society on its position and its prospects. This resolution was seconded by the Rev. W. Kirkus, B.A., who trusted that all present would co-operate with the Society, in its simple but praiseworthy efforts to do good to man, and to bring glory to God. Mr. Palliser related several striking and encouraging instances of the benefits which had resulted from the circulation of the tracts issued by the Society. The Rev. J. Leechman, M.A., the Rev. J. G. Pigg, B.A., Lieutenant Blackmore, and Mr. Murphy, also addressed the meeting, which was well sustained; while in the minds of all present there appeared to be a deep conviction of the usefulness of this young but valuable Society. CONGREGATIONAL UNION. THE Annual Meeting of the Congregational Union of England and Wales was held at New Broad-street Chapel, on Tuesday morning, May 11th, at half-past nine o'clock. We were pleased to observe an unusually large attendance of members and of visitors, who were admitted to the galleries by ticket. The session was opened with a devotional exercise, after which, the Rev. Dr. Harris presided, according to arrangement, and delivered the introductory address, which was listened to with the greatest attention, and was considered by all present as being most comprehensive, appropriate, and im The room was well filled, and the proceed-pressive,-alike worthy of the occasion, and ings were of an exceedingly interesting cha racter. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. Alderman Kershaw, who had been announced to take the chair, Mr. Garlick, the Treasurer, presided. Prayer having been offered, the Secretary opened the business by reading the Report, which stated that the Society had made the most gratifying progress during the year, and was being increasingly appreciated. Such had been the demand for the tracts, both in town and country, that the Society had been induced to issue 5000 weekly, exclusive of those published on special occasions. of his own high reputation. The first resolution was one of thanks to the Chairman for his very admirable address, accompanied with the request that he would permit it to be printed, and circulated in the form of a tract. This was proposed by Dr. Ferguson, seconded by the Rev. E. Mannering, and carried by acclamation. The Revs. J. Geikie, J. Henson, and two foreign pastors, the one from Switzerland, and the other from France, were introduced to the assembly by the Rev. T. James and the Secretary-the Chairman, in the name of the brethren, giving them a cordial greeting. The Rev. G. Smith then read the Report of the Committee, which was deemed highly satisfactory, and which spoke of the increasing sale of the "Christian Wit The total number published and circulated in the course of the year had been 199,000. During the time the Great Exhibition was open, 40,000 eight-page tracts had been pub-ness," the " Penny Magazine," and the "Hymn lished and circulated by the Society, in the English and Continental languages, and were gratuitously distributed among the visitors. The Chairman then expressed his growing conviction of the importance of the Society, Book;" while it made a very touching reference to the loss the Union had sustained in the death of the Rev. W. S. Palmer, one of its Secretaries. The Rev. Dr. Morison, with his accustomed energy and ability, moved The paper which had been prepared by the Rev. E. Jones, was, for want of time, postponed till the next Autumnal Meeting, which is to be held at Bradford. Various resolutions of a routine and business character were submitted to the meeting during the day. The assembly adjourned about three o'clock, under a deep conviction of the increasing importance and value of the Congregational Union, whose entire proceedings, this year, had been particularly interesting and harmonious. CONGREGATIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. the adoption of the Report, and said, that | Christian Churches adequately to sustain he regarded it as a subject of congratula- their own Pastors." tion, that they had been enabled, for nearly twenty-two years, annually to meet for the transaction of various and complicated matters of business, in a spirit which he considered to be in harmony with that feeling of Christian love, which it ought to be the object and aim of that Union to cultivate. Dr. M. also expressed his full conviction that the Rev. G. Smith, the new Secretary, by his tact in business, and diligence in the trusts committed to him, would do good service to the Union. The Rev. Dr. Brown cordially seconded the resolution. The officers and committee for the ensuing year were then nominated by the Rev. J. Kelly, and secondled by the Rev. J. Alexander. The Rev. T. James next submitted a brief Report of the British Missions; after which, the Chairman called upon the Secretary to read the Report of the Special Committee appointed at the last autumnal meeting, to inquire into the working of that organization. Those parts of the Report which referred to the Colonial and Home Missions were at once unanimously adopted. On that part which related to the Irish Evangelical Society, a long and important discussion took place, in the course of which a great deal of highly valuable information was elicited, from several ministers who had laboured in different parts of Ireland. The benediction was then pronounced, and the assembly adjourned to Radley's Hotel, where a cold collation had been provided. After dinner, the delegates, who were officially introduced to the meeting in the morning, Mr. Douglas, Jun., and other gentlemen, delivered brief addresses. The Union resumed its sitting on Friday morning. After the devotional exercises, the Rev. J. Davies introduced to the meeting two foreign brethren, M. B. de Watteville, and M. W. Turrettini, who were very cordially received. A resolution of thanks to the able and indefatigable Editor of the Magazines, was moved by Dr. Burder, in a most suitable speech, and very appropriately seconded by the Rev. J. A. James. Dr. Morison said he could not refrain from being a volunteer on that occasion, and expressed, in the most kind and generous spirit, his hearty concurrence in the remarks which had been made in reference to Dr. Campbell, for whom he entertained the warmest esteem and affection. The Revs. A. Reed, B.A., and J. G. Miall, supported the resolution, which was adopted unanimously. Dr. Campbell then rose, and stated how fully he reciprocated the feeling evinced that morning, which would greatly tend to cheer him in his arduous work. Two admirable papers were then read,—the one by the Rev. J. Viney, on "British Missions," and the other by E. Swaine, Esq., "On the Duty of THE Annual Meeting of the Congregational Board of Education was held at Crosby Hall, on Wednesday evening, May the 12th, S. Morley, Esq., the excellent Treasurer, presiding. The Rev. J. N. Goulty having offered prayer, the Chairman introduced the business of the evening, in a brief but admirable speech. The Rev. J. Viney read the Report, which gave a condensed view of the labours of the Committee during the year. We found that ten male and fifteen female teachers had been appointed to Schools; while there were daily gathered under the care of teachers, trained by the Board, many thousands of children, in different parts of the country. Reference was made to the large number of public meetings, lectures, and conferences, which had taken place since the last Anniversary. The "Educator," a quarterly periodical, which commenced last May, had secured a permanent place in our literature. The sale of school · materials, at reduced prices, had considerably increased. Homerton College, sacred to Nonconformity, had been thoroughly adapted to the purposes and requirements of the Board, and was now occupied by the Principal and pupils. A legacy of £200 had been bequeathed by the late E. Wilcocks, Esq., of Alphington, Devon. The interesting Report concluded with a warm appeal for increased contributions, and with expressions of devout gratitude to God, for what had already been accomplished. The first resolution was moved by the Rev. T. Adkins, who congratulated the Board upon the progress which the question of Education had made in this country. The Rev. S. Curwen seconded the resolution, and exposed the fallacies which were abroad on that subject. Mr. Alderman Wire, in supporting the resolution, expressed himself perfectly satisfied, after having given the matter the most deliberate consideration, that the only true system upon which the people could be educated, was that adopted and recommended by the Congregational Board. Alfred Rooker, Esq., moved the next resolution, and stated his firm opinion that voluntary effort, rightly cherished and duly sustained, was adequate to the great work in which they were engaged. The Rev. A. E. Pearce seconded the resolution, and announced his full belief that the inquiry which was proceeding in the House of Commons would be triumphantly in favour of the principles they had met that evening to advocate. Sir J. B. Williams moved, and the Rev. J. Kelly seconded, a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was appropriately acknowledged, and the proceedings terminated. BRITISH MISSIONS. THE Anniversary Meeting of British Missions, comprising the Home Missionary, the Irish Evangelical, and Colonial Societies, took place in Exeter Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 12th, when the chair was occupied by C. Hindley, Esq., M.P. A hymn having been sung, and prayer offered by the Rev. R. Hamilton, the Chairman, after expressing his undiminished attachment to the important Societies, represented under the appropriate name British Missions, made reference, in most affecting terms, to the fact that Dr. Matheson, and the Rev. Algernon Wells, who on former occasions had given a spirit and a power to their meetings never to be forgotten, were not with them that evening; and concluded his introductory remarks by commending the cause they had met to advance to their notice and affection. The Rev. Dr. Massie then read the Annual Report of the affiliated Societies. We were glad to learn that the efforts of the Home Missionary Society, in the towns, and especially in the metropolis, had been conducted with most hopeful indications of efficiency. The Society now employed 47 agents, who occupied 122 stations. Their hearers might be computed at nearly 40,000, and the church members at nearly 5000. During the year 6 new stations had been adopted, and 14 new agents or grantees employed. The entire receipts had amounted to £5646 16s. 9d. The Report stated, in reference to Ireland, that the sum contributed by several of the churches for the support of the Irish Evangelical Society, during the year, had exceeded any local contribution in former years; while it expressed deep regret at the lack of men who appeared fully qualified to go forth, as messengers of the Gospel, to the sister country. Allusion was made to the new arrangements for conducting the future operations of this interesting and important Society. The receipts had been £2217 68. 7d., and the disbursements £1756 4s. 6d. We were gratified to perceive, from the Report, that the churches planted and watered by the Colonial Missionary Society were thriving, and that the Society, in its various departments, was in a very satisfactory and promising condition. The income for the year had been £3275 14s. 2d., and the expenditure £2966 8s. The Revs. Dr. Morison, W. Kirkus, B.A., J. G. Miall, A. Reed, B.A., J. Henson, W. Leask, and E. Morley, very effectively addressed the meeting, in favour of the various resolutions of the evening. N.B.-Notices of all the other important Societies will appear in the July Magazine. WEST OF ENGLAND DISSENTERS' PROPRIETARY SCHOOL, TAUNTON. We have much pleasure in referring our readers to an advertisement on our cover, of the West of England Dissenters' Proprietary School, Taunton,- an institution which has acquired for itself a high and honourable distinction. We can commend it with confidence to Christian parents and guardians, for its economy, efficiency, and eminently religious character. THETFORD. THE ordination of the Rev. Martin Reed to the pastoral office over the church and congregation assembled in the Independent Chapel, Thetford, took place on Thursday, May 6. The Rev. Browne, of North Walsham, introduced the services with reading and prayer: the Rev. Andrew Reed, B.A., of Norwich, then delivered a very able discourse on the constitution and principles of Congregational Churches. The Rev. J. S. Russell, M.A., of Yarmouth, proposed the usual questions and received the confession of faith: the Rev. Dr. Reed, of London, offered the ordination prayer, with imposition of hands, and the Rev. John Alexander, of Norwich, delivered a most affectionate and impressive charge. The various devotional services were conducted by the Revs. - Howard, of Norwich; Guenett, of Bury; Warren, of Wattesfield; Richardson, of Barton Mills; and Matthews, of Brandon-an excellent sermon being preached in the evening to the people, by the Rev. W. A. Hundall, of Bishop's Stortford. In the afternoon a large party dined together in the Town Hall. dinner, among other interesting occurrences was that of the presentation of a testimonial to the Rev. Martin Reed, from the Church and Congregation assembling in Wycliffe Chapel, by a deputation consisting of two Deacons, Messrs. W. Langford and S. Sargent, of London. Brief speeches upon important topics were delivered by several of the ministers already named, together with C. Fison, Esq., (Mayor of Thetford,) Mr. Charles Reed, of London, and Messrs. Brown and Christopher of Thetford. After |