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"WITH visitors from England, the conversation at the breakfast-table turned frequently upon the English Establishment, of which Dr. Chalmers had been an ardent admirer, but whose cause he felt less confidence in advocating after the inroad of Puseyism, and the absence or the impotence of all attempts to check it. In speaking of Apostolic Succession,' says one of his English visitors, he told us of a summary which Dr. Campbell of Aberdeen had made of the difficulties of that

question, which had always appeared to him most excellent. Campbell conducts his inquiry relative to Apostolic Succession by putting three questions:

Where is it? how is it? and what is it-and, after a learned disquisition, concludes in some such terms as these: We find, therefore, that it is a something nobody knows where, contrived and produced nobody knows how, and leading to consequences nobody knows what."Dr. Chalmers's Memoirs, vol. iv.


"In his domestic intercourse with his daughters, there was much playful familiarity. Finding one of them sitting alone in a room,—'Well, my dear

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"Hail, mildly pleasing solitude, Companion of the wise and good;" but I'm no for us growing perfectly uncognizant of one another, sitting in corners like sae mony cats.' After some of his public appearances, when he came home exhausted, his daughters would gather round him as he lay at ease in his arm-chair. One would play Scotch music, another shampoo his fect, (a very frequent, and to him always a very agreeable operation,) a third would talk nonsense and set him in fits of laughter. At such times, in a

mock heroic way, he would repeat Scott's lines

'O woman, in our hours of ease,' &c. A spirit of chivalry ran through all his intercourse with his daughters: they not only ministered to his comfort in the hours of relaxation, he made them companions, as it were, of his public life, and sought their intellectual sympathy with his even highest exercise of thought." - Dr. Chalmers's Memoirs, vol. iv.


"His youthful freshness of feeling imparted a singular charm to his man

ners and conversation. Even when verging on old age, he was very strik vivacious and unsuspecting boyhood. ingly characterized by the simplicity of Of this peculiarity he was himself quite conscious, and I have heard him more than once allude to it. Having equipped himself one evening to go to Edinburgh, he appeared to have outgrown his ordinary dimensions-the pockets of his great-coat being well stuffed, I think with books and pamphlets. This occasioned some merriment, in which he heartily joined. Placing his hands on his sides, he went on to say, 'I have now somewhat of the solidity and gravity, and somewhat also of the breadth of middle age, but I can scarcely shake off the feeling of my boyhood. I remember, Mr. Cowper, when I was a student at St. Andrew's, with what profound veneration I regarded the Professors; when I came to be a Professor there myself, I used to wonder if these gilpies could have the same feeling towards me.'

"I may give another instance equally characteristic. A steep, wooded bank, overhanging the sea, commences about a mile and a half to the west of Burntisland, and terminates near the village of Aberdour. Here Dr. Chalmers de

lighted to ramble, and great was his | back into the scenes of his boyhood, satisfaction when he had one or two and, looking blandly down upon the friends along with him to explore the companions of his walk, gave vent to Haws-for such is the name of the his feelings in a very curious and racy locality. One day, on reaching the strain of observation: the purport of it west end of the Haws, we found the was that he felt it very difficult to realgate locked, and as we intended to pro- ize his progress in life, and that there ceed to Aberdour, we had to scale the was often a great contrast between his wall. Dr. Chalmers declined the offer feelings and his years. When I meet,' of assistance, feeling assured that he he said, 'a respectable matron, who is was quite competent to the task himself. | perhaps a dozen years younger than He soon succeeded in planting himself myself, I feel quite disposed to look up on the top of the wall, but felt it ex- to her with the same sort of veneration pedient to rest for a little before attempt that I felt when I was a boy.'"-Dr. ing to come down. Perched on this Chalmers's Memoirs, vol. iv. rustic eminence, he felt as if carried

Review of Religious Publications.

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THESE are Memoirs of no ordinary men. Endowed with great mental energy, well educated, and highly connected, they occupied positions of eminence, both in general society and in the Church of Christ. They were the sons of Captain James Haldane, and the nephews of Admiral Duncan. Mr. Robert Haldane succeeded his father in the valuable estate of Airthrey, near Stirling. In his seventeenth year he entered the Royal Navy; as did also his brother, at the same age, five years afterwards. Both the brothers distinguished themselves by their courage and their skill, and were soon regarded as officers of great promise by their superiors in command.

"Between 1779 and 1787, Gosport was the head quarters of Lord Duncan, their uncle, and thus they were brought much into contact with Dr. Bogue, to whom they became much attached. They attended his ministry, and by him they were directed in their course of reading, and in their choice of books, both on shore and at sea.

"Robert Haldane was only in his twentieth year when the peace of 1783 brought his short but active and eventful career in the navy to a close. The real business of his useful life did not begin for twelve years afterwards, when his brother also quitted the


sea, with a mind impressed with the littleness of time and the magnitude of eternity. In 1785 he was married to a daughter of Richard Oswald, Esq., M.P. for Ayrshire. The union was destined to prove long and happy. It lasted nearly fifty-seven years, and Mrs. Haldane was singularly adapted to be a true help-meet in all his future plans and designs of usefulness.

"For three generations the family had possessed the chief interest in one of the East India Company's regular chartered ships. At the time when James Haldane first went to sea, Captain Dundas held the command of the Melville Castle, Indiaman; but an arrangement provided, that as soon as James Haldane attained the age which qualified him for the command, Captain Dundas should retire. He went his first voyage as midshipman in the Duke of Montrose,' where his conduct was highly exemplary. He made, in all, four voyages to India and China. In less than a month after his return from his fourth voyage, he attained the age of twenty-five, and having passed the necessary examinations, he was pronounced fully qualified to command an Indiaman. Shortly afterwards he was nominated to the 'Melville Castle;' and the ship was ordered to be in the Downs at the beginning of the following January: and it was expected to sail with the East India fleet, then consisting of twentyfive ships. But after all was ready, there were various circumstances which combined for their detention."

Soon after his appointment to the "Melville

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Castle," Mr. James Haldane was married to the daughter of Major Joass, Deputy Governor of Stirling Castle, and nearly related to Sir Ralph Abercrombie. It was now the earnest desire of his brother, Mr. Robert Haldane, that he would settle at home. When, therefore, he heard that an opportunity occurred of disposing of the command for the sum of £9000, being at the rate of £3000 a voyage, exclusive of the captain's share in the property of the ship and stores, which amounted in all to £6000 additional, Mr. R. Haldane wrote, strongly recommending that this offer should be accepted. His letter decided the matter, and Captain Haldane returned with his wife to Scotland, early in the summer of 1794." After residing for some time at Stirling Castle and at Airthrey, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haldane took a house in Edinburgh, and were led to attend the ministry of the excellent Dr. Walter Buchanan, of whom it was said by Mr. Simeon, that he was a minister whom he thought it one of the greatest blessings of his life to have known. They were also introduced to the Rev. David Black. These good men found him an earnest inquirer into the things of God, but his progress was gradual. On a review of this period of his life, at the time of his ordination to the ministry, he thus expressed himself:-"Many things were then brought to my remembrance which I had learned when young, although they seemed wholly to have escaped while I was living in forgetfulness of God. Instead of those deep convictions which are experienced by some, with much horror of mind, the Lord has rather shewn me the evil of sin in the sufferings of his dear Son, and in the manifestation of that love which, whilst it condemns the past ingratitude, seals the pardon of the believing sinner. In short, I now desire to feel, and hope in some measure that I do feel, as a sinner who looks for salvation freely by grace, and who prefers this method of salvation to every other, because thereby God is glorified and the pride of human glory stained."

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In many respects, similar were the stages of the progress by which his elder brother was brought to the knowledge of Christ and to full decision of character. "His conversion," says his biographer, was neither sudden nor violent. It was the act of God, and, as such, mysterious in its origin, decisive in its character, and effectual in its results. The good seed had been deeply implanted in his own heart, and that of his brother, by the loving piety of an affectionate and God-fearing mother. Both seemed to take pleasure in heavenly things, and the elder expressed an inclination for the ministry. But time went on. The worldwith its amusements, its temptations, its

attractions—seemed gradually to efface the impressions of early piety. But although the incorruptible seed was thus buried, it was not destroyed. It was still destined to spring up, through the life-giving influence of the Holy Spirit." The elder used to say, that "although he traced his turning to God instrumentally to the early instructions of his mother, and never had been entirely without some convictions, from the time he was nine years old, yet that if he were to point out the individual from whom he derived most spiritual light at the beginning of his career, he would mention a journeyman mason, who was employed on some of the works at Airthrey."

At the commencement of the fifth chapter, the biographer makes the following weighty and discriminating remarks. "The current of the narrative has now conducted us to the middle of 1795. In regard to each of the two brothers, the grand crisis of his life was decided, and a change had come over both, the results of which stretch into eternity. Each of them, by the rich mercy of God, had now passed from death unto life. Old things had passed away. The strength of their natural character was now to be developed in relation to nebler and more enduring ends."


"Between the brothers there was much similarity in point of talent and disposition, but there were also strong shades of difference. Both were bold, ardent, and energetic; but in the elder there was a greater infusion of habitual caution. In both there was a deep, natural spring of genuine benevolence; but in the younger brother it was apparent, and his affectionate friendship was, in its generosity and disregard of self, in his earlier years, prone even to overleap the strict bounds of prudence. Robert was more wary and prudent. Yet such are the contradictions that meet us in the analysis of character, that it sometimes happened that Robert Haldane seemed to act upon impulse, when James hesitated and considered."

Mr. Robert Haldane soon began to feel the obligation under which every Christian is laid, to promote the glory of God and the salvation of his fellow-men. "It struck me,” he himself said, "that I was spending my time in the country to little profit, whilst from the command of property which, through the goodness of God, I possessed, I might be somewhere extensively useful." In one of his publications he said: "I had seen the accounts of the Baptist Mission in Bengal, and a strong desire occupied my mind to engage in the honourable service. The object was of such magnitude, that compared with it the affairs of time appeared to sink into nothing, and no sacrifice appeared too great in order to its attainment." About

the end of 1795, the London Missionary Society was instituted, and Mr. Haldane was among the first in Scotland to enrol himself as a member, with a subscription of fifty pounds."

To his friend Dr. Innes, an excellent and attractive minister at Stirling, he proposed, that they should "go to Bengal and spend the remainder of their lives, in endeavouring to communicate the precious truths of the gospel to the Hindoos." "To render the mission as efficient as possible, I wished," says Mr. Haldane, "to take others with me. After Mr. Innes agreed to form one of the Mission, I went to England on purpose to see Mr. Bogue. I saw him at the meeting of the Missionary Society, and afterwards spent some time at his house at Gosport. I was satisfied with his qualifications for the work, and it was late one night, after the rest of the family had retired, that I opened to him my design; and without either hesitation or delay, he gave his consent to accompany me, and expressed the fullest approbation of the plan." He obtained also the consent of Mr. Greville Ewing, who was in high repute for his zeal and eloquence as a minister of the gospel, and also for his critical acquaintance with the Scriptures in their original languages. Others were to be engaged as schoolmasters, catechists, and printers. "For every one concerned, Mr. Haldane was to supply the outfit and passage money, and also to provide an independent competence. For each of his three ministerial coadjutors the sum of £3500 was to have been appropriated. In addition to this, and to secure the Mission from the consequences of his own death, a further sum of £25,000 was to have been invested in the names of trustees."

This was one of the noblest instances of Christian benevolence, personal devotedness, and Missionary ardour, which the history of the church of Christ, in our day, records. Yet the benignant scheme was entirely frustrated by the stern refusal of the East India Company to grant permission to carry it into effect! Although Mr. Wilberforce and Mr. Grant, and some other influential men, befriended it, and although Mr. Secretary Dundas and the Lord Chancellor Rosslyn were family connections of Mr. Haldane, all the efforts and pleadings employed were ineffectual. In the answer of the Court of Directors to Mr. Haldane's application, it was stated, that "however convinced the Court may be of the sincerity of your motives, and the zeal with which you appear to be actuated, yet the Court have weighty and substantial reasons, which induce them to decline a compliance with your request."

Thus this great trading company ventured, by their authoritative prohibition, to exclude the light and truth of the gospel of Christ,

which these talented and devoted men were earnestly solicitous to impart ! "For some time after this," says Mr. Haldane, "I did not lay aside my endeavours to go out to Bengal, and in the mean while was busied in selling my estate. I at length found a purchaser; and with great satisfaction left a place, in the beautifying and improving of which my mind had once been much engrossed. Instead of being engaged in such poor matters, my time is more at my command; and I find my power of applying property usefully very considerably increased. I am satisfied in having made the attempt, although it appeared the will of God that we should not go out."

The sixth chapter recalls the attention of the reader to the change which had taken place in the views and the pursuits of the younger brother. "When Captain James Haldane," says his biographer, "quitted the 'Melville Castle' he would have been greatly startled, had he been then informed that ho was to become a preacher of the gospel. So far as he had any fixed plan, it was to become a landed proprietor, and to lead a quiet, useful, unambitious life." While, however, he was residing in Edinburgh, he became acquainted with Dr. Walter Buchanan and several other distinguished ministers and active laymen, who were intent on doing good. Among the latter, "the foremost place is due to Mr. John Aikman and Mr. John Campbell," afterwards minister of Kingsland Chapel, London. In writing to Mr. Campbell, he said, "there is no one whose preaching, conversation, or writings, have been so useful to me as yourself in the hours we have spent together."

About this time the progress of Mr. J. Haldane, in the spiritual life, was promoted by the sermons and the society of Mr. Simeon, of Cambridge, who visited Edinburgh at the invitation of Dr. W. Buchanan, and who was accompanied by Mr. Haldane on a tour in the Highlands. It was about this period also that Mr. Campbell began to establish Sabbath-schools in Edinburgh and its vicinity. Mr. Haldane accompanied him on some of his visits to these schools; and at length he agreed to take a tour with him for a week to the west of Scotland. On this journey they distributed some thousands of tracts. "In three months afterwards," Mr. Campbell wrote in his journal, we heard that the result of this one week's exertion was the formation of sixty Sabbath evening schools."

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Not long after this Mr. Haldane preached his first sermon at a village near Edinburgh, where a Sabbath-school had been established, and a deep impression was produced. Having been informed of the very low state of religion in many parts of the north of Scotland,

Mr. Haldane and Mr. Aikman resolved on undertaking a tour with the hope of doing good. "This was the first of a series of itinerancies in which Mr. Haldane, at first accompanied by Mr. Aikman, afterwards by Mr. Innes, or by Mr. Campbell, preached in almost every town and populous village in Scotland." The details of these tours, and especially of that in 1797, form a most interesting part of this valuable and spiritstirring volume. The attention awakened by Mr. Haldane's powerful appeals to the conscience and to the heart, and by his clear and simple statements of the truth of the gospel, was singularly great; and very numerous were the instances of conversion by which he was honoured. Many who came from curiosity to hear "the sea captain" were brought under the powerful influence of the word and of the Spirit of God.

His labours in the Orkney Islands, and especially in Caithness, were signally honoured and blessed. Such was the interest excited, that his congregations consisted frequently of not less than three or four thousand persons; and multitudes ascribed their turning to God to his faithful and awakening sermons. Several years later, the Rev. Mr. Cleghorn names, as within his own knowledge, in the small town of Wick alone, forty cases in which there had been a solid work of conversion."

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Soon after this time, the Circus at Edinburgh was engaged for a few months by Mr. Haldane and some of his friends, as a place for worship, with the intention of inviting a succession of ministers from England as preachers. It was opened by the Rev. Rowland Hill, whose preaching attracted a great concourse of hearers, both there and in many other places, especially on the Calton Hill.

This led to the erection, by Mr. Robert Haldane, of a spacious chapel, which was called the Tabernacle, in Leith Walk, Edinburgh, capable of containing more than two thousand persons. Of this chapel Mr. James Haldane became the minister. A church was formed, consisting of more than three hundred members, and Mr. Haldane was solemnly ordained as its pastor. His ministry proved attractive, edifying, and successful. blessing of God evidently accompanied his labours, and rendered them in a high degree effective.


Mr. Robert Haldane now procecded to purchase the Circus at Glasgow, at a cost of £3000, and converted it into a Tabernacle, of which Mr. Ewing was to be the pastor. Not long afterwards, he built a spacious chapel at Dundee, of which Mr. Innes became the minister; and he proceeded to the erection of several others in the principal towns of Scotland. Such was the extent of his liberality and zeal, that, in the course of nine

years, he expended between £50,000 and £60,000 on objects connected with the propagation of the gospel at home. This noble scale of expenditure in promoting the cause of Christ, included his efforts to educate for the ministry a large number of young men of acknowledged piety and competent talents. Some of these he placed under the able tuition of Dr. Bogue, at Gosport. He supported classes of students, successively, under Mr. Ewing, at Glasgow; Mr. Innes, at Dundee; and Messrs. Aikman, Wemyss, and Cowie, at Edinburgh. It is no small evidence of the success of these arrangements, that among the men of God thus trained for the gospel-ministry, there were Dr. Paterson; Dr. Russell, of Dundee; Mr. Orme, and Mr. Smith, of Rotherham; as well as many others eminently useful in the church of Christ.

Many of the ministers thus educated, and the churches over which they presided, enjoyed a very encouraging degree of prosperity and usefulness. It is to be regretted, however, that, after some years, discussions arose which greatly agitated many of the churches, regarding some of the usages of the primitive churches, and the duty of aiming at an entire conformity to their practice. The questions regarding a plurality of elders or ministers in every church, the importance of mutual exhortation on one part of the Lord's-day, or in a weekly service, and of weekly communion in the Lord's supper, were occasions of painful diversity of opinion, and, in some places, of a great diminution in the number of hearers. With great candour these things are admitted and regretted by the biographer. "The attention," he observes, "which at one time they directed to the revival of a primitive form of church polity, is the only part of the career of the Haldanes, in regard to which success was not proportioned to their efforts. Perhaps it was necessary that there should be something practically and visibly to remind those who revered their character, and marked their self-devotion, that they were but feeble and fallible men.”


One of the most important periods of the life and labours of Mr. Robert Haldane was that which he passed at Geneva. He went to reside in that city at the close of the year 1816. He found there a most deplorable state of religion. Arianism and Socinianism prevailed, both among the Pastors, the Professors, and the Students in Theology. Haldane invited the students to his house, which, in the best sense, became a Theological Seminary. To use the words of one of their number:-"Around the venerable Haldane, their true Professor, there gathered habitually more than twenty pupils. He knew the Scriptures like a Christian who has had for his Master the same Holy Spirit by whom they were dictated. Never had so

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