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स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धराम् ।

स विष्ठायां कृमिर्भूत्वा पिटभिः सह मन्नति ॥ ३१ ॥
फालकृष्टां महीं दद्यात् सबीजां सस्य शालिनीम् ।
यावत् सूर्यकृतालाकस्तावत् खर्गे महीयते ॥ ३२ ॥
षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि खर्गे वसति भूमिदः ।

च्याच्छेत्ता चाऽनुमन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥ ३३ ॥
वारिद्दीनेय्वरण्येषु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः ।
कृष्णसर्पस्तु जायन्ते देवब्रह्मख हारिम: * ॥ ३४ ॥
अन्यायेन हृता भमिरन्यायेन तु हारिता |


[ocr errors]

हरतो हारयतश्च ददत्यासप्तमं कुलम् ॥ ३५ ॥
व्यस्मत्कु लक्रमगताः समुदाहरन्ति
व्यन्यैश्च दानमिदमभ्युपमादनीयम् ।

लक्ष्मीश्चला सलिलबुद्बुदवन् नराणां

दानं फलं परमतः परिपालनीयम्। ॥ ३६ ॥

प्रजाहितार्थं स्थितयः प्रणीता

धर्मेषु विद्वान् परिपालयेत ।

यो लोभमोहाद्धरते दुरात्मा

सोऽधो व्रजेद् दुर्गतिमाश्रु कष्टाम् ॥ ३७ ॥
यानीच दत्तानि पुरा नरेन्द्रैर्

दानानि धर्मार्थ यशस्कराणि ।
निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि

को नाम साधुः पुनराददीत ॥ ३८ ॥

* “ Black serpents, abiding in arid hollows of trees, in unwatered wildernesses, do they become who usurp the property of the gods, or of Bráhmans." It need scarcely be remarked, that Hindu land-grants are almost always followed by a number of stanzas pointed at the iniquity of wrongful resumption and such other high-handed proceedings.

At different times, and chiefly in this Journal, I have translated most of the verses appended to our inscription. I therefore confine myself, mostly, to rendering such of them as I have not before had occasion to put, at least from the readings here exhibited, into English.

"They who have come down in our family declare, that this gift ought to be approved by others. Uncertain as a bubble of water is the fortune of men. Donation alone is its fruit. Hence this donation should be maintained." The prosody of these verses is somewhat free.

"The wise should keep up the laws connected with virtue, established for the good of the people. The reprobate who, from avarice, or delusion, shail usurp, will promptly incur a painful hell down below.”

परिपालयेत is very dubious grammar,


भूमिं यः प्रतिगृह्णाति यश्व भूमिं प्रयच्छति ।
उभौ तौ पुण्यकर्माणैौ नियतं खर्गगामिनी ॥ ३८ ॥
शङ्ङ्खा भद्रासनं छत्रं वराश्वा वरवारणाः ।
भूमिदानस्य चिह्नानि फलमेतत् पुरन्दर ॥ ४० ॥
च्यस्मिन् वंशेऽन्यवंशे च यः कश्चिन् नृपतिर्भवेत् ।
तस्याऽहं हस्तलग्नोऽस्मि शासनं न व्यतिक्रमेत्* ॥ ४१ ॥
वाताम्म्रविभ्रममिदं वसुधाधिपत्यम्

च्यापातमात्रमधुरो विषयोपभोगः 1

प्राणास्तृणाग्रजलबिन्दुसमा नराणां

धर्मः सखा परमहा परलोकयाने ॥ ४२ ॥
मदंशजाः परमहीपति वंशजा वा
पापादपेतमनसो भुवि भाविभूपाः ।

ये पालयन्त्यमरविप्रभुवः खराज्ये

तेषां मया विरचितेाऽञ्जलिरेष मूर्धि + ॥ ४३ ॥ व्यभ्यधरस्य पैौत्रेण श्रीधर्मस्य सूनुना लिखितं वत्सराजेन चेदोशदशमूलिना । + पण्डितश्री केशव लिखितम् ॥

* “ Whatever king may be born in this my race, or in another race, I clasp his hands; praying that he will not violate this patent."

+ “To those future kings, on earth,—whether born of my stock, or born of the stocks of other rulers,-who, with minds free from sin, protect, in their realms the lands of the gods and of Bráhmans, I clasp my hands above my head."

In the second quarter of this couplet, the plato has पाषादनतमनसेो. The old decipherment, hazarding a correction, gives : पाषाणदण्डमनसो.

The metres of the foregoing stanzas are as follows:

No. of stanza.

[blocks in formation]

Name of metre.





12, 27.

14, 23.

15, 19, 38.

16, 37.





17, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28,

29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,

35, 39, 40, 41.



† That is to say, the instrument was issued by the lord of Chedi's das' a miling Vatsarája, son of Dharma, and grandson of Abhyadhara. In the original is चेदिश, which I have not scrupled to alter. No doubt the original was metri• cal, when it was placed in the hands of the engraver. A change of the third syllable of it to a double consonant, and the insertion of च before सूनुना,

सूत्रधारनामलेनात्कीर्णम् । *

शुभं भवतु |

The next inscription, hitherto unpublished, is, like the first, engraved on copper. It has been transcribed from the original plates, which belong to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The stanzas, nine in number, introducing the grant proper, have already appeared in print, and need not be repeated. Nor are the verses that follow the prose of sufficient interest, on the score of novelty, to deserve copying.†



* * *

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* * *

सोऽयं समस्तराजचक्रसंसेवितचरणः परमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरममाहेश्वर निजभूजेोपार्जित श्रीकन्यकुब्जाधिपत्यश्रीचन्द्रदेवपादानुध्यातपरमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर परममा हे श्वरश्रीमदनपालदेवपादानुध्यात परमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरममाद्देश्वराश्वपतिगजपतिनरपतिराजत्रयाधिपतिविविधविद्या विचारवाचस्पतिश्रीमद्गोविन्द चन्द्रदेवो विजयी अन्तरालपत्तलायां करण्डग्रामकरण्डतल यनयोर्महत्तम कैवर्तप्रभ्टतिप्रजालोकान् तथा निवासिनो निखिलजनपदानपि च राजराज्ञी युवराज मन्त्रिपुरोहितwould give a Vaktra stanza. The old decipherment has ; अभ्युद्धरणत्रणश्रधर्ममनुना लिखितं वत्सराजेन वैदेशदशमूलिना.

* Not लेखितं as was formerly misread. But the plate wants the final conso• nant. And the name of the engraver is Lena, not Lema.

Confusion of sibilants has, in several instances, unspecified, been redressed in the transcript now printed.

On the seal attached to the two plates are the words श्रीमद्विजयसिंहदेवः. Above is a figure of Lakshmí, supported on each side by an elephant sprinkling her with water from its proboscis. Underneath is Nandí.

+ See this Journal, for 1858, pp. 242, 213.

Any one familiar with the poetical excrescences of Hindu land grants will recognize them by their opening words: भूमिं यः । शङ्खं । सर्वानेतान् । बहुभिर्वसुधा । गामेकां । तडागानां । वारिही नेष्वरण्येषु । वाताभ्रविभ्रममिदं ।

स्वदत्तां | All but the last three of these stanzas will be seen at the page of this Journal following the last just referred to.

Thus ends the inscription, much more abruptly than is commonly the case with such writings.

On the seal, the ring of which holds together the two plates, are the words श्रीमद्गोविन्दचन्द्रदेव.

Above them is an effigy of Garuda, with folded hands: beneath is a conchshell.

प्रतीहारसेनापतिभाण्डागारिकाक्ष पटलिकभिषकनैमित्तिकान्तः पुरिकदूतकरितुरगपंत्तनाकर स्थानगे। कुलाधिकारिपुरुषानाज्ञापयति बेधयत्यादिशति च ।

यथा विदितमस्तु भवतां यथेोपरिलिखितग्रामतला सजलस्थलो सलाहलवणाकरौ सगतीघरौ समधूकामवनवाटिकाविटपट यूतिगोचरपर्यन्तैौ सार्ध्वाधश्ञ्चतुराघाटविशुद्धैौ खसीमापर्यन्तौ स्वात्वा विधिवन् मन्त्रदेवमुनिमनुजभूत पितृगणांस्तर्पयित्वा तिमिरपटलपाटनपदुम हसमुष्णरोचिषमुपस्था यौषधिपतिश कलशेखरं समभ्यर्च त्रिभुवनत्रातुर्वसुदेवस्य पूजां विधाय मातापित्रोरात्मनश्च पुण्ययशोभिवृद्धये गोकर्णकुशलतापूतकरतलोदकपूर्वं राजश्रीयशःकर्णदेवेन राजगुरुशैवाचार्यभट्टारक श्रीरुद्र शिवपस्यो भिक्षात्वेन शासनीकृत्य प्रदत्तौ तैश्च संवत् ११७७ कार्त्तिक शुक्ल चतुर्दश्यां व्यस्मान् ससभ्यान् साक्षिणः कृत्वा ठक्कुर श्रीवसिष्ठशर्मभ्य उदकपूर्वकं शासनीकृत्य प्रदत्तौ च्यस्मत्ममक्षं ताम्रपत्रकं चाऽर्पितम् * यतपरिचेतदीयसन्तत्या च व्याचन्द्रार्कं यावत् भोक्तव्यैौ मत्वा यथादीयमानभागभोगप्रवणिकरप्रभ्टतिसर्वादायान् व्याज्ञाविधेयीभूय दास्यथेति ।

[blocks in formation]

We are here told, that, in A. V. 1177, corresponding to A. D. 1120, a transfer of landed interest was made in presence of King Govinda Chandra, of Kanauj, and his court. The property that exchanged hands, the village of Karanda and the talla† of Karanḍa, in the pattalá of Antarála, passed from the possession of Bhaṭṭáraka Rudras'iva, a royal chaplain, into that of the Thakkura Vasishtha.

Rudras'iva, it is stated, was invested with his estate by Rájá Yas'ahkarna. It can scarcely be questioned, that this was the ruler of Chedi. And how could the king of Kanauj have had authority, save as the result of conquest, over soil which was once under his control ?

Here is a blunder of the first magnitude. Other mistakes, not quite so glaring, have been left as they were found ; while a few, of a trifling character, have been silently amended.

This term is a stranger to all the dictionaries.

Yas'ahkarna was son of Karna, whose grandfather Kokalla fought with Bhoja during the first half of the tenth century. In A. D. 1042, Bhoja was still on the throne. We know not how soon he may not have ascended it after A. D. 993, when Munja, or Vákpati, his predecessor, was as yet in power. A Rudras'ambhu is named in one of the Chedian inscriptions.

See last year's Journal, p. 319 ; and Colebrooke's Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. II. pp. 462, 463.


च्याम् नमः शिवाय |

संवत् १२२६ वर्षे वैशाखसुदि ३ सोमे । यद्येह यमदणलिपदाङ्कसमस्तराजावलीविराजितमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर परममा ईश्व रश्रीच्यजयपालदेवकल्याणविजयराज्ये* तत्पादपद्मोपजीविमहामात्य श्रीसामेश्वर श्रीश्रीकरणादौ समस्तमुद्रा व्यापारान् परिपन्थयतीत्येवं† काले प्रवर्तमाने निजप्रतापोपार्जितश्रीभाइल्ल खामिमहाद्वादशक मण्डलप्रभुज्यमाने↓ अद्येच श्रीउदयपुरे तेनैव प्रभुणा नियुक्त दण्डश्री लूपसाकेन धौतवाससी परिधाय परमधार्मिकेण भूत्वा अक्षयतृतीयायुगादिपर्वणि मुहिलउतान्वये राजपुत्रश्रीवील्हणदेव पुत्रपरमलोकान्तरितराजश्रीसोलणदेवश्रेयसे व्यवत्यदेवश्रीवैद्यनाथाय भृङ्गारिकाचतुःषष्टिपथके पञ्चोपचार पूजानिमित्तं सवृक्षमालाकुलं टगजलाशयेोपेतं$ चतुराघाटसमन्वितं उमरथाग्रामं || शासनेन प्रदत्तम् ।

यघाटा यथा अस्य ग्रामस्य पूर्वतो नाहग्रामं दक्षिणतो वहिडाउगग्रामं पश्चिमतो देउलीग्रामं उत्तरतो लखणउडाग्राममेवं हि चतुःकङ्कटविशुद्धम् ।

उक्तम् ।

बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः ।

यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलम् ॥ १ ॥
खदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धराम् ।
षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि कामेध्ये जायते कृमिः ॥ २ ॥
भान्धाता सुमहीपतिः कृतयुगेऽलङ्कारभूतो गतः '
सेतुर्येन महोदधैौ विरचितः क्वाऽसौ दशास्यान्तकृत् ।

* The original has अजयपल.

A little on is •जोवी - also.

† Corrected from परिपन्ययतित्येवं. We have a strange word here. Others of the same kind are पथक and अनैष्ठिक. The last qualifies a name near the end of the inscription, and seems to denote an office.

‡ One line ending with an erasure, and the next beginning with डल,

I have not hesitated to assume, that the missing symbol was .

8 The in this compound is quite worn away; and it has been inserted on conjecture.

Here, and on several occasions below, a masculine substantive is turned into a neuter.

As is usual in documents of this sort, the laws of sandhi are freely neglected. The word कङ्कट, "boundary," survives, in Málava, in the same sense, under the form of काँकड़.

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