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aid low oh lev HE loaded wains proclaimed the waning summer.The year at Midsummer Day had shown a disposition to halve. A little later it had shown an exposition at Havre; and now it had arrived at a superlative harvest. The fields were peopled with virtuous villagers :villagers are always virtuous at harvest time because, as JUVENAL has observed, "Nemo reap - ente fit turpissimus." Although it was the sickle-y season, every face glowed with health. All was contentment and gaiety; even the farmers did not put forward the cutting of their corns as a lame excuse for sadness. Everyone was bent on getting in the crops by hook or by stook. The rural population, armed with reaping-blades, constituted a peaceful army, officered by commanders-in-sheaf. Juntog od biolo

The golden sun had shed his splendour over the ripe cornfields, until they were ready to shout for glee. At any rate each individual field became one continuous yeller. Even the poppies blew till they were red in the face. "What did they blow ?" you ask. Were they not performing on the corn, -eh?

Every farmer had come a heavy cropper this fall, and was anything but cast down in consequence. In short, the agricultural interest was furrowly satisfied, for the harvest was more than "up to the Mark"-Lane.

And if there were rejoicings over the harvest of wheat, there was no less merry-making over the harvest of wit. While the farmers were binding their sheaves, FUN was binding his seventh volume, among the incessant hurrahs of the public and the endless "earears of corn.

He gazed benignantly on the happy crowd that surrounded the loaded wain, and smiled not unkindly on the poor people who came to glean in his field, for he had a tender heart, and not a stern Chester, that would send a poor gleaner to gaol for seven days.

While FUN was thus surveying the field of his labours, and reposing on his " sheaf-d'œuvres," he was aware of a gentleman who was approaching him.

The stranger wore a black frock-coat and an anxious air. On his brow were seated a careful expression and a new hat. His bosom was filled with contending emotions and covered by a white waistcoat. He was, to be brief, attired in the height of fashion and plunged in the depths of thought. Drawing near to FUN the new-comer made a low bow and addressed that potentate.

"Most renowned and puissant FUN, I have ventured to seek you here to ask your aid and advice."

"You have found me, sir, although you sought me in wain! What can I do for you?"

"What can you not do ?"

"I cannot do one thing-waste time which is of infinite value to the public. Who are you?" "I am the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NEW ELECTORS !"

"What do you ask of me?"

"Some definition of my duties. I want a rule of conduct. Be my guide, philosopher, and friend."

"I shall be very glad to do so. In what particular way can I assist you at this moment?"


By giving me a model on which to frame my address to my constituents."

"Liston, then!" said the puissant FUN, and standing up in the waggon, he made the following speech, amid the rapturous applause of the assembled multitude.

"GENTLEMEN !—I come before you to-day to request the honour of representing you in Parliament. With my opinions on general politics you are already acquainted. I would be Conservative of all noble institutions, and Liberal of all needful reforms. Should you return me you will find me adhere faithfully to the performance of my duty towards you the duty of honestly and fearlessly representing you. Some Members of Parliament are fond of using a bit of convenient clap-trap to the effect that they are 66 representatives and not delegates,"-and you will generally find that they arrogate this representative character just at the very time when they have been misrepresenting their constituents. My view of the duties of representation is different from this. I shall always be ready to be guided by your opinions-not the opinions of individuals, of course, but of the whole constituency to be gathered by general meetings, and communicated to me by deputation. I consider that the intercourse between the representative and his constituents should be continuous, instead of being confined to election times, and a flying visit once a year. By frequent conference we shall both be benefited; and although I shall expect you to be guided by me in matters of policy, where my knowledge of the internal workings of the House of Commons induces me to differ from your views; yet I should feel it my duty to restore to you the honourable trust you confer on me if I find our opinions at variance on any great principle.

"I shall devote my time and attention to your interests and the interests of the country at large. But I feel sure you will not begrudge any effort I may make on behalf of any of the very numerous classes that have no special representatives in Parliament to ventilate their grievances or advocate their claims.

"Should you do me the honour to elect me, you may feel assured that I shall never sacrifice your interests for my own, or give up principles for place. I hold that the subordinate offices under Government should be nurseries for young and talented statesmen, who are ready to devote themselves to learning the official work of Ministries. They should not be made asylums for worn-out partisans. Constituencies may be proud of a representative who achieves place when it means power, but they will do well to dismiss one for whom place means pension. I have now laid my programme before you, gentlemen. You will record your opinions of it to-morrow at the poll."

FUN sat down again amid loud cheers.

"I am extremely grateful," said the Representative of the New Electors. "I shall profit by the lesson you have read me. A thousand thanks!"

"Don't mention it. If you do your duty you will always have a friend in me. If you are returned, remember that your strongest efforts must be directed to the breaking-up of the Railway Tyranny. The Directors must be taught that they may not lock people into carriages, and burn or smash them-that they are not to convert the monopoly we grant them into a means of grinding the faces of the poor, by compelling them either to pay exorbitant fares or to give up the idea of escape from smoky stifling London courts."

"I will obey your directions. But why do not you go into Parliament, most illustrious FUN?"

The great FUN smiled a pleasant smile-"Because it would not be constitutional. Look into your BLACKSTONE, Sir. The principle of the British Constitution is Commons-Lords-and FUN. I keep the other two assemblies in order." "Quite true," said the Representative of the New Electors. "I apologise for my forgetfulness. To the Houses of Commons and Peers we are indebted for the Statutes-to you for


Exactly so!" said the potentate, "for

The Seventh Volume of the New Series of fun.

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