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2. c. 19.

1 Geo. 1. ftat. thousand pounds for publick fervices, by fale of annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, redeemable by parliament, and to authorize a treaty concerning private rights claimed by the proprietors of the fugar-houses in Scotland, a certain yearly fum of forty five thousand five hundred pounds was established to be a diftinct and feparate yearly fund for anfwering and paying certain annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, which were then to be purchased upon the fame act, until the redemption thereof by parliament; and the faid yearly fund was thereby directed to be issued at the exchequer to the first and chief cashier of the governor and company of the bank of England for the time being, by way of imprest, and upon account, for payment of the faid annuities, which were to be purchafed upon that act; and it was thereby enacted, That the monies which fhould be contributed on the fame act for or towards the fum of nine hundred and ten thousand pounds therein mentioned, should be deemed to be a capital or joint flock on which fuch annuities fhould be attending; and the fame joint stock, and the proportional annuities attending the fame, were thereby made transferrable and devifeable in the manner thereby prefcribed; and in the faid act is contained a provifo, That at any time upon one year's notice, and repayment by parliament, of the faid fum of nine bundred and ten thousand pounds, or so much thereof, as fhould be advanced upon the faid act, unto the refpective contributors of the fame, or to such person or perfons as by, from or under them, should then be entitled to the faid annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, in respect of the money fo advanced, according to fuch interests as they respectively should then have in the fame annuities, and alfo upon full payment and fatisfaction of all arrears of the faid annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum (if any fuch fhall be then due) then, and not till then, the said annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum created by that act, fhould ceafe and determine: and whereas the contributions on the faid act did amount to the faid full fum of nine bundred and ten, thousand pounds, and the annuities, which became payable in respect of the fame, did amount to the yearly fum of forty five thousand five hundred pounds: and whereas, fince the making of the faid act, as much of the faid capital stock as amounted to feven hundred and fix thousand one hundred and feventy five pounds and fifteen fhillings, and as many of the faid annuities attending the fame, as amounted to thirty five thousand three hundred and eight pounds fifteen fbillings and nine pence per annum, have been fubfcribed into the capital stock and yearly fund of the South-Sea company, and as much of the faid capital stock, created by the act in part before recited, as amounts to two hundred and three thoufand eight hundred twenty four pounds and five fhillings, and as many of the faid annuities as amount to ten thousand one hundred ninety one pounds four fbillings and three pence per annum, in respect thereof, do ftill remain transferrable at the bank, or devifeable as aforefaid, and are payable by the cafbier of the governor and company of the bank of England for the time being: And whereas in and by certain claufes contained in another act of parliament made and passed in the faid first year of your Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for enlarging the capital stock and yearly fund of the South-Sea company, and for fupplying thereby eight hundred and twenty two thousand thirty two pounds four fhillings and eight pence to publick ufes; and for raising one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds for the like ufes,

1 Geo. 1. ftat.

2. C. 21.



by fale of annuities upon divers encouragements therein mentioned; and for appropriating feveral fupplies granted to his Majefty, for encouragement of fuch perfons and corporations as would advance, for the Service of the publick, any fum or fums of money not exceeding the further fum of one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds, a certain yearly fum of eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds was established to be a diftinct or feparate fund for anfwering and paying annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, which were thereby to be purchased, until the redemption thereof by parliament; and the faid yearly fum or fund of eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds per annum was thereby directed to be iffued at the exchequer to the first and chief cashier of the governor and company of the bank of England for the time being, by way of imprest, and upon account, for payment of the faid annuities, not exceeding eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds per annum; and it was thereby enacted, That the monies, which should be so contributed or advanced for or towards the faid fum, not exceeding one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds, fhould be a capital or joint stock on which the annuities last mentioned fhould be attending, and the fame joint flock, and the proportional annuities attending the fame, were thereby made transferrable and devifeable in the manner thereby prescribed: and in the at last mentioned there is contained a provifo, That at any time upon one year's notice, and repayment by parliament of the faid fum of one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds, or fo much thereof as Should be advanced on the act last mentioned, unto the respective contributors of the fame, or to fuch perfon or perfons as by, from or under them, fhould be then entitled to the fame annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, in respect of the monies fo advanced according to fuch interests as they respectively should then have in the fame annuities, and alfo upon full payment and fatisfaction of all arrears of the fame annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum (if any fhould be then due) then, and not till then, the faid laft mentioned annuities, after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, should alfo ceafe and determine: and whereas the contributions upon the claufes in the aft last mentioned for fuch annuities as aforefaid, did amount to the faid whole fum of one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds, and the annuities, which were payable in respect of the fame, did amount to the faid yearly fum of eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds; and, Since the making of the aft last in part before recited, as much of the faid capital stock laft mentioned, as amounted to one hundred thirty seven thousand five hundred twenty fix pounds fix fhillings and eight pence, and as many of the fame annuities attending the fame stock, as amounted, to fix thoufand eight hundred feventy fix pounds fix fbilling and four pence per annum, have been fubfcribed into the capital stock and fund of the South-Sea company, and as much of the faid capital flock of one hundred fixty nine thousand pounds, as amounts to thirty one thousand four bundred Seventy three pounds thirteen fbillings and four pence, and as many of the faid annuities attending the fame, as amount to one thousand five hun dred feventy three pounds thirteen fillings and eight pence per annum, Still remain transferrable at the bank, and devifeable as aforefaid, and payable by the faid cafbier of the governor and company of the bank of England for the time being: and whereas due notices were given by the right honourable Spencer Compton, efquire, Speaker of the honourable boufe of commons, for redeeming the faid feveral annuities of ten

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thousand one hundred ninety one pounds four billings and three pence per annum, and one thousand five hundred feventy three pounds thirteen fillings and eight pence per annum, and pursuant to the faid notices the fame are redeemable at the feaft of the annunciation of the bleed Virgin Mary in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and twenty four: and whereas in and by a claufe in a certain act of parliament passed in the fifth year of your Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for granting to his Majesty an aid by a land-tax to be raised in Great Britain, for sGeo. 1. c. 1. the fervice of the year one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, it was enacted, That a certain deficiency or fum of one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and twelve pounds feventeen fillings and four pence three farthings therein mentioned, fhould be fupplied and made good to the treasurer of his Majefty's navy, by and out of the general yearly fund of feven hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred forty nine pounds fix fbillings and ten pence one fifth part of a penny, or out of money to be raised at the exchequer for purchafing an annuity or annuities, after a rate not exceeding five pounds per centum per annum, for the faid fum of one hundred ten thousand three hundred and twelve pounds feventeen fillings and four pence three farthings; and that fuch annuities fhould be charged on the faid general yearly fund, and be payable and transferrable at the bank of England, as other annuities payable out of the faid general yearly fund were intended, by any former act or acts of parliament then in force, to be payable and transferrable, until the redemption thereof by parliament: and whereas, in pursuance of the faid claufe, an annuity of five thousand five hundred and fifteen pounds twelve fbillings and ten pence farthing per annum, being after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum for the faid fum of one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and twelve pounds feventeen fillings and four pence thee farthings, was created and charged on the faid general fund; and whereas as much of the faid last mentioned capital fum, as amounted to the fum of one hundred and feven thousand eight hundred and two pounds feventeen fillings and four pence three farthings, and as much of the faid annuities attending the fame, as amounted to five thousand three hundred and ninety pounds trvo shillings and ten pence farthing per annum, have been fubfcribed into the capital stock of the South-Sea company, and as much of the faid capital fum as amounts to two thousand five hundred and ten pounds, and as much of the fame annuity attending the fame as amounts to one hundred twenty five pounds and ten fhillings per annum, do ftill remain transferrable at the bank of England, and are redeemable by parliament; and whereas the fum of one million one bundred fifty feven thousand three hundred and fixty pounds, in refpe&t only of the tickets commonly called the blank tickets, drawn in the lottery for raifing fourteen hundred thousand pounds, for the fervice of the year one thousand feven hundred and fourteen, was charged, with an intereft after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, upon the yearly fund of one hundred and fixteen thousand five hundred feventy three pounds twelve Shillings, payable at the exchequer out of certain duties on foap, paper, linens, filks, callicoes, ftuffs, ftarch, exported coals, and upon ftampt vellum, parchment and paper, granted for thirty two years, from the fecond day of Augult one thousand feven hundred and fourteen, by two acts, one of the twelfth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for laying additional duties on foap and paper, and upon certain linens, filks, callicoes and stuffs, and upon starch, exported

12Ann. ftat. 2. C. 9.


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I. C.

coals, and upon stampt vellum, parchment and paper, for rai- 1 Geo. 1. stat•
fing one million four hundred thousand pounds by way of a 1. c. 2.
lottery for her Majesty's fupply, and for allowances on export-
ing made wares of leather, fheep-fkins and lamb-fkins; and for
distribution of four thousand pounds, due to the officers and
feamen for gun-money; and to adjust the property of tickets
in former lotteries; and touching certain fhares of ftock in the
capital of the South-Sea company; and for appropriating the
monies granted to her Majefty, and the other of the first year of
your Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for rectifying mistakes in
the names of the commiffioners of the land-tax, for the year
one thousand seven hundred and fourteen; and for raising so
much as is wanting to make up the fum of fourteen hundred
thousand pounds, intended to be raised by a lottery for the pub-
lick service in the faid year, or by one of the acts last mentioned:
and whereas so much of the faid last mentioned principal fum of one
million one hundred fifty feven thousand three hundred and fixty pounds
remains unpaid off or unfubfcribed into the capital ftack of the South-
Sea company, as amounts to the principal fum of one hundred and ten
thousand fix hundred pounds, and the fame is payable on certain ftand-
ing orders made out in pursuance of the faid laft mentioned acts, or
one of them, by the paymaster or paymafiers appointed or to be ap-
pointed in pursuance of the fame acts, or one of them: and whereas
the monies arifen or to arife in the receipt of the exchequer of the fur-
pluffes, exceffes and overplus monies, commonly called the finking fund,
at present fland appropriated to the paying off and cancelling the feve-
ral exchequer-bills now in being, or fome of them; and the governor
and company of the bank of England are under a contract or contracts
for circulating or exchanging the fame exchequer-bills for ready money:
and whereas the faid governor and company have confented, that not-
withstanding fuch prefent appropriation, fo much of the monies, arifen
or to arife into the receipt of the exchequer of the faid fsurplusses, ex-
ceffes, or overplus monies, commonly called the finking fund, at or
before the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary which
fhall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twen-
ty four, as will be neceffary to pay off the faid feveral capital or prin-
cipal fums fo remaining unfubfcribed or unpaid off as aforesaid, and
all arrears of the annuities or interefts attending thereon, may be if-
fued and applied for the redeeming and paying off the fame, fo as the
remainder thereof, and the monies which from the faid feast-day
fhall arife from the fame furpluffes, exceffes or overplus monies, re-
main and continue appropriated, as they are at prefent: now we your
Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons of Great Bri-
tain in parliament affembled, being refolved to pay off and dif-
charge the faid feveral capital fums of two hundred and three
thousand eight hundred twenty four pounds five fhillings, thir-
ty one thousand four hundred feventy three pounds thirteen
fhillings and four pence, and two thoufand five hundred and
ten pounds, making together two hundred thirty feven thou-
fand eight hundred and feven pounds eighteen fhillings and four
pence, and to redeem the faid feveral annuities attending there-

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on, and also to pay off and discharge the faid principal fum of one hundred and ten thousand fix hundred pounds so as aforefaid remaining due on the faid orders made forth for the faid blank lottery tickets, together with the intereft due or to grow due thereon, at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum as aforesaid: and being defirous thereby in fome measure to ease the present burthen of the publick debts and incumbrances, and to the intent that fufficient monies may be iffued and applied for the ends and purposes aforefaid, do humbly befeech your Majefty, That it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, that out of fuch monies as are or shall be in the receipt of the exchequer of the furpluffes, exceffes and overplus monies commonly called the finking fund, arisen or to arife for the halfyear, ending at the feaft of the annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and twenty four, or for any time preceding the fame feaft-day, (fuch other payments exclufive of the principal monies payable on the faid exchequer-bills, as have been directed to be made at or before the fame feaft-day by authority of parliament, out of the faid furpluffes, exceffes and overplus monies, always excepted and foreprized) there shall be iffued and paid, on or before the faid feast-day of the annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary one thousand feven hundred and twenty four, the fum of two hundred thirty feven thoufand 237,8071. 189. eight hundred and feven pounds eighteen fhillings and four pence, 4d. applied to to the said cashier of the governor and company of the bank of the redempti- England, now or for the time being, by way of impreft and upon account, together with fo much more monies, as on the said last mentioned feast-day shall be due and in arrear for the faid feveral and refpective annuities, or any of them, to be by him applied and paid over for difcharging the faid feveral remaining capital fums of two hundred and three thousand eight hundred twenty four pounds five fhillings, thirty one thousand four hundred feventy three pounds thirteen fhillings and four pence, and two thousand five hundred and ten pounds, and for redeeming the said several and respective annuities attending thereon, and for difcharging all arrears thereof; and that the faid commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury, or any three or more of them now being, or the high treasurer, or any three or more of the commiffioners of the treasury for the time being, do cause the same to be iffued and paid to the said cashier accordingly, without any further or other warrant or authority to be fued for, had or obtained in that behalf; any former law or statute whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding; and the said cashier of the said governor and company of the bank of England is hereby strictly enjoined and required to apply and pay over the monies, which fhall be fo iffued to him as aforefaid, to fuch perfon and perfons, body and bodies politick and

on of annuities, &c.


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