EXAMINATIONS. EXAMINATION PAPERS, for various years, with the Regulations for the Examination. Demy Octavo. 25. each, or by Post 2s. 2d. (The Regulations for the Examination in 1877 are now ready.) CLASS LISTS FOR VARIOUS YEARS. ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE SYNDICATE, With Supplementary Tables showing the success and failure of the Candidates. 25. each, by Post 2s. 2d. HIGHER LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REPORTER. Published by Authority. Containing all the Official Notices of the University, Reports of Discussions in the Schools, and Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical, Antiquarian, and Philological Societies. 3d. weekly. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION PAPERS. These Papers are published in occasional numbers every Term, and in volumes for the Academical year. London: CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, 17 PATERNOSTER ROW. Cambridge: DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. |