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may know at any given instant the temperatures indicated by each thermometer, and compare the quantities of heat which flow during the same instant, between two adjacent layers, or into the surrounding medium.

6. If the mass is spherical, and we denote by a the distance of a point of this mass from the centre of the sphere, by t the time which has elapsed since the commencement of the cooling, and by the variable temperature of the point m, it is easy to see that all points situated at the same distance x from the centre of the sphere have the same temperature v. This quantity v is a certain function F (x, t) of the radius a and of the time t; it must be such that it becomes constant whatever be the value of x, when we suppose t to be nothing; for by hypothesis, the temperature at all points is the same at the moment of emersion. The problem consists in determining that function of x and t which expresses the value of v.

7. In the next place it is to be remarked, that during the cooling, a certain quantity of heat escapes, at each instant, through the external surface, and passes into the medium. The value of this quantity is not constant; it is greatest at the beginning of the cooling. If however we consider the variable state of the internal spherical surface whose radius is x, we easily see that there must be at each instant a certain quantity of heat which traverses that surface, and passes through that part of the mass which is more distant from the centre. This continuous flow of heat is variable like that through the external surface, and both are quantities comparable with each other; their ratios are numbers whose varying values are functions of the distance a, and of the time t which has elapsed. It is required to determine these functions.

8. If the mass, which has been heated by a long immersion in a medium, and whose rate of cooling we wish to calculate, is of cubical form, and if we determine the position of each point m by three rectangular co-ordinates x, y, z, taking for origin the centre of the cube, and for axes lines perpendicular to the faces, we see that the temperature v of the point m after the time t, is a function of the four variables x, y, z, and t. The quantities of heat

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which flow out at each instant through the whole external surface of the solid, are variable and comparable with each other; their ratios are analytical functions depending on the time t, the expression of which must be assigned.

9. Let us examine also the case in which a rectangular prism of sufficiently great thickness and of infinite length, being submitted at its extremity to a constant temperature, whilst the air which surrounds it is maintained at a less temperature, has at last arrived at a fixed state which it is required to determine. All the points of the extreme section at the base of the prism have, by hypothesis, a common and permanent temperature. It is not the same with a section distant from the source of heat; each of the points of this rectangular surface parallel to the base has acquired a fixed temperature, but this is not the same at different points of the same section, and must be less at points nearer to the surface exposed to the air. We see also that, at each instant, there flows across a given section a certain quantity of heat, which always remains the same, since the state of the solid has become constant. The problem consists in determining the permanent temperature at any given point of the solid, and the whole quantity of heat which, in a definite time, flows across a section whose position is given.

10. Take as origin of co-ordinates x, y, z, the centre of the base of the prism, and as rectangular axes, the axis of the prism itself, and the two perpendiculars on the sides: the permanent temperature v of the point m, whose co-ordinates are x, y, z, is a function of three variables F (x, y, z): it has by hypothesis a constant value, when we suppose x nothing, whatever be the values of y and z. Suppose we take for the unit of heat that quantity which in the unit of time would emerge from an area equal to a unit of surface, if the heated mass which that area bounds, and which is formed of the same substance as the prism, were continually maintained at the temperature of boiling water, and immersed in atmospheric air maintained at the temperature of melting ice.

We see that the quantity of heat which, in the permanent state of the rectangular prism, flows, during a unit of time, across a certain section perpendicular to the axis, has a determinate ratio

to the quantity of heat taken as unit. This ratio is not the same for all sections: it is a function (a) of the distance x, at which the section is situated. It is required to find an analytical expression of the function (x).

11. The foregoing examples suffice to give an exact idea of the different problems which we have discussed.

The solution of these problems has made us understand that the effects of the propagation of heat depend in the case of every solid substance, on three elementary qualities, which are, its capacity for heat, its own conducibility, and the exterior conducibility.

It has been observed that if two bodies of the same volume and of different nature have equal temperatures, and if the same quantity of heat be added to them, the increments of temperature are not the same; the ratio of these increments is the ratio of their capacities for heat. In this manner, the first of the three specific elements which regulate the action of heat is exactly defined, and physicists have for a long time known several methods of determining its value. It is not the same with the two others; their effects have often been observed, but there is but one exact theory which can fairly distinguish, define, and measure them with precision.

The proper or interior conducibility of a body expresses the facility with which heat is propagated in passing from one internal molecule to another. The external or relative conducibility of a solid body depends on the facility with which heat penetrates the surface, and passes from this body into a given medium, or passes from the medium into the solid. The last property is modified by the more or less polished state of the surface; it varies alsó according to the medium in which the body is immersed; but the interior conducibility can change only with the nature of the solid.

These three elementary qualities are represented in our formulæ by constant numbers, and the theory itself indicates experiments suitable for measuring their values. As soon as they are determined, all the problems relating to the propagation of heat depend only on numerical analysis. The knowledge of these specific properties may be directly useful in several applications of the physical sciences; it is besides an element in the study and

description of different substances. It is a very imperfect knowledge of bodies which ignores the relations which they have with one of the chief agents of nature. In general, there is no mathematical theory which has a closer relation than this with public economy, since it serves to give clearness and perfection to the practice of the numerous arts which are founded on the employment of heat.

12. The problem of the terrestrial temperatures presents one of the most beautiful applications of the theory of heat; the general idea to be formed of it is this. Different parts of the surface of the globe are unequally exposed to the influence of the solar rays; the intensity of their action depends on the latitude of the place; it changes also in the course of the day and in the course of the year, and is subject to other less perceptible inequalities. It is evident that, between the variable state of the surface and that of the internal temperatures, a necessary relation exists, which may be derived from theory. We know that, at a certain depth below the surface of the earth, the temperature at a given place experiences no annual variation: this permanent underground temperature becomes less and less according as the place is more and more distant from the equator. We may then leave out of consideration the exterior envelope, the thickness of which is incomparably small with respect to the earth's radius, and regard our planet as a nearly spherical mass, whose surface is subject to a temperature which remains constant at all points on a given parallel, but is not the same on another parallel. It follows from this that every internal molecule has also a fixed temperature determined by its position. The mathematical problem consists in discovering the fixed temperature at any given point, and the law which the solar heat follows whilst penetrating the interior of the earth.

This diversity of temperature interests us still more, if we consider the changes which succeed each other in the envelope itself on the surface of which we dwell. Those alternations of heat and cold which are reproduced every day and in the course of every year, have been up to the present time the object of repeated observations. These we can now submit to calculation, and from a common theory derive all the particular facts which experience

has taught us. The problem is reducible to the hypothesis that every point of a vast sphere is affected by periodic temperatures; analysis then tells us according to what law the intensity of these variations decreases according as the depth increases, what is the amount of the annual or diurnal changes at a given depth, the epoch of the changes, and how the fixed value of the underground temperature is deduced from the variable temperatures observed at the surface.


13. The general equations of the propagation of heat are partial differential equations, and though their form is very simple the known methods do not furnish any general mode of integrating them; we could not therefore deduce from them the values of the temperatures after a definite time. The numerical interpretation of the results of analysis is however necessary, and it is a degree of perfection which it would be very important to give to every application of analysis to the natural sciences. So long as it is not obtained, the solutions may be said to remain incomplete and useless, and the truth which it is proposed to discover is no less hidden in the formulæ of analysis than it was in the physical problem itself. We have applied ourselves with much care to this purpose, and we have been able to overcome the difficulty in all the problems of which we have treated, and which contain the chief elements of the theory of heat. There is not one of the problems whose solution does not provide convenient and exact means for discovering the numerical values of the temperatures acquired, or those of the quantities of heat which

1 For the modern treatment of these equations consult

Partielle Differentialgleichungen, von B. Riemann, Braunschweig, 2nd Ed., 1876. The fourth section, Bewegung der Wärme in festen Körpern.

Cours de physique mathématique, par E. Matthieu, Paris, 1873. The parts relative to the differential equations of the theory of heat.

The Functions of Laplace, Lamé, and Bessel, by I. Todhunter, London, 1875. Chapters XXI. XXV.-XXIX. which give some of Lamé's methods.

Conférences de Physique, par E. Verdet, Paris, 1872 [Œuvres, Vol. iv. Part 1.]. Leçons sur la propagation de la chaleur par conductibilité. These are followed by a very extensive bibliography of the whole subject of conduction of heat.

For an interesting sketch and application of Fourier's Theory see

Theory of Heat, by Prof. Maxwell, London, 1875 [4th Edition]. Chapter XVIII. On the diffusion of heat by conduction.

Natural Philosophy, by Sir W. Thomson and Prof. Tait, Vol. 1. Oxford, 1867. Chapter VII. Appendix D, On the secular cooling of the earth. [A. F.]

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