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What is pneumonia? 11. Which side is most often affected? 12. Is the initiation abrupt or gradual? 13. What is the character of the expectoration? 14. When does the disease reach its height? 15. What is meant by resolution? 16. In what other ways may the disorder terminate? 17. What is the greatest danger? 18. How can you economize the patient's strength? 19. What should be the character of his diet? 20. If an oil-silk jacket is ordered, how will you make it? 21. What is the safest way to remove it? 22. How is pneumonia often complicated? 23. What is pleuritis? Empyema? Pleurodynia? Phthisis? 24. What is asthma? 25. Is it dangerous? 26. How can the dyspnoea be relieved? 27. What is laryngismus stridulus ? 28. How does it differ from true croup? 29. What often occasions diphtheria? 80. By what is it characterized? 31. What are the early symptoms? 32. Is it contagious? 33. What precautions must be taken? 34. How is the patient to be nourished? 35. What often leads to a fatal termination after convalescence seems to be established? 36. How long would you keep the patient in bed? 37. What is peritonitis? 38. From what does it result? 39. By what is it characterized? 40. How does the pain differ from that of colic? 41. What attitude does the patient usually take? 42. Should any effort be made to empty the bowels? 43. How should the patient be fed ? 44. What are the indications of strangulated hernia? 45. What measures are called for? 46. What is the main characteristic of Bright's disease? 47. From what does acute Bright's disease commonly result? 48. Describe the general condition of the patient. 49. What is the danger? 50. What symptom would you regard as most alarming? 51. What is the direct object of treatment? 52. How would you feed a patient suffering from this disease? 53. What characterizes diabetes mellitus? 54. Is there any glucose found in the urine in health? 55. In what subjects is the disease most common? 56. What are the symptoms? 57. Do they come on suddenly? 58. When is the disease most serious? 59. What care does the patient need? 60. What is to be prohibited besides sugar? 61. What is dysentery? 62. What is its most characteristic symptom? 63. What is meant by tenesmus? 64. What is the character of the evacuations ? 65. Do they need to be disinfected? 66. In what condition must the patient

be kept? 67. On what should he be fed? 68. To what may the inflammation lead? 69. How does cholera morbus differ from genuine cholera ? 70. By what is it usually caused? 71. Is it often fatal? 72. Is it important to check the diarrhoea at once? 73. Is medication

usually necessary? 74. What treatment is important? 75. What are the symptoms of Asiatic cholera? 76. When is it to be feared? 77. How is it communicable? 78. What is the usual treatment? 79. In all cases of diarrhoea what should be insisted upon? 80. How would you nourish the patient? 81. Would you allow him to drink all he wanted? 82. How can you guard against the spread of the disease? 83. Should you think it necessary to isolate the patient? 84. What is typhoid fever? 85. What other name has it? 86. When is it most common? 87. If it occurs as an epidemic, what is to be looked for? 88. What is the period of incubation? 89. The usual duration of the disease? 90. Is the disease usually recognized promptly? 91. How does it generally come on? 92. What is the character of the fever during the first week? 93. How high may it be expected to rise? 94. When does the eruption appear? 95. Describe it. 96. What other symptoms accompany it? 97. What is the character of the evacuations? 98. In what condition would you expect to find the tongue? 99. Describe the characteristic typhoid state. 100. How is the fever during the second week? 101. When does it again become remittent? 102. When is the period of greatest danger? 103. When should you begin to look for improvement? 104. How does the improvement manifest itself? 105. When may you regard convalescence as established? 106. Will it be rapid? 107. What is a relapse? 108. Are relapses common in this disease? 109. How may convalescence be complicated? 110. Do you regard your patient as out of all danger when the fever has left him? 111. What is the greatest danger in typhoid fever? 112. What are the symptoms of perforation? 113. Can you have intestinal hæmorrhage without perforation? 114. By what is it usually preceded? 115. Is there always a discharge of blood from the bowels? 116. What is the treatment? 117. How long does a typhoid case need careful nursing? 118. How long should the patient be kept in bed? 119. What must be his diet? 120. What may result from indiscretion or over-exertion? 121. Upon what does recovery mainly depend? 122. To what danger do the extreme weakness and emaciation lead? 123. What attention should be given to the mouth and teeth? 124. How can you keep the latter free from sordes? 125. Should you allow the patient to drink all he wants? 126. Suppose he is delirious or too feeble to tell what he wants. 127. What should be the temperature of the room with high fever? 128. How would you dispose of the stools in a case of typhoid fever? 129. How disinfect them? 130. Is this of much importance? 131. How

does typhus fever resemble typhoid? 132. Where is the disease usu133. How does it commonly begin? 134. When does

ally found?
the rash appear? 135. What does it look like?

136. How long does

138. What is the

it persist? 137. What is the mental condition? duration of the disease if it terminates favorably? 139. Are relapses common? 140. Name six important points in the case of a patient with typhus fever? 141. What is the best remedy? 142. Why must strict quarantine be preserved? 143. What is the period of incubation of scarlet fever? 144. How is it likely to begin? 145. When and where would you look for the eruption? 146. Describe it. 147. Is the eruption always present? 148. Is its absence a favorable symptom? 149. How long does it last? 150. What follows it? 151. When is the most infectious period? 152. How long must the patient be isolated? 153. Is this as important with a light case as a severe one ? 154. What other symptoms of scarlet fever? 155. What complications are to be feared? 156. What symptoms would lead you to anticipate troublesome sequela? 157. When is the greatest care necessary? 158. What is the usual treatment? 159. What is scarlatina? 160. What is variola? 161. What is the period of incubation of the latter disease? 162. What are the first symptoms? 163. What decides the nature of the case? 164. Describe the rash of small-pox, its time and mode of appearance. 165. What else happens when the rash appears? 166. When does the fever return? 167. What often precedes it? 168. What is the common course of the rash? 169. What is meant by confluent? Discrete? 170. Which form of smallpox is most dangerous? 171. At what time is it most dangerous? 172. What relation has the danger to the eruption? 173. When may the secondary fever be expected to subside? 174. What would another high rise of temperature suggest? 175. How is a case of smallpox to be treated? 176. How can you relieve the pain attending the eruption? 177. What should be done to the vesicles when they become prominent? 178. What should you do in case of delirium? 179. Is this likely to occur? 180. Why should you keep the room dark? 181. What three things must you try to do? 182. How long must you isolate the patient? 183. How completely must you do it? 184. At what stages is the disease infectious? 185. What protects against it? 186. What is varioloid? How does it resemble variola vera? 187. From what does acute rheumatic fever usually result? 188. What else may it be called? 189. What is the first symptom? 190. By what is it followed? 191. Will you expect free action of the


192. Of the kidneys? 193. What is likely to be the character of the urine? Of the perspiration? 194. What is the greatest danger? 195. Why are stimulants usually avoided? 196. What care does the patient especially need? 197. Is there likely to be delirium? 198. When giving stimulants in fevers, what points are to be espe、 cially noted? 199. What would lead you to suspend their use and ask further advice? 200. When is there special need of caution in giving stimulants? 201. If stimulants are doing good, what effects will follow their administration? 202. What is said of restraint in delirium ? 203. How can it be made effectual? 204. When is it necessary? 205. Should it ever be resorted to unless absolutely necessary? 206. What is said of the care of insane paticnts? 207. From what does delirium tremens result? 208. What are its characteristic features ? 209. What are the important points in the nursing? 210. What difficulty may be anticipated? 211. How may the case end?

CHAPTER XXIII.-1. In how many different ways may disease terminate? 2. What is metastasis? 3. How may the character of convalescence vary? 4. In what class of disease is abrupt convalescence most common? 5. How is it usually established in acute disorders? 6. What is meant by resolution? 7. Do convalescents require much care? 8. In what particulars is even increased watchfulness called for? 9. When a convalescent patient first gets up, what style of dress is most suitable? 10. Should the room be as warm as when the patient is in bed? 11. Why is it less fatiguing to walk than to stand? 12. How can you protect the patient from draughts? 13. If she only sits up in bed, is there the same need for protection? 14. Why is a jacket to be preferred to a shawl? 15. How do you make the "Nightingale" wrap? 16. Should a patient be allowed to receive visitors when he first sits up? 17. How much authority should you have on the question of visitors? 18. How should you exert it? 19. Which is preferable for an invalid, a succession of visitors, or several at a time? 20. How can you keep people from shaking the bed? 21. What other objectionable thing are visitors apt to do? 22. When should visitors not be admitted? 23. What should you try to do toward night? 24. Is it desirable to hush every sound as soon as the patient falls asleep? 25. If you have occasion to wake him, how should you do it? 26. Will you often have occasion to do this? 27. In what cases may it be necessary? 28. What should you have at hand for the night? 29. What should be your own costume for the night? 30. How should you arrange the light? 31. Would you send for a

clergyman to visit your patient? When? 32. Is death always a painful struggle? 33. In what different ways may death approach? 34. What are the three vital organs? 35. What are some of the signs of approaching death? 36. Should you inform his friends when you think a patient is about to die? 37. How long must you continue to try to save life? 38. How will you know when death has occurred? 39. Is there any danger of announcing it prematurely? 40. Is it probable that you will often be in doubt whether or not death has taken place? 41. What conditions are likely to be confounded with it? 42. What may be the temperature of the body after death? 43. Why does it often rise? 44. How long may the elevation of temperature be expected to endure? 45. What then occurs? 46. What is the rigor mortis? 47. How long does this last? 48. What must be done bcfore it comes on? 49. How do you prepare a body for burial? What is the effect of keeping a body on ice? 51. How can slight discolorations be hidden? 52. What is left to be done in the sick-room after the removal of the body?


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