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Tidal Air. The air expired and inspired in ordinary respiration.
Tincture. A solution in spirit.

Tissue. The peculiar structure of a part.
Tolerance. The power of bearing medicine.
Tone. A proper state of tension or firmness.
Tonic. A medicine increasing the strength.
Topical. Local.

Tormina. Twisting pains in the bowels.

Torsion. Twisting.

Tourniquet. An instrument for making pressure upon an artery. Toxic. Poisonous.

Tracheotomy. Opening the trachea.

Transfusion. Process of transferring blood from one animal into the veins of another.

Transpiration. Perspiration.

Transudation. Passage of a fluid through a porous tissue.
Traumatic. Resulting from a wound.

Trismus. Lockjaw.

Trituration. Reducing to a fine powder.

Trocar. An instrument for evacuating fluids from cavities. Trochanters. Two processes at the upper extremity of the thigh


Troche. A lozenge.

Tubal. Pertaining to a tube, especially the Fallopian.

Tubercle. A deposit of degenerate matter in the substance of organs. Tumefaction. Swelling.

Tumor. A morbid enlargement.

Tympanites. Distention of the abdomen by gas.

Type. Peculiar form of disease.

Ulcer. A solution of continuity of the soft parts attended with se

cretion of pus.

Umbilicus. The navel.

Unguent. An ointment.

Uræmia. Poisoning by urea in the blood.

Urea. The nitrogenous constituent of the urine.

Urinometer. An instrument for testing the specific gravity of urine. Ustion. Burning.

Uterine. Relating to the uterus or womb.

Utero-gestation. Pregnancy.

Vaccination. Inoculation with the virus of cow-pox.
Valetudinarian. One in delicate health.

Varicose. Affected with varix.

Varix. Enlarged or twisted condition of a vein.
Vascular. Full of vessels.

Vaso-motor. Causing motion of vessels.


A vessel carrying blood toward the heart. Venereal. Pertaining to sexual intercourse. Venesection. Cutting a vein.

Ventilation. Supplying fresh air.

Ventricles. The lower cavities of the heart.

Vermifuge. Driving out worms.

Vernix Caseosa.


Version. Turning.

A fatty deposit found on the foetus or new-born

Vertebra. One of the bones of the spinal column.

Vertigo. Dizziness.

Vesicant. A blistering agent.

Vesicle. A very small blister.

Vessel. A tube or canal containing fluid.

Viable. Sufficiently developed to live.

Vicarious. Taking the place of another.

Villi. Little elevations of the mucous membrane containing vessels.

Virus. A morbid poison.

Viscera. The internal organs.

Viscus. Singular of viscera.

Vital. Pertaining to life.

Vivisection. The dissection of a live animal.

Volatile. Disposed to evaporate.

Vulva. The external genitals in the female.

Whitlow. An inflammation about the ends of the fingers.

Wisdom Teeth. The last of the true molars.

Wound. A solution of continuity in the soft parts.

Xanthosis. Yellow discoloration.

Zymotic. Resulting from fermentation.

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