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Tutors, to two (or at most three) Assistant Tutors, to five Professors, and (at the pleasure of the College) to a Chaplain and Divinity Lecturer. The appointment of a Tutor or of an Assistant Tutor rests with the President, subject to the approval of the College.

A Tutor is in the first instance appointed for two years only (unless he has already served the College as Assistant Tutor or Lecturer, in which case he may be at once appointed for ten years); he may be re-appointed for varying periods, but may not hold office for more than thirty-two years in all. He receives (1) £200 a year as an Official Fellow, (2) £150 a year from the Corporate Revenue, (3) a further sum, to be fixed when he is appointed and to be paid out of the Tuition Fund; this sum may be increased, but may not exceed £450 a year.

An Assistant Tutor is appointed for any period not exceeding seven years, and may be re-appointed for successive periods not exceeding seven years. He receives £200 a year out of the Corporate Revenue, which may be increased annually by not more than £50, to be paid, half out of the Tuition Fund, half out of the Corporate Revenue; but the stipend is never to exceed £400 a year.

So long as there are resident in College three unmarried persons charged with the maintenance of discipline, of whom one must be a Tutor or Assistant Tutor, an Official Fellow, who has held his Fellowship for seven years and has obtained leave to reside elsewhere than in College, may marry and yet retain his Fellowship: moreover, if by marriage within seven years after election he vacate his Fellowship, he may, subject to the same conditions, be elected to fill the vacancy so created.

A Tutor or Assistant Tutor is not entitled to a pension; but after twenty years' service a pension may be awarded, years of service as Assistant Tutor counting for half the same number of years as full Tutor.

The following five Professors are by virtue of their office Official Fellows: The Professors of Latin; of Jurisprudence; of Comparative Philology; of Moral Philosophy; of the Romance or Neo-Latin Languages and Literature.

If there be no Fellow duly qualified and willing to accept the office of Chaplain and Divinity Lecturer, a Graduate of Oxford

in Holy Orders is to be appointed to that office with a reasonable stipend, and, when so appointed, may be elected an Official Fellow.

Christ Church.

(1) Non-Official Studentships. The number is to be not less than seven nor greater than fourteen.

Candidates must have passed the Examinations for the B.A. degree, and must be unmarried; there is the usual property disqualification.

In every seven elections three must be held after an examination in Literæ Humaniores, and four after examinations in each of the following four subjects respectively, Mathematics, Natural Science, Law and Modern History, Theology.

A Non-Official Student is not entitled to act as a member of the Governing Body after his year of probation, unless he has both resided four successive Terms, or six Terms in all, since his election, and taken the degree of M.A.

(2) Official Students. The number of these, including Dr. Lee's Readers, is to be not greater than fifteen.

They are chosen from those who have held for at least three years Non-Official Studentships and are unmarried. The appointment, subject to the approval of the Governing Body, rests with the Electoral Board.

These Studentships are tenable for fifteen years and renewable for successive periods of not more than ten years, on condition that their holders are engaged in educational work for the House or in definite literary or scientific work approved by the Electoral Board.

This Board may also recommend for appointment for a period not exceeding fifteen years any person deemed eminently fitted for the educational requirements of the House.

The yearly emolument is (1) £200, (2) £100 out of the Corporate Revenue, (3) a variable sum to be paid out of the Tuition Fund.

So long as there are resident within the House four unmarried Official Students being Tutors or Lecturers, besides the two Censors, an Official Student after having held his Studentship for seven years may marry and yet retain his Studentship; moreover, if by marriage within seven years from

the date of his appointment he vacate his Studentship, he may be appointed to fill the vacancy.

An Official Student is not entitled to a pension; but he is eligible for one after twenty-five years' service.


(1) Non-Official Fellowships. The number is to be not less than five if the whole number of Fellowships be twelve.

Candidates must have passed the Examinations for the B.A. degree, and must be unmarried; there is a property disqualification.

The tenure of two Fellowships, and not more at any one time, may be prolonged for a period not exceeding two years, provided that the holders have for that period been resident and employed in the educational work of the College. Any person engaged upon some approved and specified work of learning, science, or research, may be elected to a Non-official Fellowship, and, at the time when his Fellowship expires, may be re-elected for successive periods of seven years under the same conditions. A Professor or Reader of the University may be elected to a Non-official Fellowship, and a Fellow appointed or re-appointed by the University to a Readership or Lectureship may be continued in his Fellowship for successive periods of seven years or less under the same conditions.

(2) Official Fellowships. The number is to be not greater than seven: they are tenable by persons holding any of the offices of Tutor, Lecturer or Bursar.

Elections may be held either after or without an examination. Tutors, of whom there are never to be fewer than two, are appointed by the College on the nomination of the President; one Tutor at least is bound to reside in College.

A Tutorship is tenable for not more than fifteen years, and is renewable for successive periods of not more than ten years, unless the first appointment was for not more than three years, in which case the first re-appointment may be for not more than fifteen years.

The yearly stipend of an Official Fellow being Tutor or Lecturer is (1) £200, (2) a sum not exceeding £100 out of the Corporate Revenue, (3) such payment out of the Tuition Fund as may be allotted to him.

So long as there are resident within the College three unmarried Official Fellows, Fellow having held his Fellowship for seven years may marry and yet retain his Fellowship; moreover, if by marriage within seven years after election he vacate his Fellowship, he shall not be incapable of being elected to fill the vacancy.

A Tutor or Lecturer is not entitled to a pension; but a person who has served the College in either capacity for twenty-five years is eligible for a pension.

St. John's.

The total number of Ordinary and Official Fellowships is to be not less than fourteen nor greater than eighteen.

(1) Ordinary Fellowships. The number is to be not less than seven. Candidates must have passed the Examinations for the B.A. degree; and there is a property disqualification. Thrice at least in every seven elections the examination is to be in the subjects recognised in one or more of the Final Schools other than that of Literæ Humaniores.

The tenure of two Fellowships, and not more at any one time, may be prolonged for a period not exceeding two years, provided that the holders have for that period been resident and employed in the educational work of the College.

(2) Official Fellowships. The number is to be not greater than seven; they are tenable by persons holding any of the offices of Tutor, Lecturer, or Principal Bursar.

Elections may be held either after or without an examina


The appointment of Tutors, who are to be not fewer than three in number, rests with the President subject to the approval of the College.

Tutorships and Lectureships are tenable for a period not exceeding ten years, but they are renewable from time to time.

The yearly stipend of an Official Fellow who is a Tutor or Lecturer is (1) £200, (2) a sum not exceeding £100 out of the Corporate Revenue, (3) such payment out of the Tuition Fund as may be allotted to him.

So long as there are resident within the College four unmarried Official Fellows, an Official Fellow having held his Fellowship

for seven years may marry and yet retain his Fellowship: moreover, if by marriage within seven years after election he vacate his Fellowship, he may be elected to fill the vacancy.

An Official Fellow after thirty years' service as Tutor or Lecturer is entitled to a pension, and is eligible for a pension after twenty years' service.


The total number of Fellowships is to be not less than ten nor greater than fourteen.

Candidates must have passed the Examinations for the B.A. degree; and there is a property disqualification.

A Fellow does not become a member of the Governing Body after his year of probation, unless he has kept by residence at least three Terms since his election (Easter and Trinity Terms being reckoned as one).

(1) Non-Official Fellowships. In the election to these, unless half the whole number of Fellows would have been eligible under the following restrictions, no person is eligible unless he is a native of Wales or Monmouthshire, or has been a Welsh Scholar of Jesus College, or (having been at his Matriculation eligible to a Welsh Scholarship) has been for the eight Terms preceding his degree of B.A. a member of the College.

The tenure may be prolonged for two years, if the holder shall have been specially elected to undertake educational or other work in the College.

(2) Official Fellowships. The number is to be not greater than six at any time, nor greater than five, so long as the whole number of Fellowships is ten. Any person is eligible whom the Principal and Fellows deem qualified for one of the offices of Tutor, Lecturer, or Bursar.

They are tenable for a period not exceeding seven years, and are renewable in like manner; but no person may hold any such Fellowship for more than thirty-five years.

The yearly stipend is (1) £200, (2) £100 payable from the Corporate Revenue, (3) such emolument as the Principal and Fellows may from time to time attach to each office.

Marriage vacates an Official Fellowship: but the Principal and Fellows have power to dispense with such vacancy, pro

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