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Ansvvered by John Bridges, Deane of Sarum. London, 1587. Pp. viii. + 1402, fol. Black letter.

B.M.-1353. f. 1.

3. A Defence of the godlie Ministers, against the slaunders of D. Bridges, contayned in his ansvvere to the Preface before the Discourse of Ecclesiasticall gouernement, with a Declaration of the Bishops proceding against them, etc. 1587. Pp. iv. + 103 (pagination only begins with p. 49). 8vo.

B.M.—111. a. 27. (Reprinted in A parte of a Register with Dudley Fenner's name as author.)


4. A Defence of the Ecclesiastical Discipline ordayned of God to be vsed in his Church, Against a Replie of Maister Bridges, to a briefe and plain Declaration of it, which was printed Añ. 1584. Which replie he termeth, A Defence, etc. 1588. Pp. 128. 4to.

B.M.-111. a. 27.

5. [THE EPISTLE.] Oh read ouer D. John Bridges | for it is a worthy worke: Or an epitome of the fyrste Booke of that right worshipfull volume | written against the Puritanes | in the defence of the noble cleargie | by as worshipfull a prieste | John Bridges | Presbyter | Priest or elder | doctor of Diuillitie | and Dean of Sarum. Wherein the arguments of the puritans are wisely prevented that when they come to answer M. Doctor | they must needes say something that hath bene spoken. Compiled for the behoofe and overtherthrow of the Parsons | Fyckers and Curats that have lernt their Catechismes and are past grace: By the reverend and worthie Martin Marprelate gentleman and dedicated to the Confocationhouse. Epitome is not yet published | but it shall be when the Byshops are at conuenient leysure to view the same. In the meane time let them be content with this learned Epistle. Printed oversea in Europe within two furlongs of a Bouncing Priest | at the cost and charges of M. Marprelate | gentleman.


[East Molesey, October 1588.] Pp. 54. 4to. Black letter. B.M.-224. b. 8. Reprints by Petheram, 1843, and Arber,


6. THE EPITOME.] Oh read ouer D. John Bridges | for it is worthy worke: Or an epitome of the fyrste Booke of that | right worshipfull volume written against the Puritanes | in the defence of the noble cleargie | by as worshipfull a prieste | John Bridges | Presbyter | Priest or elder | doctor of Diuillitie

and Deane of Sarum. Wherein the arguments of the puritans are wisely prevented | that when they come to answere M. Doctor they must needes say some thing that hath bene spoken. Compiled for the behoofe and overthrow of the vnpreaching Parsons | Fyckers and Currats that haue lernt their Catechismes | and are past grace: By the reverend and worthie Martin Marprelat gentleman and dedicated by a second Epistle to the Terrible Priests. In this Epitome the foresaide Fickers etc. are very insufficiently furnished with notable inabilitie of most vincible reasons | to answere the cauill of the Puritanes. And lest M. Doctor should thinke that no man can write without sence but his selfe the senceles titles of the seueral pages and the handling of the matter throughout the Epitome shewe plainley that beetleheaded ignoraunce must not liue and die with him alone. Printed on the other hand of

some of the Priests. [Fawsley, November 1588]. Sig. A-G i. vers. 4to. Black letter. Reprinted by Petheram, 1843. B.M.-C. 25. f. 1.


7. An Admonition to the people of England: VVherein are ansvvered, not onely the slaunderous vntruethes, reprochfully vttered by Martin the Libeller, but also many other Crimes by some of his broode, obiected generally against all Bishops, and the chiefe of the Cleargie, purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church. London, 1589.

(1) Orig. ed. numbered on last p. 252. Pagination irreg.; actual pp. 266. Withdrawn and corrected by cancel-slips in two Print measures 14.9 x 8.2 cm.


(2) Second ed. with slight variations. Pp. 245; size 15.6 × 8.7 cm.

(3) Third ed. with typographical variations. Pp. 244; size 15.5 x 8.8 cm.

Press-marks: (1) Lambeth Pal. Lib. -xxx. 6. 27. (2) B.M.-701. g. 31. (3) B.M.-C. 37. d. 38. Reprints by Petheram, 1847, and Arber, 1882.

The initials at the close of the epistle 'To the Reader' are those of Thomas] C[ooper], Bishop of Winchester, though confounded at the time with the celebrated initials of Thomas Cartwright, the writer of a celebrated Admonition.

8. [THE MINERALLS.] Certaine Minerall and Metaphisicall Schoolpoints to be defended by the reverende Bishops and the rest of my cleargie masters of the Convocation house

against both the universities and al the reformed Churches in Christendome. Wherein is layd open the very Quintessence of all Catercorner divinitie. And with all to the preuenting of the Cauels of those wrangling Puritans | the persons by whom and the places where there miseries are so worthely mainetayned

are for the most part | plainely set downe to the view of all men and that to the ternall prayse of the most reverend Fathers. [Coventry, cir. Feb. 20, 1589.] A broadside in Black letter. Measures 12 × 93 in. Unique copy in Lamb. Pal. Lib. xxx. 6. 24 (7).

9. [HAY ANY WORKE].-Hay any worke for Cooper: Or a briefe Pistle directed by Waye of an hublication to the reverende Byshopps counselling them | if they will needs be barrelled vp

for feare of smelling in the nostrels of her Maiestie and the State that they would vse the aduise of reuerend Martin | for the prouiding of their Cooper. Because the reuerend T. C. (by which misticall letters is vnderstood, eyther the bounsing Parson of Eastmeane or Tom Coakes his Chaplaine)1 to bee an vnskilfull and a beceytfull tubtrimmer.

Wherein worthy Martin quits himselfe like a man I warrant you in the modest defence of his selfe and his learned Pistles and makes the Coopers hoopes to flye off and the Bishops Tubs to leake out of all crye. Penned and compiled by Martin the Metropolitane.

Printed in Europe | not far from some of the Bounsing Priestes.

[Coventry, cir. March 22, 1589.] Sig. A-B i. vers. + pp. 148. 4to. B.L.

B.M.-225. a. 33.

Two Commonwealth reprints of this tract were published. (1) This has the fresh title

Reformation no enemie Or a true Discourse, betweene the Bishops and the Desirers of Reformation: Wherein Is plainely laid open the present corrupt government of our Church and the desired forme of Government plainely proved by the word of God. Prov. 24. vers. 21. Printed in the yeare 1641. The running title is 'Hay any Worke for Cooper.'

B.M.-4103. cc. 3.

(2) Hay any Worke, etc. An exact reprint. 1642. B.M.-E. 141 (22). Reprinted by Petheram, 1845.

1 In 'Falts escaped' at the close of the tracts we have the following instruction: Tytle line ten read | Chaplaine hath showed in his late Admonition to the people of England to be | etc.'

10. Mar-Martine.

I know not why a trueth in rime set out
Maie not as wel mar Martine and his mates
As shamelesse lies in prose-books cast about
Marpriests, and prelates, and subvert whole states
For where truth builds and lying overthrows
One truth in rime is worth ten lies in prose.

[About the end of May 1589.] Pp. 7 of doggerel verse, in various metres; one section in Scotch dialect.


4to of irregular

B.M.-96. b. 15. This copy is badly cropped.
Lamb. Pal. Lib.-xxx. 6. 26 (5). An almost perfect copy.

11. Antimartinus. 1589.

4to. Latin pamphlet; pp. 40. Signed at close, A. L. at Stat. Hall, July 3rd.

B.M.-4103. bb. 12.


12. [MARTIN JUNIOR.] Theses Martinianae : That is, Certaine Demonstrative Conclusions, sette downe and collected (as it should seeme) by that famous and renowmed Clarke, the reuerend Martin Marprelate the great: seruing as a manifest and sufficient confutation of al that euer the Colledge of Catercaps with their whole band of Clergie-priests, haue, or canbring for the defence of their ambitious and Antichristian Prelacie. Published and set foorth as an after-birth of the noble Gentleman himselfe, by a pretty stripling of his, Martin Junior, and dedicated by him to his good neame and nuncka, Maister John Kankerbury: Hovv the young man came by them, the Reader shall understande sufficiently in the Epilogue. In the meane time, vvhosoeuer can bring mee acquainted with my father, Ile bee bounde hee shall not lose his labour. Printed by the assignes of Martin Junior, without any priviledge of the Catercaps.

[Wolston, July 22, 1589.] Pp. 31. Small 8vo. Rom. type. B.M.-C. 36. b. 21.

13. [MARTIN SENIOR.] The iust censure and reproofe of Martin Iunior. Wherein the rash and vndiscreete headines of the foolish youth is sharply mette with, and the boy hath his lesson taught him, I warrant you, by his reuerend and elder brother, Martin Senior, sonne and heire vnto the renowmed Martin Marprelate the Great. Where also, least the springall shold be vtterly discouraged in his good meaning, you shall finde, he is not beraued of his due commendations.

[Wolston, July 29, 1589.] Sig. A-D, in fours. Small 8vo.

Rom. type.

B.M.-C. 36. b. 22.

14. A Countercuffe giuen to Martin Junior: by the venturous, hardie, and renowned Pasquill of England, Caualiero. Not of olde Martins making, which newlie knighted the Saints in Heauen, with rise vp Sir Peter and Sir Paule; But lately dubd for his seruice at home in the defence of his Country, and for the cleane breaking of his staffe vppon Martins face. Printed betweene the skye and the grounde, Within a myle of an Oake, and not many fieldes of, from the vnpriuiledged Presse of Ass-ignes of Martin Junior. Anno. Dom. 1589. Sig. A i.-iiii. 4to. 'Pasquill' generally accepted by his contemporaries as the pseudonym of Thos. Nash.

Lamb. Pal. Lib.-xxx. 6. 26 (1). Dated on Sig. A iiii. vers. 'the sixt of August.'

B.M.-C. 37. d. 48 [a fresh setting]. Dated on Sig. A iv. vers. 'the eight of August.'

15. [THE PROTESTATYON.] The Protestatyon of Martin Marprelat. Wherin not wi[t]h standing the surprizing of the printer, he maketh it known vnto the world that he feareth, neither proud priest, Antichristian pope, tiranous prellate, nor godlesse catercap: but defiethe all the race of them by these presents and offereth conditionally, as is farthere expressed hearin by open disputation to apear in the defence of his caus against them and theirs. Which chaleng if they dare not maintaine against him: then doth he alsoe publishe that he neuer meaneth by assi[s]taunce of god to leaue the a ssayling of them and theire generation vntill they be vterly extinguished out of our church. Published by the worthie gentleman D[octor] martin marprelat D. in all the faculties primat and metro Politan.

[Wolston, Sept. 1589.] numbered 23]. Small 8vo.

Pp. 32 [last page incorrectly Rom. type.

Lamb. Pal. Lib.-xxix. 9. 4 (4).

Copies of this rare tract to be found also in the Bodleian and the Camb. Univ. Library.

16. A Whip for an Ape: or Martin displaied.

Ordo sacerdotum fatuo turbatur ab omni

Labitur et passim Religionis honos.

[October (early) 1589.] Pp. 8. 4to. B.L. Twenty-six 6-line stanzas.

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