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Test. Tynd., 1526. And the thyrde daye, was there a mariage in Cana a citie of Galile. And Jesus mother was there. Jesus was called also and his disciples vnto the mariage. And when the wyne fayled, Jesus mother sayde vnto hym: they have no wyne. Jesus sayde vnto her: woman, what have I to do with thee? myne houre is not yett come. His mother sayde vnto the ministers: whatsoever he sayeth vnto you, do itt. There were stondynge sixe water pottes of stone after the maner of the purifyinge of the iewes, contaynynge two or thre fyrkyns a pece.

Jesus sayde vnto them: Fyll the water pottes with water, and they fylled them vp to the harde brym. And he sayde vnto them: Drawe outt now, and beare vnto the governer of the feaste. And they bare itt. When the ruler off the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne, nether knewe whence it was (Butt the mynisters which drue the water knew) He called the brydegrome, and sayde vnto hym: All men att the begynnynge, sett forth goode wyne, And when men be dronke, then thatt which is worsse: Butt thou hast kept backe the goode wyne hetherto.

A mariage in
Cana of Galile

Water into wyne.

Test. Tynd., 1534. Emperour, Antw.

And the thryde daye was ther a mariage in Cana a cite of Galile: and the mother of Jesus was there. And Jesus was called also his disciples vnto the mariage. And when the wyne fayled, the mother of Jesus sayde vnto him : they have no wine. Jesus sayde vnto her: woman, what have I to do with thee? myne houre is not yet come. His mother sayde vnto the ministres: whatsoever he sayeth vnto you, do it. And therwere stondynge theare, sixe waterpottes of stone after yo maner of the purifyinge of y° Jewes, contaynynge two or thre fyrkins a pece.

B And Jesus sayde vnto them: fyll the water pottes with

water. And they fylled them vp to the brym. And he sayde vnto them: drawe out now, and beare vnto the governer of the feaste. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne, and knewe not whence it was (but the ministres which drue the water knew) He called the brydegrome, and sayde vnto him. All men at the beginnynge, set forth good wyne, and when men be dronke, then that which is worsse. But thou hast kept backe the good wyne, vntyll


Luc. 2. g.

Luce. 2. g.



Bible, Cov., 1535.

And vpon the thirde daye there was a mariage at Cana in Galile, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also and his disciples was called vnto y mariage. And whan the wyne fayled, the mother of Jesus saide vnto him: They haue no wyne. Jesus sayde vnto her: *Womā, what haue I to do w' the? Myne houre is not yet come. His mother sayde vnto y mynisters: Whatsoeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. There were set there sixe water pottes of stone, after y maner of y' purifienge of y Jewes, euery one cōteyninge two or thre measures.

Jesus sayde vnto the: Fyll the water pottes with water. And they fylled the vp to ye brymme. And he sayde vnto the Drawe out now, brynge vnto the Master of the feast. And they bare it. Wha the master of y feast had taisted y wyne which had bene water, and knewe not whence it came (but the mynisters that drue y water, knewe it) the Master of the feast called the brydegrome, and sayde vnto him: Euery man at the first geueth the good wyne whan they are dronken, the that which is



But thou hast kepte backe the good wyne vntyll

Test. Lat. and Engl., Cov., 1538. Nicholson.

And vpon the thyrde daye ther was a weddynge in Chana of Galile, and the mother of Jesu was there Jesus was also called to y weddyng and hys disciples. And the wyne faylynge, Jesus mother sayd vnto him: They haue no wine. And Jesus said vnto her. * Woman, what haue J to do wyth the myne houre is not yet come. Hys mother sayd vnto the mynisters: What soeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. Ther were syxe waterpottes of stone set there, accordynge to the purifyenge of the Jewes, conteynynge euery * Metreta, is one two or thre* measures. Jesus sayd vnto them: Fyll a measure of the waterpottes wyth water. And they filled the to the halfe a fyrken, brymme. And Jesus sayde vnto them: Drawe nowe, and pot conteyned brynge it to the mayster of the feaste. And they dyd a fyrke or a beare it. But whan the mayster of the feaste hadde taysted fyrken and a the water that was made wyne, and knewe not whence it halfe. was, (but the mynisters that hadde drawen the water knewe it,) the mayster of the feaste calleth the brydegrome,

so that euery

Luc. ii. g.

and sayeth vnto hym: Euery man at the fyrste setteth the good wyne, and whan they are dronke, than it that is worse: But thou hast kepte the good wyne hetherto.

Test. Lat. and Engl., Cov., 1538. Paris.

And vpō the thyrde daye ther was a weddynge in Chana of Galile, and the mother of Jesu was there. Jesus also was called to the weddynghys disciples. And whan the wyne fayled, Jes? mother sayeth vnto hym: They haue no wyne. And Jes9 sayeth vnto her: *Woman, what haue I to do wyth the? myne houre is not yet come. Hys mother sayeth vnto the mynisters: What soeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it Ther were syxe waterpottes of stone set there, accordynge to the purifyenge of the Jewes, Metreta, is conteynynge euery one two or thre *measures. Jesus saya measure of eth vnto them: Fyll the waterpottes wyth water. And they halfe a fyrlze, fylled the to the brymme. so that euery And Jesus sayeth vnto them: pot conteyned Drawe now, and bringe it to the master of the feaste. a fyrlyen, or a And they dyd beare it. But whan the master of the fyrlzen and a halfe. feast taysted the water y' was turned to wyne, and knewe not whence it was, (but the mynisters y' hadde drawen the water, knewe it,) the master of the feast calleth the brydegrome, and sayth vnto hym: Euery man at the fyrst settest forth the good wyne: and whan they are dronken, than it that is worse: But thou hast kepte the good wyne hetherto.

Luce. 2. g

Test. Lat. and Engl., Hollyb., 1538. Nicolson.

And vpon the thyrde daye ther was a weddynge in Chana of Galile, and the mother of Jesu was there: Jesus was also called to the weddyng and hys disciples. And the wyne faylyng, Jesus mother sayeth vnto hym: They haue no wyne. And Jesus sayeth vnto her: *Womā, what is it to me and the? myne houre is not yet come. Hys mother sayeth vnto y mynisters: What soeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. Ther were syxe waterpottes of stone set there, accordynge to the purifyenge of the Jewes, conteyning euery one two or thre†measures. Jesus sayde a measure of half a fyrken: vnto them: Fyll the waterpottes wyth water. And they so that euerye fylled them to the brymme. And Jesus sayeth vnto the pot conteyned Drawe nowe, and brynge it to the mayster of the feaste. a fyrke or a And they dyd beare it. But whan the mayster of the feaste had taysted the water that was made wyne, and


Metreta, is

fyrken and a halfe.

knewe not whence it was, (but the mynisters that had drawen the water dyd knowe it,) the mayster of the feaste calleth the brydegrome, and sayeth vnto hym: Euery man at the fyrste setteth the good wyne, and whan they are dronke, than it that is worse. But thou haste kepte the good wyne hetherto.

No. IX.


Test. Lat. and Engl., Cov., 1538. Nicolson.


Cvm ergo natus esset IESVS in Bethleem Iudæ, in diebus Herodis regis, ecce Magi ab oriente uenerunt Hierosolimam, dicentes: Vbi est qui natus est rex Iudæorum? uidimus enim stellam eius in Oriente, et uenimus adorare eum. Audiens autem Herodes rex, turbatus est, et omnis Hierosolyma cum illo. Et congregans omnes principes sacerdotum et scribas populi scicitabatur ab eis ubi Christus nasceretur. At illi dixerunt ei: In Bethleem Iudæ: sic enim scriptum est per prophetā: Et tu Bethleem terra Iuda, nequaquam minima es in pricipibus Iuda ex te enim exiet dux qui regat populū meum Israel.



Et iterum intrauit Capernaum post dies, et auditum est quod in domo esset, et confestim conuenerunt multi, ita ut non caperent, neq; ad ianuam, & loquebatur eis uerbum. Et uenerunt ad eum ferentes paralyticum, qui a quatuor portabatur. Et cum non possent offerre eū illi præ turba, nudauerunt tectū ubi erat, et patefacientes submiserunt grahatum, in quo paralyticus iacebat. Cum autem uidisset IESVS fidem illorum, ait paralytico: Fili, dimittuntur tibi peccata tua.


Factum est aute in diebus illis, exiit edictum a Cæsare Augusto, ut describeretur uniuersus orbis. Hæc descriptio prima facta est a præside Syriæ Cyrino. Et ibant omnes ut profiteretur, singuli in suam ciuitatem. Ascendit autem et Ioseph a Galilæa de ciuitate Nazareth in Iudæam ciuitatem Dauid, quæ uocatur Bethleem, eo quod esset de domo et familia Dauid, ut profiteretur cum Maria desponsata sibi uxore prægnante. Factum est autē cum esset ibi, impleti sunt dies ut pareret. Et peperit filium suum primogenitum, et pannis eum inuoluit, et reclinauit eum in præsepio: quia non erat eis locus in diuersorio.


Et die tertia nuptiæ factæ sunt in Chana Galilææ, & erat mater IESV ibi: uocatus est autem & IESVS & discipuli eius ad nuptias. Et deficiente uino, dicit mater IESV ad eū : Vinú non habent. Et dicit ei IESVS: Quid mihi & tibi est mulier? nondum uenit hora mea. Dicit mater eius ministris: Quodcunque dixerit uobis, facite. Erant autem ibi lapidææ hydriæ sex positæ secundum purificationem Iudæorum, capientes singulæ metretas binas uel ternas. Dicit eis Iesus: Implete hydrias aqua. Et impleuerunt eas usque ad summum. Et dicit eis Iesus: Haurite nunc, & ferte architriclino. Et tulerunt. Vt autem gustasset architriclinus aquam uinum factum, & non sciebat unde esset (ministri autem sciebant qui hauserant aquam), uocat sponsum architriclinus, & dicit ei: Omnis homo primum bonum uinum ponit, & cum inebriati fuerint, tunc id quod deterius est. Tu aute seruasti bonum uinū usque adhuc.

Test. Lat. and Eng., Cov., 1538. Paris.

The Latin version in this edition is exactly the same as in the foregoing, with differences in the orthography; except where in the latter end of the extract from Luke, instead of" quia non erat eis," it is in the Paris ed. "quia non erat ei”—and in the extract from John, instead of "Vt autem gustasset, it is "Vt autem gustauit.”

[blocks in formation]

The Latin version in this edition is also the same as in the above, except instead of in Mark, "intrauit Capernaum post dies, et auditum,” &c. it is "intrauit Capernaum post dies octo et auditum," &c.; and instead of “dicit eis Iesus: Implete," &c., “dixit eis Iesus: Implete,"


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