Schedule II-(Import Tariff). NOTE 1. In the expression "ad valorem" used in these Schedules the reference is to "real value" as defined in Section 30 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1878), unless an article has a tariff value assigned to it. NOTE 2.-Tariff valued heads are based on the ordinary trade description of each article and cover all reduced grades and mixtures unless they are separately provided for. • The rate on the 1st January, 1928 and untilf urther notice is annas 74. dated the 25th September 1926, Currants are liable to duty at Rs, 1-4-0 per cwt, Serial No. Schedule II--(Import Tariff)-continued. Names of Articles. I.-Food, Drink and Tobacco-contd. 25 SALT Imported into British India and issued, in accordance with rules made with the previous sanction of the Governor-General in Council, for use in any process of manufacture; also salt imported into the port of Calcutta and issued with the sanction of the Government of Bengal to manufacturers of glazed stoneware; also salt imported into any port in the provinces of Bengal and Bihar and Orissa and issued, in accordance with rules made with the previous sanction of the Governor-General in Council, for use in curing fish in those provinces. (For the general duty on salt, see Serial No. 24.) wise specified. 26 ALL OTHER SORTS OF FOOD AND DRINK not other 23 CIGARETTES of value (a) not exceeding Rs. 10-8 per thousand 75 " " Rs. a. 70 10 8 .. .. .. ton. GUMS, RESINS AND LAC. 17 0 15 " |