(b) His Majesty's Government cannot, of course, dictate to the Commission what procedure it shall follow but they are of opinion that its task in taking evidence would be greatly facilitated if it were to invite the Central Indian Legislature to appoint a Joint Select Committee chosen from its elected and nominated unofficial members, which would draw up its views and proposals in writing and lay them before the Commission for examination in such manner as the latter may decide. The Committee might remain in being for any consulta tion which the Commission might desire at subsequent stages of the inquiry. It should be clearly understood that the purpose of this suggestion is not to limit the discretion of the Commission in hearing other witnesses: (c) His Majesty's Government suggest that a similar procedure should be adopted with the Provincial Legislatures: (d) The vast area to be covered may make it desirable that the task of taking evidence on the more purely administrative questions involved should be undertaken by some other authority which would be in the closest touch with the Commission. His Majesty's Government suggest that the Commission on arrival in India should consider and decide by what machinery this work may most appropriately be discharged, this will not, of course, debar the Commission from the advantage of taking evidence itself upon these subjects to whatever extent it may think desirable: (e) When the Commission has reported and its report has been examined by the Govern ment of India and his Majesty's Government it will be the duty of the latter to present proposals to Parliament. But it is not the intention of his Majesty's Government to ask Parliament to adopt these proposals without first giving a full opportunity for Indian opinion of different schools to contribute its view upon them. And to this end it is intended to invite Parliament to refer these proposals to consideration by a Joint Committee of both Houses and to facilitate the presentation to that Committee both of the views of the Indian Central Legislature by delegations who will be invited to attend and confer with the Joint Committee and also of the views of any other bodies whom the Joint Parliamentary Committee may desire to consult. The ante-dating of the Commission involves an amendment of the Act, and a Bill to this end will be introduced at once." PERSONNEL AND PROCEDURE. The Governor-General and the Executive members of his Council are appointed by the Crown. No limit of time is specified for their tenure of office, but custom has fixed it at five years. There are seven Executive Members of Council. These Members hold respectively the portfolios of Education, Health and Lands; Home; Finance; Commerce; Industries and Labour: Law. The Viceroy acts as his own member in charge of Foreign affairs. Railways are administered by a Chief Commissioner, with the assistance of a Railway Board; and are for administrative purposes grouped under the aegis of the Commerce Department. The Commander-in-Chief may also be and in practice always is, an "Ordinary" member of the Council. He holds charge of the Army Department. The Governors of Madras, Bombay and Bengal become "extra ordinary" members if the Council meets within their Prest dencies. The Council may assemble at any place in India which the Governor-General appoints; in practice it meets only in Delhi and Simla. In regard to his own Department each Member of Council is largely in the position of a Minister of State, and has the final voice in ordinary departmental matters. But any question of special importance, and any matter in which it is proposed to over-rule the views of a Local Government, must ordinarily be referred to the Viceroy. Any matter originating in one department which also affects another must be referred to the latter, and in the event of the Depart ments not being able to agree, the case is referred to the Viceroy. The Members of Council meet periodically as a Cabinet-ordinarily once or twice a week-to discuss questions which the Viceroy desires to put before them, or which a member who has been over-ruled by the Viceroy has asked to be referred to Council. If there is a difference of opinion in the Council the decision of the majority ordinarily prevails, but the Viceroy can over-rule a majority if he considers that the matter is of such grave importance as to justify such a step. Each depart. mental office is in the subordinate charge of a Secretary, whose position corresponde very much to that of a permanent UnderSecretary of State in the United Kingdom, but with these differences-that the Secretary is present though does not speak, at Council meetings at which cases under his cognisance are discussed: that he attends on the Viceroy, usually once a week, and discusses with him all matters of importance arising in his Department; that he has the right of bring. ing to the Viceroy's special notice any case in which he considers that the Viceroy's concurrence should be obtained to action proposed by the Departmental Member of Council; and that his tenure of office is usually limited to three years. The Secretaries have under them Deputy, Under and Assistant Secretaries, together with the ordinary clerical establishments. The Secretaries and UnderSecretaries are often, though by no means exclusively, members of the Indian Civil Service. The Government of India has no Civil Service of its own as distinct from that of the Provincial Governments, and officers serving under the Government of India are borrowed from the Provinces, or, in the case of Specialists, recruited direct by contract. THE DIVISION OF FUNCTIONS. The keynote of the scheme is effective provincial autonomy and the establishment of an immediate measure of responsibility in the Provinces all of which are raised to the status of Governors in Council. This demanded a sharp division between Imperial and Provincial functions. The following subjects are reserved to the Government of India, with the sorollary that all others vest in the Provincialegislature to be essential in the public Governments: 1. (a) Defence of India, and all matters : connected with His Majesty's Naval, Military, and Air Forces in India, or with His Majesty's Indian Marine Service or with any other force raised in India, other than military and armed police wholly maintained by local Governments. (b) Naval and military works cantonments 2. External relations, including naturalisation and aliens, and pilgrimages beyond India. 3. Relations with States in India. 4. Political charges. 5. Communications to the extent described under the following heads, namely (a) railway and extra-municipal tramways in so far as they are not classified as provincial subjects ander entry 6 (d) of Part 11 of this Schedule; (b) aircraft and all matters connected therewith; and (e) inland waterways, to an extent to be declared by rule made by the Governor-General in Council or by or under legislation by the Indian legislature. 6. Shipping and navigation, including shipping and navigation on inland waterways in so far as declared to be a central subject in accordance with entry 5 (c). 7. Light-houses (including their approaches) beacons, lightships and buoys. 8. Port quarantine and marine hospitals. 9. Ports declared to be major ports by rule made by the Governor-General in Council or by or under legislation by the Indian legislature. 10. Posts, telegraph and telephones, including wireless installations. 11. Customs, cotton excise duties, incometax, salt, and other sources of all-India revenues. 12. Currency and coinage. 13. Public debt of India. 14. Savings Banks. 15. The Indian Audit Department and excluded Audit Departments, as defined in rules framed under section 96-D (1) of the Act. 16. Civil law, including laws regarding status, property, civil rights and liabilities, and civil procedure. 17. Commerce, including banking and insurance. 18. Trading companies and other associa tions. 19. Control of production, supply and distribution of any articles in respect of which control by a central authority is declared by rule made by the Governor-General in Council or by or under legislation by the Indian interest. 20. Development of industries, in cases where such development by a central authority is declared by order of the Governor-Genera! in Council, made after consultation with the local Government or local Governments concerned expedient in the public interest. 21. Control of cultivation and manufacture of opium, and sale of opium for export. 22. Stores and stationery, both imported and indigenous, required for Imperial Depart. ments. 23. Control of petroleum and explosives. 24. Geological survey. or 25. Control of mineral development, in so far as such control is reserved to the GovernorGeneral in Council under rules made sanctioned by the Secretary of State, and regula. tion of mines. 26. Botanical Survey. 27. Inventions and designs. 29. Emigration from, and immigration into, British India, and inter-provincial migration. 30. Criminal law, including criminal procedure. 31. Central police organisation. 32. Control of arms and ammunition. 33. Central agencies and institutions for research (including observatories), and for professional or technical training or promotion of special studies. 34. Ecclesiastical administration including European cemeteries. 35. Survey of India. 36. Archæology. 37. Zoological Survey. 38. Meteorology. 39. Census and statistics. 40. All-India services. subject in 42. Territorial changes, other than interprovincial, and declaration of law in connection therewith. 43. Regulation of ceremonial, titles, orders, precedence, and civil uniform. 44. Immovable property acquired by, and maintained at the cost of, the Governor-General in Council. 45. The Public Service Commission. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. VICEROY AND GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF INDIA. His Excellency the Right Hon. EDWARD FREDERICK LINDLEY WOOD, Baron IRWIN OF KIRBY UNDERDALE, G.M.S.I., G.M.I.E., 4th April 1926. PERSONAL STAFF OF THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. Private Secretary.-G., Cunningham, C.I.E., O.B.E., I.C.S. Asst. Private Secretary.-W. le B.Egerton, I.C.S. Personal Asstt. to Military Secretary.-W. H. Comptroller of the Household.-Lt.-Col. W. W. Aides-de-Camp.-Capt. J. H. Taylor, 5 Horse; Capt. C. Waller, late K.O.S.B.; Capt. J. A. Surgeon.-Lt. Col. H. H. Thornburn, C.I.E., I.M.S. Honorary Aides-de-Camp.-Lieut. Colonel Sir Ordinary Members COUNCIL, Smith, O.B.E., V.D. Poona Rifles; Lt.-Col. G. A. Bambridge, M.C., V.D. II Brigde, R.A.; Capt. E. J. Headlam, C.S.I., C.G.M.. R.I.M.; Lt. Col. D. S. Mackay, V.D., Coast Battalion; Lt.-Colonel N. L. Ínkson, (G. I. P. Railway), Lt. Colonel T. R. Neely, (B. N. R.); Lt. Colonel T. Martin-Jones; Lt. Colonel B. Leicester; Lt.-Col. G. C. Manders, Assam Valley Light Horse; Col. Commandant Sardar Bahadur Daud Khan, Alwar Partap Paltan; Lt. Colonel Sardar Bahadur Nand Singh, Faridkote State Forces; Colonel Bahadur Bachan Singh, Nabha Akal Infantry; Lt. Colonel Bahadur Sardar Sinhji, Bhavnagar Lancers; Hony. Capt., Sardar Bahadur, Mit Singh, 1.0.M., late 53rd Sikhs F. F.; Risaldar-Maj. Bahadur, Karm Singh, I.D.S.M., late 13th D. C. O. Lrs.; Hony. Capt., Sardar Bahadur, Muhi-ud-din Khan, C.I.E., I.D.S.M. late 31st D. C. O. Lrs.; Hony. Capt., Sardar Bahadur, Dalpat Singh, 1.0.M., late 9 Jat R.; Hony. Capt., Sardar Bahadur Gulab Shah, late 10 Baluch R. His Excellency Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood, Bart., G.O.B., G.O.M.G., K.C.S.I., Khan Bahadur Sir Mahomed Habibullah Saheb Bahadur, K.C.I.E. (Education, Health Sir George Rainy, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., (Railways, Commerce and Ecclesiastical). Sir Basil Blackett, K.O.S.I., K.C.B. (Finance). Sir Bhupendra Nath Mitra, M.A., K.O̟.I.Ê..., 0,B.E. (Industries and Labour). SECRETARIAT. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, HEALTH AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Secretary (offg.), A. F. L. Brayne, C.I.E., I.C.S. Inspector-General of Forests, A. Rodger, o.B.E., Chief Supdt, G. J. Piper. Asst. Secretary, Rai Bahadur N. M. Chakrabarti, Superintendents, T. McDonnell, H. H. Lincoln, Superintendents, Shah Mohammad, M.A., Bhag- Controller of the Currency, H. Denning, I.C.S. Accountant-General, Central Revenues, G. Kaula, H Auditor-General, Sir Frederic Gauntlett, K.B.E., Staff Officer to the Military Adviser-in-Chief, Controller, J. E. C. Jukes, C.I.E., I.C.S. Officers on Special Duty, T. K. Rajagopalan Superintendents, F. S. Hosley, C. H. Harcourt and C. V. S. Rao. ARMY DEPARTMENT. Secretary, G. M. Young, 1.c.s. Deputy Secretary, G. R. F. Tottenham, 1.0.8. Assistant Secretaries, Lieut.-Colonel F. G. Moore, Superintendents, A. P. Bates, Rai Sahib S. S. (on leave), M. Smith, R. S. Budd, G. G. BladenTaylor, G. M. Coates, J. R. Rodgers, J. Piner, (offg.), E. C. Otto (Offg.). HOME DEPARTMENT. Secretary, H. G. Haig, c.I.E., I.C.S. Joint Secretary, J. A. Shillidy, I.C.S. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND LABOUR. Personal Assistant to the Army Secretary, Rai Secretary, The Hon'ble Mr. A. C. McWatters, Bahadur A. P. Dube. CENTRAL BOARD OF REVENUE. Members. The Hon'ble Mr. A. R. L. Tottenham C.L.E., I.C.S., and A. H. Lloyd, 0.1.E., I.C.S. Secretary, V. S. Sundaram, B.A. MILITARY FINANCE BRANCH. Financial Adviser, A. Macleod, I.C.S. Deputy Financial Advisers, A. Slater, M.A., Assistant Financil Advisers, Rai Bahadur K. C. Maulk, B.A., H. D. Banerjee, Rai Sahib H. S. Kaisth, Rai Sahib A. K. Ghosh, B.A., Mr. F. W. Reed. Superintendents, Gauri Shanker, B.A., A. J. Mendes, A. T. Banerjee, Amar Nath and W. E. Morton. FOREIGN AND POLICITAL DEPARTMENT. Secretary, Political, The Hon'ble Sir John Thompson, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. Secretary Foreign, Sir Denys de S. Bray, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., C.B.E. Deputy Secretary, General, A. C. Lothian. Deputy Secretary Political, B. J. Glancy, C.I.E. Assistant Secretary, J. W. S. Inglis, I.S.O. C.I.E., I.C.S. Deputy Secretary, A. G. Clow, I.C.S. Under Secretary, S. Lall, I.C.S. Assistant Secretary, Rai Bahadur H. L. Chibber (Offg.). Deputy Secretary, (Public Works Branch) and Offg. Consulting Engineer to the Government of India, D. G. Harris, C.I.E., Dip, Ing. Zurich., M.I.E. (Ind.). Assistant Secreatry, W. R. Chambers, V.D. Superintendents, Rai Sahib Atanu Mohan Baner. jee, Rai Sahib Nihal Chand, B.A., (Offg.). A. M. Price (Offg.), Rai Sahib S. K. Banerjee, Rai Sahib Pdt, Gauri Shankar, Rai Sahib Dipchand, C. A. B. Watts. Offg. Superintendents, B. C. Tawakley, M.A., A. M. Price, Bishamber Nath, B.A. Superintending Engineer, Simla Imperial Circle, A. Brebner, B.S.C., C.I.E. POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Director-General, H. A. Sams, C.I.E., I.C.S. (RAILWAY BOARD) RAILWAY Department. Chief Commissioner, Sir Clement Hindley, Kt. Financial Commissioner, Mr. A. A. L. Parsons, C.I.E., I.C'S. Member, Mr. P. C. Sheridan, C.M.G. Member, Sir Austen Hadow, Kt., c.v.o. Director of Establishment, Mr. S. Dutta Gupta, M.A., M.B.E. Director, Civil Engineering, Mr. A. Lines. Director, Mechanical Engineering, Mr. A. J. Chase, O B.E. Director of Traffic, Mr. H. C. Sparke. Director of Finance, Mr A. M. Hayman, 0.b.e. Secretary, Mr. J. C. Highet. Deputy Secretary, Mr. J. Kaul. Deputy Director, Programme, Mr. J. F. Black wood. Deputy Director, Stores, Mr. H. Jackson. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Secretary, L. Graham, C.I.E., 1.0.8. Joint Secretary and Draftsman, W. T. M. Wright, C.I.E., 1.0.8. Additional Joint Secretary, S. C. Gupta, Barrister-at-Law. Deputy Secretary, G. H. Spence, 1.0.S. Asstt. Solicitor to the Government of India, S. 2nd Assistant Solicitor to the Government of India, S. Mushran, M.A., Bar-at-Law. Registrar, C. H. F. Pereira. Superintendents, D. D. Baird (on leave); Rai Sahib D. Dutt; F. A. Thorpe, A. W. Chick (Offg.) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE. Secretary, The Hon. Sir Geoffrey Corbett, K.B.E. C.I.E., I.C.S. Deputy Secretary, N. J. Roughton, 1.c.s. Assistant Secretary, Rai Bahadur S, N. Banerjee, B.A. Asst. Secretary, Kai Sahib L. Sen, B.A. Superintendents, E. J. Sealy, Ladli Prasad, B.A., G. Corley-Smith and A. N. Puri, B.A. L.LB. Actuary to the Government of India, H. G. W. Meikle, F.F.A. NORTHERN INDIA SALT REVENUE. Commissioner, J. C. Ferguson, I.C.S. (On leave) Officiating Commissioner, F. D. Reid. General Manager, A. D. C. McIver. BOTANICAL SURVEY. Director, C. C. Calder, B.Sc. (Agr.), F.G.S., Dr. S. N. Bal, Ph. D., Curator, Industrial Section, Indian Museum; P. T. Russell, Su perintendent, Cinchona Cultivation in Burma. ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Director-General of Archaeology, SirJ.H. Marshall, KT., C.I.E., M.A., LL.D., F.S.A.; Deputy Director-General, J.F. Blakiston; Joint Deputy Director-General, Daya Ram Sahani, M.A.; Superintendent, Eastern Circle, K. N. Dikshit, M.A.; Superintendent, Western Circle, Ganesh Chandra, Superintendent, Southern Circle, A. H. Longhurst; Superintendent, Northern Circle, Maulvi Zafar Hasan Khan, B.A., Thomas Adolph Otto, Madhao Sarup Vats, M.A. Superintendent, Central Circle, J. A. Page; Superintendent, Burma, C. Duroiselle, M.A., I.S.0.; Superintendent, Frontier Circie, H. Hargreaves. MISCELLANEOUS APPOINTMENTS. Director-General, Indian Medical Service, The Hon. Major-General T. H. Symons, C.S.L., O.B.E., K.H.S., I.M.S. Public Health Commissioner with the Government of India, Lt.-Col. J. D. Graham, C.I.E., I.M.S. Deputy Director-General, Indian Medical Service, Lt.-Col. J. K. S. Flemings, O.B.E., I.M.S. Assistant Director-General, Indian Medical Service, Capt. C. M. Ganapathy, M.C.. I.M.S. Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli, Col. S. R. Christophers, C.I.E., O.B.E., I.M.S. Assistant to Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli, Capt. K. R. K. Iyangar, D.Ph., I.M.S., (offg.); Major J. A. Sinton, V.C., I.M.S., Major L. A. P. Anderson, I.M.S. Director, Kodaikanal and Madras Observatories, T. Royds., D.Sc. Meteorologist. Bombay Observatory, S. K. Ranerji, D.Sc. Librarian, Imperial Library, Calcutta, J. A. Chapman. Agricultural Adviser and Director of the Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, D. Clouston, M.A., O.I.E. Assistant Commissioners, E. D. Wilson, D. M. Director, Zoological Survey of India, Indian Smith, A. G. O. Howard. SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Surveyor-General of India, Col. Comdt. E. A. Tandy, B.E. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Director, Sir Edwin H. Pascoe, Kt. M.A., SC.D, D.SC., F.G.S., F.A.S.B. Superintendents, L. L. Fermor, O.B.E., A.R.S.M., D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S., F.A.S.B.; G. E. Pilgrim, D.SC., F.G.S., F.A.S.B.; G. H. Tipper, M.A., F.G.S., F.A.S.B., G. de P. Cotter, B.A.; J. C. Brown, O.B.E., D.SC., F.A.S.B.; and H. C. Jones, A.R.S.M., A.R.C.S., F.G.S. Chemist, W. A. K. Christie, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.A.S.B. Museum, Major R. B. Seymour Sewell, I.M.S., M.A. Controller of Printing, Stationery and Stamps, E. E. Coombs, O.B.E. Master, Security Printing, Nasik Road, Lt.-Col. G. H. Willis C.I.E., M.V.O., R.E., M.I.M.E., Director-Central Intelligence, D. Petrie, C.L.E., C.V.O, C.B.E. Director-General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, D. B. Meek. Deputy Director-General of Commercial Intelli gence and Statistics, M. L. J. MacIver, I.C.S. Controller of Patents and Designs, K. Rama Pai, M.A. |