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nexed to their territory. Ali Mahomet found, which he had fought for, a pretext to quarrel with the eunuch, whom he engaged,* and flew in a pitched battle; the fuccefs of which, invested him with the estates of the nobles, and a large booty. Ali Mahomet, chiefly by the affiftance of the Vizier Kummer ud Dein, not only made his peace at court, but obtained a commiffion for collecting the revenue of the penfion lands, which it is faid he punctually remitted.+

FROM this period, may be dated the first important establishment of the Rohilla power in Rohilcund: a name by which they distinguished the Kuthair diftricts, and their other territories on the east fide of the Ganges. Azmut Ulla Khan‡ being removed from the government of Moradabad, Hunund, an Hindoo officer of note, was ordered to proceed to that place, and exterminate the government of the Rohillas. It appears, that Omdut Ul Mulck,§ a powerful omrah at the court of Mahomet Shah, advised and promoted this measure, in revenge of the death of the eunuch, who had been his agent in the management of an extensive Jaguir,

The battle in which the eunuch was flain, happened in 1727.

+ An act of fuch avowed rebellion, committed within almost the precincts of the court, marks an epocha of the decline of the Mogul Empire, and confpicuously shews, that the power and vigor which had rendered its arms invincible under Acbar, and Aurungzebe, no longer existed.

In some papers recording Rohilla hiftory, it is mentioned, that Azmut Ullah was forcibly deprived of his Government by Ali Mahomet.

§ This officer was also known by the name of Amir Khan.

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which he held in the diftricts of Munounah and Owlah. The

forces of Hunund were encountered by the Rohillas under the command of Ali Mahomet,* and wholly defeated. Hunund, together with his fon, fell in battle; and the districts of Moradabad, with those of Bareily, were feized on by Ali Mahomet.-About this time Azim Khan Dungheah, a Rohilla who had been employed in the fervice of the zemindar of Peleabeat,† joined Ali Mahomet; whom it is faid he urged to invade the poffeffions of his late master. The Rohilla, who embraced with eagerness every opportunity of extending his conquests, and acquiring plunder, attacked the Hindoo, and drove him from his refidence. After the death of Hunund, it is mentioned, though without any accurate detail of facts, and a total omiffion of date, that Meer Munnoo, the fon of the Vizier Kummer ud Dein, was fent into Rohilcund with an army to compel Ali Mahomet to account for the Rohilcund revenue, and to restore the artillery which had been attached to the troops of Hunund. Ali Mahomet met Meer Munnoo at a paffage of the Ganges near Daranaghur,‡ where an adjustment was effected; and the daughter of the Rohilla, it is also faid given to Meer Munnoo's brother in marriage. No other dates are

*This event happened A. D. 1740, the year after Nadir Shah's invasion of India. + A town in the north east quarter of Rohilcund, near the foot of a woody range of hills.-Vide Rennel's map.

A town on the bank of the Ganges, in the north west quarter of Rohilcund.See Rennel's map.


affixed to the arrival of Hafiz, Rhamut Khan* in India, than that he joined his countrymen during the administration of Ali Mahomet ; who being defirous of effacing any refentment that he might harbour for the murder of Alum Khan, quickly advanced this chief to an important station. Dhoondy Khan, a nephew of Alum Khan, who probably came to Rohilcund about the fame period, was alfo much favored by Ali Mahomet. Actuated more perhaps by the defire of conqueft, than retaliating former difgrace, Ali Mahomet invaded Cummaioun, which he over-run, and compelled the chief to take refuge in the Serinagur country. He amaffed a large booty in this expedition, which was concluded by the exaction of an annual tribute; and Rohilla troops were ftationed in the forts of Cafhipour and Rooderpour, dependencies of Cummaioun, which he kept poffeffion of, to record, it is faid, the revenge that had been taken for the murder of his father.

ALI Mahomet, who refided chiefly at Owlah, established throughout his territory a permanent system of government, which though occasionally rigorous, afforded a general protection to the lower clafs of people. Surdar Khan, who had approved himself in many actions a brave foldier, was appointed to the

Hafiz Rhamut, fome documents fay, firft came into India in the character of a


↑ An Hindoo territory, bounding Rohilcund on the north.

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command of the army; and certain lands were granted him for his maintenance. Futtah Khan,* with a comformable donation, was created the public treasurer, and keeper of the household ftores. Peleabeat and Bareily were given to Hafiz Rhamut; and Moradabad, to Dhoondy Khan. Ali Mahomet seems to have held the imperial authority at this period in a low degree of estimation, for he openly feized on fome valuable commodities, which the Governor of Bengal had dispatched, by, the road of Rohilcund, to court, for the use of the King. Setting alfo at defiance the power of Sufdah Jung, the Subahdar of Oude, he plundered a large quantity of valuable timber that had been cut down. for his ufe in the northern parts of Rohilcund. Sufdar Jung, who had ever been inimical to the late Conquerors of Kuthair, acquired a fufficient influence over Ma. homet Shah,+ to induce that Prince to attack Ali Maho met. The Rohillas were fecretly fupported by the Vizier Kummer ud Dein, who, bore an inveterate hatred to the Subahdar of Oude; and who, in the ufage of the courtiers of that day, strengthened his party by every powerful connection that he could procure.

* Futtah Khan, originally a Hindoo, was adopted by Ali Mahomet. The ufage of male adoption prevails even in Mahometan families where there are many fons.

+ Sufdar Jung chiefly perfuaded Mahomet Shah to undertake this expedition, by a ftipulation of paying one lack of rupees for every marching, and half a lack for every halting day, of the Imperial army, until its arrival in Rohilcund.


THE King entered Rohilcund with a great force,* and without coming to an engagement, poffeffed himself of the open country. Ali Mahomet, aware of his inability to resist the King's army, and feeling perhaps a reluctance to face his Sovereign in the field, had retired into the woods of Banghur, the skirts of which were defended by a chain of forts that had been erected by the Rohillas at a former period. Ali Mahomet maintained this poft for fome time, but having no hope of relief, and being fcantily fupplied with provifions, he furrendered himself into the hands of the Kings and at the interceffion of Kummer ud Dein, was pardoned.

THE power of the Rohillas was now annihilated in Rohilcund, and all their officers and principal people were removed to Dehli. This remarkable event, which happened in the year 1745, fhews that Ali Mahomet must have been effentially aided by the distracted state of the empire, during the Perfian invafion, in the increase and establishment of his dominion. It appears that he remained about a year at Dehli, under the immediate, protection of the Vizier, when at that nobleman's recommendation, he was appointed the military governor of Sirhend, and ordered to reduce the

*During the campaign of Mahomet Shah in Rohilcund, he gave to the Shote river the name of Yaa Wuffadar, or faithful friend, from the great conveniences derived by his army from this stream, whose waters are falubrious, and flow in a beautifully winding


+ These woods lie between Owlah and Rampore.-Vide Rennel's map


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