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pected aids), adequate to the accomplishment of purposes, which bore no relation to an English policy. His pride and ambition, which were exceffive, had been mortified by many acts of the Bengal Government; and the restrictions impofed by the Allahabad deputation, he deemed violently oppreffive, and an infringement of the treaty that had been made by Lord Clive. But concealing his refentment with an admirable address, he diligently fearched for expedients to diffolve a connection which placed him in fo fubordinate a condition. Shujah-ud-Dowlah had felt, and resolved to adopt, the European discipline. Exclufive of the French who were employed in forming his troops, he had folicited a supply of English officers to accomplish his purpose. But fubfequently to the application, the Government of Calcutta had been new modeled, and feeing it hoftile to his interests, he refused the service of any person who held a commiffion in the English army. I have obtained an information, supported by documents of substantial authority, but which I am not empowered to bring forward, that Shujah-ud-Dowlah, in the last moments of his life, was actively employed in forming schemes of independence, and even pursuing measures to extirpate the English power in India. The French officers in the service of this prince, improving on his ill humour to the English Government, represented to him that an alliance with France might be made the effectual inftrument of emancipating his country from controul, and enable him to prosecute with fuccefs his schemes of conqueft. The Vizier eagerly hearkened to

this language, and agreed to open the negotiation; but the keennefs with which he commenced it, prevented his feeing the difficulties which would have obftructed its purpose. It was ftipulated by the agents at Oude, that a body of French troops should land on the coast of Cambay, and marching across the upper part of the peninfula, enter the western frontier of Oude. Had the Vizier made the experiment, he would have witnessed the impracticability of the project, and the vifionary schemes of these French adven turers. But a ministry of France, it is to be prefumed, would have altogether rejected the measure, and have foreseen that the attempt of conveying an European force over fo large a tract of country, inhabited by powerful military tribes, who entertain a common jealousy of Europeans, must have been frustrated by the furrounding impediments. The fact which is now related, stands accompanied with fuch a variety of corroborating proofs, that I am induced firmly to believe its authenticity. Shujah-ud-Dowlah who felt the force of the English power both in its open and concealed directions, acted confiftently with the station he occupied,' in endeavouring to remove a preffure fo galling and disgraceful; and had he lived until a later period, when the English nation in India was encountered by a host of afsailants, and finking under an accumulated load of inteftine calamities, we might have been feverely punished for having too powerfully armed the hands of this prince. His memory, I truft, will not be injured, if I place Shujah-ud-Dowlah at the crifis adverted to, amongst the foremost of


the enemies of the English; when, to the extent of his abilities, he would probably have been feen making ftrong exertions to wipe off his former difgrace, and gratify a private refentment.

HAVING marked the more confpicuous outline of the tranfactions of Shujah-ud-Dowlah, I will close it with fome defultory obfervations on his character. In treating of the perfonal qualities of this Prince, it must be noticed, that they pertain to a native of Hindoftan, whose mind, fettered by religious prejudices and the effects of a narrowed education, is rarely incited to the fearch of knowledge. The fame actions which are countenanced, and even applauded by a Mahometan, would in the European world be often viewed with disgust, or fall under a fevere reprehenfion of the Law. Under this preliminary fanction, it may with justice be faid, that the Prince who has been the subject of this treatise, poffeffed a penetrating understanding, and an active mind. His difpofition, when no grand object interpofed, had a general tendency to promote the welfare of his fubjects: and he was always averfe to acts of barren cruelty.

In the year 1765, Shujah-ud-Dowlah's revenue did not amount to more than one hundred and twenty thousand pounds, and his army had been fo much reduced by the effects of the defeat at Buxar, that it was incapable of defending his territory; yet at the expiration of ten years, the period of his death, he held a dominion which produced a revenue of three hundred and fixty thousand pounds; and he maintained in his fervice, one hundred thousand


fighting men. When it is admitted, that in the acquifition of dominion, in maintaining an important station amongst the ftates of India, and in the falutary government of his country, this Prince difplayed an enlarged genius, it must also be allowed, that he derived a real ftrength, and a large portion of political confequence, from the intimate connection he had formed with the government of Bengal; over which, he feemed, at one period, to have exercised a prevailing influence. Had Shujah ud-Dowlah diffolved his English alliance, the fecurity of his country, and the execution of his schemes, would have chiefly depended on the force of his army, and the ability of his officers; for he himself was not endowed with the genius of a foldier. He wanted that valour, or courage, which is ever fhewn in the event of common danger, and at every feafon which requires its exertion: but when perfonal ftrength, or skill, was to decide the combat, Shujah-ud-Dowlah had few equals. He rode, without fear, the most unruly horses; he would attack with the fword, match-lock, or the bow, in the use of which weapons he was wonderfully expert, the most furious animal of the field. This fpecies of courage he feems to have acquired from his skill in the use of arms, and in the strength and activity of his body. In fituations of indifcriminate danger; as in the day of battle, he is faid to have been deficient in the ordinary exertions of fortitude. Though Shujah-ud-Dowlah was the oftenfible conductor of the Rohilla war, he evinced throughout the campaign a marked pufillanimity; and in the engagement

with Hafiz Rhamut, who like a brave foldier had occupied the foremost rank of the battle, Shujah-ud-Dowlah, sheltering himself in the rear, is accused of betraying evident figns of fear, which were not wholly effaced, until he faw the fevered head of the Rohilla chief.

LIKE the men of rank in Afia, he was courteous and affable, had an infinuating addrefs, and accomplished manners. These qualifications, united with a large well-formed perfon, and a handfome countenance, gave him powerful advantages, as well in his intercourse with foreign agents, as in the administration of his own government. With a foothing flow of language he could calm the most outrageous claimants, who though aware of the futility of the language, feldom left his presence but under the impression of a momentary pleasure. He had acquired an extensive knowledge in the practice of every species of deceit, and he could perform with facility every character that was necessary to conduct the various purposes of delufion or treachery. Though capable of executing the subtileft scheme of intrigue, he was fubject to occafional emotions of anger, which have frequently clouded his countenance at seasons when they were hoftile to his views. In his family, he performed the duties of a mild, indulgent parent, and a kind master. When an object of policy called for pecuniary diftribution, he could lavish with a liberal hand; but generosity did not form a fixed part of his difpofition: He was equally rapacious in acquiring, as fordid in preferving wealth. Shujah-ud-Dowlah's ex


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