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(alfo the acting master of ceremonies), I was told that I might prefent my offering, which being an Alum Shahee rupee,* a coin of rather an inferior value in this quarter, I was received with a frown, and my money underwent a strict examination. Would you not imagine that I had been bargaining with a Jew pedlar, instead of conferring with the chief of a country? Though I was mortified at beholding among us fo glaring a meanness and want of decorum, yet as a trait of national character was difclofed, I received some satisfaction in obtaining fo unequivocal a testimony of it. In further proof of the inconsistency of conduct, as well as a want of fortitude in the people of this country, I am induced to relate to you an event, (though foreign to the immediate purpose of this letter) that came within my own knowledge. At the time when the Mahometans were driven from Kattuck, the chief of that territory fled to Bengal, where having expended the amount of the treasure and moveables that had been preferved, he went to the coaft of Coromandel, and was received into the lift of penfioners maintained by the Navaub of the Carnatic. During the regular payment of the allowance, this man enjoyed cafe; and by the fhew of a palanquin, and a refpectable retinue, he maintained a certain ftate. The provifion which the Navaub at that time found it expedient to make for penfioners of a higher order, caufed a deduction from the ftipend of his Kattuck dependant, who then

* A rupee of the prefent reign.

laid down his palanquin, and purchased a small horfe. This was doubtless a mortifying degradation; but the cup of his forrow was not yet full: for on a greater reduction, and at length, a total abolition of the pension, this poor man lofing fight of the character he had fupported, and blinded by a vanity which discouraged all industrious exertion for a livelihood, became notoriously addicted to fraud, and petty-thefts; and was scarcely faved from an ignominious end. I have quoted thefe examples, thinking them more conclufive in conveying to you a knowledge of character, than any speculative obfervation. But when the, mind at an early period, is not accustomed to behold and admire examples of integrity and honor, or taught to fhun with horror and contempt. the habits of vice; on the contrary, when the inftruction given to youth, tends to appreciate the duties of life by the performance of futile ceremonies, and the study of legends pregnant with fable, or violent prejudices, we are not to wonder at fuch acts of depravity.

THE flies tormented me fo much in the Bellafpour army, that I could not but with difficulty fecure my food from their vile attacks. A certain quantity of poison I believe is contained in the body of an Indian fly, for on swallowing it, a nausea and vomiting almost immediately fucceed. I had imagined that the fickness might proceed from the motion of the infect in the ftomach, but on examining one after it had been discharged, I perceived it with out life, though but a very fhort time deprived of its natural air,


The intense heat of the ftomach indeed, must speedily cause the fuffocation of fo fmall an animal.

OUR fituation in the Bellafpour camp was difgufting and incommodious. The heat was in the extreme, with a compound of finells arising from the filth of the people, that groflly tainted the air and I became fo anxious to escape, that I had determined to embrace any mode of operation which might lead to a change of quarters. This eagerness had almoft produced a measure, which probably would have caused a material failure of my plan. Two meffengers who were to convey propofals of peace to the Kangrah camp, promised to conduct our party thither in safety, and I had refolved to commit myself to their charge, though much oppofed by my affociates, who decidedly faid, that these men would betray us. The chief's chobedar,* a brother Mahometan, alfo endeavoured to imprefs me with an ill opinion of these meffengers. Had they formed any scheme of mischief, it was happily frustrated on the evening previously to our intended departure, by the arrival of a drove of affes, laden with iron, who were pursuing our route. On the 29th, the joint party moved, and had arrived at the boundary of Bellafpour, eight miles distant from the camp, when our troubles came thick upon us. Two of the Kangrah horsemen appeared in front, and paffing me, went towards the rear, where they plundered the ironmongers to the amount of one hundred

A perfon who carries a filver ftick before men in high station.


rupees, which is accounted a large fum in thefe parts. They feized also on a Kashmirian, who was lagging behind, and were in the act of ftripping him, when he loudly cried out, which was not true, that he was my fervant, and that I was a perfon of some diftinction. This intelligence induced the horfemen to follow me; but on approaching, one of them observed that I had the appearance of a balla audimee,* and fhould not suffer any molestation; that only ftragglers, and fingle travellers fell under their notice. Seeing them disposed to this civil treatment, I procured the Kashmirian's release, as also that of my own fervant, who had come up during the parley, and had been likewife taken into custody. It was, I believe, a fortunate event for the prisoners that I returned, for our cavaliers were then in queft of prey, nor did they feem nice in the diftinctions of perfons; for whilst I remained, fome ftray paffengers were laid under contribution, from one of whom, an afs driver, they took a pair of fhoes. We were informed that two hundred Sicques who had been lately entertained in the Kangrah fervice, would foon appear. Aware of the licentious manners of the difciples of Nanock, ployed in foreign fervice, I would then willingly have facrificed a moiety of my property to have had the other fccured. There was. no other remedy than affuming the look of confidence and eafe,

especially when em

* In the Hindostany language, any perfon above the ordinary clafs, is fo denominated

+ The founder of the Sicques.


which, Heaven knows, ill correfponded with my heart: fo pushing my horfe into a quick trot, I was speedily conveyed into the mid of this formidable corps, who received me very attentively, but without offering any violence. Imagining our approach to have been that of the enemy, the Sicques were preparing for the fight, to which they loudly exclaimed, in the tone of religious ejaculation, that their prophet had fummoned them. In token of respect, I had dismounted, and was leading my horfe, when a Sicque, a fmart fellow, mounted on a active mare, touched me in paffing. The high mettled animal, whether in contempt of me or my horfe, perhaps of both, attacked us fiercely from the rear, and in the affault, which was violent, the Sicque fell to the ground. The action having commenced on the top of a hill, he rolled with great rapidity to the bottom of it, and in his way down, left behind him his matchlock, sword, and turban: fo compleat a derangement I feared, would have irritated the whole Sicque body; but on evincing the fhew of much forrow for the disaster, and having affiduoufly affifted in investing the fallen horseman with his scattered appurtenances, I received general thanks.

My good fortune, which had this day repelled a series of perils, conveyed me in fafety to the camp of the Kangrah, or as he is often called, from a more ancient name of his country, the Katochin chief. We regaled ourselves this evening with great joy, having fuffered from hunger as well as fatigue, though we had only travelled about fixteen or feventeen miles. A fmall


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