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body, chiefly of horse, was ftationed at this camp; the greater part of the forces under the command of the Rajah, being employed in the fiege of Kote Kangrah. The common road to Jumbo from hence, lay through Nadone, the principal town in the Kangrah country, and through the district of Huriepour; but these places being then overrun by the Sicques, we were obliged to deviate from the usual track, and proceed to the weftward, It is to be feared that these turbulent mountaineers, the disturbers of their folitary abode, will stir up fuch commotions in their land, as to wholly shut up this road, the only fecure one from India to Kashmire, or render the paffage so precarious, that no advantage will compenfate the risk.*

ON the 30th, we moved, and joining the kafilah of the iron merchants again, accompanied it to Sooree fix coffes:- a fmall village, of which most of the carriers were inhabitants. The halt was made at this village from a defire of the carriers to fee their families, for it was at the distance of a full day's journey out of their road. To the eastward of Sooree, which lies in a valley, we croffed a ridge of high and steep mountains.

On the 31ft, at Bompal-four coffes: -- a small hamlet fituated on an eminence. This day's journey was made fhort for the accommodation of the iron merchants, who went to the Kangrah camp to attempt the recovery of the property which the Sicques


*This apprehenfion has been fince verified.



had plundered; but they returned without redress, and now seemed anxious to leave the country; as instead of procuring a restitution or payment, farther demands had been made. All this night, I was expofed to a continued and copious rain

- and here let me

obferve, with fincere thanks for the bleffing of a hale constitution, that though I have, in the course of this journey, endured much feverity of weather, my health has hitherto received no injury.

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A CONTINUANCE of the rain detained us at Bompal until the 2d of April, when we arrived at Chumbah-eight coffes: fmall village, depending on the chiefship of Jeffoul. At a fhort distance from Bompal, we were stopped by the collector of Nadone, who had come three miles from his house, in defiance of the troubled state of the country, to receive from us a toll duty of a few pence. At about mid-way on the right hand fide of the road is seen a place of Hindoo worship, at the foot of which runs the Byas Gunge,* with a rapid stream of about one hundred yards broad. A great part of the road from Bompal to Chumbah lay through a valley, watered by the Byas, on the north fide of which is feen the level and fertile diftricts of Huriepour. The territory of Kangrah, or Ktochin, is limited on the north, and north-west by Huriepour; on the eaft by Chumbay; on the fouth by Kalour; and on the weft by the Punjab. The ordinary revenue,

The fecond of the Punjab rivers from the Eastward.

+ The current runs to the left.


estimated at seven lacks of rupees, has been much diminished by the chief's alliance with the Sicques, who spread destruction wherever they go. These marauders are now acting the part of the man whom fable represents to have been invited by the horse, to aid his conteft with the boar; and you know the uses to which the thoughtless horfe was applied, when victory was decided in favour of the combined forces.

THIS day, our little party which had been joined in the Bellafpour camp by the Kashmirians, refolved, from a dread of the Sicques, who had invested the common track, to quit the kafilah, and through detached paths endeavour to reach Jumbo. A native trader of India, it is to be obferved, holds his time in fmall eftimation, and would rather halt for two or three months, than incur even a common risk.

ON the 3d, at Dada- ten coffes; dependant on the chief of Sebah. From a stream running through the village, we procured fome excellent fish, of the size and something of the taste of trouts. This district, by its approach to the head of the Punjab, lies wholly at the mercy of the Sicques, who are I think the plainest dealers in the world. The fort of Sebah,* standing pleasantly on the brink of a rivulet, lay on our road; and in passing it, I saw

*Situate about three coffes to the fouth-west of Dada, and the only fortified refidence I have feen among the mountains. The vicinity of the Punjab has perhaps induced the mountaineers to fortify this place.

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two Sicque cavaliers ftrike a terror into the chief and all his people, though fhut up within their fort. They had been fent to collect the tribute which the Sicques have imposed on all the mountain chiefs from the Ganges to Jumbo; and, offended at the delay of the payment, these high spoken men were holding to the affrightened Hindoos, that ftyle of language, which one of our provincial magistrates would direct at a gipfey, or sturdy beggar. Indeed, my friend, no ordinary exertion of fortitude, no common share of philanthropy is required, to wield with temper the rod of power; which, from the frailty of his nature, man is ever inclined to use with severity. Yet furely when he looks into himself, he. will fee many a ftrong reason to qualify its stroke. From a spirit of impatience, which having long' actuated me, I am induced to think is innate, I quitted my companions, and going about a mile in front, fell in with a horfeman, who had much the appearance of a freebooter; but being well armed, and evidently the stronger man, I did not apprehend any risk from a rencounter. Seeing me a ftranger, and from the quality of my equipment, a fit fubject for plunder, he ftopped me, and in a peremptory manner, asked my occupation, and place of abode. My answers were neither explanatory nor gracious, and my departure abrupt, though he had expreffed a strong defire of farther communication; and feemed offended at the unconcern of my deportment. About a quarter of a mile farther on, I met a Sicque horseman, well armed, who was evidently in fearch of adventure. After reconnoitring


me attentively, and apprehending, I imagine, that a contest would be of doubtful event, for my fword was long, and my countenance, by the air I had affumed, fierce, he politely faluted me, and passed. The person whom I first saw, had halted, and on the junction of the Sicque, a council was held by them on the subject of my moveables; the result of which was to return and take them from me. My companions who gave me this information came up while these men of the blade were communing on the plan of attack, and an eclairciffement took place. They discovered that these footmen, four in number, were affociates of him, whose property they intended to invade; and naturally concluded, that however decided the odds of two to one might have been, so great an additional strength to our party, would manifeftly turn the chances; and, swayed probably by this forcible argument, they gave us no moleftation.

ON the 4th at Tulwara, ten coffes; a village in the district of Dutar, where the Sicque chief has erected a small fort, and holds the adjacent territory. The country to the southward now affumed a level afpect, which to me had an effect inexpreffibly pleafing; for my eye had long been disgusted, and, I may say, imprisoned, by mountain piled on mountain, till the highest pierced the clouds. The diftrict of Dutar, or Dutarah, extends on the interior fide of the Punjab hills, through which our late fouthern inclination had penetrated. In this day's journey, our party was reduced to the Kashmirian trader and myself; three Kashmirians,


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