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Examen vande Valsche Resolutie vande H. Burgemeesters ende
Raden tot Amsterdam. Op't stuck vande West-Indische
Compagnie. 72 pages.
4to. Amsterdam, 1649

Two beautifully written manuscripts.

3132 WEST INDIA COMP. Levendich Discours vant ghemeyne
lants welvaert, voor desen de Oost ende nu oock de West-
Indische generale Compagnie aenghevanghen, seer notabel
om lesen. 4to. unbound. Gedruckt by Broer lansz, 1622
3134 WEST INDIA COMP. Copye van seker Anticulen beraent inde
vergaderinghe van de Bewindthebberen, ende Gecommitteerde
der Hooft-participanten vande West-Indische Compagnie,
binnen Amsterdam.
4to. unbound, n. d. 1623

3135 WEST INDIA COMP. Twee Deductien aen-gaende de Vereen-
inge van d'Ost en West-Indische Compagnien.

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4to. pp. 21. unbound. Graven-Hage, 1644

3135* WEST INDIA COMP. Consideratien ende Redenen der E.
Heeren Bewind-hebberen, vande Geoctrojeerde West Indische
Compagnie, etc.
4to. pp. 32, Harlem, 1629
3136 WAGENAAR, JAN. Byvoegsels en Aanmerkingen voor het
zevende deel der Vaderlandsche Historie.

19 vols. or parts, boards, uncut, Amsterdam, 1792 3137 WALCKENAER, C. A. Recherches sur la Géographie Ancienne et sur celle du Moyen Age.


4to. sewed, uncut, Paris, 1823 3138 WILLIAMS, EDWARD. Virgo Triumphans, or Virginia richly and truly valued; more especially the South part thereof, viz. The fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of latitude from 31 to 37 degr. relating the means of raising infinite profits to the adventurers and planters, etc. 4to. unbound, (wants title and sig. A,) London, Edward

Williams, 1650 3139 WRIGHT, ASHER. A Spelling Book in the Seneca Language, with English definitions.

8vo. uncut. Buffalo-Creek Reservation, 1842 3140 ZEE ATLAS. Oft Water.-Werald, Waer in Vertoout werden alle de Zee-Kusten van het bekende des Aerd-Bodems. Seer dienstigh voor alle Heeren en Kooplieden, als oock voor alle Schippers en Stuurlieden. atlas folio, morocco back, 42 colored maps, beautifully illuminated title page. Amsterdam.

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3141 ZENGER.



The Trial of John Peter Zenger, of New York,

Printer; with a Narrative of his Case.

8vo. uncut, rare, London, 1765 3142 ODD VOLUMES AND BROKEN SETS. Arnold's History of Rhode Island.-Bernal Diaz' Conquest of Mexico.-Judge Edmunds on Spiritualism.-Hist. of New Hampshire.-Baptist Cyclopedia.-Sparks' American Biography. 3 vols.-Collections of the American Antiqurian Soc.-Manuscripts of the Early History of Canada.-Letters Iroquises.-Coreal's Voyages.-History of South Carolina.-Voyages of Thevenot in the Levant.-Godwin's Polit ical Justice.-American Mineralogical Journal. European Magazine. 2 vols.-Christian Magazine.-Collections of the New York Historical Soc.-Pennsylvania Hist. Collections.-Capture of the Ship Olive Braraa Annals, of Keene, New Hampshire.-Mercure François.-Virginia Historical Register.-United States Register for 1794.-La Neerland et la Vie Hollandaise. 1859.-Davies' Sermons. ̧ -The Botanist, by Waterhouse.-O'Callaghan's Documentary History of New York. 2 copies of vol. 3, and 2 of vol. 4, etc., etc. Making altogether 54 volumes, all in good condition.

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