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Deutero. vi.

1 Timo. ii.

Genesis, xvii.
Exod. XV.
Genesis, i.
Psal. x.
Exodi, iij.
Jeremy, ix.
Roma, ix.
Esay, liiij.

Jeremy, X.

Genesis, i.
Sapien. ij.
Roma. v.

Ephe. ij.

Genesis, iij.

xii. xxvi. xxviij. Ebre. ij.

The summe and content of all the holy Scripture, both of the olde and newe testament.

Fyrst the holy wrytynges of the Byble teache us, that ther is one God, almyghtye, that hath nether begynnynge ner endyng: which of his awne goodnes dyd create all thynges of whom all thynges proceade, and wt. out whom ther is nothynge: which is rightwes & mercyful: and which worketh all things in all after his will: of whom it may not be demanded wherfore he doth this or that.

Then that this verye God dyd create Adam the fyrst man after his awne Image and simylitude, and did ordeyne and appoynte hym Lorde of all the creatures in the earth. Which Adam by the enuy of the deuell, dysobeying the commanndment of his maker, dyd fyrst syune, and brought synne in to this worlde, soch and so greate, that we whych be sprong of hym after the fleshe, are subdued unto synne, deeth, and damnacyon, brought under the youck & tyrannye of the deuell.

And further that Christ Jesus his sonne was promesed of God the father, to be a savour to this Adam, Abrahā, Isaac, Iacob, Dauid & the other fathers: whych shulde delyuer them from their synnes and tyrannye of the deuell, that with a quyck & lyuyng faith wolde beleue this promes, and trust to this Jesus Christ, hopyng to haue this delyueraunce of and by hym. And truly thys promes, is verye oft rehearced in the bokes of the olde testament, yee & the olde testament is thys promes: as it is called the newe, which teacheth that this promes is fulfylled.

And that in the meane ceason whyle the fathers loked for saluacyon and delyueraunce promesed, because mannes nature is soche that he not only cannot, but also will not confesse hym self to be a synner, and specially soch a synner that hath neade of the sauying health promesed, the lawe was geuen wher throughe men myght know synne, and that they are synners: when they se yt. they do none of the thynges that the lawe commaundeth, with so gladde and wyllyng a mynde as God requyreth: but rather agaynst their wylles, withoute affeccyon, & as thoughe they were constrayned with the feare of that hell

bishop Cranmer, who thus writes, to thank him for his interest. "These shall be to give you most hearty thanks, that any heart can think, and that in the name of them, which favour God's word, for your diligence at this time in procuring the king's highness to set forth the said God's word, and his Gospel, by his Grace's authority. For the which act, not only the King's Majesty, but also you, shall have a perpetual laud and memory of all them that be now, or hereafter shall be, God's faithful people, and the favourers of his word. And this deed you shall hear of at the great day, when all things shall be opened and made manifest. For our Saviour Christ saith in the said Gospel, that whosoever shrinketh from him and his word, and is abashed to profess and set it forth before men in this world, he will refuse him at that day and contrary, whosoever constantly doth profess him and his word, and studieth to set that forward in this world, Christ will declare the same at the last day before his Father and all his angels, and take upon him the defence of those men."

1 Cor. xiij.

which the lawe threatneth, sayenge: Curssed be he that maynteyneth not all the wordes of this lawe to kepe them. And yt. this lawe was geuen, to thyntent that synne & the malyce of meñes hert being therby the better knowē, men shulde the moare feruently thryst the commynge of Chryst, whych shulde redeame them from their synnes: As it was fygured unto the Jews by many ceremonyes, hostes, and sacrifices: which were ordeyned of God, not to thyntent to take awaye synnes, but to shew & declare yt. they shulde be put awaye by fayth in ye saluació promesed thorou Chryst. and which now are put awaye by the commynge of that Christ, which is the verye hoste of the father that taketh awaye all synne.

Last of all by the bokes of the new Testamet, we are taught, that ye Christ whych was promesed & shadowed in the olde Testament, is sent of ye Father, at soch tyme as he had determyned wyth hymselfe, at soche tyme (I saye) as all wyckednes floryshed. And that he was sent not for any mans good workes (for they all were synners) but to thyntent that he wolde truly shewe the aboundant ryches of his grace, which he had promesed.


In the newe testament therfore it is most euydently declared, that Jesus Christ the true lambe & hoste, is come to thyntent to reconcyle us to the father, paying on the crosse the punyshment due unto our synnes: and to delyuer us from the bondage of the deuel (unto whom we serued through synne) and to make us the sonnes of God, syth he hath geue us the true peace and tranquyllytie of conscience, that we no longer do feare the paynes of hell which feare is put awaye by y, fayth, confydence & assuraunce, that the father geueth us drawing us unto his sonne. For that fayth is the gyft of God, wherby we beleue that Christ is come in to this worlde to saue synners: which is of so great pyth that they which have it, desyre to performe all ye duties of loue to all men, after the example of Christ. For fayth ones receaued God geueth hys holy ghost, wherwith he tokeneth and marcketh all that beleue: which is the pledge and earnest that we shal suerly possesse euerlastyinge lyfe, and that geueth wytnesse unto our sprete, and grafteth this fayth in us, that we be the sonnes of God: pouring therwyth yt. loue in to our hertes which Paul descrybeth and setteth oute to the corynthians. By that faith and confydence in Christ which by loue is myghtye in operacyon, and that sheweth itselfe thorow the workes of loue, sterryng men therto, by that (I saye) we are Justyfied: that is, by that fayth, Christes father (which is become oures also thoreu that Chryst our brother) connteth us for ryghtwes & for his sonnes: imputynge not our synnes unto us, thorou his grace. To conclude, he came to thyntent that we beyng cleansed from our synnes, and sanctyfied unto God the father: yt. is, halowed unto the use of the father to exercyse good worckes, renyinge & forsaking the workes of the flesh, shulde frely serue him in rightwesnes & holynes all oure lyfe longe: thorou good


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worckes which God hath ordeyned to thyntent that we shulde walcke in them, declarying our selves therby to be suerly called unto thys grace: which worckes who soeuer hath not, declareth that he hath not fayth in Christ. Unto whom we must come, & folow hym with a chearful hert, that he maye instruct & teache us, for he is our master, meake & humble of hert: he is oure example of whom we must learne the rule of good lyuying further he is our prest, hye bishop, and onely mediator: which now sytteth on the ryght hand of God the father, is our aduocate, & prayeth euer for us: which wyll undoubted obtayne what soeuer we desyre, ether of hym, or of hys father in his name: if we beleve that he wyl do it when we requere it : For so hath he promesed. Let us therfore not doute, although we some tyme synne, wh a confydēce to come unto hymn, and with a lyuying & undoutyng fayth, that we shal obtayne mercye. For therfore came he to thyntent to saue synners: nether requereth he any thing moare of us, then to come unto him wyth oute feare.

This is that Christ Jesus, which after he hath kylled the manne of synne with the breath of his mouth, shall syt in hys mayestye and Judge all men, geuyng unto euery one the worckes of hys bodye, accordynge to that he hath done, whether it be good or badde: And that shall saye unto them that shalbe on his ryght hande. Come ye blessed chyldren of my father, inheret ye the kyngedome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde: And unto them that shalbe on hys left hand, Departe from me ye cursed, in to euerlastinge fyre: which is prepared for the deuell and his aungels. Then shal the ende come & he shal delyuer up ye kingdome to God the father.

To thyntent that we shulde knowe thys, by the goodnes of God worckynge by his holy sprete, are the holy wrytynges of the Byble geuen us: That we shulde knowe (I saye) and beleue that there is one God, and Jesus Chryst whom he hath sent: and that in beleuyng we shulde haue euerlastynge lyfe thorow his name.

Another foundacyon then this can no man laye. And saynt Paul desyreth that he be holden a curssed which preacheth any other fayth and saluacyon, then onely by Jesus Christ: yee al thoughe it were an angel of heaue. For of hym, and thorou bym, and forhym, are all thynges: to whom, wyth the father and the holy ghost, be honour and glorye for euer moare. Amen.

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FROM the Angel's words, " that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." The preacher considers three persons concerned in the mystery, our Saviour, the Holy Spirit, and the Virgin Mary.

mediator between God and man should be most nearly allied to both. 3dly, We infer from this doctrine, how grateful we should be towards God, how humble, patient, charitable; how watchful over the dignity of our now exalted nature, how full of comfort and joy, as at the birth of our Prince, as at the publishing of our victory, as at the declaration of our peace, as at the recovery of our liberty, as at the coming of our best friend, as at the receiving the highest honor, as at the marriage of Heaven and Earth, as at the rising of the sun of righteousness, as at the world's nativity, which we celebrate annexed to that of our Lord.

II. In this are considered the part which the Holy Spirit and the bless

incarnation, the fact of his generation by the Holy Spirit clearly set forth, nor ever contradicted by his personal enemies; then are to be considered, I. The manner of which this only may be said, that it ought not to be debased in our minds by ideas of material generation. II. The reason, 1st, for shewing our Lord's divinity; 2nd, in conformity to the usual agency of the Spirit in the μɛyaλɛia Oɛ; 3d, to sanctify our Lord in his high office; 4th, to sanctify him for a spotless sacrifice; 5th, to sanctify the human nature for its conjunction with God; 6th, to exemply us and admonish us of our own regeneration. III. The inference is what admiration and gratitude are due to the blessed Trinity thus concurring for our Salvation.

I. Our Saviour was God, and became man, altogether God and man in all points, save sinfulness. These two points are proved from Scripture. Of this mystery may be considered, 1st, the manner; 2ndly, the reason; 3dly, the practical application and influence on ourselves. 1st of the manner--We cannot other-ed Virgin Mary took in our Lord's wise than by negation determine, nor otherwise than by comparison explain it. Thus we may say negatively, that it was without confusion or change, without division, or separation of the two natures: and comparatively, that as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ. 2ndly, of the reason-The reason of the fact was the mercy of God for our redemption; the reason of the manner, as it is beyond our entire comprehension, so doth it yet appear to us in many things. It was requisite our Saviour should be God, that the mercy of God might be more abundantly set forth; that his sacrifice might have full merit for our redemption; that his doctrine and example might have the highest authority; and because so high an honour might not be given to any creature. It was requisite that he should be man, that he might atone for the sins of men; that he might become our High Priest, and Intercessor; that his doctrine and example might be more intelligible and imitable, that his judgment might be more tolerable, and he "apt to screen us from the insupportable presence of God."-Finally, it was requisite, that he, who was to be

II. Our Saviour was born of the Virgin Mary, as much as any child is born of its mother, including conception, nourishment, and delivery. He was born of a woman so as to have not merely a resemblance but a relation to our nature, that so by his obedience we might be made righteous; and that as from a woman came our fall, so from a woman should be our rising again. 2. He was born of a virgin: for so it was prophesied, so it was needful to shew

his divinity, so it fitted his holiness, so was his coming made wonderful among men. 3. He was born of Mary, of one related to the house of David, that so the prophecies might be fulfilled of one homely in state of life, to shew the nothingness of worldly glories; but holy in heart and mind, and so worthy of this highest of external honours. His low condition of life, as it filled up the measure of his sufferings for us, so it exercised the most difficult virtues for our ensample, shewed his divine power more conspicuously, hinted the true nature of his kingdom, as also of human happi


In conclusion, we are warned against the unscriptural, and anticatholic and unseasonable honours paid by the Romanists to the Virgin Mary.-Works, vol. 3. p. 325.

crown, and friends, you had full reason for your advice. For I confess that speaking either as to mere soldier, or statesman, I must say there is no probability but of my ruin; but as to Christian, I must tell you, that God will not suffer rebels to prosper, or his cause to be overthrown; and whatsoever personal punishment it shall please him to inflict upon me, must not make me repine, much less to give over this quarrel, which by the grace of God I am resolved against, whatsoever it cost me; for I know my obligations to be both in conscience, and honour, neither to abandon God's cause, injure my successors, nor forsake my friends. Indeed, I cannot flatter myself with expecta tion of good success, more than this, to end my days with honour, and a good conscience, which obliges me to continue my endeavour, as not despairing that God may in due

To the Editor of the Remembrancer. time avenge his own cause. Though

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THIS is occasioned by a letter of your's that the Duke of Richmond shewed me yesternight. And first, I assure you, I have been, and ever will be very careful to advertize you of my resolutions as soon as they are taken; and if I enjoined silence to that which was no secret, it was not my fault; for I thought it one, and I am sure it ought to have been so now: as for the opinion of my business, and your counsel there upon, if I had any other quarrel but the defence of my religion, REMEMBRANcer, No. 66.

I must avow to all my friends, that he that will stay with me, at this time, must expect and resolve to die either for a good cause, or which is worse, to live as miserable in maintaining it, as the violence of insulting rebels can make him. Having thus truly and impartially stated my case unto you, and plainly told you my positive resolutions, which by the

grace of God I will not alter, they being neither lightly nor suddenly grounded, I earnestly desire you not in anywise to hearken after treaties: assuring you, as low as I am, I will not go less, than what was offered in my name at Uxbridge; confessing that it were as great a miracle that they should agree to so much reason, as that I should be within a month in the same condition that I was immediately before the battle of Naseby. Therefore for God's sake let us not flatter ourselves with these conceits, and believe me, the very imagination that you are desirous of a treaty will lose me so much the sooner. Wherefore, as you love me, whatso

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