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truth is, as the Archbishop was of his own nature a very loving, kind man, so he did hate ingratitude in any, and could never be taxed with that fault. He was likewise (as the gentlemen of Worcestershire and Kent had daily experience) very firm, and marvellous constant, where he affected a professed love; which brought him in great displeasure in the cause of the Earl of Essex. For such was his confidence in the Earl's loyalty, and his own stedfastness in that friendship which he had formerly professed unto him, that he could not be drawn from being a continual intercessor for him; wherewith her Majesty was so highly displeased and so sharply rebuked him for the same, that the good old Archbishop sometimes came home much grieved and perplexed.

Afterwards, however, when the Earl went out indeed, the Archbishop being that Sunday morning (Feb. 8, 1600) at Court, hastened home without any attendant, and commanded as many men as he then had in the house to be presently armed, and sent them over unto the Court, but not to go within the gates until Master Secretary Cecill, or some other by his instruction, should appoint them a leader. There were immediately presented unto him threescore men, well armed and appointed, who, with a message from the Archbishop, shewed themselves before the Court; of whose arrival there Master Secretary Cecill, with the rest of the Lords of the Council, were right glad, and said a most worthy prelate. They had speedily a leader appointed unto them, and marched presently, and were the first that entered into the gates of Essex House; and in the first court made good the place, until the Earl yielded himself, and was by the Lord Admiral brought to Lambeth House, where he remained an hour or two, and was from thence conveyed to the Tower. The Archbishop had likewise in readiness that afternoon,

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forty horsemen well appointed, and expected directions from the Court how to dispose of them. The next morning, he sent a gentleman to know how the Queen did, and how she rested all night; to whom she made answer, "that she rested and slept the better for his care the day before; but I beshrew his heart," said she," he would not believe this of Essex, though I had often told him, it would, one day, thus come to pass."

Upon the demise of the Queen (March 24, 1602) the Archbishop, although much dejected and grieved for the loss of his dear Sovereign and Mistress, who had so highly advanced him, with the rest of the Lords, repaired immmediately to Whitehall, and after two hours sitting in Council, about the penning of the Proclamation, he principally (as his place required) with a cheerful countenance, and the rest of the Lords in like sort accompanying him, first at the Court-gate at Whitehall, then at the Cross in Cheapside, proclaimed her most rightful successor, James, (then King of Scotland) King of England, France, and Ireland. The people took great comfort at the presence of the Archbishop, and heartily prayed for him at his return, as if they nothing doubted, but that all went well for the State in that council among whom he was present.

He was indeed beloved of all sorts of people, yea, even of some of them who were the most fervent reprehenders themselves, as they have confessed since his death. A more particular love also he deserved of many for his affection unto liberal and ingenious arts, whereof his domestic government and care was no less argument than his public. For besides the pains which he took himself, after he was Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of Canterbury, many years with a number of worthy young gentlemen, in reading unto them thrice a day, he took into his house, besides his chaplains,

divers of quality, to instruct them in the mathematics and other lectures of sundry arts and languages; giving them good allowance and preferments likewise, as occasion was offered; and besides the many poor scholars, whom he kept in his house till he could provide for them, and prefer them, as he did sundry to good estates; he also maintained divers in the University at his own charge, and gave liberally to them and others of any towardliness, as he heard of their necessity and


He kept likewise, for the exercise of military discipline, a good armoury, and a fair stable of great horses, insomuch as he was able to arm at all points both horse and foot, and divers times had one hundred foot and fifty horse, of his own servants, mustered and trained, for which purpose he entertained captains. He had also skilful riders, who taught them to manage their horses, and instructed them in war. like exercises, all whom he rewarded in liberal manner.

For the due execution of his charge, and determination of all such causes as belonged unto his proper cognizance and place; he appointed every Thursday in term a solemn and set commission day, upon which he had a sermon in his chapel, by one of his household Chaplains, and entertained the Commissioners and their attendants, though to his great expense; which he little esteemed in regard of the well guiding and ordering the affairs then by him undertaken. That day you should have had a senate of the worthiest, and greatest Counsellors of State, with the assistance of the chief Prelates, Justices, Judges, and sufficientest lawyers of both professions, that those times afforded.

His great resolution and courage in determining causes, you may perceive, by one instance (among many), when as yet he was no Counsellor of State. A gentleman of good note, seeing how the court was

inclined to order his cause, (not according to his desire,) told the Archbishop, that upon another occasion there grew some speech of that cause before the Lords of the Council, and their Lordships were of another opinion than his Grace and the rest of the Commissioners seemed to be. "What tellest thou me (said the Archbishop) of the Lords of the Council? I tell thee, they are in these cases to be advised by us, and not we by them." He would upon such like occasions, oftentimes say unto his private friends towards his latter time, when they talked familiarly with him, and observed his courage and stoutness: "that two things did help much to make a man confident in good causes, namely, orbitas and senectus; and, said he, they steed me both."

He gave audience unto suitors twice a-day, and afforded them set hours for their dispatch, at which time he would so courteously entreat them, giving them so wild and gentle answers, that even they that sped not of their suits, did depart without discontentment.

He had a desire always to keep a great and bountiful house; and so he did, having the same well ordered and governed by his head officers therein, and all things in plentiful manner, both for his own service, and entertainment of strangers, according to their several qualities and degrees. He often feasted the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry of his diocese and neighbourhood. And at Christmas, especially, his gates were always open, and his hall set twice or thrice over with strangers: upon some chief Festival days he was served with great solemnity, sometime upon the knee, as well for the upholding of the state that belonged unto his place, as for the better education and practice of his gen tlemen and attendants in points of service.

Every year he entertained the Queen at one of his houses, and

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little black husband," and called his servants her servants; and she saw so visible and blessed a sincerity shine in all his cares and endeavours for the Church's and for her good, that she was supposed to trust him with the very secrets of her soul, and to make him her confessor; of which she gave many fair testimonies, and of which one was, that she would never eat flesh in Lent without obtaining a licence from "her little black husband :" and would often say, "She pitied him, because she trusted him, and had thereby eased herself by laying the burthen of all her clergy-cares upon his shoulders; which he managed with prudence and piety *."

Every third year he went into Kent, unless great occasions hindered him, where he was so honourably attended upon by his own train, consisting of 200 persons, and with the Gentlemen of the country, that he did sometimes ride into the city of Canterbury, and into other towns, with 800 or 1000 horse.

At his first journey into Kent, (July 1589,) he rode to Dover, being attended with 100 of his own servants at least in livery, whereof there were 40 gentlemen in chains of gold. The train of Clergy and Gentlemen in the country and their fol. lowers, was above 500 horse. At his entrance into the town, there happily landed an Intelligencer from Rome, of good parts and account, who wondered to see an Archbishop orClergyman in England so reverenced and attended; but seeing him upon the Sabbath-day after, in the Cathe. dral Church of Canterbury, attended upon by his gentlemen and servants, (as is aforesaid;) also by the Dean,

Walton's Life of Hooker.

Prebendaries, and Preachers, in their surplices and scarlet hoods, and hearing the solemn music, with the voices and organs, cornets and sackbuts, he was overtaken with admiration, and told an English Gentleman of very good quality, Sir Edward Hobby, who then accompanied him, "That they were led in great blindness at Rome by our own nation, who made the people there believe, that there was not in England, either Archbishop, or Bishop, or Cathedral, or any Church, or Ecclesiastical Government; but that all was pulled down to the ground, and that the people heard their ministers in woods and fields, amongst trees and brute beasts; but, for his own part, he protested, that (unless it were in the Pope's Chapel) he never saw a more solemn sight, or heard a more heavenly sound." This was told to Sir Francis Walsingham, (then Principal Secretary to her Majesty,) who related it afterwards to the Archbishop, with due approbation of his Kentish journey, and who from that time became a kind friend to him, and did him many good offices with the Queen.

It has appeared of how excellent a nature this Archbishop was, how far from giving offence, how ready to forgive a wrong, merciful, compassionate, and tender-hearted. Yet was he not void, as no man is, of infirmities. The greatest, or rather only fault known in him was choler; and yet in him so corrected, not by philosophy alone, as Socrates confessed of his faults, but by the word and grace of God, as it rather served for a whetstone of


courage in just causes, than any weapon whetted against the person, goods, or good name of any other. So that it may be rightfully said of him, that he was such a magistrate as Jethro advised Moses to take in. judging the people of God, and such a Bishop as St. Paul requireth in the Church of Christ..

As for good works, many towns,

cities, and counties can yield a plentiful testimony for him in this behalf, and in particular that notable monument, his Hospital of the Blessed Trinity in Croydon, which he built very fair and college-wise, for a Warden and twenty-eight brothers and sisters. He built also near unto it a goodly Free-school, with a schoolmaster's house, allow ing unto the schoolmaster twenty pounds a year for ever.

After the finishing of this hospital, among many other his good deeds, the French ambassador, Boys Sisi, inquired what works the Archbishop had published, for that he would willingly read his books who was reputed "the peerless prelate for piety and learning in our days," and whom in conference he found so grave, godly and judicious: when it was answered, that he only published certain books in the English tongue, in defence of the ecclesiastical government, (although it be very well known to many, who were near unto him, that he left divers learned treatises in written hand, well worthy the printing,) and it was thereupon incidentally told the ambassador that he had founded an hospital, and a school, he used these words, "Profecto hospitale, ad sublevandam paupertatem, et schola, ad instruendam juventutem, sunt optimi libri, quos Archiepiscopus conscribere potuit."

And albeit the Archbishop had ever a great affection to lie at his mansion house at Croydon, for the sweetness of the place, especially in summer time; whereby also he might sometimes retire himself from the multiplicity of business and visitors in the vacations; yet after he had builded his hospital, and his school, he was farther in love with the place than before. The chief comfort of repose or solace that he took, was in often dining at the hos pital, among his poor brethren, as he called them. There he was often visited by his entire and honourable friends, the Earls of Shrewsbury,

Worcester, and Cumberland, the Lord Zouch, the Bishop of London, and others of near place about her Majesty, in whose company he chiefly delighted.

In the absence of his friends, he would be exceeding cheerful and affable with his own gentlemen and servants, though his bounty towards them and the poor did not consist in words but in deeds; for he was very liberal in rewarding them, both with leases, offices, and otherwise with supplies, as their occasions required, out of his own purse; and would, unquestionably, have done much more for them out of his own estate, if he had had ability and time, after his sickness had seized upon him, to dispose of his worldly affairs.

As his bounty was very great towards his own, so were his hands every where reached out to the necessities of all sorts. Yea, such was his charity, that if he had seen poor men addicted to labour, he would have given them money, and waste ground to employ in gardening, or some such use as might be for their relief. Or if he heard that any of his poor neighbours were decrepit, or destitute of means to follow their trade, he would supply their needs, either with money or fuel, and sometimes poor watermen's wants with boats and such like.

But to return to his public affairs. Dr. Nevill, Dean of Canterbury, was sent by him into Scotland, to the King, in the name of the Bishops and Clergy of England, to tender their bounden duties, and to understand his Highness's pleasure for the ordering and guiding of clergy causes. The Dean brought a most gracious answer of his Highness's purpose; which was, that he would uphold and maintain the government of the late Queen, as she left it settled-which answer did much comfort the Archbishop, and the rather as it damped the expectations of the Puritans.

In the mean while the prepara

tions were great for the solemnization of the Queen's funeral. As he was the principal in the custody of the kingdom, and chief in all councils of state, under his Majesty in his absence, so in this last solemnity of obsequy unto his ever-honoured Sovereign and Mistress, he was the most eminent person of the whole land, and principal mourner; who received the offering, and had the banners presented unto him.

After this, when at his Majesty's first entrance into England, the King had spoken with him at Theobald's, whereby he more fully conceived his religious pleasure touching the affairs of this commonwealth, he was therewith put into heart; especially when after his coming to London, he did again perceive his resolution for the continuance of the wellsettled state of the Church; which made him more cheerfully prepare himself for performance of his duty, as a thing belonging unto his place, against the day of Coronationwhich ceremony accordingly was performed by his hands, July 25,


The parliament now growing on, he appointed a meeting at Fulham, at the Bishop of London's house, to confer with some of the bishops and judges of his court concerning the affairs of the church, which were then to be treated upon. As he was thus going in his barge upon an extraordinary cold day, and having his barge-cloth tied up, as his custom was, to the top of the bales, the wind blew very sharply; so that the young gentlemen, shaking with cold, desired to have the cloth down, which he would by no means per. mit, because the water was rough, and he would therefore see his way. By reason whereof, the flashing of the water, and sharpness of the air, did so pierce the Archbishop, (being above three-score and thirteen years of age) that he complained the same night of a great cold, which he had then taken in the mould of his head.


Notwithstanding which distemperature, for performance of his accustomed duty unto the King's Majesty, (as formerly unto the Queen,) he went upon the next Sabbath following, being the first Sunday in Lent, over unto the Court at Whitehall; where, meeting the then Bishop of London, they both had long speech with his Highness about the affairs of the Church, both, be, fore and after his Majesty's coming from the chapel. For which cause staying long at the Court, and having fasted until it was near one of the clock, as he was going from his Majesty unto the council-chamber to dinner, he was taken with a dead palsy, whereby all his right side was benumbed, and he bereaved of his speech. From the councilchamber he was, by means of his dearest friends, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, and the Bishop of London, with the aid of the King's servants, carried to the Lord Treasurer's chamber, and afterwards in his barge conveyed home to Lambeth.

His Majesty, being much troubled with the report of his sickness, came upon the Tuesday following to visit and comfort him with very kind and gracious speeches; saying, "that he would beg him of God in his prayer, which if he could obtain, he should think it one of the greatest temporal blessings that could be given him in this kingdom." The Archbishop made offer to speak to his Majesty in Latin, but neither his Highness, nor any there present, well understood what he said, save only that by the last words, " pro ecclesia Dei, pro ecclesia Dei," (which in earnest manner, with his eyes and hands lift up, he often iterated,) bis Majesty conceived, that hecontinued the suit which afore, so on the last occasion, he had earnestly recommended unto his royal and special care in behalf of the church.

After his Majesty's departure, the Archbishop had neither perfect use of his speech, nor ability to write 30

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