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ကာမေသုမိစ္ဆာရာ ဝေရမဏီ၊မုသာဝါဒါဝေရမဏိ၊ သုရာမေရယမဇ္ဈိပ မာဒဋ္ဌာနာဝေရမဏိာတိသရန သဟပဉ္စသိŚသာဓုကံကတွာအပ္ပမာ ဇနသမ္မာရက္ခိတပုံ။ အာမဘန္တေ ။ အရှင်ဘုရာမယံ- အကျွ န်ချုပ်တို့သည် သံသာရဝတ္တဒုက္ခတော၊သံသရာတည်ဟူသော ဝ ဆင်းရဲအ ပေါင်းတို့မှ မောစနတ္ထာယ၊ထွက်မြောပါရ ခြင်းစာကြိုဌာ၊တိသရနာ၊ သုမ္မာသောသရကာဂုဏ်နှင်အကွက္ရွိနောဒကံ အရှေ့ဖက်ကို ပါ တတွာသွမ်ခွဲ၍ မကပ်လှူပူဇော်ပါဘုံ၏ ဘန္တေ။အရှင်ဘုရား မ ၁ ယံအကျွန် ချပ်တို့သည် ။ ကာလဂတာခံ၊ဘဝဆန်ဘဝဟောင်းသို့ပြောင်း သွားလေသောသူကို ဒွိဒိဋ္ဌိရေမှတ်ပြု၍ စုမံဝတ္ထု ၍ပင်ပုဆိုအစရှိသ တို့ကို စမကပ် လျှော်ပါကုံ၏ဤသို့ အကျွန်ပ်တို့သည်ကပ် ပုဂျော်ပါကံ့သောစာကြိုတား(ဖင့် အပယ်လေးပါး ကပါသု'ပါးရပ္ပ ည်ရှစ်ပါးရံသူမြို့နှင)ပါးတို့မှ။ကင်းလွတ်သည်သာဖြစ်၍။သုခံလူချမ်သာ နတ်ချမ်သာနိဗ္ဗာန်ချမ်ါသမြတ်ကိုရလိုပါ၏ ဘန္တေ အရှင်ဘုရား၊မယံအ ချုပ်တို့သည်။ ပြုရသောကောင်းကြောင့်၊ မွေးသည်မိခင် မွေသည်ဘခ င်းဆာသွားဘိုကြိဘွာကြိရေမြေသင်မှစ၍၊ အမျှပေးဝေဗာ အထ

က်ကိုဘဝကတော်ကိုအဝိစိအနန္တစကြာဝဠာ၊ဘီယာလုပ်ခြင်းစာကြွင်းမ ရိုးသုပ်ဝယ်တဘုန် ကျင်လည်တံ့သောဝေစာက္ခိတ သုခိတ+သတ္တ ဝါအပေါင်းတို့ကိုအမျှပေးဝေဗာကို ၀သုံ၉မြေနတ်သားကိုလည် အမျှပေးဝေပါကုံ၏ ၊ဝသုံ@ဤနတ်သားသည်အကျွန်ပ်တို့သည်ကာ လရိုက်လျား၍ဘင်မုံ့ညားသောလည် အကျွန်ပ်တို့သည်။ပြုပါရသောကော ငါ့ကြောင့်နောင်သောကာလ သက်သေခံလာသည်ဖြစ်စေသော အမျှရသည်ဖြစ်စေသောအမျှအမျှသာဓုသာဓု- ပုဒိအာ နိဋ္ဌိတံ”

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dyeh, who has been invoked to bear witness to the sincerity of the above declaration.)

This done, all arose from the ground; the corpse was taken out of the litter and deposited in the grave. I observed that pawn and spices had been placed in the mouth of the deceased, for the purpose as I was informed of rendering the odour of the body, consequent to decomposition, less offensive to the bystanders. At the sight of the corpse, the poor woman commenced her lamentations afresh, and as my curiosity was satisfied, I returned to the Soogree's habitation, leaving the Phoongrees to perform over the grave of the child (on the opposite bank), a service in every respect similar to that I have just described.

January 17th.-The Mughs can form no other idea of the distance intervening between one place and another beyond what is derived from the time taken in going over it. In a country like this, abounding with impediments of every description, any other species of measurement was out of the question, so substituting my elephant for a Perambulator, and making every allowance for the several obstructions met with, I conceive the distance between Oogah and Singhunnethe to be as much as 16 miles; from that to Seppo-towng 12 miles; and as many more from thence to Rambree.

Bidding adieu to the good old Soogree, I set out at day-break on my journey to the capital of the island. The Saaynekyong creek, after winding through the vale to the right, suddenly takes a turn into the interior, crossing the road within a very short distance of Seppo-towng. As the tide was at the flood the elephants were unloaded and swam across ; a boat having been placed at the disposal of myself and followers. Proceeding onwards the route was but a repetition of what had been met with on the preceding day. Patches of paddy ground, succeeded by long mountainous ranges with the same abrupt ascent and inclination, were the never failing features of the country passed over between Singhunnethe and Rambree. The soil on the hills was generally a red clay, containing nodules of chert, and felspar combined with talc. Had I possessed even a common acquaintance with botany, I might have derived much pleasure in the examination of the various vegetable tribes that surrounded me. Unfortunately I was a stranger to the greater number, recognizing only those of most frequent occurrence, such as the Girjun, Tilsah, Jharral, wild Peepul, and a host of Mimosas. There were also some very pretty creepers, and a vine which corresponds in description with that given me of the black pepper-plant*. After the * The black pepper-plant is found on the hills in the Sandoway district.

first two or three ranges had been overcome, we approached the village of Leppang, the site of an old stockade, and scene of an encounter between the Burmah chief Némyo-sooyah*, and the Ramoo Rajah Keembrang, in which the latter was shamefully defeated. From thence it is but a short distance to Tseembeeyah and Kéhsree, the latter prettily situated on the plain, and surrounded with clumps of trees. Among the inhabitants of Kehsree are a class of people engaged in the oil manufacture, and who shall receive further notice hereafter. The oil is prepared chiefly from the Thel, and the mills are in every respect similar to those used in Bengal. Beyond Kehsree is Koyandowng with the two guardian temples on its summit and to the right of that, the Red Hill" of Rambree, almost destitute of verdure, and answering in appearance to that predicated by its name. Tiger traps of a novel construction were very numerous in the ghats leading to the town. Rambree has on several occasions been much infested with tigers; they have been known to come into the town shortly after dark, and entering the houses, carry off the inhabitants. Cattle and poultry are even now continually taken away, and it is considered very dangerous to sleep outside upon the michaun. To facilitate the description of one of these traps, I have endeavoured to represent by a drawing the several parts of which it is constructed.

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A, is a long pole possessing great strength and elasticity, which is bent and held down by B, a peg connected with C, a good thick cane rope. The peg B, is fixed with great care between the bars D, and E,; the bar D, having been previously fastened to the two posts F, F, which are driven into the ground. That part of the platform marked G, is brought into contact with the bar E, and the peg B. H, is a noose laid upon the platform, and I, a heavy wooden cylinder so nicely attached to the cane rope that the least jirk causes it to fall. The platform is laid upon the path frequented by the tiger, (generally a gap in a fence, or a ravine,) and carefully concealed with grass and leaves. The animal treads upon it and it gives way, disturbing the bar E, and peg B, on which the pole springs up to its natural position, bringing the wooden cylinder with such violence upon the arm of the tiger, (already caught in the noose,) that it is generally broken by the concussion. This cylinder covers that part of the leg that has been entangled in the noose, and is of great use in preventing the * Afterwards Meyo-woon at Rambree.

+ Called "St. George's Hill" by the troops quartered at Rambree during the The temples were built by the Burmah Meyowoon Yeh-jutta-gong. Already noticed in vol. 2nd (1833), Journal Asiatic Society.


A large branch of a tree sometimes serves as well.

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