OR CONSTITUTIONAL History of England, From the earliest TIMES, TO THE Restoration of King CHARLES II. COLLECTED From the RECORDS, the ROLLS of Parliament, the JOURNALS By SEVERAL HANDS. THE SECOND EDITION. IN TWENTY-FOUR VOLUMES. VOL. IV. Which finishes the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. LONDON, Printed for J. and R. TONSON, and A. MILLAR, in the MDCCLXIII, .... THE PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY OF ENGLAND. T HE War with France being now actually begun, and the Sinews of 1562. meet there, on the 11th Day of January following, in the 5th Year of this Reign. Anno Regni 5, On the Day of their Meeting, the Queen, it seems, was again indisposed (a); and therefore a- At Westminster. nother Writ of Prorogation was produced by the Lord Keeper and other Lords of the Council, and read, whereby this Parliament was prorogued only to the next Day, being the 12th of the fame Month. On that Day the Parliament began; and it may not be amiss to give the Form of the Queen's Procefsion to the House (b). She rode that Morning from her Palace, in great State, to Westminster Abbey; accompany'd with all the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal. The Queen was clad in a Crimfon VOL. IV. A Velvet : Com. Jour. (a) She was fomewhat fick of a Stych. (a) Strype's Annals, p. 255. See Dewes's Journals, p. 58, &c. for the whole, |