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command the means of subsistence. I will see you again on this subject.

Very truly yours,

P. S.-My young friend, Mr. John Brown, wishes to be made Inspector of Vermicelli. He is a pure Democrat dyed in the wool, and I trust in making your appointments you will not overlook his claims. Brown tells me he considers himself almost a relative of yours. His aunt used to go to school with your father. She frequently writes to him, and always speaks of you with great esteem.


MON AMIE:-I ave been ver malade since that I hav arrive, I ver muche thank you for you civilite on la vapor which we come ici, juntos. The peoples here do say to me, you si pued give to me the littel offices in you customs house. I wish if si usted gustan you me shall make to be Inspectors de cigarritos. Je l' entends muy bien. Come to me see.

Countess de

Mister José Jones he say wish to be entree clerky. You

mucho me oblige by make him do it.


The following was evidently dictated by some belligerent old Democrat to an amanuensis, who appears not to have got precisely the ideas intended:

SIR-I have been a dimocrat of the Jackson School thank God for twenty years. If you sir had been erected to an orifice by the pusillanimous sufferings of the people as I was onst I would have no clam but sir you are appointed by Pierce for whom I voted and King who is dead as Julia's sister and I expectorate the office for which my friends will ask you sir I am a plane man and wont the orifice of Prover and taster of Brandy and wish you write to me at the Niantic where I sick three days and have to write by a young gentleman or come to see me before eleven o'clock when I generally get sick Yours

P. S. My young man mr. Peter Stokes I request may be made inspector of pipes,

[blocks in formation]

MISTER COLECTED My husban Mikel Muggins will wish me write you no matur for abuv if you make him inspector in yore custom hous, he always vote for Jackson and Scott and all the Dimocrats and he vote for Bugler and go for extension the waser works which I like very much. You will much oblige by call and settel this one way or other. ELIZIR MUGGINS.

Mike wants Mr. Timothy flaherty, who was sergent in Pirces regiment and held Pirces hoss when he rared and throwed him to be a inspector too hes verry good man.

E. M.


SIR-I have held for the last four years the appointment of Surveyor of Shellfish in the Custom House, and have done my duty and understand it. I have been a Whig, but never interfered in politics, and should have voted for Pierce-it was my intention—but a friend by mistake gave me a wrong ballot, and I accidentally put it in, having been drinking a little. Dear sir, I hope you will not dismiss me; no man in this city understands a clam as I do, and I shall be very much indebted to you to keep my office for the present though have much finer offers but don't wish at present to accept.

Very respectfully,

P. S.-My friend Mr. Thomas Styles wishes to keep his office. Dear sir, he is Inspector of Raccoon Oysters; he is an excellent gentleman, and though they call him a Whig I think dear sir, there is great doubt. I hope you'll keep us both; it's very hard to get good Inspectors who understand shell-fish.

So much for to-day. If any gentleman incited by a laudable curiosity wishes to peruse more of these productions, let him proceed to Telegraph Hill, and on the summit of the tower at the extremity of the starboard yard-arm, in the discharge of his duty will be found, always ready, attentive, courteous and obliging,



No matter of local interest having occurred, worthy the pen of history, since the return of the "Congressional Rifles" from their target excursion at San Mateo, I propose to devote a few moments to the reprobation of an untomfortable custom prevalent in this city, to an alarming extent, and which if persisted in, strikes me as calculated to destroy public confidence, and, to use an architectural metaphor, shake the framework of society to its very piles. I allude to the pernicious habit which every body seems to have adopted, of making general, indiscriminate and public introductions. You meet Brown on Montgomery street: "Good morning, Brown; " "How are you, Smith?" "Let me introduce you to Mr. Jones "—and you forthwith shake hands with a seedy individual, who has been boring Brown for the previous hour, for a small loan probably—an individual you never saw be

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