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without having seen the Emperor. It has been supposed that Saadut Khan, in conjunction with Nizam Ul Mulck, invited Nadir Shah into India, with the assurance of a powerful interiour assistance, and an easy conquest of the Empire. This supposed fact, has been subscribed to by Mr. Dow in his History of Hindostan, with positive decision in favour of its authenticity; and it is partially noticed in the History of Nadir Shah, by Mr. Fraser, who has treated his subject with candour, and generally with perspicuity. This writer assserts, that Saadut Khan was engaged in a treacherous negotiation, which the disaffected nobles of Delhi were said to have maintained with the court of Persia; but here I must observe, though it diverts the immediate object of my research, that Fraser's assertion stands unaccompanied by any detail of events, descriptive of the benefit which Saadut Khan derived from the invasion; nor has he quoted, in support of it, any specific authority. If a probable conclusion, indeed, is to be drawn from Fraser's relation of the conduct of Saadut Khan, during the Persian war, I would with little hesitasion say, that the Governor of Oude held no share in the councils or favour of Nadir Shah. For had he obtained the protection of that Prince, to which he stood entitled from the services imputed to him, it is not probable that

so large a share of the disaster of the Delhi army at Karnal, would have fallen on this officer.

IN a passage of Fraser's history, it is seen, I think, that Saadut Khan could not have held a confidential correspondence with the Persian, or experienced any portion of his indulgence. Fraser says, "Before I relate the treacherous "correspondence carried on between Nizam "Saadut Khan, and Nadir Shah, the invi"tation they gave him to march towards Hin"dostan, which was the principal motive that "encouraged him to undertake the expedition, "I shall," &c.-And in the other part of the book it is mentioned, that on Nadir's approach towards the capital, Saadut Khan received orders to join the Delhi army, and that he had already crossed the Ganges, when he was directed to return to Oude. It had been resolved in the councils of Mahomet Shah, which were distracted and wavering, that the army should take the field under the command of the Vizier; and that the Emperor, protected by the forces of Saadut Khan, should remain at Delhi. This Omrah was required to undertake the charge, but an ill state of health at that time detained him in Oude. He arrived in February 1739, in the camp of Mahomet Shah, who receding

*There is no future mention made of the correspondenec.

from his former determination, had joined the army. On the day of Saadut Khan's junction * with the imperial forces, his camp was attacked and plundered by a body of Persian troops, who slew many of his attendants. Saadut Khan, on receiving information of the disaster, left the King's apartments, where he had been in waiting, and hastened to the assistance of his party. Khan Dowrah, the imperial general, marched to the relief of Saadut Khan, and in a short time, most of the imperial officers of Mahomet Shah, who commanded separate bodies, came into action. Nadir Shah, seeing the contest become obstinate and serious, appeared himself at the head of his troops, who then were irresistible, and a complete victory was gained over the Delhi army, which suffered a severe loss in men and officers. Khan Dowrah was mortally wounded: his eldest son, with many Omrahs, were slain; and Saadut Khan fell into the hands of the enemy. In the army of Nadir it is said, that 2500 soldiers, with seven principal officers, were killed, and that 5000 men were wounded. After the After the engagement, Nadir Shah ordered a tent to be pitched near his own quarters, for the acccommodation of Saadut Khan, and two other Omrahs of Mahomet Shah.

The army was encamped at Karnal, about 100 miles to the westward of Delhi.

The baggage of these officers was stationed on the outside of the camp, together with their servants, none of whom were permitted to attend them, nor were they allowed to make use of their own provisions.-Little farther mention is made of Saadut Khan by Mr. Fraser after this affair, than that he was appointed to guard the city of Delhi, on the day of Nadir Shah's first entrance.-This writer likewise says, that Nadir Shah, summoning Saadut Khan before him on the 9th of March 1739, reprehended him in harsh language for being the cause of impeding the collection of the imposts*, and that on the next day, Saadut Khan died, having been before weak and indisposed. Mr., Fraser concludes his relation of Saadut Khan, by observing, that some imagined he died through anger of the abusive reproach of Nadir; and others are of opinion, that jealousy provoked him to take poison f.

Mr. Fraser's relation of the conduct of Saadut Khan, the spirit of which is strictly adhered to, now awaits a dispassionate decision, which is to determine the probable truth of Saadut Khan's invitation of Nadir Shah into India. This author, who has unquestionably left us a valua

*A tax laid by Nadir shah on the inhabitants of Delhi. + It was believed at Delhi, that Saadut died of the effects of an ulcer in his leg.

ble tract of Indian history, in other passages of his book, observes, that the Persian Prince shewed marks of indulgence and liberality to

many of Mahomet Shah's Omrahs, but no example is brought forward of his munificence, or even lenity, having been extended to Saadut Khan. On the contrary, it is seen, that Saadut Khan suffered severely in the action of Karnal, and was subsequently treated with much rigour.

SUFDAR Jung, who resided at Oude at the period of Saadut Khan's death, succeeded to the Government; an appointment, according to the tradition of the family, conferred on him by Nadir Shah: yet I am induced to believe, from the liberal conduct of the Persian to Mahomet Shah, that Sufdar Jung received the promotion at the hands of his own sovereign. Sufdar Jung, after the march of the Persian army from Delhi, came to court, where he obtained the office of Meer Atush, or grand master of the ordnance.

In the year 1746, Ahmed Shah, the Duranny, invaded Hindostan, and had advanced to Sirhend, where he was successfully opposed by the Delhi army, in which Sufdar Jung had a considerable charge. Soon after the accession of Ahmed Shah to the throne, Sufdar Jung was advanced to the Vizarut, and his son, Shujah

* This prince commenced his reign in 1747.

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