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books to the Society. We trust that before long many other noblemen and gentlemen of the province will come forward with donations towards the objects of the Society. A prospectus of the Society together with an appeal for donations for the purchase of books or for housing and equipmert, and gifts of books or MSS., has been printed, and copies circulated in the several districts of the province.

The report of the Committee appointed by Government regarding the scheme for a Museum and Public Library will be shortly considered by Government.

During this the first year of our existence we have necessarily had to occupy ourselves more with the work of organization and the settling of preliminaries than with actual research. Still we have made a promising start, and have already issued two numbers of our Journal.

To form the nucleus of a Museum, we have already secured a number of implements, ornaments, and other articles of the Stone Age and Copper Age in this province, besides few ancient coins and other objects of antiquarian interest. It will not, however, be possible to form collections on a systematised plan until the necessary accommodation and arrangement for supervision have been provided.

Thanks to the prompt assistance given by the Local Government, the Society has been in a position to meet all expenses incurred during the year, but larger sums will be required for its objects.

An abstract statement of accounts is appended to this report. The proceedings of the inaugural meeting of the Society as well as the proceedings of the meetings of the Council hitherto held have been published in the Society's Journal.

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III.-Minutes of a meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, the 30th November, 1915, at the Commissioner's House at Bankipore.


1. The Hon'ble Mr. C. E. A. W. Oldham, 1.C.S., VicePresident, in the Chair.

2. S. A. Raja, Esq.

3. K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A., Bar.-at-Law.

4. Prof. J. N. Sarkar, M.A.

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1. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. 2. Pending applications for membership were considered, and 15 ordinary members were duly elected. Their names are noted below :-

1. Babu Indra Bilash Mukerjee, Sambalpur.

2. A. J. Ollenbach, Esq., Khondmals.

3. Lieut.-Col. R. H. Maddox, M.B., I.M.S., Ranchi.

4. Lieut. F. S. McNamara, Ranchi.

5. Babu Manmath Nath Mukerji, B.A., B.E. Ranchi.
6. Babu Nabendu Bhushan Mukerji, B.L., Khunti,
district Ranchi,

7. Babu Nagendra Nath Basu, 20, Biswakosa Lane,
Bagbazar, Calcutta.

8. Mr. C. J. B. Wight Boycott, Daltonganj.

9. W. O. MacGregor, Hazaribagh.

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A. M. Walter

E. A. Oakley

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12. Mr. L. K. Ananthakrishana Iyer, B.A., L.T., Trichur,


13. Babu Thakur Brijnandan, Bankipore.

14. Khan Sahib Abdul Muqtadir, Imperial Library, Cal


15. Rev. O. J. Millman, B.A., B.D., Udayagiri, P. O. Ghumsar, Madras.

3. Resolved that the appointment of a peon be sanctioned for the General Secretary's office on a salary of Rs. 8 a month.

4. Read a letter, dated the 10th November 1915, from the Manager of the Aul Estate, intimating that Babu Braja Sunder Deb, Proprietor of the Aul Estate in the Cuttack District, has been pleased to make a donation of Rs. 100 to the Society for the purchase of books for the library.

Resolved that the Secretary be asked to convey the thanks of the Council to him.

IV.-Minutes of a meeting of the

Council of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society held at the Commissioner's House, Bankipore, on the 4th January 1916.


1. The Hon'ble Mr. C. E. A. W. Oldham, I. c. S., VicePresident, in the Chair.

2. V. H. Jackson, Esq., M.A.

3. D. B. Spooner, Esq., B.A., PH.D.
4. Professor Jadunath Sarkar, M.A.

5. Professor J. N. Samaddar, B.A.

1. Read and confirmed the proceedings of the last meeting of the Council held on the 30th November, 1915.

2. Read and passed the proposed list of agenda for the ordinary meeting of the Society to be held on the 24th January 1916. In this connection the Council are of opinion that rules 5, 6 and 7 of the rules of the Society may suitably be amended so as to confer on the Council the power of election of members, in view of the delay involved by the procedure prescribed in the existing rules.

3. Read the annexed list of 7 candidates for membership of the Society. Resolved that the names be approved :—

1. Lady Holmwood.


2. R. D. Banerji, Esq., M.A.

3. T. A. Gopinatha Rao, Esq., M.A.

4. G. E. Fawcus, Esq., M.A.

5. Babu Haranandan Panday, B.A.
6. Babu Krishna Govinda Tewari

7. Babu Bidya Binod Singh.

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