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I.-Minutes of a meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, the 28th June, 1916, at the Hon'ble Mr. Oldham's house at Bankipore.


1. The Hon'ble Mr. C. E. A. W. Oldham, I.C.S.,

in the Chair.

2. K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A., Bar-at-Law.

3. S. Sinha, Esq., Bar-at-Law.

4. Babu S. C. Roy, M.A., B.L.

(1) The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. (2) Considered a list of 14 applicants for ordinary membership. Resolved, that they be elected. Their names are given below:

1. Kumar Shanti Shekhareswar Ray, The Ratankar, Seaside,


2. G. C. Lathbury, Esq., Giridih, E.I.R.

3. Raja Dharanidhar Indra Deo Deb, Feudatory Chief, Bonai State, P.O. Bonaigarh (Orissa).

4. Babu Keshi Misra, B.A., Zamindar and Sub-Manager, Raj Darbhanga, P.O. Hayaghat.

5. Maulvi A. K. Abdur Razzak, B.A., Special Inspecting Officer for Muhammadan Education in the Chota Nagpur Division, Ranchi.

6. Babu Rajani Nath Ghosh, M.A., Assistant Head Master
of the Patna Collegiate School, Bankipore.

7. Maulvi A. N, Muhammad Ali Hassan, M.A., Assistant
Head Master of the Palamau Zilla School, Daltonganj.
8. Rai Sahib Kedar Nath Das Gupta, B.A., Head Master
of the Purulia Zila School, Purulia.

9. Maulvi Manzur Rasul, Assistant Master in the Purulia Zila School, Purulia.

10. Babu Sashi Bhushan Bose, M.A., Barganda (Giridih). 11. Babu Narayan Prasad Mahanti, B.A., Assistant Inspector of Schools, Chota Nagpur Division, Ranchi. 12. Babu Dhanapati Banerji, M.A., B.L., Pleader, Puri. 13. H. R. Meredith, Esq., B.A, I.C.S, Subdivisional Officer, Beguserai.

14. J. Maclean, Esq., M.A., I.E.S., Inspector of Schools, Patna Division, Bankipore.

(3) Resolved that the following gentlemen be elected Honorary Members of the Society :

1. William Crooke, Esq., B.A., I.C.S. (Retd.), Langton House, Charlton Kings' Cheltenham (England).

2. Prof. William Ridgeway, M.A., Sc.D., F.B.A., LL.D., Litt. D., Disney Professor of Archæology and Brereton, Reader in Classics in the University of Cambridge, Caius College, Cambridge, Fen Ditton, Cambridge.

(4) Read a letter dated the 12th April, 1916, from the Honorary Treasurer requesting that an allowance of Rs. 15 per month be granted to his clerk for performing the clerical duties in connexion with the accounts of the Society. Resolved, that the allowance be sanctioned with effect from the 1st May, 1916.

APR 4 1922

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Printed by the Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar and Orissa

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For the year 1916.


His Honour Sir Edward Albert Gait, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S.

The Hon'ble Sir Edward Vere Levinge, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S.

The Hon'ble Sir William Henry Hoare Vincent, Kt., I.C.S.

The Hon'ble Maharaja Bahadur Sir Rameswar Singh, G.C.I.E., of Darbhanga.

The Hon'ble Maharaja Bahadur Sir Ravaneswar Prasad Singh, K.C.I.E., of Gidhaur.

Maharaja Bir Mitradaya Singh Deo of Sonepur State.


His Honour Sir Edward Albert Gait, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S.

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Secretaries for History Section-K. P. Jayaswal, Esq., M.A., Bar.-atLaw, and Professor J. N. Samaddar, B.A.

Secretary for Archæology and Numismatics-D. B. Spooner, Esq., B.A., Ph.D.

Secretary for Ant bropology and Folk-lore-Babu S. C. Roy, M.A., B.L. Secretaries for Philology-Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit Hara Prasad Shastri, M.A., C.I.E., and Nawab Shams-ul-'Ulama Saiyid Imdad Imam.

(Continued on page 3 of cover.)

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I.-Seven Copper-plate Records of Land Grants from Dhenkanal.

By Mahamahopadhyaya Hara Prasad Shastri, M.A., C.I.E. In May 1916 seven copper-plate grants were sent to me for decipherment by His Honour Sir Edward Gait, LieutenantGovernor of Bihar and Orissa. The plates are single ones, and the lot contains five grants of the Sulki family, one of a queen named Tribhuvana Mahadevi, and another of a local ruler named Jaya Simha. The grant of the Sulki family contains one record of Ranastambha who is known to us from the grants of his son Kulastambha; one, a new one of Kulastambha, who is already known to us from his Puri ['] and Talcher [2] grants and three of a new ruler named Jayastambha. The grants of Tribhuvana Mahadevi and Kulastambha were received before the others. According to the information supplied by the present Chief of Dhenkanal, these

[1] Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1895, part I, page, 123ff. [] Epigraphia Indica, Vol. XII, page 156.

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