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I edit the inscription from the original plate.

ब्य स्वस्ति २ जयति सुरसिद्धविद्याधरमकुटधृष्टचरबाज [:1 ]
शशिमणिमयुखभाशितपिङ्गजटाभासुरो गिरिश : []

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श्वरिप्राप्तवरप्रसाद : शोल्कोकुल भुत्चतिप [ : ] चितारि [: ॥ श्रीमान, कुलस्तम्भ इति प्रतित [:] स्फुरत् प्रतापोदयतापि वारि [: ॥ ]


3 रोम्बल चारशोभै [:] उच्चै सदाशिवपुरप्रगमैकमार्गे [: । ] है ( ) वालये र्निजयशोधव तैरनेकै य [ ] नात्मनस्तृदिवसहमितोकोति : [ ॥]

4 स्यात्मषो दृष्णगये कविर [:] श्री मां रणस्तम्भ इति चितिन्द्र : [ 1 ] यस्योजख :? त् त्खड्गनिपातभिता [ : ] समन्ततो यान्ति रणे द्विषन्त : [1]




राजचक्रतिलक स्वगुथान्सुपाते दौकामिनिसुखमनोहर कर्णपुरै [: । ] सङ्कुचिताहितवधुवदनारवृन्द दोषान्धकारभिदुरे शुश्रि

भे शशिव [ ॥ ]

तस्माइलोत्वारितवैरिवारिद : पराक्रमाक्रान्तसमस्तदिक् भ

ट [ : । ]



दानाप्रवृत्याद्रकर प्रतितीमां दिग्व [1] रमेन्द्रप्रति

मोऽभवत् त : [ ॥]

कोदालोकात्मदेव दिजगुरुचरणाराधनासक्तचेता [ : ] श्रीम
दुर्वारवरिप्रतिभवकरिघट [T] कुम्भकुट [T] क

बाहु [: । ]

विच' इर्मकनिष्ठो जगति जगरिपुर्विक्रमोपाज्जिता घृ
श्रीमानंन्जानखङगःप्रकटभुजवलचासिताशेषसत्रु: [ ॥ ]

9 रममाहेश्वरः समद्दिगत : पचमहाशड : सकलगोन्द्रमाधिनाथा महाराजाधिराज : श्रीजयस्तम्भदेव कुघली

10 मंडलेस्मि भाविनो राजानकराजपुत्रः महासामन्तकुमारामात्या तरङ्गां राजवल्लभनन्यादपि यथाकालाध्यासि


विषयपतिनधिकारिण: सकर थान्सकलकलाप सामन्तप्रसुखनिजन
जनपदां यथारिक बोध [य] ति कुवलयत्या

12 दिसति च विदिमस्तु भवतां एत [न] मंडलप्रतिवधगोईक्षाविषय

सम्बन्धकोङ्कुलखंडे चन्द्रपुरनामग्राम : प्राग्व्यवथा

13 पितृ चतु दि शान्तसिमापरि करितपन्ते सपरिकर सोहेश : सतन्त्रषायगोकुट के वर्त्तादिननप्रम [[ ] यीयं मत्सख

14 टशुक्लतरस्थानादिक समवाधविवर्जितालेखनिये प्रवेशतया मातापितर रात्मनश्च पुण्याप वृद्धय दत्तः कोलाच्चविनि 15 गैन्तर्शाण्डिल्यगोत्न व्अखितदे वतप्रवर : छन्दोगचरण कौथुम शाखाध्याईन त्रैवि[दड]सामान्यभटपुत्रनिर्व्वाण: तस्य शुत खम्भो तस्य वभ्रुव सुत

16 बावनस्य ताम्ब्रशासनिकृत्य यावच्चन्द्रार्कश्चितिस्थित : एशैषां मदतिर्भवति प्रतिपालनिया [ । ] उक्त

17 धम्र्मशास्त्र [1]

वहुभिर्वसुधा दता राजभि सगरादिभि: [ 1 ]
यस्य यस्य यदा भुमि तस्य तस्य तदा फलं

माभु [द ] फलशङ्का वः

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नहि पुरुषे : परकीर्त्त यो विलोप्या [ : ॥ ]

उत्कीर्मितं वणिक ईश्वर मनि उनाक्षर मधिकाक्षरम्बा तत्सम्ब




(Lines 1-16.)

Victory to Girisa! whose lotus feet are pressed by the diadems of Gods, Siddhas and Vidyadharas and who is shining with his tawny, matted hair, illuminated by the rays of the moon, his crest jewel.

In the family of Sulki, there was a king, the destroyer of his enemies, the famous and prosperous Kulastambha, who obtained a most gracious boon from Stambheśvari, who oppressed his enemies by his increasing powers.

By means of temples, white as his own fame, forming, as it were, the only road for reaching the high heaven of Śiva, looking bright, variegated, charming, shining and entertaining he raised his reputation to heaven.

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He had a son named Ranastambha, a prosperous king and a peerless hero in the world, whose enemies fly on all sides frightened at the stroke of his brilliant sword-the frontal mark of the circle of kings shining like the moon, with the rays of his brilliant qualities-which acted like the ear-ornaments, adorning the faces of the ladies of the quarters - which contracted the lotus faces of the wives of his enemies and which pierced through the nocturnal darkness of vice. To him was born a son-who, by his prowes, scattered his enemies like clouds-who, by his might, smote the armies of all quarters-whose hands were always wet in the act of making gifts-who rose to great fame who was equal to the elephants of the quarters-who was learned, devoted to virtue, equal to Prithu in the world. (In this grant the reading is Jaga- Ripu, which is meaningless. The reading has been taken from B), and acquired prosperity by his prowess-whose swords never got rusty-who frightened all his enem es by the strength of his gigantic arms-whose mind was devoted to the worship of the feet of the Gods, Brahmapas and Gurus-and whose

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C. Obverse.

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