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म [:] चाट्टभट्टवल्लभजातियान् ॥ बलहितसामन्तसामवाजिभोगौ


18 पुस्तकपालकुट्टकालमाध्याधिकरण यथा हम्मान

19 यति बोधयति समाज्ञापयति विदितमस्तु भवता [] ॥ तच्हाकुलखण्डे कगविमुलाकत्मशिङ्गमण्ड

20 [ ले ] ॥ सासनीकृत सतन्तवाय: ॥ गोकुट शौण्डिकादिसप्रकृतिक : ॥ 21 [म] तस्यखेटघट्टनादि तत्र स्थानादिगुल्यक* सर्व्वं पीड़ावर्णि तो तलेखनप्रवेशि

22 तया भुमिच्छिद्रापिध[1]नन्यायेन चन्द्रार्कचित- समकालं ॥ माता पित्रोरा


मनपूच पुण्याभीवृद्धये दस्तिपदविनिर्गत यच्चापाराशरगो[त्रा]

24 ग प्रवर? मन्दभुतिशम्मेण : चित्रदीक्षितस्य नप्रय सेङ्गतद 25 चित्रदोचितस्य पुत्राय गोब्बरहुतिशम्मेण चित्रदीचिताय ग्रामोयं


26 सनीकृत : चः तुसीम्बापर्यन्त व्याचन्द्राकचिति : गौरवात् ॥ भवमी : परी 27 पालनीय: ॥ उक्तश्च धर्म्मशास्त्र [1] बहुभिब्ब सुधा दत्ता राजभि: सगरा [दि]भि : यस्य

28 यस्य यदा भुमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फल ॥

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(Lines 1-6. See Talcher grant of Kulastambha, page 158, Epi. Ind., Vol. XII.)

(Lines 7-11.)

He-who, by pulverizing the heads of his enemy's elephants scattered, broadcast, pearls like so many loams of cotton, by which even the sky looked full, as it were, of planets-who riding on an elephant uprooted the King of Dhekata and then not only duly honoured him, but also restored him to his former prosperity......

(The next verse is not possible to translate, as it is incomplete).

(Lines 11-14.)

The prosperous Parama Bhaṭṭarka Raja Jáyastambha, the son of the prosperous Alānastambha-whose pair of feet was revered by the row of the heads of all kings,-who was resplendent with the immense mass of the rays of his spotless sword,-who resided in Kodāla,-who has been granted a most gracious boon by Stambheśvari-who was a devout worshipper of Mahesvara and master of the five great sounds,-being in good health, duly honours, intimates and orders, the present and future great feudatories, mahārājas, princes, intimates, kumarāmatyas, uparikas, lords of districts, their employees, dandapāśikas, sthānā ntarikas and other dependents of the King, the chātas, bhatas and vallabhas, feudatories, śāmavājis, landlords, keepers of record, commandants of forts and judicial officers :

Be it known to you that (the village not named) in the division of Tahákula, in the mandala of Kagavimulāktamasinga, with weavers, cowherds, brewers and other tenants, with fishery, hunting and ghatwali rights is given away free from all imposts by a grant on the principle of leaving holes on earth through which

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