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10. yah phalasaṁhkāvah paradatteti pathri[rthi]vāh | Svadānāt=phalam=anantyah paradattā nūpe [pā]

11. lane Ass]va meddh; [dh] asahasrāni vājapeyah satanica | Pauṇḍarika sahasrain bhūmi.


1. dānādd-heyam (') phalamh | Svadatām paradatām=vā yo hareti vasundharam Svavisṭhāyāh kṛmi.

2. bhūtvā pitṛbhih saha pacyate | Hiraṇyam=ekam gorekam bhūmim=apy=arddham=angulaṁ.

3. Haram narakam-āyāti=yāvad-ābhūta saplavah | Avisam visamity=ahuh vrahmasvaṁ.

4. visa ucyate Visamekakino hauti (:) vrahmasvam putra pautṛkam|| Sarvvesāṁñca pradānā

5. nam bhūmidana praśasyate Kalpakoti gataṁ papaṁ sancitam jarate narah | Eka

6. vimśati kulany=eva kasṭaṁ hi narakasthitam Bhumidanena mātreņa Pracetabhir=vvimu

7. cyate || Bhumim yah pratigṛhnāti (:) ya prayacchati Ubhau tau pūṇya karmmā

ca bhumi

8. nau niyatau svarga gaminau (:) | Tṛnāgra jala vinduśca jala vudvuda sādṛśam Sadṛśaṁ jivi

9. taṁ jñātvā kirttiddharma nalopayet Iti kamaladalāmvu vindu lolam Sryamanuci

10. ntya manusya jivitaṁ Sakalaṁ=idam=u lāhri [hṛ] tañca vuddhā nahi purusa parakīrttaṁ lopyah.

11. Pravarddhamana Vijayarajye Samvatsara PANCADASA TAME Kārttikah Śuklapaksa Mahā-Dvā.


1. dasyam likhitam=idam sandhivīgrahika SAVARADATTENA (:) utkirņṇa suvarṇṇatkāra DEVALE.

2. NA Llāñchitaṁ mahārājakīya mudranamitih ||

(1) Danad × heys; other works of piety are of inferior value.

III.-An Oriya Copperplate Inscription of Ramachandra Deva, Saka 1728.

By Rai Monmohan Chakravarti Bahadur, M.A., B.L., F.A.S.B., MR.A.S.

THIS Copperplate is in the possession of a Parsi gentleman who got it from a Brahman at Broach in the Bombay Presidency. It consists of a single plate written on both sides. I edit the inscription from a fine ink impression kindly supplied to me by Mr. D. R. Bhandarkar of the Archeological Survey Department, Western Circle. Copperplates in Oriya characters are extremely rare. I know of only one such inscription, that of Purusottamadeva, published by Mr. John Beames in the first volume of the Indian Antiquary. Hence though the present inscription is of recent date, it has been thought worth publishing.

The engraved portion, runs in 12 lines, 7 on the obverse and 5 on the reverse. The last two lines of the other side of the plate should be read reversed, and were added probably afterwards. The engraving is well done.

The letters are modern Oriya, and do not differ from the present type, except in joint a, which in three places (line 1, paṭṭā and line 12 Thāku) is written like modern conjunct ya. The letters are medium-sized, and are distinctly legible. In the ink impression the letters appear reversed, and have been read with the help of a mirror.

The language is modern Oriya throughout, except in lines 9 and 10 where a Sanskrit verse is quoted. A transliteration of the text, according to the standard of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, is annexed. It might be noticed that the Oriya draws no distinction between the va and ba of Sanskrit. In copying the copyist has made a few mistakes, such as tā for tță in patţă (line 1), je for ye (line 3), te for nie in paryante

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