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fume, employed in the manner and with the modifications I have already detailed, is all but certain in its effects. The patient soon begins to amend; the evils caused by the internal administration of mercury soon pass off; the appetite, strength, and general health rapidly improve, whilst the symptoms of constitutional taint are quickly and, in most cases, permanently eradicated.


[blocks in formation]

Bubo, indolent indurated, 132

varieties of, 155

primary, or bubon d'emblée,

inoculation of, 156
causes of, 157

abortive treatment of, 158
suppurating treatment of, 159
mode of puncturing, 160
open virulent, treatment of,

sloughing and chronic indo-

lent, treatment of, 162
fistula and sinuses after,

secondary symptoms after,

Cachexia, syphilitic, 292
Caries, 281

Carmichael, Mr, doctrines of, 2
Causes of secondary syphilis, 172
Caustics in the destruction of chan-
cre, 119

when indicated, 121

not always successful in the
destruction of a chancre,

objections to the use of, 121
when not to be used, 122
forms for, 120, 121
cautions in the use of, in
diseases of the throat, 237
Cazenave, M., on constitutional vene-
real ulcers, 216
Ceeley, Mr, on the absorption of
lymph, 117

Cellular tissue, syphilitic tumours of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


produced by, 139
treatment of, 138

mercury in, 138

Chancrous excoriation, 42

Change in the form of mercurial
remedy employed very frequently
successful, 23

Chlorate of potass in mercurial
stomatitis, 24

Chlorosis, syphilitic, 292
Cicatrix of indurated chancre, per-

sistent induration of, 130

Clare's method of treatment, 326
Classification of primary syphilitic
ulcers, 110

Colles, Dr, on the period of discon-
tinuance of specific treatment, 24
Condylomata, 224

primary forms of, 211
secondary, 211

treatment of the consti-
tutional forms of, 217

Congenital syphilis, 304
Constitution, state of, to be watched
during a mercurial course, 21
Constitutional syphilis, 167
Contagion, mediate, in syphilis and
gonorrhoea, 56

Contagious character of secondary
syphilis, 34, 41, 175

Copaiba, particular forms for its ex-
hibition, 71

Cubeba piper, particular forms for
the exhibition of, 72

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

the four stages of-first
stage of, 62
abortive treatment of,
how to be employed,

strong injections of
nitrate of silver con-
demned-fatal case
from the use of, 64
second and third stages
of, 62, 65
antiphlogistic treatment
of, more than an ure-
thritis, 68

alkaline treatment of,
66, 67

revulsive treatment of,

specific remedies in-
copaiba, 69

piper cubebæ, 72
various remedies in, 71,


Gonorrhoea, injections in, how to be

employed, 73, 74
injections, various, forms
for, 75, 76

urethral plug in chronic
gonorrhoea, 77
secondary symptoms
from, their nature,
illustrative cases of, 86
ill-effects occasionally

due to the sudden or
partial arrest of, 84
treatment of such symp-
toms, accidents, 85
retention of urine from
suppression of, 85
use of the catheter, 86
rheumatism from, its
two kinds, 86, 87
ophthalmia from, 87
its causes, general treat-
ment, local treat-
ment, 87

cubebs and copaiba in,
mercury in, restora-
tion of the urethral
discharge in, 90
iritis from, 91
swelled testicle from, 92
pathology of, 93

at what period it occurs,


causes of, 94
differential diagnosis of,

treatment of, 97
strapping in, 98
enlargement of the testis
from, 99
weakness and irrita-
bility of the sexual
organs from, 100

of the rectum, 101
in the female, seat of,
pathology of, 102,
103, 107

varieties of, 103
speculum in, 105

internal treatment of,

local treatment of,
complications of diffe-
rential diagnosis of,
103, 107

difficulties in treatment,

Grassi, M., on the state of the blood
in constitutional syphilis, 197

[blocks in formation]

of primary sores, 27
of bubo, 30

why frequently uncer-
tain in bubo, 30
in gonorrhea, 33, 34
in sympathetic bubo, 82
in secondary syphilis, 34
Report of the Imperial
Academy of Medicine
on, in secondary sy-
philis, 34, 38

Integuments, various conditions of,
in open bubo, 160

Iodide of potassium, its use in the
treatment of syphilis-inert
in primary diseases-when
most useful, 331

frequently suspends symp-
toms, but does not cure
disease, 332

its combination with mer-
cury, 333

its use and dose as a tonic

and prophylactic, its use
and dose as an anti-syphi-
litic, 333

Iodide of sodium, its use and admi-

nistration in secondary syphilis, 834

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