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Mercurial treatment of syphilis, 13
Mercurial vapour bath, 319

in alopecia, 222

in primary syphilitic
sores, 19, 115

in secondary syphilis,

in tubercles of the face,

in syphilitic rashes, 200
in syphilitic scaly dis-
eases, 202

in syphilitic pustules,

in syphilitic tubercles,

in syphilitic stains, or
marks in the skin,

in the secondary con-
dylomata, 231

in ulcerations of the
throat, pharynx, and
fauces, 238, 258

Mercurial vapour bath in diseases

of the testis, 353

in pains in the bones,


description of, 310
preparations used in,

diet in-curative effects
of, 321

time under treatment
by, 322

effects of, on the gene-
ral health, 328

Mercury, chloride of, its use in the
treatment of syphilis,

bichloride, its use in the
treatment of syphilis,
iodide of, 328
biniodide of, 329
bicyanide of, 330

when indicated in the
treatment of syphilis, 14
when not to be used, 14
in what manner to be used,

by internal administration,
by friction, 18
by moist fumigation, 19,

internal remedies to be
used with the treatment
by fumigation, 20

when to be discontinued,

when to be used in the
primary syphilitic ulcer,

Metamorphoses of syphilis, 189
Milton, Mr, on the use of the prepa-
rations of potass in gonorrhoea,

Modern history of syphilis, 1
Mouth, state of, to be examined be-
fore giving mercury,
and during its employment,



secondary syphilitic ulcera-
tions of, 232
Muscles, syphilitic diseases of, 279

Nails, syphilitic diseases of, 223
Nantes, opinions of the surgeons of,
on the non-mercurial treatment of
syphilis, 11

Nasal fosse, secondary syphilitic dis-
cases of, 239


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Ricord, M., on the diagnosis of bubo, Squamæ, syphilitic, 200

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Secondary syphilis, cases illustrating
its occasionally conta-
gious character, 38, 39,
40, 176

local circumstances neces-
sary to contagion, 40.
See Syphilis, secondary

Secretions, natural, from a healthy
female, sometimes produce ure-
thritis in the male, 56

Semen, secondary syphilis produced
by, 177

Sigmund, Professor, on mercurial
inunction, 19

Skey on gonorrhoea, 65

Skin, syphilitic diseases of, 199

classification of, 199

syphilitic stains of, 215
syphilitic tumours of, 218

appendages of-syphilitic dis-
eases of, 221

Simple, or non-mercurial treatment of

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history of varieties of

diagnosis of, 201

treatment of, 202

Stains on the skin, syphilitic, 215
Sudorifics, 336

Syphilida, 199

Syphilis, modern history of, 1

primary, 109. See Chancres
simple, or


treatment of, 1, 12

ferruginous treatment of, 12

mercurial treatment of, 13,


secondary, 167
phases of, 167
prevention of, 169
complications of, 170
causes of, 172

primary ulcers and dis-
charges from the urethra
-causes, 172

cases illustrative of the
operation of this class of
causes, 173, 174
contagion a cause, 175
hereditary transmission a
cause, 179

the treatment of the primary
disease a cause, 169
administration of mercury
at improper periods a
cause, 179

cause, 182

treatment &

neglect of baths a cause,


peculiarity of constitution,
a habit of body, syphilitic
temperament, a cause,
169, 184
diagnosis of, 186
its difficulties, 186
illustrative cases, 187, 189,
190, 191

prognosis of, 194

state of the blood in, 197
particular symptoms of,


tertiary, 168

nature of-pathology of,

Tannin in vaginitis, 106
Temperament, syphilitic, 169
Tendons, syphilitic diseases of, nodes
on, 280

Tertiary syphilis, 168

Testes, gonorrhoeal diseases of, 92

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Wallace, Dr, on balanitis, 42
on inoculation in se-
condary syphilis, 74

Waller, M., of Prague, experiments
on the inoculation of secondary
syphilis, 41

Warts, syphilitic, 224

their situation, causes, 224
varieties, 225

secondary forms of, 226
contagious character of, 227
local treatment of, 228

Warts, constitutional treatment of,

Whitehead, Mr, on the contagion of
secondary syphilis, 41
on the communicability
of leucorrhoeal dis-
charges, 58

on the seat of gonor-
rhoea in the female,

Zittman, decoction of, 337

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