Gods' we will enjoy full liberty of consciencewe will do as we please-no man has any right to exercise any authority over us-we will choose our own teachers." (29.) "The Devil, therefore, having made the first church of Congregational Independents, consisting of himself, Adam, and Eve,* it was quite natural that Cain, their first-born, should become a notorious Dissenter. He rejected the rites, institutions, and ordinances of the Church, would be worshipping to his own fancy, and, therefore, was an Independent. He was a thorough-paced Dissenter; and to show that he was 'a Dissenter on principle,' he murdered a Bishop of the Church of England-for such Abel was; and thus to show their principles, also, did the Independents murder Archbishop Laud, and send twelve Bishops to the Tower. "Dissent made its appearance again in the battle of the four kings against five. Chedorlaomer King of Elam, Tidal King of Nations, Amraphel King of Shinar, and Arioch King of Ellasar, were all Dissenters and schismatics, for they were notorious enemies of Lot and Abra * The learned and pious Rabshekah has not here sufficiently explained his meaning, for as he had formerly said that Adam and Eve were members of the Church of England, it seems an inconsistency to pronounce them afterwards Congregational Independents. They probably came back to the Church before they died, signed the Thirty-nine Articles, and submitted to the true form of Church government, under the three orders of Bishop, Priest, and Deacon; without which there never was, never is, nor ever can be, a true Church.-ED. ham, the true sons of the Church. Of this there can be no doubt, for Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedek, and who are enemies of tithe-payers but the Dissenters? The four kings, therefore, were Congregational Independents. "Again, we see the sin of schism in the case of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (30.); their case was 'the Case of the Dissenters." A whole congregation of Independents, Minister, Deacons, and people, were swallowed up on that memorable occasion: but, the warning, alas! goes for nothing with modern schismatics. ""The whole sin of dissent consists in exercising a right of conscience: it is all nonsense to talk about conscience and conscience: when a man begins to talk to me about his conscience, and say how conscientious he is, I immediately suspect him of having some sinister end in view. The judgment of the duly-authorized Minister of the Church is a far safer guide than a man's own conscience; for in addition to that consciousness which they possess in common with private Christians, they have, in virtue of their office, Christ always present with, assisting and guiding them in their deliberations. (225, 226.) But heedless of these considerations, 'the Dissenters, with all the spiritual pride imaginable, set up conscience and private judgment, or rather perverted judgment, above the commands and precepts of Christ, and all the word of God. Talk of the Pope and Popery! Why every Dissenter carries a Pope about with him, and is himself thus as* veritable a Pope as ever existed. (351.) Drunkenness, adultery, robbery, and murder, and every species of iniquity and vice proceed from these infernal principles of licentiousness and libertinism, for which dissenting teachers contend, under the specious names of liberty of conscience and liberalism. (31.) Would the 'canting schismatics,' instead of listening to conscience, and taking the Scriptures as their guide, listen to the Bishops and Clergy, sin would soon disappear out of the world. For what sin is so great as disobeying the lawfully-constituted successors of the Apostles, who, as I said, always have and must have peculiar privileges with them to the end of the world? When, therefore, we see their Graces the Archbishops, and their Lordships the Bishops, voting against the Reform Bill, or amassing enormous private fortunes, or heaping benefices on their families, or, in short, doing anything else which ignorant people disapprove, we must hold our tongue, and not question the actions of the solemnly-consecrated and duly-appointed representatives of the Holy Apostles. 'Should they, in short, do anything which we humbly think is not right, we as private Christians are not to judge them, but to leave them till the Lord, whose servants they are, calls them to give an account of their stewardship. No private * A Doricism of the Gathercoal family. Christian can take upon him to find fault with God's Ministers, without great arrogance, presumption, and pride. It ought to be concluded that as they have more learning, have had more experience, and have the presence of with them, they are far better capable of judging with respect to spiritual things than private Christians.' (217.) "Every true Christian, for the sake of union and the peace of God's Church, will submit himself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake. When he sees anything wrong, he ought to submit, rather than produce schism and discord : he had better be a little uneasy himself, than disobey those who have the rule over him.' (221.) 'Had the Church, indeed, twice as many evils as she appears to have to the jaundiced eyes of Dissenters, no one would be justified in separating from her.' (230.) "Thus is it seen how'spiritual pride is at the bottom of dissent,' (260.) for, indeed, 'Dissent altogether results from spiritual pride, and a selfrighteous spirit;' (261.) ' not at the same time forgetting that a love of money is with the Teachers of schismatics the cause of their zeal,' (276.) whilst the people whom they teach have no other motive for their dissent than spiritual pride under the cloke of 'conscience.' If you ask me the secret of the wickedness of the schismatical Teachers in separating from the Church of Christ, and their deceit in dealing with immortal souls, I answer, 'the reason is, money, money, money, simply to get money, (276.) for one thing is obvious, on a careful survey of these 'extempore praying schismatics,' (262.) that if a person attends a Dissenting Meetinghouse, hires a pew, and pays the rent, and subscribes pretty freely to any scheme which has for its object the putting money into the pocket of the Teacher, in spite of all professions, consistency, and conscience, the pious Teacher will send him to Heaven, die when he may, and say a rare long Dissenting mass for him into the bargain. Professions here, or professions there: consistency here, or consistency there: tender consciences here, or tender consciences there: money, money, money, is the object: to get money they break their professions, abandon consistency, violate their consciences, and make Heaven itself an object of traffic.' (277.) 'And what right, I should like to know, have the Home Missionary Society to send their Preachers up and down the country, to creep into houses, leading captive silly women, and poor incautious men, under the loose pretence of preaching the Gospel, but in reality to propagate their own unscriptural and wicked notions, and thus to serve their own belly.' "(321.) |