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number of small planets within his orbit round the Sun, showed that the amount of matter that could possibly be assumed to circulate at any considerable distance from the Sun must be very small; and therefore "if the meteoric influx taking place at "present is enough to produce any appreciable portion of the heat "radiated away, it must be supposed to be from matter circulating "round the Sun, within very short distances of his surface. The density of this meteoric cloud would have to be supposed so great that comets could scarcely have escaped as comets actually "have escaped, showing no discoverable effects of resistance, after passing his surface within a distance equal to one-eighth of his "radius. All things considered, there seems little probability in "the hypothesis that solar radiation is compensated to any appre"ciable degree, by heat generated by meteors falling in, at "present; and, as it can be shown that no chemical theory is "tenable*, it must be concluded as most probable that the Sun is "at present merely an incandescent liquid mass cooling".


Thus on purely astronomical grounds was I long ago led to abandon as very improbable the hypothesis that the Sun's heat. is supplied dynamically from year to year by the influx of meteors. But now spectrum analysis gives proof finally conclusive against it.

Each meteor circulating round the Sun must fall in along a very gradual spiral path; and before reaching the Sun must have been for a long time exposed to an enormous heating effect from his radiation when very near, and must thus have been driven into vapour before actually falling into the Sun. Thus, if Mayer's hypothesis were correct, friction between vortices of meteoric vapours and the Sun's atmosphere would be the immediate cause of solar heat; and the velocity with which these vapours circulate round equatorial parts of the Sun must amount to 435 kilometres per second. The spectrum test of velocity applied by Lockyer showed but a twentieth part of this amount as the greatest observed relative velocity between different vapours in the Sun's atmosphere.

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[From Edin. Royal Soc. Trans., Vol. XXI. Part 1., May, 1854; Phil. Mag. IX. 1854; Comptes Rendus, XXXIX. Sept. 1854.]

THAT there must be a medium forming a continuous material communication throughout space to the remotest visible body is a fundamental assumption in the undulatory Theory of Light. Whether or not this medium is (as appears to me most probable) a continuation of our own atmosphere, its existence is a fact that cannot be questioned, when the overwhelming evidence in favour of the undulatory theory is considered; and the investigation of its properties in every possible way becomes an object of the greatest interest. A first question would naturally occur, What is the absolute density of the luminiferous ether in any part of space? I am not aware of any attempt having hitherto been made to answer this question, and the present state of science does not in fact afford sufficient data. It has, however, occurred to me that we may assign an inferior limit to the density of the luminiferous medium in interplanetary space by considering the mechanical value of sunlight as deduced in preceding communications to the Royal Society [Art. LXVI. above] from Pouillet's data on solar radiation, and Joule's mechanical equivalent of the thermal unit. Thus the value of solar radiation per second per square foot at the earth's distance from the sun, estimated at 06 of a thermal unit centigrade, or 83 foot-pounds, is the same as the mechanical value of sunlight in the luminiferous medium through a space of as many cubic feet as the number of linear feet of propagation of light per second. Hence the mechanical value of the whole energy, actual and potential, of the disturbance kept up in the space of a cubic * [Note of Dec. 22, 1882. The brain-wasting perversity of the insular inertia which still condemns British Engineers to reckonings of miles and yards and feet and inches and grains and pounds and ounces and acres is curiously illustrated by the title and numerical results of this Article.]

foot at the earth's distance from the sun*, is

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•819 of a foot-pound. The mechanical value of a cubic mile of 107 sunlight is consequently 12050 foot-pounds, equivalent to the work of one-horse power for a third of a minute. This result may give some idea of the actual amount of mechanical energy of the luminiferous motions and forces within our own atmosphere. Merely to commence the illumination of three cubic miles, requires an amount of work equal to that of a horse-power for a minute; the same amount of energy exists in that space as long as light continues to traverse it; and, if the source of light be suddenly stopped, must be emitted from it before the illumination ceases. The matter which possesses this energy is the luminiferous medium. If, then, we knew the velocities of the vibratory motions, we might ascertain the density of the luminiferous medium; or, conversely, if we knew the density of the medium, we might determine the average velocity of the moving particles. Without any such definite knowledge, we may assign a superior limit to the velocities, and deduce an inferior limit to the quantity of matter, by considering the nature of the motions which constitute waves of light. For it appears certain that the amplitudes of the vibrations constituting radiant heat and light must be but small fractions of the wave lengths, and that the greatest velocities of the vibrating particles must be very small in comparison with the velocity of propagation of the waves. Let us consider, for instance, plane polarized light, and let the greatest velocity of vibration be denoted by v; the distance to which a particle vibrates on each side of its position of equilibrium, by A; and the wave length, by λ. Then if V denote the velocity of propagation of light or radiant heat, we have

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* The mechanical value of sunlight in any space near the sun's surface must be greater than in an equal space at the earth's distance, in the ratio of the square of the earth's distance to the square of the sun's radius, that is, in the ratio of 46,400 to 1 nearly. The mechanical value of a cubic foot of sunlight near the sun must, therefore, be about 0038 of a foot-pound, and that of a cubic mile 560,000,000 foot-pounds.

+ Similarly we find 15000 horse-power for a minute as the amount of work required to generate the energy existing in a cubic mile of light near the sun.

and therefore if A be a small fraction of λ, v must also be a small fraction (2π times as great) of V. The same relation holds for circularly polarized light, since in the time during which a particle revolves once round in a circle of radius A, the wave has been propagated over a space equal to λ. Now the whole mechanical value of homogeneous plane polarized light in an infinitely small space containing only particles sensibly in the same phase of vibration, which consists entirely of potential energy at the instants when the particles are at rest at the extremities of their excursions, partly of potential and partly of actual energy when they are moving to or from their positions of equilibrium, and wholly of actual energy when they are passing through these positions, is of constant amount, and must therefore be at every instant equal to half the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity the particles have in the last-mentioned case. But the velocity of any particle passing through its position of equilibrium is the greatest velocity of vibration, which has been denoted by v; and, therefore, if p denote the quantity of vibrating matter contained in a certain space, a space of unit volume for instance, the whole mechanical value of all the energy, both actual and potential, of the disturbance within that space at any time is pu2. The mechanical energy of circularly polarized light at every instant is (as has been pointed out to me by Professor Stokes) half actual energy of the revolving particles and half potential energy of the distortion kept up in the luminiferous medium; and, therefore, v being now taken to denote the constant velocity of motion of each particle, double the preceding expression gives the mechanical value of the whole disturbance in a unit of volume in the present Hence it is clear, that for any elliptically polarized light the mechanical value of the disturbance in a unit of volume will be between pv2 and pv2, if v still denote the greatest velocity of the vibrating particles. The mechanical value of the disturbance kept up by a number of coexisting series of waves of different periods, polarized in the same plane, is the sum of the mechanical values due to each homogeneous series separately, and the greatest velocity that can possibly be acquired by any vibrating particle is the sum of the separate velocities due to the different series. Exactly the same remark applies to coexistent series of circularly polarized waves of different periods. Hence the mechanical value is certainly less than half the mass multiplied into the square of





the greatest velocity acquired by a particle, when the disturbance consists in the superposition of different series of plane polarized waves; and we may conclude, for every kind of radiation of light or heat except a series of homogeneous circularly polarized waves, that the mechanical value of the disturbance kept up in any space is less than the product of the mass into the square of the greatest velocity acquired by a vibrating particle in the varying phases of its motion. How much less in such a complex radiation as that of sunlight and heat we cannot tell, because we do not know how much the velocity of a particle may mount up, perhaps even to a considerable value in comparison with the velocity of propagation, at some instant by the superposition of different motions. chancing to agree; but we may be sure that the product of the mass into the square of an ordinary maximum velocity, or of the mean of a great many successive maximum velocities of a vibrating particle, cannot exceed in any great ratio the true mechanical value of the disturbance. Recurring, however, to the definite expression for the mechanical value of the disturbance in the case of homogeneous circularly polarized light, the only case in which the velocities of all particles are constant and the same, we may define the mean velocity of vibration in any case as such a velocity that the product of its square into the mass of the vibrating particles is equal to the whole mechanical value, in actual and potential energy, of the disturbance in a certain space traversed by it; and from all we know of the mechanical theory of undulations, it seems certain that this velocity must be a very small fraction of the velocity of propagation in the most intense light or radiant heat which is propagated according to known laws. Denoting this velocity for the case of sunlight at the earth's distance from the sun by v, and calling W the mass in pounds of any volume of the luminiferous ether, we have for the mechanical value of the disturbance in the same space,


where g is the number 32.2, measuring in absolute units of force, the force of gravity on a pound. Now we found above, from ob


servation, for the mechanical value, in foot-pounds, of a cubic

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foot of sunlight; and therefore the mass, in pounds, of a cubic

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