Anne de Bretagne le modèle de la politesse Française." On Roederer, see the Causeries du Lundi, vol. VIII. 1. 26. Combat des Trente; supposed to have taken place between thirty Bretons and thirty Englishmen, in 1351, near Ploermel. See M. Siméon Luce's Histoire de Bertrand Du Guesclin et de son époque, vol. I. P. 116. P. 60, 1. 3. que Guillaume Tell n'a jamais existé. Jacob Grimm is no doubt the érudit here alluded to. For this interesting question see M. Albert Rilliet's Origines de la Confédération Suisse, pp. 214 and following. 1. 4. aux heures sérieuses, when the mind is disposed to serious studies. 1. 5. se lit, idiomatic for est lue. 1. 9. Antoine Count Drouot (1774-1847), one of the finest characters of the Imperial epoch, surnamed by Napoleon le Sage de la grande armée, remarkable equally for military qualities and private virtues. His funeral oration was pronounced by Father Lacordaire. He accepted and performed the difficult task of disbanding the armée de la Loire. On him see an excellent article in the Biographie Universelle. 1. 13. Louis François Xavier (1755-1824), Monsieur, Count de Provence, brother of Louis XVI., ascended the French throne in 1814; a clever and enlightened king. 1. 28. du Code civil qu'on osait remettre en cause. The Code civil or Code Napoléon was published in 1804. qu'on osait, etc., which some persons dared to call in question; liter. to bring into judgment. P. 61, 1. 21. il était (un) des moins sujets....., he was one of the least accessible to illusions. 1. 32. C'est une illusion que de chercher chercher une constitution... est une illusion. De and que here are redundant. P. 62, 1. 2. qu'il eût pu...y eût-il consenti, for qu'il aurait pu...y aurait-il consenti. 1.6. en perspective, from a distance. Thus again: 1. 12. 17. "Et qu'ai-je fait?...j'ai vu ma femme en perspective." (Casimir Delavigne, L'école des Vieillards.) il ne saurait, for il ne peut. en artiste comme un artiste. 1. 18. usa beaucoup de, made much use of. P. 63, 1. 2. séances délicates, sittings where delicacy of treatment was required. 1.4. la part de l'homme de bien...l'absence de l'homme de lettres. Madame de Staël says of M. Mathieu de Montmorency, persecuted by Napoleon: "à moins de vouloir exiler les saints, il me semblait impossible de s'attaquer à un tel homme." (Dix Années d'exil.) 1. 5. Pierre Paul Royer-Collard (1763—1845), as a statesman, he was the eloquent and persevering champion of true liberalism against coups d'état on the one side, and revolutionary measures on the other. As a lecturer on metaphysics, he dealt a fatal blow at the theories of Hume revived in France by Condillac. 1. 8. prix de vertu; these prizes had been founded in 1783 by M. de Montyon (Antoine Jean Baptiste Robert Auger, 1733-1820), and abolished by the National Convention. 1. 18. Pierre Simon, marquis de Laplace (1749-1827), one of the most celebrated of modern astronomers. "Il aurait achevé la science du ciel, si cette science pouvait être achevée." (Fourier.) The Mécanique céleste ("son chef-d'œuvre"), was published between 1799 and 1825, in five quarto volumes. 1. 23. à la longue, in the long run, after some time. 1. 24. serrée, concise. 1. 28. Antoine François Andréossi (1761—1828), one of the savants who formed part of the Egyptian expedition, distinguished also as a general. 1. 32. Jean Baptiste de Pongerville (1792—1870), known chiefly for his French translation of Lucretius. P. 64, 1. I. ce qu'ils soulèvent de mystères=ce de mystères qu'ils soulèvent. Ce is here neuter and corresponds to the L. hoc. 1. 24. Michel de L'Hôpital (1505-1573), chancellor of France (1560); his Latin poems were published for the first time in 1585. 1. 28. un dernier tour, a last polish. 1. 29. l'art antique et fin, the classic and delicate finish. P. 65, 1. 20. en fin de compte, after all; liter. as a final reckoning. François Just Marie Raynouard (1761—1836), more justly celebrated by his interesting studies on the Troubadours and Provençal literature, than by his declamatory tragedy Les Templiers (1805). 1. 3. plus étendu, more comprehensive in his studies. 1. 8. en avait plus de valeur, i.e. avait plus de valeur à cause de cela. en the L. inde. = 1. 9. sa facilité prodigieuse à (occuper) de grands emplois. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M. A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. February, 1879. PUBLICATIONS OF The Cambridge University Press. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, &c. The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, with the Text revised by a Collation of its Early and other Principal Editions, the Use of the Italic Type made uniform, the Marginal References remodelled, and a Critical Introduction prefixed, by the Rev. F. H. 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