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[blocks in formation]

Catechumens, 22.

Cathares, 98.

Cathari, 127.

Catholic, derivation of, 145.

Celsus, 87.

Cerdon, 90.

Cerinthus, 58.

Certificated, 124.
Chiliasts, 82.
Chorepiscopi, 31.

CHRIST, political state of world
at birth of, 3. Religious ditto,
4. Political state of Judæa
at birth of, 8.
ditto, 8. Life of, 10. State
of Judæa in time of, 15.
Gnostic opinions concerning,
39. Simple humanity of,
first asserted, 88. By Theo-
dotus, 107. Simple humanity
of, asserted by Paul of Sa-
mosata, 134.
Christianity, fictitious causes of
the progress of, 25. At
Rome, 62. At Alexandria,
63. Laws first enacted
against, 64. Why called a
"destructive superstition,"
65. Reasons for persecution
of, 65. State of, at end of
first century, 78. In Britain,
102. Flourished under
Commodus, 105. Favourably

affected by quick succession
of Roman emperors, 118.
Supposed extinction of, 143.
Established under Constan-
tine, 146.

Christians, first so called at
Antioch, 47. Other names
of, 48. Banished from Rome,
55. Judaizing, 56. Regarded
as a Jewish sect, 65. Charged
with burning Rome, 66.
Flight from Jerusalem to
Pella, 68. Mode of worship,
second century, 81. First
legal enactment against, 82.
Distinguished from Jews, 85.
Number of, in second cen-
tury, 111. First tolerated
by Alexander Severus, 118.
Tranquillity of, under
Gordian, 121. Lapsed, 125.
Church, derivation and meaning
of word, 2. Foundation of,
18. First establishment of,
20. Government of Primi-
tive, 28. Authority and
subordination in, 29. Forma
of worship in Primitive, 31.
Discipline in Primitive, 32.
Persecution of, by Saul, 34.
First year of the Church,
43. Apostolic management
of, 45.
State of, at end of
first century, 78. Doctrine,
&c., of, in second century,
110. Doctrine, &c., of, in
third century, 139.
Circumcision, Paul's opinion of,


Claudius, Emperor, edicts of, 48.
Clement, Apostolic Father, 76.
of Alexandria, 106.
Commendatory Letters, 114.
Commodus, Emperor, 105.
Confirmation, origin of rite, 37.
Constantine, Emperor,

Conversion of, 145.
Constantius Chlorus, in Britain,
Continents, 98.
Cornelius, first Gentile convert,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ebionites, origin of name, and
opinions of, 69.
Ecclesia, derivation and mean-
Ecclesiastical History, definition
ing of word, 2.
of, 1. Sources of, 2.
Eclectics, 106.
Elagabalus, Emperor, 118.
Elder, 28.
Elect, 48.
Elxai, 84.

Emperors, rapid succession of
Roman, 117.
Encratites, 98.
Ephesus, first Bishop of, 56.
Essenes, 7.

Eucharist, celebration of, in Pri-
mitive Church, 21.
Eusebius, baptism of Constantine
by, 147. Life and Works of,

Evangelists, 45.

Evil, speculations as to origin of,


Evodius, first Bishop of Antioch.
48, 77.

Excommunication, two kinds of,
Fabianus, 124.
Faithful, the, 22.
Famine in Judæa, 49.
Galerius, Emperor, 143.
Galileans, 8, 48.
Gallienus, Emperor, 132.
Gallus, Emperor, 128.
Gamaliel, 24.

Games, public, demand of people
at, 86. Secular, 117.
Gaulonites, 8.

Gentiles, first call of, 48. First

convert, 48. Service of, 52.
Gnosticism, how far founded by
Simon Magus, 38. Account
of, 38 to 41. Prevalence of,
in second century, 100.
Gordian, Emperor, 121.
Gospel, associates of our Lord in
propagating, 16. Spread of,
19. Obstacles to progress of,
44. Circumstances favour-
able to progress of, 44.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, 135.

[blocks in formation]

tising of, 122.

Hermas, Apostolic Father, 78.
Herod the Great, 4. Death of,
14. Successors of, 14.
Antipas, tetrarch, 14.
Herodian Family, table of, 5.
Herodians, 8.

Hexapla, Origen's work, 115.
Hieracites, 139.

Holy Ghost, effusion of, 18.
Hydroparastates, 98.
James the Less, Bishop of Jeru-
salem, 26. Death of, 27.
son of Zebedee, 27. Apos-
tolic protomartyr, 51.
Jerusalem, most ancient Church,
21. First Bishop of, 26.
Jewish Bishops of, 28. First
Gentile Bishop of, 28. Coun-
cil at 57. Destruction of,
by Titus, 68. Rebuilt by
Hadrian, 84.
Jesseans, 48.
JESUS, Gnostic distinction be-
tween Christ and, 40.
Jews, sects of, 6. Religious state
of, at Christ's birth, 8.
Banished from Rome, 55.
End of temporal state of, 68.
Revolt of, under Hadriau,
84. Distinguished from
Christians, 85. Last dis-
persion of, 85.
Ignatius, on Church government,
30. Second Bishop of Anti-
och, 48. Apostolic Father,
77. Martyred under Trajan,

Incensers, 124.

grant, 125.

[blocks in formation]

Leonides, martyred, 113.
Letters of Peace, 125.
Levite, legal age of, 10.
Libellatici, 124.

Linus, first Bishop of Rome, 62.
Martyrdom of, 67, 70.
Liturgy, Primitive, 21.
Lucius, first Christian British
chief, 103.

-, Bishop of Rome, mar-
tyred, 126.

Luke, Gospel of, 45.
Macrianus, instigates persecu-
tion, 129.
Macrinus, Emperor, 118.
Magi, 12.
Manes, 136.
Manichæism, 136.
Marcella, martyred, 113.
Marcion, 90.

Marcus Aurelius, Emperor. 95.
Mark, Gospel of, 45.
Bishop of Alexandria, 64.
Founder of

School, Alexandria, 104.

Martial, 129.

Martyr, Justin, conversion of,
67. Account of, 91. Effect
of his first Apology, 93.

Pope's claim to Martyrs, first Christiau, 33. Why

Infant Baptism, 130.

John the Baptist, life of, 9.

so called, 67. Under Nero,
67. At Lyons and Vienne,
101. Under Severus, 112.

[blocks in formation]

Mosaic Law, conformity to not
necessary, 58.
Natalus, 108.

Nazarenes, 48. Opinions of, 69.
Nero, Emperor, 60. First per.

secuting Emperor, 60. First
persecution under, 66.
Nerva, Emperor, 73. Timothy
martyred in his reign, 73.
Nice, Council of, 148.
Nicene Creed, 149.
Nicolaitans, heresy of, 72.
Noetus, supported Patripassians,
109. Heretical views of,
Novatian, excommunicated, 126.
Schism of, 126.
Novatus, objected to Cyprian as
Bishop of Carthage, 122.
Excommunicated, 126. Sup-
ported Novatian, 127.
Octapla, Origen's work, 116.
Origen, confuted Celsus, 88.

Opposed Patripassians, 109.
Account of, 113. Errors of,
116. Confuted Beryllus, 121.
Ossenians, 84.

Palestine, government of, 52.
Pantanus, president of Cate-
chetical School, Alexandria,

Papias, first propagated doctrine
of Millenium, 82.

Paschal Controversy, 93.
Patripassians, 108
Patriarchal Sees, 63.
Paul, journeys of, 54

Name changed from Saul,
55. Epistles of, 55, 56, 61.
Disagreement with Peter,
59. Imprisoned, 60. At
Cæsarea, Malta and Rome,
61. In Britain, 62. First
Apostle at Rome, 62. Mar-
tyrdom of, 67. Condemned
as an apostate by Ebionites,

of Samosata, supported
Patripassians, 109.

of Thebes, first Christian
hermit, 125.
Paulianists, 134.
Pentecost, day of, 19.
Persecution, beginning of, 23.
By Saul, 34. By Herod
Agrippa, 51. Freedom from
Roman, 64. Causes of Ro-
man, 65. First general, 66.
The ten, 66. Effects of, 67.
Under Trajan 80. First legal
enactment authorizing, 81.
Under Marcus Aurelius, 96.
At Lyons and Vienne, 101.
Under Severus, 112. At
Rome, 116. Under Maxi-
minus, 120. Under Decius,
123. Under Gallus, 128.
Under Valerian, 129. Under
Diocletian, 143 et seq.
Peter, imprisoned by Herod
Agrippa, 51. Disagreement
with Paul, 59. Last men-
tion of, in Scripture, 60.
At Rome, 62, 64. En-
counters Simon Magus, 64.
Martyrdom of, 67.
Pharisees, 6. Jealous of Saddu-
cees. 24.

Philip (Herod), tetrarch, 14.
Philip the Deacon, 36. Baptizes
Simon Magus, 37.

, supposed first Christian
Emperor, 122.

Philippi, Gospel preached there
first in Europe, 55.

Phrygians, 99.

Pilate, deposition of, 45:
Platonics, 106.

Platonism, connected wih origin
of Gnosticism, 39.

Pliny, letter of, to Trajan, 80.
Polycarp, Apostolic Father, 78.
Porphyry, 136.

Potamica, martyred, 113.
Pothinus, martyzed, 102.
Praxeas, 108.

Prayers, Common, 31. For
dead, 111.

Presbyter, 28. First use of word,
49. Choice of, in second
century, 110.
Priest, legal age of, 10.
Procurators, duties and list of,
14. Residence of, 16.
Prophecy, two kinds, 49.
Proselytes, 48.

Protomartyr, Stephen, 34. Apos-
tolic, 5.

Public Worship, first evidence
of edifice for, 119.

Publicans, 8.


Saturninus, 82.

Saul, a persecutor of the
Church, 34. Conversion
of, 42. Set apart for service
of Gentiles, 52. (See Paul).
Schism, meaning of, 38. Of
Donatus, 144.

Scripture, Canon of, 75.
Sects, in Apostolic times, 38. In
second century, 91.
Secular Games, 117.
Service, written, 32.
Severians, 98.

Severus, Emperor, 107. Perse-
cution under, 112.

Silas, 58.
Simon Magus, 36. Originates
Simony, 37. How far
founder of Gnosticism, 38.
Opinions of Mosheim and
Dr. Burton concerning, 42.
Defeated by Peter at Rome,

Simony, Origin of, 37.
Socinianism, reputed father of,

Apology of, 86. Stephen, the Deacon, first Chris-

Bishop of Athens, 86.

Quartodecimani, 95.

Revenues, ministerial, 31.
Ritual, Primitive, 21.

Roman Emperors, rapid succes-

sion of, 117.

Rome, Christianity at, 62. First
Apostle at, 62. First Bishop
of, 62. First martyred
Bishop of, 89. Persecution
at, 116.
Sabellius, supported Patripas-
sians, 109. Heresy of, 131.
Sacrifices, 124.

Sadducees, 6. Jealous of Pha-
risees, 24.
Saints, 48.

Samaritans, in some sense Jews,

Samosata, Paul of, 134.
Sampsœans, 84.

Sanhedrim, 16. Authority of
superseded by Seventy. 17.
Power of, in religious affairs,

tian Martyr, 33. Charac-
ter of his martyrdom, 34.
Bishop of Rome, his
controversy with Cyprian,
122. Martyr, 129.
Stromata, 106.
Suffragans, 30

Symeon, second Bishop of Jeru-
salem, 28. Martyred, 80.
Synod, 57. Origin of, 110. At
Carthage and Rome on case
of lapsed Christians, 126.
Tatian. 98.
Telesphorus, Bishop of Rome,
martyred, 89.

Tertullian, a Montanist, 100.

Opposed Patripassians, 108.
Account of, 109. Origin of
his apology, 113. Origin of
his "De Spectaculis," 117.
Thaumaturgus, Gregory, 135.
Theodotus, 107.

Theophilus of Antioch, 97.
Theophorus, Ignatius so called,

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