Page images

DEFOE (DANIEL). 12145 A View of the Scots Rebellion. With Some Enquiry What we have to fear from them? and What is the properest Method to take with them? R. Burleigh, 1715. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sewn. £4 14s 6d

[DEFOE (DANIEL)]. 12146 The Funeral of the Low Church; or, the Whigs last Will and Testament. No place or date, c. 1730. BROADSIDE ENGRAVING (11in. x 9in.) IN COMPARTMENTS depicting the Funeral of the Low Church, in coffin with pall and mourners and Gravedigger,_compartment containing figures representing the Observator, A Tory, Bickerstaffs, DEFOE, around sick man, compartment containing sick man in bed with three Divines at bedside: below, four columns of engraved verses, in which Sacheverell, Benjamin Hoadley, Daniel Burgess, Redpath, and DANIEL DEFOE are mentioned. £2 2s 12147 A Letter from a Student in Grub-street, To a Reverend HighPriest and Head of a College in Oxford. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF A MALICIOUS DESIGN TO BLACKEN HIM HIM AND SEVERAL OF HIS FRIENDS. To which are added FOUR SCUR

RILIOUS EPIGRAMS UPON ONE DR. CRASSUS. W. Temple, 1720. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sewn, scarce. £2 2s

Relating, we think to Defoe. See reference to one of Defoe's titles (p. 8), and the paragraph (p. 10) re Robinson Crusoe.

12148 Tories and Tory Principles Ruinous to both Prince and People. BEING A SPECIMEN OF THE INCONSISTENCY OF THEIR PRETENDED PRINCIPLES and Real Practices. J. Baker, 1714. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, 95 pp., sewn.

£3 3s 12149 The True-Born Englishman. A Satyr, Answer'd, Paragraph by Paragraph. Printed in the Year 1701. FIRST EDITION. NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy; he has marked on title-page the date "1 Febr. 'o" and the original price' Is.' 8vo, sewn, UNCUT, RARE. £3 3s

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Dedication to Sir Charles Duncomb, Kt., Preface (6 pp.).


11895 Chubb (Thomas), A Short and Faithful Account of the Life and Character of the Celebrated Mr. Thomas Chubb, WHO DIED LATELY AT SALISBURY. In A Letter from a Gentleman of that City to his Friend in London. John Noon, 1747. FIRST EDITION. [Chubb (Thomas)]. Memoirs of Mr. Thomas Chubb, LATE OF SALISBURY: OR, A FULLER AND MORE FAITHFUL ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE, Writings, Character, and Death. Interspers'd with some Re

marks on the Short and Faithful Account. In A Letter from another Gentleman of that City to his Friend in London. James Fletcher, 1747. FIRST EDITION.-Dryden (John). A Summary Account of the Deists Religion: IN A LETTER TO THAT EXCELLENT PHYSICIAN, THE LATE DR. THOMAS SYDENHAM. To which are annex'd, Some Curious Remarks on the Immortality of the Soul; And an ESSAY BY THE CELEBRATED POET, JOHN DRYDEN, Esq.; to prove that Natural Religion is alone necessary to Salvation, in Opposition to all Divine Revelation. N.D. This last Piece contains the strongest Arguments


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against the Necessity and Advantages of a Divine Revelation, ever yet published. Printed in. the Year 1745. FIRST EDITION. The Dryden portion has a separate title-page, as follows "An Essay on Natural Religion, as opposed to Divine Revelation written by that Celebrated Poet John Dryden, Esq. Printed in the year 1746. Dodwell (H., The Younger). Deism fairly Stated, and fully vindicated FROM THE GROSS IMPUTATIONS AND GROUNDLESS CALUMNIES OF MODERN BELIEVERS. Wherein Some of the Principal Reasons contained in DR. BENSON'S Answer to Christianity not founded on Argument are fully considered, and proved to be far from conclusive. In a Letter to a Friend. By a Moral Philosopher. W. Webb, 1746. FIRST EDITION.-The Scripture Testimonies of the Divinity of Jesus Christ, COMPARED, AND ILLUSTRATED BY ONE ANOTHER, and the Objections of the modern Socinians Impartially considered. In a Letter to GILBERT WEST, Esq.; Occasioned by a Treatise lately published, entitled, Critical Notes on some Passages of Scripture. T. Osborne, 1747.-The Creed of a Rationalist. COLLECTED FROM THE COUP DE GRACE, AND OTHER MODERN WRITINGS; With an Enquiry into the Truth of This New System, and a Word or two in Behalf of Old Christianity. With Some Thoughts on, and for the Amendment of, The Law: Leaving the Amendment of the Lawyers, that being Inter Ardua Regni-to the Law-Makers. Proper for all Parties; And worthy the Perusal of such Members of the House of Commons, who Can and Will Read; And of such Lords, who Can and Will Think; And of such Bishops, who Can and Dare Speak; And of such Lawyers who Can Read and Speak, but Dare not Think at all. By a very, very, very Lay-Freethinker. M. Cooper, N.D.-Bell (R.). Remarks On a Pamphlet entitled, INFIDELITY SCOURGED OR CHRISTIANITY VINDICATED, WRITTEN BY JAMES BATE, M.A., Rector of St. Paul's Deptford. Wherein The ORIGIN OF DEISM is enquired into and assigned, and MR. BATE'S TREATMENT OF THE QUAKERS DETECTED AND EXPOSED. M. Cooper, 1746. 8vo, seven pieces in one volume, old calf. £4 14s 6d


12150 An Essay on Virgil's Celebrated Gates of Sleep. CONTAINING BESIDES A VERY PARTICULAR ENQUIRY INTO THIS INTRICATE SUBJECT, AS WELL AS INTO HOMER'S SIMILAR GATES, a Solution of Virgil's Falso damnati crimine mortis; and at the close of it a true Key to the Æneis. By THEODORE DELAFAYE, A.M. J. Robinson, 1743. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sewn, UNCUT. £1 10s


12151 The Tryal of Henry Baron Delamere for High-Treason, in WESTMINSTER HALL, the 14th Day of January, 1685. Before the Rt. Hon. GEORGE LORD JEFFREYS, Baron of Wemm, Lord High Chancellor of England, Constituted Lord High Steward on that Occasion. On which Day, after a full Hearing. THE LORD DELAMERE WAS ACQUITTED FROM ALL MATTERS LAID TO HIS CHARGE. Dormer Newman, 1686. Folio, 92 pp., sewn.

10s 6d



Dr. Delany was an intimate friend of Swift.

£8 18s 6d

12153 The History of Mr. John Winchcomb, Alias, Jack of Newbury. THE FAMOUS AND WORTHY CLOTHIER OF ENGLAND, CONTAINING HIS LIFE, Acts of Hospitality, and his keeping five-hundred poor People employed, to the great Benefit of the Community, &c. Newbury, I. Willis, N.D. c. 1750. 8vo, sewn, UNCUT, RARE. £1 10s 12154 Thomas of Reading: or, The sixe worthie Yeoman of the West. SIXTH TIME CORRECTED and enlarged. By T.D. Eliz. Allde for Robert Bird, 1632. [Reprint.] Edinburgh: Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. original boards, UNCUT.



c. 1800. 4to, 10s 6d

12155 Poems and Translations with The Sophy. WRITTEN BY THE HONOURABLE SIR JOHN DENHAM Knight of the Bath. The Third Impression. J. M. for H. Herringman, 1684. 8vo, old calf. The Fifth Edition. Jacob Tonson, 1709.



Svo, old calf, rebacked.

£1 1s

£1 1s

DENMARK. 12157 [Faroe Islands] Debes (Lucas Jacobson) Færoæ, & Færoa Reserata: That is A DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLANDS AND INHABITANTS OF FOEROE: being Seventeen Islands subject to the King of Denmark, lying under 62 deg. 10 min. of North Latitude. Wherein several Secrets of Nature are brought to Light, and some Antiquities hitherto kept in darkness discovered. Written in Danish by LUCAS JACOBSON DEBES, M.A., and Provost of the Churches there. Englished by JOHN) S(TERPIN), Doctor of Physick. Illustrated with Maps. F. L. for William Iles, 1676. FIRST ÉDITION. 16mo, engraved maps, sprinkled calf, red edges, scarce. £5 5s Dedication to Thomas Henshaw, Esq. (by John Sterpin), To the Reader, The Author to the Reader (20 pp.).



12158 The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry. CRITICAL DISCOURSE. In Two Parts. The First, Shewing that the Principal Reason why the Ancients excel'd the Moderns in the greater Poetry, was because they mix'd Religion with Poetry. The Second, Proving that by joyning Poetry with the Religion reveal'd to us in Sacred Writ, the Modern Poets might come to equal the Ancient. By MR. DENNIS. Ric. Parker, 1701. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original calf. Dennis' most important book, EXCESSIVELY RARE. £18 18s Dedication to John Marques of Normanby (29 pp.).


12158a An Essay on the Navy, or, ENGLANDS ADVANTAGE AND SAFETY prov'd Dependant on a Formidable and well-Disciplined Navy; and the Encrease and Encouragement of Seamen. In Two Parts. Part I._ Demonstrating the Necessity of a Formidable Navy, what our Naval Force is, in Number of Ships, their Names, Rates, Men and Guns as well as in the late manner of Impressing; the Inconveniences thereof demonstrated. Part II. Containing an humble Proposal for removing the aforesaid Grievances; and giving due Encouragement to the Seamen. By the Author of the Seamen's Case. For the Author, and sold by John Nutt, 1702. FIRST EDITION. Sm. 4to, contemporary paned calf, gilt. £5 5s 12159 The Danger of Priestcraft TO RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT. With some Politick Reasons for Toleration. Occasion'd By a Discourse of Mr. Sacheverel's intituled, The Political Union, etc., lately printed at Oxford. London, Printed in the Year, 1702. FIRST EDITION. Sm. 4to, sewn. £5 5s

12160 The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, CONTAIN'D' IN SOME NEW DISCOVERIES NEVER MADE BEFORE, REQUISITE FOR THE WRITING AND JUDGING OF POEMS surely. Being A Preliminary to a larger Work design'd to be publish'd in Folio, and Entituled, A CRITICISM UPON OUR MOST CELEBRATED ENGLISH POETS DECEAS'D. By MR. DENNIS. Geo. Strahan, 1704. FIRST EDITION. Svo, original calf.

£15 15s 12161 Miscellany Poems, BY MR. DENNIS: WITH SELECT TRANSLATIONS OF HORACE, Juvenal, Mons. Boileau's Epistles, Satyrs, &c. And SOP'S FABLES, IN BURLESQUE VERSE. To which is added, THE PASSION OF BYBLIS; with some Critical Reflections on Mr. OLDHAM, and his Writings. With Letters and Poems. THE SECOND EDITION with large Additions. Printed for Sam. Briscoe, 1697. 8vo, original calf, VERY RARE. £6 16s 6d

The above combines the First Edition of Miscellanies in Verse and Prose 1692, to the unsold copies of which fortyeight preliminary pages were added and the new title page, as above, prefixed. In the above copy the original (1692) title, with its "cancel cut" is present.


Another Copy. The Second Edition. Ib. 1697. 8vo, calf.


£4 14s 6d This copy has not the cancel" leaf. 12163 The Nuptials of Britain's Genius and Fame. A PINDARIC POEM ON THE PEACE. By MR. DENNIS. R. Parker, 1697. FIRST EDITION. NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy, who has written on title-page the original cost " 4d." and the date 14 Octob." Folio, II pp., sewn, UNCUT. £12 12s 12164 Original Letters, FAMILIAR, MORAL AND CRITICAL. By Mr. DENNIS. In two volumes. W. Mears, 1721. FIRST EDITION.

2 vols. in I. 8vo, old calf, rebacked; SCARCE. £3 13s 6d Contains Letters on the Genius and Writings of Shakespeare (46 pp.).



12164a Remarks on a Play, Call'd The Conscious Lovers. By MR. DENNIS. Printed for T. Warren, 1723. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, sewn.

£5 5s

This copy has the rare leaf attached to the title-page describing two books by DENNIS and one by GILDON, as this is merely an advertisement leaf it is one that would usually be destroyed and for that reason is very scarce.

For SHAKESPEARE matter see Preface.

12164b Remarks on Mr. Pope's Rape of the Lock. In Several Letters to a Friend. With a Preface, Occasion'd by the late TREATISE ON THE PROFUND, and THE DUNCIAD. By MR. DENNIS. J. Roberts, 1728. FIRST EDITION.

8vo, sewn.

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Printed for Rich. Parker at the Unicorn under
the Piazza of the Royal Exchange, 1692.

£8 8s


£16 16s

Preface (10 pp.). 12166 Remarks upon Mr. Pope's Translation of Homer. WITH TWO LETTERS CONCERNING WINDSOR FOREST, and the TEMPLE OF FAME. By MR. DENNIS. Printed for E. Curll, 1717. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sewn, RARE.

Preface, errata, (12 pp.).

£6 6s

12167 The Select Works of Mr. John Dennis. Printed by J. Darby, 1718. FIRST EDITION. Portrait of Dennis inserted. 2 vols., 8vo, old calf, rebacked, LARGE PAPER.

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£9 9s Consisting of his Poems, Plays, and Prose, the latter containing: "Priestcraft Dangerous to Religion and Government,' "A Proposal for putting a speedy end to the War," "An Essay upon Publick Spirit," "An Essay on the Operas," "Priest craft distinguished from Christianity," "The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry,"

"Letters on Several Occasions."

Copies on LARGE PAPER are of very rare occurrence.

12168 The Usefulness of the Stage. To the Happiness of Mankind, To Government and To Religion. Occasioned by a late Book, written by JEREMY COLLIER, M.A. By MR. DENNIS. R. Parker, 1698. FIRST ÉDITION. 8vo, original calf. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COPY. £5 5s Introduction (6 pp.).

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