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12202 A Collection of Poems, IN FOUR VOLUMES BY SEVERAL HANDS. [EDITED BY R. DODSLEY.] Printed by J. Hughs, For R. and J. Dodsley, 1755. 4 vols., 8vo, original calf, gilt.

12203 A Collection of Poems.

£2 10s

In six Volumes. By Several Hands.

£1 10s

J. Hughes, 1758. 6 vols., calf. 12204 Lessons For Evening Service. Printed in the Year 1742. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 15 pp., sewn.

Attributed to Robert Dodsley.

10s 6d

12205 The Lessons For the Day. BEING THE FIRST AND SECOND CHAPTERS OF THE BOOK OF PREFERMENT Read to a Congregation at St. James's. Printed in the year 1742.-THE LESSONS FOR THE DAY. Being The Third and Fourth Chapters of the Book of Preferment. By the Author of the First and Second. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 2 parts together 16 pp., sewn.



£2 2s

12206 The Modern Reasoners: AN EPISTLE TO A FRIEND [POEM]. Lawton Gilliver, 1734. FIRST EDITION. Folio, 9 pp., sewn.

Another Copy. ib. 1734. FIRST EDITION.

sewn, UNCUT.

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£1 1s


£2 2s

12208 The Oeconomy of Human Life. TRANSLATED FROM AN INDIAN MANUSCRIPT. L'ECONOMIE DE LA VIE HUMAINE. Traduite sur un Manuscrit Indien. R. Dodsley, 1751. English and French facing pages. 8vo, original calf. 10s 6d 12209 The Psalms or Songs Of all the Roberdsmen. IN THE ASSEMBLY AT CH A, Upon the Day of their Master's Deliverance, When in the Mount of Danger. Printed in the Year 1742. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 13 pp., sewn.

Attributed to Robert Dodsley.

12210 A Select Collection of Old Plays. R. Dodsley, 1744. EDITION. 12 vols., 12mo, old calf, gilt; FINE COPY.

10s 6d

FIRST £6 6s

Dedication to Sir C. C. Dormer, Kt., Preface, List of Subscribers, List of Plays (54 pp.).

Contents: Promises of God unto Man, New Custom, Heywood's The Four P's, Gammer Gurton's Needle, The Pinner of Wakefield, Edward's Damon and Pitheas, Lord Buckhurst's The Tragedy of Gorboduc, Lilly's Campaspe, Spanish Tragedy, Marlowe's Edward the Second, Lord Brooke's Mustapha, Greene's Tu Quoque, Dekker's The Honest Whore, Tailor's The Hog hath lost his Pearl, Fuimus Troes, Webster's White Devil, Marston's Malcontent, Heywood's Woman killed with Kindness, Jonson's Eastward Hoe, Chapman's Widow's Tears, Tourneur's The Revenger's Tragedy, Lingua, Middleton's A Mad World, Ford's 'Tis Pity she's a Whore, J.T.'s Grim the Collier of Croydon, Nabbes' Microcosmos, Jonson's Widow, Rowley's A Match at Midnight, Machin's Dumb Knight, Randolph's Muse's Looking Glass, Brome's Jovial Crew, May's Heir and Old Couple, Marmion's Antiquary, Suckling's Goblins, Rutter's Shepherd's Holiday, City Madam, A New Way to Pay Old Debts, The Guardian, The Unnatural Combat, Messenger's Picture, Albumasar, The Gamester, Shirley's Bird in a Cage, Davenport's The City Night-cap, Killigrew's Parson's Wedding, Mayne's City Match, Barclay's The Lost Lady, Cartwright's Ordinary, Habington's Queen of Arragon, Lord Falkland's The Marriage Night, Dialogue on Plays and Players, Wilmot's Tancred and Gismunda, Kyd's Cornelea, The Merry Devil of Edmonton, J.S.'s Andromana, or The Merchant's Wife. Middleton's Mayor of Quinborough, Lord George Digby's Elvira, T.B.'s Love will find out the Way, Howard's All Mistaken, Tuke's Adventures of Five Hours, Betterton's The Revenge, or a Match in Newgate.


12211 Letters to Severall Persons of Honour, WRITTEN BY JOHN DONNE, sometime Dean of St. Paul's, London. Published by JOHN DONNE, Dr. of the Civil Law. London: Printed by J. Flesher, for Richard Marriott, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstan's Church-yard, under the Dyall, 1651. FIRST EDITION, portrait by LOMBART. Sm. 4to, morocco extra, gilt block on sides, by Riviere & Son, A VERY FINE COPY.


Another Copy. 1651. FIRST EDITION. ORIGINAL CALF, rebacked, portrait margined.



By J. D.





Printed by M. F., for John Marriot,
and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstans
Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1633.

£15 15s

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DONNE. London, Printed by E. P. for Henry Seyle, and are to be
Sold at the Signe of the Tygers Head, in Saint Pauls Church-yard,
Anno Dom. 1633. FIRST EDITION. Earliest Issue. Two vols. in
one, sm. 4to, old half calf; preserved in cloth case.




12119 The Excellent Woman Described by her True Characters AND THEIR OPPOSITES. Printed for Joseph Watts, 1692. FIRST EDITION, 8vo, original calf, a few headlines just shaved but a FINE COPY of this VERY RARE BOOK.

Dedication to Lady Mary Walcot, Preface Table (27 pp.).

£15 15s

Contents: 1. Of Reading; with some Remarks upon that of this Book. 2. Of Conversation. 3. Of the Chearful Humour and the Malancholy. 4. Of Reputation. 5. Of the Inclination to Vertue, and of Devotion. 6. Of Chastity and of Complaisance. 7. Of Courage. 8. Of Constancy. 9. Of Prudence and Discretion. 10. Of the Learned Women, 11. Of Habits or Ornaments. 12. Of Beauty. 13. Of Curiosity and Slander. 14. Of the Cruel and the Compassionate. 15. Of a good Grace. 16. The Debauched or Lewd Woman. 17. Of Jealousie. 18. Of Friendship and the Love of Inclination, and that of Election. 19. Of the Complaisant or Pleasing Humour. 20. Of Birth or Nature, and Education. 21. Of an equal kind under Good and Bad Fortune.


12215 Sethona.


at Drury-Lane.

N.D. (1774). FIRST DUBLIN EDITION. 8vo, sewn. 12216 Zingis. A TRAGEDY

1769. FIRST DUBLIN EDITION at Drury-Lane.

12mo, sewn

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Dublin, W. and W. Smith,


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FOUGHT BY HENRY THE FIFT of that name, King of England, against the whole Power of the French, under the Raigne of their Charles the Sixt, Anno Dom. 1415. THE MISERIES OF QUEEN MARGARITE, the infortunate Wife of that most infortunate King, Henry the Sixt. NIMPHIDIA, THE COURT OF FAYRIE. THE QUEST OF CINTHIA. THE SHEPHEARDS SIRENA. THE MOONE-CALFE. (And) ELEGIES UPON SUNDRY OCCASIONS. BY MICHAEL DRAYTON, Esquire. London: Printed for William Lee, at the Turkes Head in Fleete Streete, next to the Miter and Pheonix, 1627. Fine portrait by WILLIAM HOLE. Sm. folio, VERY FINE COPY in the original calf, rebacked. £50

The fine portrait is often missing from this book.

Besides the title poem, the volume contains the FIRST EDITIONS of the following important pieces: "NIMPHIDIA, ," the dainty and inimitable fairy poem which can never become obsolete until the spirit of true poetry shall have lost its charms; "THE MISERIES OF QUEEN MARGARITE," containing many spirited passages; and the "ELEGIES." Among these is one addressed to George Sandys, Theasurer for the English Colony in VIRGINIA (AMERICA), and another on the POETS AND POESIE (addressed to H. Reynolds), in which Drayton delivers his judgment upon the merits of various contemporary poets, including Ben Jonson, Marlowe, Chapman, Daniel, Beaumont, Spenser, Churchyard, Sidney, Drummond, Nash, SHAKESPEARE, and others.

The following is the reference to Shakespeare:

"And be it said of thee,

Shakespere thou hadst a smooth a comicke vain,
Fitting the socke, and in thy natural braine,
As strong conception, and as cleare a rage,

As any one that traffiqu'd with the stage."

It may be doubted whether Drayton had any great liking for the drama; his praise of Shakespeare is tame in comparison with the following, his enthusiasm for Spenser:

"Grave morrall Spencer after these came on
Then whom I am perswaded there was none
Since the blind Bard his Iliads up did make,
Fitter a taske like that a undertake,

To set down boldly, bravely to invent,
In all high knowledge, surely excellent."

The volume is prefixed by a 3 pp. commendatory poem by BEN JONSON, and others by J. Vaughan, etc., addressed to the author.

Another Copy. Ib. 1627.

Hole. Sm. folio, old russia, rebacked.

Engraved portrait by W.


12219 England's Heroical Epistles, WRITTEN IN IMITATION OF THE STILE AND MANNER OF OVID'S EPISTLES. With Annotations. By MICHAEL DRAYTON J. Hazard, 1737. Engraved front. 8vo, old calf, rebacked.

£1 1s

12221 Poems by Michael Drayton Esquyer NEWLY CORRECTED & AUGMENTED [Sig. A.3) viz. THE BARONS WARRES. Englands Heroicall Epistles. The Legend of Robert Duke of Normandie. The Legend of Matilda. The Legend of Pierce Gaueston. The Legend


of Great Cromwell. Idea.] London, Printed by Willi: Stansby, for John Smethwick (1630). 8vo, original vellum, BEAUTIFUL COPY AS ISSUED. £30 12220 Poems by Michael Drayton, Esquyer, COLLECTED INTO ONE VOLUME, with sondry peeces inserted, never before imprinted :

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London: Printed by W. Stansby for John Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstane's Church-yard, in Fleet-streete, under the Diall, N.D. (1619). The rare engraved title and portrait of Drayton, by W. HOLE, sm. folio, original calf; A FINE COPY. £45

A fine copy of the MOST COMPLETE AND BEST COLLECTED EDITION: "The Odes," "The Owl," "The Eclogues," and "The Man in the Moon," appear in this edition only. Each portion has a distinct title-page, and embraces the author's dedication of the separate poems, besides the commendatory verses addressed to him on their publication.

1222 Poly-Olbion; or, A CHOROGRAPHICALL DESCRIPTION OF TRACTS, RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, FORESTS, and other parts of this Renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with Intermixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commodities of the same, digested in a Poem by MICHAEL DRAYTON, with a Table added, for direction to those occurrences of Story and Antiquite, whereunto the course of the volume easily leades not. London: Printed by H. L. for Matthew Lownes, J. Browne, J. Helme, and J. Busbie, 1613. — The Second Part, OR A CONTINUANCE OF POLY OLBION from the Eighteenth Song, containing all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountaines, and Forrests, Intermixt with the most Remarkable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures, and Commodities of the East and Northerne Parts of this Isle, lying betwixt the two Famous Rivers of Thames and Tweed. London: Printed by Augustine Mathews for John Marriott, John Grismond, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. FIRST COMPLETE EDITION, with the beautifully engraved frontispiece, rare leaf of explanation opposite, the fine engraved portrait of Prince Henry, and all the curious engraved maps by WILLIAM HOLE, 2 vols., folio, FINE COPY, in contemporary calf, (not uniform). £40 The address to the reader affixed to the second part is probably more extraordinary than any other in the English Language. To those who had spoken ill of his


book he says: "I wish their folly may be hereditary from them to their posteritie, that their children may be beg'd for folles to the fifth generation, until it may be beyond the memory of man to know that there was any other of their families."

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Poy-Olbion" is the author's principal performance, and is indeed a singular production. Imagine a poet gravely proposing as the subject of his muse-" A chorographical description of all the tracts, rivers, mountains, forests, and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britain." None but a great poet could have made such a subject attractive, and attractive it undoubtedly is, exhibiting at once the learning of an historian, an antiquary, and a naturalist, embellished by the imagination of a poetic genius. The first part of the work is annotated by the great Selden, which adds no little advantage to this portion of the book.


Drayton, sweet ancient Bard, his Albion sung,

With their own praise her echoing valleys rung;

His bounding muse o'er ev'ry mountain rode,

And ev'ry river warbled where he flow'd."-Kirkpatrick.

It is not surprising that Drayton experienced some difficulty in finding a publisher for so voluminous a work. In a letter to William Drummond of Hawthornden (April 14, 1619), he writes: "I thank you, my dear, sweet Drummond for your good opinion of Poly-Olbion.' I have done twelve books more but it lieth by me for the booksellers and I are in terms. They are a company of base knaves whom I both scorn and kick at." The " Poly-Olbion " is a truly great work, stored with learning of wide variety and abounding in passages of rare beauty.


Another Copy. London, Printed for John Marriott, John Grismand, and Thomas Dewe. 1622. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION IN ONE VOLUME. Small folio, engraved front., leaf of explanation facing, portrait of Prince Henry, engraved maps by William Hale. Small folio, original calf, neatly rebacked, FINE COPY.


DRINKING. 12222b A Discourse of Drinking Healths. WHEREIN THE GREAT EVIL OF THIS PREVAILING CUSTOM IS SHEWN; And the Obligation which lieth upon all good Christians to Suppress and Discountenance it to the utmost of their Power. By PETER, Lord Bshop of Cork and Rosse. Henry Clements, 1716. FIRST ÉDITION. 8vo, original calf.

To the Reader (6 pp.).

£1 1s

12223 The Drunkard Forewarn'd, and The Swearer Caution'd, IN A LATE JUDGEMENT ON THE BODY OF DOWEE SITSES. Sent in a Letter from Theodorus Paludamus Publick Preacher at Lewarden in Frizeland, to the Lady Habuerin. Published for the Information of some, and Premonition to others, to Lead a more Pious Life. William Sceates, 1682. FIRST EDITION. Narcissus Luttrell's copy; he has written on title-page the original price " Id." and the date Sm. 4to, 7 pp., sewn, VERY RARE.


23 Jan."


£5 5s THE

Printed and Sold

by Sutton Nicholls in Aldersgate Street against Jewin Street, London, c. 1720. Folio, BROADSIDE ENGRAVING (16in. x 12in.). Copper plate representing the Drunkards progress, shewing the Monitor and Painter, Argon Drinking, Argon dancing with Hostess, Argon in bed

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