DUNTON (JOHN). 12114A Another copy, perfect, but not in such fine state as the above. £15 15s A VOLUME OF EXTREME LITERARY INTEREST, BESIDES ONE OF GREAT VALUE IN CONNECTION WITH THE BOOK TRADE IN IRELAND. Dunton was in the habit of taking consignments of books from London, and offering them for sale, by Auction, in Dublin; the Dublin booksellers naturally resented the invasion, and Dunton endeavours to defend his actions in this entertaining volume. In the compilation, however, he has introduced OUTSIDE MATTER, which to-day is of more value to us, than his mere squabble with Campbell and the other Dublin tradesmen, for he tells us, in quite an interesting manner, OF A VISIT TO THE THEATRE "IN A DURTY STREET CALLED SMOCK-ALLEY; WHICH I THINK IS NO UNFIT NAME FOR A PLACE WHERE SUCH GREAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE GIVEN FOR MAKING OF LEWD BARGAINS," and, how he saw acted there the Squire of Alsatia (SHADWELL'S PLAY), which he describes to some extent, even going so far as to give several of the Actors names. His description, too, of his visit to Ormonde Castle, and of the pictures and silver then there, should now be read with some interest. At P. 383 he tells us HOW HE WAS TAKEN BY A MR. JACKSON TO VISIT THE FAMOUS WALKER (the ingenious translator of Epictetus) "WHEN WE CAME TO THIS GENTLEMANS HOUSE, HIS SCHOLARS WERE ACTING HENRY IV AND A LATIN PLAY OUT OF TERENCE; THEY WERE ALL INGENIOUS LADS, AND PERFORM'D THEIR PARTS TO A WONDER; BUT ONE ELLWOOD (WHO ACTED FALSTAFFE) BORE AWAY THE BELL FROM THE WHOLE SCHOOL. At p. 109 he gives us a list of some of his "PARCEL OF TRASH (AS MY VENTURE WAS CALLED BY SOME SELFISH PEOPLE) THIS MOST INTERESTING SUMMARY HE TRADED IN, TELLS US THAT BESIDES DIVINITY, DICTIONARIES, THERE WERE BEN JOHNSON'S WORKS SHAKESPEAR'S WORKS-BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER'S WORKSCOWLEY'S WORKS-OLDHAM'S WORKS-DRYDEN'S WORKS-CONGREVE'S WORKS, &c. At p. 433 will be found" A BLACK MAN IS A PEARL IN A FAIR WOMAN'S EYE," this is taken from SHAKESPEARE'S "But pearls are fair, and the old saying is Black men are pearls in beauteous ladies' eyes," Two Gentlemen of Verona, and from the same Play, My word is my Parchment" (p. 437), and "Make my word as good as my Bond" (p. 438). 66 12280 An Emblem of ye Athenian Society. 1692. A. behind ye scenes sit mighty we nor are we known nor will we be the world and we exchanging thus. while we find chat for ym they work for us. &c., &c. Printed for John Dunton at ye Raven in ye Poultry. (1692). BROADSIDE ENGRAVING (131 in. x 9in.1, Title in escutcheon, in each corner a view of ATHENS, ROME, OXFORD. CAMBRIDGE, the Mighty We seated at council table, procession of Athenians, &c., &c., by F. H. Van Hove, sculp. At bottom four columns of engraved verses lettered A (quoted above) to N; AN INTERESTING PLATE. £2 2s 12281 Neck or Nothing: IN A LETTER TO THE RT. HON. THE LORD Being a Supplement to THE SHORT HISTORY OF THE PARLIAAlso The New Scheme (mention'd in the foresaid History) which the English and Scotch Jacobites have concerted for bringing in the Pretender, Popery and Slavery. With the True Character or Secret History of the Present Ministry. written by his Grace John Duke of T. Warner, 1713. Six Parts in one volume. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, old calf. MENT. £5 5s Each part has a separate title-page as follows: (2) Queen Robin: or the Second DUNTON (JOHN). M. Part of Neck or Nothing, Detecting the Secret Reign of the Four last years. Brudenell. N.D.-(3) The Shortest Way with the King; or, Plain English Spoke to His Majesty, the Third Part. For the Author. N.D.-King George for Ever; or, Dunton's Speech to the Protestant Associators of Great-Britain. For the Author. N.D. The Neck-Adventure; or, the Case and Sufferings of Mr. John Dunton, 1715. -The Mob-War; or, a Detection of the Present State of the British Nation. For the Author. N.D. DURFEY (THOMAS). 12282 Albion's Blessing. A POEM PANEGYRICAL ON HIS SACRED MAJESTY KING WILLIAM THE III. and On his Happy Return and The Publishing THE LATE GLORIOUS PEACE. Written by Mr. D'URFEY. W. Onley for Robert Battersby, 1698. FIRST EDITION. NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy, who has written on title-page his original purchase price "6d." and the date "2 Decemb." Folio, 15 pp., sewn, EXTREMELY RARE. Dedication to Arnold Joost, Earl of Albemarle, Advertisement (1 p.). £8 8s 12283 The Comical History of Don Quixote. AS IT WAS ACTED AT THE QUEEN'S THEATRE IN DORSET GARDEN. By Their Majesties Servants. J. Darby, 1729. FIRST COMPLETE EDITION. 3 parts together, 12m0, old calf. £3 13s 6d 12284 An Elegy upon the Late Blessed Monarch King Charles II AND TWO PANEGYRICKS UPON THEIR PRESENT SACRED MAJESTIES, KING JAMES AND QUEEN MARY. Written by MR. DURFEY. Jo. Hindmarsh, 1685. FIRST EDITION. Folio, 15 pp., sewn, UNCUT. £12 12s 12285 Madam Fickle; OR, THE WITTY FALSE ONE. A COMEDY. As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by THO. DURFEY, Gent. R. Bentley, 1682. Sm. 4to, sewn. £2 2s 12286 The Malecontent; A Satyr: [POEM.] BEING THE SEQUEL OF THE PROGRESS OF HONESTY, or A View of Court and City. Joseph Hindmarsh, 1684. FIRST EDITION. Folio, 37 pp., sewn. £4 4s Epistle to His Royal Highness The Duke, Preface to the Reader (6 pp.). ALL 12287 New Poems, Consisting of Satyrs, Elegies and Odes. TOGETHER Dedication to Algernon, Earl of Essex, Preface Table (14 pp.). 12288 FIRST £9 9s Another Copy. Ib. 1690. FIRST EDITION, LARGE AND THICK PAPER, EXTREMELY RARE IN THIS STATE. £18 18s DURFEY (THOMAS). 12289 A Pindarick Poem On the Royal Navy. MOST HUMBLY DEDICATED TO THEIR AUGUST MAJESTIES K. WILLIAM, AND Q. MARY. Written by MR. D'URFEY. Randall Taylor, 1691. FIRST EDITION. NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy, who has written on titlepage, "In Comendacon of ye navy, King Wm. & Queen Mary," the original cost "6d." and the date 15 May." Folio, 16 pp., sewn, UNCUT. 12290 A Pindarick Poem Upon The Fleet. £6 6s WRITTEN BY MR. Folio, 14 £8 8s 12291 A Poem congratulatory on the Birth of the Young Prince. Most Humbly Dedicated to their August Majesties, King James, and Queen Mary. Written by Mr. D'URFEY. Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders, 1688. FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to, 16 pp., sewn. RARE. £5 5s 12292 The Progress of Honesty; OR, A VIEW OF A COURT AND CITY, A PINDARIQUE POEM. By T. D. Joseph Hindmarsh, 1681. FIRST EDITION. Folio, 25 pp., sewn, UNCÛT. £6 16s 6d DUVAL (ALEXANDRE). 12293 La Fille D'Honneur, COMEDIE en Cinq Actes, EN VERS. PAR M. ALEXANDRE DUVAL, Membre De L'Institute Royal (Academie Française) Representée Pour La Premiere fois par les Comediens Ordinaires Du Roi, Le Mercredi 30 Décembre 1818. A. Paris, J. N. Barba, 1819. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, sewn. Preface (8 pp.). DYER (JOHN). 5S 12294 Poems. BY JOHN DYER, L.L.B. Viz. I. GRONGAR HILL. II. THE RUINS OF ROME. III. THE FLEECE, in Four Books. J. Dodsley, 1770. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. 8vo, original sheep. £2 2s DYER (R.). 12295 The Carnation, ΤΟ THE HONOURABLE MISS GRACE PELHAM. A POEM upon her Marriage to the Honourable LEWIS WATSON. J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1753. FIRST EDITION. 4to, sewn. Advertisement (2 pp.). EARTHQUAKES. £1 1s 12296 Shower (John) Practical Reflections on the Late Earthquakes in Jamaica, England, Sicily, Malta, etc., ANNO 1692. With a Particular, Historical Account of those and divers other Earthquakes. By JOHN SHOWER. John Salusbury, 1693. Portrait of Shower by Van der Gucht. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original calf. £8 18s 6d EAST INDIA. 12297 Downing (Clement) A Compendious History of the Indian Wars, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE RISE, PROGRESS, STRENGTH, AND FORCES OF ANGRIA THE PYRATE. Also The Transactions of a Squadron of Men of War under COMMODORE MATTHEWS, sent TO THE EAST-INDIES TO SUPPRESS THE PYRATES. To which is annex'd, An Additional History of the Wars between the Great Mogu, Angria, and his Allies. With an Account of the Life and Actions of John Plantain, a notorious Pyrate at Madagascar; his Wars with the Natives on that Island, where having continued eight years, he join'd Angria, and was made his chief Admiral. By CLEMENT DOWNING, Midshipman on board the Salisbury; afterwards Lieutenant of the Victory Frigate, Fame Galley, and Revenge Grab, part of the Squadron employ'd by the East-India Company to attack Angria, and sometime Engineer in the Service of the Great Mogul. T. Cooper, 1737. FIRST EDITION, lower line of Imprint defective, 8vo, halt calf. EAST INDIA TRADE. £1 18s 12298 To Preserve the East India Trade. December 13th, 1692. Sm. folio, 2 11. BROADSHEET (4 pp. text), VERY RARE. ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS. £3 3s 18s 12298a Remarkable Biography; or. the Peculiarities and Eccentricities OF THE HUMAN CHARACTER DISPLAYED. BY PAUL PINDAR, Esq. H. Rowe, 1821. 8vo, engraved portrait of charles Mackey, half leather boards. Contents: History of Andrew Whitson, Rev. George Harvest, Sam House Charles McGhee, The Witch of the World, Charles Price, Frances Scanagatti, John Calas, Count Straensel, John Coustos, Charles Mackey. Inserted loosely at end are portraits of Charles Mackey, Richard Patch, The City Prentice. The City Apprentice at St. James', Samuel Horsey, George Lambert, Matthew Buckinger. ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. 12299 Remarks on a Bill Now depending in Parliament. FOR THE BETTER REGULATING THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. By a Right Reverend Prelate. To which is added, AN ABSTRACT OF THE SAID BILL; whereby the Reader may the better judge of the Force of his L . . p's Objections. G. Sumtor. (c. 1740). FIRST EDITION. Sm. folio, 10 pp., sewn, UNCUT. 10s 6d ECONOMICS. 12300 A Bill for Raising and Establishing A Fund For a Provision FOR THE WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF THE CLERGY OF THE CHURCH OF IRELAND. Presented by Sir FRANCIS HUTCHINSON, Bart. Luna 22 Die Decembris 1783. (Now printed as Altered by the Committee). Dublin: W. M'Kenzie, 1784. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, 46 pp., sewn. 12301 The Bubblers Mirrour: or, Englands Folley. A LIST OF THE BUBBLES, with the prices they were subscrib'd at, and what each sold at when highest. Together with SATYRICAL EPPIGRAMS upon. each, by ye Author of ye S. SEA BALLADS. Printed for & sold by Tho: Bowles next ye Chapter House in St. Paul's Church Yard London. C. 1730. Folio BROADSIDE ENGRAVING (14in. x 11in.), in the ECONOMICS. centre a FINE MEZZOTINT ENGRAVING OF A WOMAN WEEPING, the borders around divided into compartments and lettered, Westley's Actions, Welby's Golden Mines, Long's Melioration of Oil, British Insurance, Globe Permits, Salt Petre, Rose Insurance, Water Engine, Coal Trade from Newcastle, Stockings, Irish Sail Cloth, Furnishing of Funerals. Insurance on Lives, Royal Assurance, London Assurance, Manuring of Land, Rock Salt, Exporting Timber from Germany, Bleaching of Hair, Insurance on Horses, Sugar, Radish Oil, Pensilvania Company, Buying Seamens Tickets, Pastboard Manufactory, Drying Malt by the Air; in each compartment is a four-line Epigram on the subject; A VERY FINE BROADSIDE. £5 5s 12302 Britannia Excisa: BRITAIN EXCIS'D. A NEW BALLAD to be sung in Time, and to some Tune. T. Reynolds, 1733. FIRST EDITION. Rough woodcut on title, folio, 8 pp., sewn. £1 1s 12303 The Cheating Age Found Out, when Knaves was most in fashion, WHEREIN IS TRULY DESCRIB'D THE MANY FRAUDS, CHEATS, ABUSES, AND VAST SUMS OF MONEY that England has been cheated off, in this Long, Bloody and Expensive War. Lively Represented in these several figures following. Small rough woodcuts of, among many others, The Excise Man, Tallyman selling Cloaths, The Honest Taylor and Woolen Draper, The Vintner, Alehouse man; Letterpress verses printed in five columns; BROADSIDE (21in. x 16in.), with rough engravings, VERY RARE. £5 5s 12304 Cox (Sir Richard) Some Observations on the Present State of Ireland, PARTICULARLY WITH RELATION TO THE WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE In a Letter to his Excellency the Duke of Dorset. Dublin, Printed in the Year 1731. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 23 pp., sewn. 10s 6d 12305 The Craftsman against Pensions. AS PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1728. On Pensions. On Pensions. Printed by R. Francklin, Covent-Garden, 1729. Folio, BROADSIDE (19in. x 13 in.), enclosing small engraving (5in. x 3in.), depicting the EDITOR at his desk with a Copy of THE CRAFTSMAN, OR COUNTRY JOURNAL ON PENSIONS. Letterpress, printed in three columns; RARE. £2 2s 12305a The Cries of the Public. IN A LETTER TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE. Printed for the Register-office. 1758. 8vo, 58 pp., sewn. £1 1s 12306 D. (A.) Some Thoughts Concerning Government in General. And our Present Circumstances in Great Britain and Ireland. By A. D. Esq. Dublin: S. Hyde, 1731. 8vo, sewn, headlines shaved. 5S 12307 England's Great Joy and Gratitude Expressed to the King and PARLIAMENT FOR PASSING THE BILL, FOR THE MORE EFFECTUAL IMPLOYMENT OF THE POOR, AND INCOURAGEMENT OF THE MANUFACTURES OF THIS |